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With more trade disputes emerging, there are more communications and cooperations between Chinese and US governments, chambers of commerce, and enterprises.  相似文献   

近一个时期以来,日本对华政策的消极面逐步凸现,在包括历史问题在内的一系列问题上采取错误的态度和做法,深深伤害了中国人民的民族感情,使中日关系出现复杂局面。我们应当正视“政冷经热”的现实,在“政冷”状况短期内难以改变的情况下,从我国改革开放大局和总体战略出发,坚持“政经分离”原则,克服各种困难,维护和促进中日经济关系的健康发展。  相似文献   

China Airlines has announced that it is offering discounts on cross-strait economyclass flights between mailand China and Taiwan. Passengers can avail a 30% discount on flights from Taiwan to Shanghai, Beijing, Guangzhou, Nanjing, Shenzhen and Hang Zhou on December 18, 2008.  相似文献   

中国外贸:牛年有牛气祝宝良1997年我国的外贸走势如何?经初步分析,总的结论是,今年我国的对外贸易增幅将有所上升,全年贸易仍会保持一定的顺差。发展趋势预测随着近两年来我国外贸、外汇和金融体制的改革以及外贸政策的调整,我国的对外贸易发展到了一个新的转折...  相似文献   

At the exhibition, focusing on the exact meaning that this exhibition brings to China and Malaysia, Mr. Lu Kejian, Deputy Director of Department of Asian Affairs, Ministry of Commerce of China, also host of the exhibition and Datuk Yong Ah Pwi, President of Malaysia-China Chamber of Commerce, supporter in Malaysia stated their points of view towards this exhibition and their planning in the future.  相似文献   

隆国强 《国际贸易》1996,(12):19-20
1996年我国进出口贸易发展 放缓,出口滑坡已得到各方面的重视,但进口滑坡问题却未引起应有的注意。如果不调整有关政策,其负面影响亦将是深远的。 原因 1996年1—8月份,我国进口总额为856.2亿美元,比1995年同期增长7.9%。但是,分析每个月的进口增长情况,除了一月份由于我国对外经济政策调整引起企业“抢关”进口,进口增长速度高达56%外,从二月份开始,增速逐月降低,六月份和八月份分别出现负增长。  相似文献   

罗华 《中国海关》2014,(7):30-31
每天清晨,北京地下纵横交错轨道上行驶的列车中,载满眼神憧憬的城市白领。  相似文献   

我国进口贸易:期待新的突破李维城从国际贸易理论角度考虑,国与国之间不论垂直分工或水平分工,均通过进口贸易行为来实现,而最终则体现在进口给一国带来的经济效应上。相比之下,由于进口涉及到方方面面的问题甚多,加上进口管理体制改革因诸多因素,至今进展缓慢。进...  相似文献   

This study investigates the factors affecting food away from home expenditures in the United States using county level data. Results generally indicate that counties with higher labor force participation rate of women, higher number of college graduates, higher number of employed individuals, higher number of females, and higher number of whites and AsianslPacific Islanders as well as counties with lower number of hispanics and lower number of family households spend more on food away from home than others.  相似文献   

Data from 23 years of the U.S. Consumer Expenditure Survey (1982–2004) are analyzed to investigate cohort effects on food away-from-home (FAFH) expenditures using the age, period, and cohort (APC) model. Nine 10-year interval cohorts are included, from the Interbellum Generation born between 1896 and 1905 to the MTV Generation born between 1976 and 1985. Analyses reveal that later-born cohorts spend more on FAFH, both in dollar amount and in food budget share, compared with earlier-born cohorts. Significant cohort differences in FAFH remain after additional sociodemographic and economic variables are controlled.  相似文献   

This paper explores the relationship between consumer unit type and expenditures on food away from home using microdata from the 1989 Consumer Expenditure Survey. A log-linear model is used to purge the effects of income and race/ethnicity from the consumer unit type/food-away-from-home expenditure relationship. The income-and race/ethnicity-controlled propensities to purchase food away from home among eight consumer unit types are revealed in simple percentage form. These adjusted percentages are discussed in regard to current and future business strategy designed to address industrywide declines in expenditures on food away from home. The results offer support for some existing strategies as well as provide the basis for viable alternatives. Log-linear purging is shown to be a valuable tool for consumer researchers.  相似文献   

Food away from home, especially fast food, is often cited as contributing to obesity and other nutritional problems. This negative publicity can affect demand. Models explaining visits to table service and fast food restaurants are estimated, with nutrition variables added to standard demographic measures. Demographic effects are similar to those in past studies. Nutrition factors have little impact on table service, but nutrition‐orientated consumers tend to have lower fast food consumption.  相似文献   

United Airlines becomes the first Airline tooffer non-stop service from Beijing to ChicagoApril 2, 2001-United Airlines today became the first airline to offer non-stop servicesbetween Beijing and Chicago, ushering in a newera in convenience and service for travelers tothe heart of the United States.The non-stop Beijing to Chicago servicecontinues United Airlines commitment to providing our customers in China with the mostconvenient travel options, and United Airlinessignature onboard se…  相似文献   

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