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Prop: "The Real Estate industry in Beijing has dept and average 16.3% lever of growth overthe past 5years.Additionally,the investment in real estatemakes up more than 60% of hte annual investment in nonliquid had increased by 9.8%.From the time when Beijinwas chosen to hold hte 2008 Olympic Games,the housingprice ing Beijing has doubled;however,the volume of busimess has already decreased.  相似文献   

Till now, there are 79,000 transnational enterprises and 790,000 foreign branches all over the world. Having a foreign direct investment totaled US$15 trillion, these transnational enterprises take a share of 40% in global production, 60% in trade, 70% in technology transfer and 90% in international direct investment. So, transnational enterprises are important driving forces for global economic growth, their global operation strategies are boosting the economic globalization, and their international investments are helping the economic globalization. Therefore, if the transnational enterprises can firstly overcome the eco- nomic crisis, they will lead the recovery and revitalization of global economy. In the recent sub-forum of Think Tank Summit hosted in Beijing, high-level government officials, senior executives from transnational enterprises and well-known economists from home and abroad had discussions on transnational enterprises and global economic revival, global M&A and global industrial consolidation, transnational enter-prises and Chinese industrial revitalization, etc., under the theme of Cooperation and Responsibility of Transnational Corporation against the World Economic Crisis. On the closing ceremony, several leaders from Asia-Pacific chambers of commerce, including Mainland China, Hong Kong China, Japan and South Korea, together drafted Beijing Initiative, calling for against trade and investment protectionism.  相似文献   

According to the information from Beijing Municipal Foreign Economic Relations and Trade Commission,Beijing‘s foreign trade increased sharply,foreign investment remained a rather large scale,and foreign economic cooperation reported great growth ,in despite of negative effects caused by the outbreak of SARS in the first half this year.  相似文献   

2008 East Asia Investment Forum was held from May 10 to May 11 in Beijing with the theme of "Investment Cooperation in East Asia Facing Global Financial Fluctuations". It shed light on investment challenges and opportunities in Vietnam, Lao, Cambodia and Burma which are the four emerging markets in East Asia, and investment hotspots in Vietnam as well as the potential for investment cooperation in East Asia.  相似文献   

For China, Shanghai World Expo is the biggest international carnival after Beijing Olympic Games. It was nearly 150 years ago when the first World Expo was held in United Kingdom in 1851, and now it's China's turn to be the host country to exhibit the future development of mankind. However the large-scale investment of World Expo 2010 is controversial so far, followed by a question: what is the return of investment of the Shanghai World Expo?  相似文献   

Tunisia,as an attracive country boasting advantages in North Africa,is sparkling with its unique charms.On the occasion of the Xiamen Fair and successive visits to Qingdao and Beijing,we have interviewed Mr.Abdessalem Mansour,General Manager of Foreign Investment Promotion Agency (FIPA)of Tunisia at the Tunisian Embassy in Beijing.From him,we got to know more about FIPA-Tunisia as well as investment climate there.  相似文献   

2008 East Asia Investment Forum was held from May 10 to May 11 in Beijing with the theme of"In- vestment Cooperation in East Asia Facing Global Financial Fluctuations".It shed light on investment challenges and opportunities in Vietnam,Lao,Cambodia and Burma which are the four emerg- ing markets in East Asia,and investment hotspots in Vietnam as well as the poten- tial for investment cooperation in East Asia. Initiated by the Network of East Asian Think-tanks and guided by China's Ministry of Foreign Affairs,the Forum was sponsored by China National Asso- ciation for International Studies and sup- ported by China Foreign Affairs Universi-  相似文献   

The opening ceremony of the Sec ond Made-in-India Show was held in China Beijing National Agricultural Exhibition Center on December 1, 2004. Just before this exhibition, the Agricultural Exhibition Center had also held the symposium on the promotion of Sino-India investment and trade.  相似文献   

The ethylene project jointly invested by the Beijing Municipal Government and China National Petroleum and Natural Gas Corporation is one of the state's key projects planned for the Eight Five-Year Plan period, involving a total investment of RMB 4. 1 billion in capital construction and technical renovation. Known as the No. one project, it is the largest project ever undertaken in Beijing. The project began to be constructed in June 1992 and and is planned to be put into production by the  相似文献   

On February 18,2012,Beijing Foton Daimler Automotive Co.,Ltd.(Foton Daimler) was established in Beijing.Daimler and Foton eventually tied the knot.With a total investment of 6.35 billion yuan and a registered capital of 5.6 billion yuan,Foton Daimler will manufacture  相似文献   

Tunisia, as an attractive country boasting advantages in North Africa, is sparkling with its unique charms. Onthe occasion of the Xiamen Fair and successive visits to Qingdao and Beijing, we have inter-viewed Mr. Abdessalem Mansour, General Manager of Foreign Investment Promotion Agency (FIPA) of Tunisia at the Tunisian Embassy in Beijing. From him, we got to know more about FIPA-Tunisia as well as investment climate there.  相似文献   

Attracting foreign investment
In the first half of 2010, the number of the newly established foreigninvested enterprises was 12377, an increase of 18.8%; the actual use of foreign investment was US$51.43 billion, up 19.6%. Although the absorbing of foreign investment has increased for consecutively 11 months, the overall scale is still lower that the same period of 2008, before the world financial crisis. We can see following features in the foreign investment to China in the first 6 months in 2010.  相似文献   

Leading financial firm China CITIC Group (CITIC) is bidding for a stake in Bear Stearns,one of Wall Street's top investment banks,top officials said on October 16 in Beijing. Jiang Dingzhi,Vice-Chairman of the China Banking  相似文献   

Despite the challenging economic environment, Chinese overseas investment continued to grow in 2009.According to the data published by the Ministry of Commerce,outbound foreign direct investment (FDI) by Chinese enterprises amounted to 43.3 billion in 2009, a year-onyear increase of 6.5%. This growth occurred against the backdrop of a decline in global foreign direct investment by 30% ~40% compared to 2008.  相似文献   

Mr.Sorin Dimitriu,President of Bucharest Chamber of Commerce and Industry,is an old friend of China.This August,he visited Beijing for the Romanian-Chinese Business Forum,along with 35 Romanian enterprises as a large business delegation accompanying Romanian Prime Minister Mr.Emil Boc's visit to China.Less than one month later,he was in Beijing again for the 2011 Beijing International Conference of Friendly Chambers of Commerce in September.In his career life,he has made great efforts to the promotion of Romanian-Chinese business.On the bilateral trade and investment of between Romania and China,China's Foreign Trade took an exclusive interview with Mr.Sorin Dimitriu.  相似文献   

The opening ceremony of the Sec ond Made-in-India Show was held in China Beijing National Agricultural Exhibition Center on December 1, 2004. Just before this exhibition, the Agricultural Exhibition Center had also held the symposium on the promotion of Sino-India investment and trade. Those made speeches at the symposium include Mr. Sunil Kant  相似文献   

The China Western Forum 2000was held from 20 to 22 Octoberin Chengdu. Twenty policiesencouraging investment in the west wereput forward, and the western developmentwas further accelerated.Will Chengdu the No.4 City inChina?There are three generally acceptedmetropolises in China: Beijing, Shanghaiand Guangzhou.In a new round of competition, whichcity will become the No.4 after Beding,Shanghai and Guangzhou?Western cities are longing for thisposition.On the vast 56% of Chinese land inthe…  相似文献   

At the routine press conference of the Ministry of Commerce ,(MOFCOM)on May 17, it was released that the investment from the US to China from January to April witnessed decline.During the period, 475 companies were set up, down by 3.85% year on year and the real investment amount was US$1028 million, decreased by 28% year on year. On June 15, the Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM) officially released the utilization of foreign investment in China from January to May in 2011.According to Yao Jian, the spokesman of MOFCOM, the investment from US to China from Januaryto May continued to be in decline, with the total investment for the past five months in 2011 as USS1285 million, down by 24.12% year on year.In contrast, in the same period, the investment from ten Asian countries (regions) including Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan, Japan, Philippines, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, and South Korea reached US$41,236 billion, an increase of 29.28% year on year, and the investment from 27 EU countries amounted to US$2,929 billion, an increase of 9.02% from the previous year.  相似文献   

On March 19, the China-Bengal Economic and Trade Forum jointly sponsored by CCPIT and Bangladesh Embassy in China, was held in Beijing. More than 200 entrepreneurs from the countries presented the forum and made exchanges over bilateral trade and investment cooperation. Sheikh Hasina, Prime Minister of Bengal alsoattended and addressed the forum.  相似文献   

In late October, Exhibition Department of CCPIT concluded an agree ment with England-based China Exhibition Services Ltd (CES) in Beijing to jointly hold China Expo, a solo Chinese trade and investment exhibition in London in the coming years.  相似文献   

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