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刘默 《魅力中国》2009,(3):116-116
课余体育活动是指在课余时间里,运用各种身体练习手段和多种方式并结合自然力和卫生措施,以达到增进身心健康和体育意识,提高体育学科能力,丰富文化生活为目的的有组织、有计划的体育活动。它是中学体育工作的重要组成部分,是提高学校体育整体效益,实现学校体育教育目的、任务的重要途径之一。它是实施体育素质教育的重要方法,是增强青少年体质的有效途径。  相似文献   

青少年篮球意识的培养是非常重要的,培养提高青少年篮球运动员的篮球意识,是提高青少年篮球运动员篮球技战术水平的重要基础.因此教练员必须提高认识,结合技战术训练和实战锻炼,有计划、有针对性地进行培养提高.  相似文献   

姚振 《黑河学刊》2011,(4):126-127
快速力量素质是力量素质中极其重要的一个方面。深入研究青少年篮球运动员快速力量训练的原则,对提高青少年篮球运动员的竞技水平,丰富与发展青少年篮球运动员身体素质训练理论与方法,具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

杨骏 《新西部(上)》2009,(11):225-225,220
有效的课前演讲能够迅速集中学生的注意力,激发学生的学习兴趣,锻炼学生的演说能力,提高教学效果。课前五分钟演讲活动的方法有自我介绍、说笑话猜谜语、介绍自己最喜欢的名言警句、讲述名人轶事、名著推荐、新闻评析,应遵循的原则是公平原则和时效原则。  相似文献   

何焰 《魅力中国》2013,(34):260-260
体育锻炼的目的是增强体质、促进身心健康,要达到这样的目的,就必须科学地进行体育锻炼。不然不仅收不到良好的效果,相反还可能造成伤害事故,有损健康。因此要想获得理想的锻炼效果,就必须遵循人体生理变化的特点及运动技能形成的规律,了解和掌握体育锻炼的一般原则。  相似文献   

甘肃省青少年拉丁舞的发展远远落后于全国其他省份.加强甘肃省青少年拉丁舞教学改革的措施主要是强化基本功训练,通过表演锻炼孩子们的心理,通过考级开阔学生视野,通过年龄定位实施分层次教学.  相似文献   

马廷虎 《魅力中国》2014,(18):221-221
阳光体育不仅仅是让每个青少年学生都参与体育,更是让每个学生体验到快乐和阳光。养成自觉锻炼的习惯,培养终身体育意识,达到提高身体素质的目标。教师要不断挖掘和探索更为有效的开展阳光体育的方法和途径.真正让学生自觉地走向操场,走到阳光下,走进大自然,每天锻炼一小时,快乐学习每一天,健康生活一辈子。  相似文献   

本文通过问卷调查和访谈两种方法考察当前青少年的消费心理及消费行为。青少年在消费时一般不考虑价格,以追求个性,满足更多的物质文化需求为消费心理特征,以追求享受生活为目的。社会文化,社会流行,家庭背景是影响青少年消费心理及行为的三大要素。并提出了解决青少年消费的三点对策。  相似文献   

青少年肥胖问题已经成为全世界共同关注的公共卫生问题,青少年肥胖将严重威胁其生理健康、心理健康以及道德健康。体育干预是控制青少年肥胖的有效途径。在体育干预过程中应坚持因人而异、适度、循序渐进和持之以恒等原则。文章探讨了影响青少年肥胖的因素,并提出了相应的控制肥胖的措施。  相似文献   

本文首先阐述了传统思想道德理念在近代的巨大变迁,其次分析了当前关于青少年思想道德教育存在的主要问题,最后论述了强化青少年思想道德教育的对策,一是汲取传统的一些行之有效的育人方法,注入新的时代内容;二是继承古人的一些行之有效的教育方法和理念;三是以弘扬本民族传统优秀文化、道德理念、做人原则为主要育人内涵.  相似文献   

刘明国 《特区经济》2009,(6):160-161
由于我国当代农民的非市场势力低下,其市场势力被削弱,进而使其总体谈判势力低,以至于导致他们相对收入水平明显低于城镇居民的收入水平、其收入增长幅度跟不上经济增长的幅度。要缩小收入分配差距,必须缩小不同利益群体之间的谈判势力差距,而这需要公共权力向弱势利益群体倾斜、同时抑制强势利益群体的谈判势力的膨胀。  相似文献   

Nearly one tenth (8 per cent) of each cohort of school leavers in Northern Ireland experience long spells of unemployment and inactivity ("Status 0") between the ages of 16 and 18. This is important because many such young people are likely to end up unemployed and long-term unemployed in later life. In Northern Ireland around 15 per cent of the male workforce is unemployed, and around one half of these have been out of work for more than one year. This paper outlines the nature of the Status 0 experience amongst 16 and 17 year olds in Northern Ireland, and discusses three main aspects of policy which might guide the overall policy response in Northern Ireland and elsewhere.

Firstly, resources should be targeted carefully towards the most “at risk” young people, especially during the early stages of their progression through compulsory education. Secondly, relevant professionals should ensure that the most marginalised young people are not allowed to fall through the nets of mainstream provision and, in particular, every effort should be made to help young people avoid entering Status 0 immediately after leaving school. Thirdly, consideration should be given to the financial incentives faced by training providers in terms of recruiting low achievers who are at most risk of entering Status 0. There is some evidence to suggest that many of the existing incentives in Northern Ireland are inadequate and, in some cases, may exacerbate many of the problems faced by marginalised young people.  相似文献   

傅端香 《特区经济》2008,(2):168-169
农村劳动力外出就业能力培训是我国农村人力资源开发的重要内容。在当前农村劳动力外出就业能力普遍较低的情况下,通过就业能力培训促进其就业能力的提高具有重要的意义。本文从目前农村劳动力外出就业能力的现状出发,提出了以适应市场经济的职业技能培训、发展农村职业教育和创新就业培训机制为主要内容的农村劳动力外出就业能力培训体系的建设。  相似文献   

South African youth experience extremely high levels of unemployment and poverty. Currently there is no social assistance for low-income young adults in South Africa unless they are disabled. Interventions are needed that can achieve widespread poverty alleviation, as well as help facilitate economic participation to improve lifelong earnings. In this article, six examples of social security policy options are considered, including five grants ranging from an unconditional non-means-tested grant for young people to a conditional grant for young people in training or education, plus an ‘Opportunities voucher’ that is administered through the social security system but paid out to organisations offering youth education or work opportunities. Using a tax and benefit microsimulation model to simulate the five grants, we estimate the potential numbers reached and cost, as well as the impact of these six options on poverty.  相似文献   

精神分析学派的教育观以经典精神分析理论为基础,对当今青少年的思想政治教育具有重要启示。通过精神分析教育观的引导,对青少年实施正确的情感导向,培养政治需求意识,用精神分析的新方法加强青少年思想政治教育的针对性和实效性。  相似文献   

中国总体小康的关键在于提升众多低端劳动者的收入水平和生活水平 ,要做到这点 ,笔者以为应先让劳动值钱 ,相应的对策和办法主要有 :一是通过系统的知识技能培训和人文的社区认同教化全面提升低端劳动者素质 ;二是建立强有力的多层次的工会系统 ;三是转变企业的经营思路和赢利  相似文献   

This article examines knowledge and skill development during early adulthood when the individual has severed ties with formal education and entered the world of work. Focusing on a cohort of young men from the National Longitudinal Surveys, the paper examines the economic and social forces influencing participation in various forms of postschool education and training. A recursive model is used to explore skill development patterns over the lifecycle. Attention is focused on the role of early human capital development and its influence on the cost and incentives for subsequent skill development in the adult working years. The findings point to the cumulative nature of skill development over the lifecycle with some important implications for efforts to reduce economic and social inequalities for blacks and whites.  相似文献   

《China Economic Review》1999,10(1):17-40
Analyses of returns to educational investments in China, based on 1981, 1985, and 1986 data, have yielded surprisingly low and sometimes negative rates. Given the extent of wage compression in prereform China, it is expected that human capital accumulation be increasingly recognized and rewarded as the Chinese economic reforms progress and market forces permeate the work place. Econometric analysis of newly available data, gathered in 1989 and 1992, reveals that returns to education for new labor force entrants, for workers who have recently obtained their current positions, for young people, for workers in recently established firms, and for collective, joint-venture, and private-sector workers are in the range expected of East Asian market economies with well-functioning labor markets.  相似文献   

网络环境下青少年的思想政治教育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
网络作为非常普及的媒介工具与人们的生活与学习已经密不可分了。但奔涌而来的网络信息,有好有坏,对青少年也都起着两方面的作用。因此教育工作者就应该为青少年把好关,加强在网络环境下对青少年的思想政治教育。让青少年能够充分地利用网络。  相似文献   

收入分配与人的全面发展关系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人的全面发展是人类社会发展的目标。收入分配制度通过影响生产力发展和人们的消费状况,进而影响人的全面发展。我国现阶段收入分配制度中存在的不合理因素,不仅影响了生产力发展,而且还制约了人的全面发展。文章认为,应通过改革和完善收入分配制度,调动人们的生产积极性,促进生产力发展和社会和谐发展,以实现人的全面发展的目标。  相似文献   

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