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Large tick sizes imposed on high-priced stocks on the Korea Stock Exchange (KSE) are significant binding constraints on bid-ask spreads. Nearly 60% of quoted spreads are equal to the tick size for stocks with the largest tick size and more than 87% of quoted spreads are equal to the tick size for stocks in the largest size portfolio. We also show that the average spread of KSE stocks with large tick sizes is greater than that of matched NYSE stocks, whereas the average spread of KSE stocks with the smallest tick size is smaller than the corresponding figure for the matched NYSE stocks. We interpret these results as evidence that traders on the KSE are paying large trading costs because of the artificially imposed large tick sizes.  相似文献   

Local market makers, liquidity and market quality   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We examine the role of geographically proximate (local) market makers in providing liquidity and improving the quality of a dealer market. Firms with active participation of local dealers enjoy lower quoted and effective spreads, as well as more informative prices. The beneficial effects from local market makers are not confined to a few “top” local dealers and they cannot be attributed to their participation in the firm's IPO syndicate or industry specialization. Further, we find that days with aggressive bidding from local market makers relative to their non-local counterparts are associated with significant positive abnormal returns, consistent with local market makers possessing information advantages. In summary, our results suggest that the information advantages of local market makers may be a contributing factor to the reduction in the cost of trading.  相似文献   

In this study, we examine the effect of pre-trade transparency on market quality using data before and after the introduction of SuperMontage. Our results show that both bid–ask spreads and return volatility declined significantly after the implementation of SuperMontage. In addition, SuperMontage led to significant improvements in the SEC Rule 605 execution quality measures (e.g., faster executions and higher fill rates). Overall, our results indicate that SuperMontage improved market and execution quality on NASDAQ through greater pre-trade transparency and the integrated, more efficient quotation and trading system.  相似文献   

This paper examines the effects of a semi-transparency event, the introduction of the electronic trading system (EBS), on the market quality of a typical dealership market – the FX market. We find that increasing transparency leads to smaller quote disagreement among dealers and higher trading volume, but the beneficial effects are bigger for uninformed dealers than informed dealers. We also find that information efficiency improves overall in the semi-transparent system; however, informed dealers are found to quote less aggressively in the more transparent market. We conclude that semi-transparency raises market quality in general, but that it is the uninformed dealers who benefit more from this increased quality.  相似文献   

Option hedging is a critical risk management problem in finance. In the Black–Scholes model, it has been recognized that computing a hedging position from the sensitivity of the calibrated model option value function is inadequate in minimizing variance of the option hedge risk, as it fails to capture the model parameter dependence on the underlying price (see e.g. Coleman et al., J. Risk, 2001, 5(6), 63–89; Hull and White, J. Bank. Finance, 2017, 82, 180–190). In this paper, we demonstrate that this issue can exist generally when determining hedging position from the sensitivity of the option function, either calibrated from a parametric model from current option prices or estimated nonparametricaly from historical option prices. Consequently, the sensitivity of the estimated model option function typically does not minimize variance of the hedge risk, even instantaneously. We propose a data-driven approach to directly learn a hedging function from the market data by minimizing variance of the local hedge risk. Using the S&P 500 index daily option data for more than a decade ending in August 2015, we show that the proposed method outperforms the parametric minimum variance hedging method proposed in Hull and White [J. Bank. Finance, 2017, 82, 180–190], as well as minimum variance hedging corrective techniques based on stochastic volatility or local volatility models. Furthermore, we show that the proposed approach achieves significant gain over the implied BS delta hedging for weekly and monthly hedging.  相似文献   

This study explores the relationship between audit quality, accruals quality, and the cost of equity in the context of Vietnam. Particularly, we examine the impact of auditor size and accruals quality on the industry-adjusted earnings – price ratio. Using a sample of Vietnamese listed companies, the study shows that firms audited by a Big Four auditor are associated with a lower cost of equity than firms with a non-Big Four auditor. The results indicate that the auditors' information role is more relevant than the insurance role in a civil law context with a relatively low auditor litigation risk. In addition, the findings show that companies with better accruals quality are associated with a lower cost of equity. The study has implications for managers and regulators. The findings highlight the importance of ensuring sound auditing practices and maintaining high-quality financial reporting for corporations.  相似文献   

This research examines the audit quality consequences of China's mandatory audit partner rotation (MPR) regulation, which became effective in 2004. The rule requires firms to rotate signing audit partners of audit reports every five years. We find that audit quality improves in the three years immediately following a client firm's MPR during the 2004–2011 period for a sample of 273 Chinese publicly listed firms. Specifically, we find that the improvement is most pronounced in those Chinese provinces with both low levels of audit market concentration and low levels of legal development. However, MPR does not improve audit quality in jurisdictions where legal conventions are more developed and/or where audit markets are highly concentrated with a handful of large audit firms dominating the market.  相似文献   

There is no consensus in the literature on whether an increase in pre-trade transparency results in an improvement or deterioration in market quality. Two discrete changes in pre-trade transparency on the Korea Exchange (KRX), an electronic order-driven market, allow us to address this question. We find that market quality is increasing and concave in pre-trade transparency, with significantly diminishing returns above a certain point. We argue that previous event studies of the effect of transparency have been econometrically flawed, propose a procedure to correct this flaw, and show that this procedure can reverse the result of an event study.  相似文献   

We study the relation between foreign exchange market quality and both trading activity and dealer concentration by considering two currency pairs with significant differences along both dimensions – the Euro–US dollar and Canadian dollar–US dollar. A variance ratio test reveals over-reaction in currency prices, but that this is smallest when trading activity is high and dealer concentration at its peak. A GARCH model shows that over-reaction declines as trading activity and dealer concentration increase, with the results being stronger for the Euro. Our results confirm that trading activity is an important determinant of market quality, but also point to a significant role for dealer concentration.  相似文献   

Automation and trading speed are increasingly important aspects of competition among financial markets. Yet we know little about how changing a market's automation and speed affects the cost of immediacy and price discovery, two key dimensions of market quality. At the end of 2006 the New York Stock Exchange introduced its Hybrid Market, increasing automation and reducing the execution time for market orders from 10 seconds to less than one second. We find that the change raises the cost of immediacy (bid-ask spreads) because of increased adverse selection and reduces the noise in prices, making prices more efficient.  相似文献   

We show that competitive quotes help increase dealer market share on NASDAQ, despite the fact that a large proportion of order flow is preferenced. We find that decimal pricing and the introduction of new trading platforms such as SuperSOES and SuperMontage have significantly changed the effect of quote aggressiveness on dealer market share. In particular, decimal pricing reduces (increases) the price (size) elasticity, SuperSOES increases the size elasticity, and SuperMontage increases both the size and price elasticity of dealer market share. We also show that market centers provide greater price improvements and faster executions when they post competitive quotes.  相似文献   

审计独立性 会计信息质量与市场反应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
会计盈余信息有用性的研究都是以无差别的审计服务和盈余作为现金流的替代指标为前提的。本文放宽了这些假设,通过模型建立、实证研究,经验地研究了审计独立性与市场反应的关系。研究结果发现,除非预期盈余具有信息含量外,审计意见具有增量的信息含量,尤其是非标审计意见的影响。  相似文献   

This paper investigates the effects of learning channels on stock market participation. More specifically, we investigate the direct effects of learning about financial matters from one's private network, financial advisors, and the media, as well as the moderating effects of financial literacy on the relationship between learning from these channels and stock market participation. Analyzing a unique cross-section data that combine survey data and bank register data on individual retail investors, we find that media is the only learning channel that increases the likelihood of owning stocks and the portfolio share invested in stocks. We also find that financial literacy has a significant moderating effect: Interactions point to the joint importance of learning from media and financial literacy for individuals' stock market participation. Our findings suggest implications to policymakers when designing financial education programs.  相似文献   

Many believe that charisma, the ability to captivate and inspire an audience, is innate. But through research in the laboratory and in the field, the authors, who all work at the University of Lausanne, have identified 2 tactics that help managers become more influential, trustworthy, and "leaderlike" in the eyes of others. Great orators and politicians employ these techniques instinctively, but anyone can learn how to use them. Nine of the tactics are verbal: metaphors, similes, and analogies; stories and anecdotes; contrasts; rhetorical questions; expressions of moral conviction; reflections of the group's sentiments; three-part lists; the setting of high goals; and conveying confidence that they can be achieved. Three are nonverbal: animated voice, facial expressions, and gestures. Though there are other tactics that leaders can use--repetition, humor, talking about sacrifice-the 12 singled out by the authors have the greatest effect and can work in almost any context. And the research shows that they also have a larger impact than strong presentation skills and speech structure. This article explores the 12 tactics in detail, providing examples from business and politics, and offers guidance on how to start implementing them. A manager's goal should be to incorporate them not only into public speaking but also into everyday interactions. They work because they help you create an emotional connection with your audience, even as they make you appear more powerful, competent, and worthy of respect. People who use them effectively will be able to unite their followers around a vision in a way that others can't. And in the authors' study, executives who practiced them saw the leadership scores that their audience gave them rise by about 60%.  相似文献   

We test for changes in liquidity around LEAPS option introduction and find two results that address important disputes in the literature. First, we find that the impact of LEAPS upon share liquidity does not occur until 23 days after the LEAPS are introduced. Our findings are in conflict with Danielsen et al.’s (J Financ Quant Anal 42:1041–1062, 2007) findings that liquidity improves before option introduction, and are consistent with the findings of Kumar et al. (J Finance 53:717–732, 1998). Second, we find that share volume increases before option introduction and so the volume increase can be predictive of option listing, but the shift in volume does not occur early enough to drive the exchange’s introduction decision.  相似文献   

We explore the sharp uptrend in recent trading activity and accompanying changes in market efficiency. Higher turnover has been associated with more frequent smaller trades, which have progressively formed a larger fraction of trading volume over time. Evidence indicates that secular decreases in trading costs have influenced the turnover trend. Turnover has increased the most for stocks with the greatest level of institutional holdings, suggesting professional investing as a key contributor to the turnover trend. Variance ratio tests suggest that more institutional trading has increased information-based trading. Intraday volatility has decreased and prices conform more closely to random walk in recent years. The sensitivity of turnover to past returns has increased and cross-sectional predictability of returns has decreased significantly, revealing a more widespread use of quantitative trading strategies that allow for more efficient securities prices.  相似文献   

How can a government help secure low-cost equity financing? This study offers an answer that a government can secure sustainable economic progress when policies of economic freedom are well institutionalized in a way that results in low equity volatility, thus low-cost equity financing. This study examines the quantitative and empirical associations between elements of Economic Freedom Index (being treated in this study as a proxy for institutional quality) and stock market volatility. The authors classify the institutional quality into three levels: high, medium and low. The data cover the years 1996–2014 for the MENA countries. The statistical tests include fixed and random effects, linearity versus non-linearity. The results show that stock market volatility can be mitigated and reduced when economic freedom is associated with an effective enforcement of law and efficient regulations. Nevertheless, the high freedom from corruption results in active equity trading which is associated with high volatility that leads in turn to high cost of equity financing. The study contributes to the literature in terms of offering practical insights on the pillars of economic freedom that policymakers must improve in order to mitigate or reduce equity volatility, therefore cost of equity financing.  相似文献   

We examine the ability of bond fund managers to shift assets between bonds and cash and across bonds of different maturities in order to capture the changes in their relative returns. As measured by estimated changes in portfolio allocations, we find strong evidence of perverse market timing ability between cash and investment grade securities, and our results indicate additional perverse timing across the bond maturity spectrum. Results are robust to an alternative performance metric. We present evidence that the survival of the majority of these funds despite their negative performance may reflect the value investors place on the portfolio diversification benefits of holding these funds.  相似文献   

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