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程实 《国际融资》2005,(11):29-30
全球并购市场持续火爆,特别是欧洲市场一扫阴霾,其强劲走势令人刮目相看.而其背后深藏的原因更是发人深思  相似文献   

Using a news-based gauge of geopolitical risk, we study its role in asset pricing in global emerging markets. We find that changes in risk positively predict future stock returns. The countries with the highest increase in geopolitical uncertainty outperform their counterparts with the lowest change by up to 1% per month. The anomaly is not explained by other established asset pricing effects and remains robust to many considerations. We link the observed phenomenon with investor overreaction to geopolitical news driven by the availability bias.  相似文献   

This paper uses a simple model of mean-variance capital markets equilibrium with proportional transactions costs to analyze the competition of stock markets for investors. We assume that equity trading is costly and endogenize transactions costs as variables strategically influenced by stock exchanges. Among other things, the model predicts that increasing financial market correlation leads to a decrease of transaction costs, an increase in cross-border trading activity, and to a decrease in the home bias of international equity flows. These predictions are consistent with the recent evolution of international stock markets.  相似文献   

傅璇  齐芳 《国际融资》2007,77(3):49-52
伴随股权分置改革走向尾声,全流通时代的来临,人民币的激情走高,极大地释放了海外热钱涌现中国的投资热情.私募基金就像嗅觉高敏感度的"狼",早已开始悄然抢滩中国的市场,为中国的新一轮并购热潮推波助澜.  相似文献   

This paper presents a simple model of urban spatial growth under uncertainty with an infinite time horizon. The rational expectations equilibrium path (REE path) of the urban land market is obtained in explicit form as a function of exogenously given stochastic processes of future population, transport and household income in the city. Spatial and temporal characteristics of asset prices along the REE path are examined in detail.  相似文献   

In this paper we compute long-term stock return expectations (across the business cycle) for individual firms using information backed out from the credit derivatives market. Our methodology builds on previous theoretical results in the literature on stock return expectations and, empirically, we demonstrate a close relationship between credit-implied stock return expectations and future realized stock returns. We also find stock portfolios selected based on credit-implied stock return forecasts to beat equally- and value-weighted portfolios of the same stocks out-of-sample. Contrary to many other studies, our expectations/predictions are made at the individual stock level rather than at the portfolio level, and no parameter estimations using historical stock price- or credit spread observations are needed.  相似文献   

A critical roadblock to modeling inventories of finished goods has been the claim that the production and inventory decisions of a perfectly competitive firm are determined independently of each other. A basic goal of this study is to specify fundamental preferences of economic agents, technologies, constraints and market structures that are, in a rough way, capable of generating patterns of serial correlations and cross correlations between inventories and employment of factors of production that are consistent with those observed in the data. The claim is made that the time series for inventories, output and employment can, in principle, be interpreted as emerging from a well-specified dynamic, stochastic competitive equilibrium in which economic agents are assumed to form rational expectations about variables not included in their information sets. Inventories and employment will not be related in a direct way if and only if the price elasticity of demand for output is equal to infinity.  相似文献   

The existence theorem of Allingham (Econometrica 59:1169–1174, 1991) for the capital asset pricing model (CAPM) is generalized to the case where agents have heterogeneous expectations on the return distribution and the mean-variance utility functions are quasiconcave. This result is built upon new conditions which are distinct from and weaker than the conditions imposed on the CAPM in the literature.   相似文献   

This paper explains corporate hedging and speculation in a two period rational expectations model. A risk averse manager represents a firm that is priced in a risk neutral market. The manager enters into a cash flow hedge of a forecast transaction by taking a short position in the futures market. When the futures position is chosen, the manager possesses private information regarding the firm’s production capacity. Mandatory disclosure of the futures position in the financial statements allows the market to draw inferences over the manager’s information. These inferences affect the market’s pricing decision and in turn the manager’s hedging decision. The futures position taken is chosen not only to reduce price risk exposure but to signal some capacity level. In equilibrium, however, the market anticipates the manager’s strategy and is not fooled.Considering varying managerial preferences, we analyze three settings. In the basic setting speculation occurs whenever the manager prefers high market values in both periods. In the second setting we add transaction costs and find that speculation is less likely. Finally, we introduce uncertainty regarding the manager’s preferences. If the market needs to determine prices based on expected preferences, incentives to speculate are mitigated in equilibrium but still present.  相似文献   

The terms buyers' market and sellers' market are commonly used in contexts that most economists would characterize as excess supply and excess demand. It is puzzling, however, that in many instances the press and general public are all aware that it is a buyers' or sellers' market. Are these markets really that inefficient? We offer definitions of buyers' and sellers' markets that are consistent with a full rational expectations equilibrium in a simple general equilibrium search model of a heterogeneous durable goods market.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a new measure of contagion that is good at anticipating future vulnerabilities. Building on previous work, it uses correlations of equity markets across countries to measure contagion, but in a departure from previous practice measures contagion using the relationship of these correlations with distance. Also in contrast to previous work, our test is good at identifying periods of “positive contagion,” in which capital flows to emerging markets in a herd-like manner largely unrelated to fundamentals. Identifying such periods of “fatal attraction” is important as they provide the essential ingredients for subsequent crises and rapid outflows of capital.  相似文献   

Stock market risk and return: an equilibrium approach   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Empirical evidence that expected stock returns are weakly relatedto volatility at the market level appears to contradict theintuition that risk and return are positively related. We investigatethis issue in a general equilibrium exchange economy characterizedby a regime-switching consumption process with time-varyingtransition probabilities between regimes. When estimated usingconsumption data, the model generates a complex, non-linearand time-varying relation between expected returns and volatility,duplicating the salient features of the risk/return trade-offin the data. The results emphasize the importance of time-varyinginvestment opportunities and highlight the perils of relyingon intuition from static models.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the relationship between bank capital ratios and lending rates using data from 1998 to 2012 for 13 large banks accounting for 75% of total UK lending. We document a substantial change in the coefficient of the Tier 1 capital ratio in reduced-form regressions for secured household lending rates; the coefficient changes from positive pre-crisis to negative in crisis. Significant changes are also detected in the relationship for unsecured household and corporate lending. Such instability is difficult to reconcile with many well-established theories of financial intermediation but is consistent with the relatively recent theories of bank portfolio decisions emphasising cyclical variation in bank leverage and risk-appetite.  相似文献   

Investment expectations affect stock price volatility, making asset pricing more difficult. Correctly capturing investment expectations can help alleviate this problem. In this paper, we analyze the rational expectations properties of existing volatility models. Second, we explore a volatility model based on adaptive expectations by using mathematical methods and the applicable conditions and continuity feature of the adaptive expectations volatility model. Third, under the assumption of adaptive expectations, we construct adaptive expectations GARCH (ADGARCH) and LSTM-ADGARCH models. Using daily trading data from the Shanghai stock index and SPX500 for the period 2015–2021, we find that the volatility model based on adaptive expectations has more explanatory power than one based on rational expectations.  相似文献   

This paper shows how to represent a vector autoregression (VAR) in terms of the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of its companion matrix. This representation is used to impose the exact restrictions implied by the expectations hypothesis on the VAR for short and long term interest rates and to calculate the restricted maximum likelihood estimates. The first difference representation for short and long rates used by Sargent (1979) is shown to be inconsistent with the expectations hypothesis, but a VAR with two unit roots is constructed that satisfies the exact restrictions and leads to similar restricted estimates.  相似文献   

Using a uniquely constructed loan-level dataset of the residential mortgage book of Irish financial institutions, this paper provides a framework for estimating default probabilities of individual mortgages. In contrast to the popular stock delinquency approach, this model provides estimates of default and cure flows: a requirement of the stress test approach adopted by the European Central Bank's comprehensive assessment. In addition, both default and cure transitions are modelled as functions of micro- and macro-covariates including loan characteristics and current macroeconomic conditions such as house prices and unemployment. When comparing the competing equity and affordability effects, labour market deterioration played a stronger role than house equity in the rise of Irish default rates. For cures, a scarring effect of default is identified and estimated with the probability of a loan returning to performing reducing by almost four per cent each month a loan remains delinquent.  相似文献   

This article shows that introducing derivative assets increasesincentives to collect information about asset payoffs. The increasein information collection makes the price of the underlyingasset more informative and causes the expected price to increase.Extending the model to a dynamic setting with multiple riskyassets, we find the introducing derivative assets for one assetincreases the expected prices of positively correlated assetsand reduces price reaction to future earnings announcements.These findings are consistent with the bulk of the empiricalevidence on the relationship between the introduction of derivativeassets and the behavior of asset prices.  相似文献   

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