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Only in the U.S. Stock Exchanges, the daily average trading volume is about 7 billion shares. This vast amount of trading shows the necessity of understanding the hidden insights in the data sets. In this study, a data mining technique, clustering based outlier analysis is applied to detect suspicious insider transactions. 1,244,815 transactions of 61,780 insiders are analysed, which are acquired from Thomson Financial, covering a period of January 2010–April 2017. In order to detect outliers, similar transactions are grouped into the same clusters by using a two‐step clustering based outlier detection technique, which is an integration of k‐means and hierarchical clustering. Then, it is shown that outlying transactions earn higher abnormal returns than non‐outlying transactions by using event study methodology.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to examine which of the assets commonly believed to be safe havens do, in fact, protect investors during periods of severe financial instability. Using a broad dataset of 32 assets over the period of 1964–2014, we examine the relationship of these assets with the US equity market during financial crises to determine which of them are safe havens for US investors, hedges, or speculations. We find that the US Treasuries and Japanese yen are the strongest safe haven investments in months characterized by large declines in market value or excessive volatility. We also document that the recent global financial crisis had significantly negative ramifications on the safe haven properties of many of these assets. Our out-of-sample analyses show that while, in general, predictive market exposures are negatively correlated with asset returns in strong market downturns, those of even the strongest safe haven assets are often statistically insignificant.  相似文献   

This paper tests whether analyst coverage and effort are related to the level of intangible assets reported by Egyptian listed firms. Intangible assets represent increasingly important investments for many firms, but most of these assets are not capitalized under prevailing accounting standards. Analysts reduce the information asymmetry by examining both financial reports and other information. Many Egyptian firms today seek access to foreign capital. I hypothesize that the larger the potential intangible assets of firms the more analysts will cover these firms and pursue private information about these firms. Sample consists of 435 firm-year observations over the period 1999–2007, and intangible assets are measured using eight different firm- and industry-level proxies. Consistent with prior research, results suggest that coverage is significantly associated with firm R&D, industry advertising expenses, firm size, and trading volume. Results also suggest that analyst effort is a function of firm and industry-level R&D expenses and firm size.  相似文献   

This paper examines politicians’ influence on budgets in governing public sector organizations. Theoretical reasoning is based on the position-practice concept applied in structuration theory. Research took place in a hospital district in Finland from 2009 to 2015. The findings show that politicians set coercive budgetary policies, but there was no direct relationship between budgets and actual medical practices. As a result, the budget was simply a ‘ceremonial’ tool of political governance, as medical professionals concentrate on delivering healthcare services.  相似文献   

Prior literature documents that corporate boards with female directors produce better governance outcomes than all-male boards. However, female directors constitute the minority on most boards, which precludes majority voting as the mechanism through which they change board decisions. We identify changing the norms of how the board works as this mechanism. Using the market for norms framework, we explain how female directors are effective even without possessing a board majority or other sources of symbolic power, such as hierarchical authority and social gravitas. Empirically, we show that independent female directors, compared to their male counterparts, are more effective at changing board norms (board processes) and improving governance (board outputs).  相似文献   

We examine the effect of mandatory IFRS adoption on the information quality of financial reporting in France, Germany and Sweden. These three Western European civil law countries are characterized as low investor protection by the World Economic Forum's 2012/2013 Global Competitiveness Report. Using data for 2003 and 2011, we find significant improvement in both forecast accuracy and forecast dispersion following mandatory IFRS adoption in all three countries. Furthermore, the effect on information quality is greater the lower the strength of investor protection. These results suggest that mandatory IFRS adoption in low investor protection countries leads to an improvement in information quality. A tentative implication of the results is that standard setters should not delay IFRS adoption pending regulators implementing a high investor protection.  相似文献   

The insurance sector has been transformed as a result of the impact of InsurTech. However, although InsurTech has become a highly relevant concept in recent years, there has yet to be an agreed-upon meaning of InsurTech. Therefore, it is necessary to establish a solid definition that provides a clear understanding of the term InsurTech. For this purpose, an essential study of the complete scientific production has been carried out through the results obtained for InsurTech in the most relevant databases up to December 31, 2021. This paper aims to define the term InsurTech considering all the contributions made by scholars in the existing academic literature. The research methodology has consisted of an extensive systematic literature review merged with a comprehensive analysis of the nature of the definitions of InsurTech through a three-stage procedure. A total of 111 academic articles referring to InsurTech have been found. Based on a rigorous analysis and building on the common elements of the 17 meanings provided by the academics, a definition of Insurtech from a scientific approach has been presented. Finally, the nuances of this definition for an Insurtech to be considered as such are discussed and explained.  相似文献   

The rules relating to the division of the insolvent estate assume considerable importance in the field of international insolvencies, where different legal systems interact. International instruments including the European insolvency regulation and the UNCITRAL Model Law on Cross‐Border Insolvency have provided a framework which governs the relationship between local and foreign distribution schemes. For English lawyers, questions remain however regarding the future role of the courts' statutory power to cooperate with the courts of ‘relevant’ countries or territories, and of the common law principle of universalism. An important issue connected to the determination of such questions is the established judicial approach to the pari passu rule, in the application of domestic law. This paper examines the manifestation of this tension in the litigation arising from the collapse of the HIH Casualty & General Insurance group of companies. It notes the scope which remains for continued resort to the statutory power of cooperation, and the potential for the Cross‐Border Insolvency Regulations 2006 to encourage a more flexible approach to resolving differences between distribution schemes. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This article explores the ways in which the Audit Commission has become a key player in the governance of welfare provisioning and democratic communities in England and Wales. It draws primarily upon an analysis of Audit Commission texts, supplemented by conversations with Commissioners and observations of Audit Commission staff at work. The argument is that a new audit-accountability nexus has been forged which crosses the divide between New Right and New Labour politics. On the one hand, there has been a revolution in the nature of accountability—the locally-based accountability associated with local government has been eclipsed by a new centralized accountability, albeit one which attempts to synthesize upward and downward accountability within itself. On the other hand, there has been a revolution in the nature of audit, culminating in the rise of audit-inspection partnerships. In the process, the Audit Commission has been cast as the scientific advisor to central government, the reforming regulator of local government, and the impartial champion of the people.  相似文献   

The short‐run increase in prices following an unexpected tightening of monetary policy constitutes a puzzle frequently reported in empirical studies. Yet the puzzle is easy to explain away when all published models are quantitatively reviewed. We collect and examine about 1,000 point estimates of impulse responses from 70 articles that use vector autoregressions to study monetary transmission in various countries. We find that the puzzle is created by model misspecifications: especially by the omission of commodity prices, neglect of potential output, and reliance on recursive identification. Our results also suggest that the strength of monetary policy depends on the country’s openness, phase of the economic cycle, and degree of central bank independence.  相似文献   

Despite a move towards convergence between principles-based International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and rules-based U.S. GAAP, and the likelihood that many foreign affiliates of U.S. firms use IFRS, little research has examined whether United States financial managers appropriately record and summarize transactions in accordance with IFRS. This paper investigates the ability of 176 U.S. financial managers to appropriately apply the revenue recognition standard under IFRS when given the relevant guidance. About half of the participants selected the U.S. GAAP answer, and only 40 percent identified the correct answer under IFRS. More experienced financial managers, and financial managers with relevant industry experience were more likely to appropriately apply the standard, but a substantial percentage of them still selected the GAAP choice rather than the correct choice under IFRS. This suggests that more IFRS training in the U.S. is needed prior to IFRS adoption.  相似文献   

According to the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB), International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) are intended to provide a common set of globally applicable accounting standards, having the ultimate aim of reducing international financial reporting diversity. Much previous research on standards harmonisation has been conducted on relatively small samples and in periods which pre-date the introduction of mandatory IFRS in the EU and Australia. Most of these studies have also relied on some form of indexing technique to measure harmonisation (such as the modified C-index) which have since been challenged in the literature. Based on a sample of 81,560 firm years, this study examines whether the mandatory IFRS regime has led to any significant reductions in overall financial reporting diversity by companies within the EU and Australia. Financial reporting diversity is proxied by the variability of several balance sheet, income statement and cash flow statement ratios measured over the pre-IFRS and post-IFRS periods. Variability is measured by the coefficient of variation (CV), a scale neutral measure of dispersion of a probability distribution. This measure avoids many of the methodological problems associated with index techniques. Notwithstanding some mixed findings, the group mean comparisons and multiple regression results indicate some statistically significant reductions in the variability of ratio measures in the post-IFRS period, even after controlling for factors such as firm size, industry and adoption status (whether a country is an IFRS adopter or not). While the results should be viewed as preliminary, they provide some tentative support for IASB’s current policy direction towards global accounting standards convergence (for instance, the IASB-FASB convergence project). The results also have implications for other countries contemplating a shift to IFRS, such as the United States and several Asian nations, including Japan and India. A useful direction for future research is to determine whether the same results hold using a more extensive post-IFRS sample.  相似文献   


The idea that management in the public sector has everything to learn from the private sector has been dominant in the 1980s. There is, however, scope for mutual learning across the sectoral divide if the primary concern of managers ‐whether in business or government — is to be effectiveness.  相似文献   

The choice between fair value and historical cost accounting is the subject of long-standing controversy among accounting academics and regulators. Nevertheless, the market-based evidence on this subject is limited. We study the choice of fair value versus historical cost accounting for non-financial assets in a setting where market forces rather than regulators determine the outcome. In general, we find a very limited use of fair value accounting. However, the observed variation is consistent with market forces determining the choice. Fair value accounting is used when reliable fair value estimates are available at a lower cost and when they convey information about operating performance. For example, with very few exceptions, firms’ managers commit to historical cost accounting for plant and equipment. Our findings contribute to the policy debate by documenting the market solution to one of the central questions in the accounting literature. Our findings indicate that, despite its conceptual merits, fair value is unlikely to become the primary valuation method for illiquid non-financial assets on a voluntary basis.  相似文献   

In the present paper, a discrete version of Itô’s formula for a class of multi-dimensional random walk is introduced and applied to the study of a discrete-time complete market model which we call He’s framework. The formula unifies continuous-time and discrete-time settings and by regarding the latter as the finite difference scheme of the former, the order of convergence is obtained. The result shows that He’s framework cannot be of order 1 scheme except for the one dimensional case.  相似文献   


In this paper, we unify two popular approaches for the definition of actuarial ruin with implementation delays, also known as Parisian ruin. Our new definition of ruin includes both deterministic delays and exponentially distributed delays: ruin is declared the first time an excursion in the red zone lasts longer than an implementation delay with a deterministic and a stochastic component. For this Parisian ruin with mixed delays, we identify the joint distribution of the time of ruin and the deficit at ruin, therefore providing generalizations of many results previously obtained, such as in Baurdoux et al. (2016) and Loeffen et al. (in press) for the case of an exponential delay and that of a deterministic delay, respectively.  相似文献   

Correlation stress testing is motivated by a well-known phenomenon: correlations change under financial crises. The adjustment of correlation matrices may be required to evaluate the potential impact of these changes. Very often, some correlations are explicitly adjusted (core correlations), with the remainder left unspecified (peripheral correlations), although it would be more natural for both core correlations and peripheral correlations to vary. However, most existing methods ignore the potential change in peripheral correlations. In this paper, we propose a Black–Litterman approach to correlation stress testing in which the stress impact on the core correlations is transmitted to the peripheral correlations through the dependence structure of the empirical correlations.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a dynamic model of the optimal choices of a bank that benefits from market power and takes into account the impact of the deposit generation process. Interbank lending/borrowing emerges as a buffer that assists the bank in smoothing intertemporal adjustments in interdependent loan and deposit choices. The bank smooths the impact of interest-rates shocks on its customers to minimize the adjustments over time of the stocks of deposits and loans. It does not, however, provide insurance against negative shocks of real origin that increase its expected default costs. The predictions of the model help to shed light on the available empirical evidence and to analyze some recent developments of the banking industry.  相似文献   

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