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Their presence at the fair will have the nature of an official exhibition, being held under the auspices of the Czech Republic Ministry of Industry and Commerce. The Czech Republic will be one of the countries that has manufacturers taking part in one of the most important engineering fairs in the world, the CIMT in Beijing. Their presence at the fair will have the nature of an official exhibition, being held under the auspices of the Czech Republic Ministry of Industry and Commerce. Ours will be one of  相似文献   

A glimpse of exoticism from Czechia in golden Beijing! Czech Embassy will give a panorama of natural environment, history and relics, cultural fruits and industrial development of the Czech Republic to everyone. Distinctive fashion show, Czech contemporary design exhibition and introduction to relevant businesses and tourism will also be provided. This is a dazzling demonstration that you should not miss! Here are the the upcoming activities at the Festival.[第一段]  相似文献   

Golf in the Czech Republic means great natural beauty, a mix of superb golf courses and a unique atmosphere. The Czech Republic is a home to a total of 70 golf courses, to be found in all areas of the country. Visit the golf courses  相似文献   

The 1 lth Beijing International Book Fair will be held in Beijing Exhibition Hall on September 26. As the largest international book fair held in China and the most important Chinese book fair in the world, Beijing International Book Fair is held once a year. More than 900 foreign and Chinese exhibitors from 42 countries and regions are expected to participate the fair, which will hold near one thousand exhibiting booths and cover an area of  相似文献   

A Special Slovak     
When looking at the map of Europe the advantage of the geographical position of Slovakia can be seen immediately. Slovakia is situated in the heart of Europe in the zone with moderate climate and regular turn of seasons. It has borders with Austria and the Czech Republic in the west, with Poland in the north, Hungary in the south and Ukraine in the east. Due to its favourable geographical position Slovakia provides ideal opportunities for combining visits to several neighbouring countries in Central Europe.  相似文献   

The Fifth Asia-Pacific International Trade Fair will be staged in China International Exhibition Centre in Beijing from June 7 to 13, 1994. Hosted by the government of the People's Republic of China, the fair is jointly organized by the United National Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP), and the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT).  相似文献   

Briefly about the Czech Republic Since time immemorial, the Czech lands have been the crossroads of European cultures. The cultural character of Czech cities, villages and spa towns has always been a source of inspiration to visitors and guests, who come here from all comers of the world. The Czech Republic,the youngest in the family of European countries, was born in 1993 when the Czechoslovak Federal Republic split into two independent states.  相似文献   

In 2009, the Czech Republic officially took over the six-month EU presidency from France. Following Slovenia, the Czech Republic is the second new EU member to hold the EU presidency. The Czech Republic is currently faced with the challenge of coping with the global financial crisis and promoting EU political reform, as well as handling its own internal issues. On January 15, H.E. Mr. Vitezslav GREPL,the ambassador of the Czech Republic in China, held a press conference to address the Sino-EU relationship in 2009. H.E.Mr. Serge Abou, the EU ambassador to China and H.E. Mr. Mikael Lindstrom,the ambassador of Sweden to China also attended this conference.  相似文献   

Basic Information of 17th Dalian International Garment Fair The 17th Dalian International Garment Fair will be held from September 10 to 13, 2005 at Xinghai Convention and Exhibition Center (old hall) and newly-built World Expo Square (new hall) simultaneously. The fair area is about 50,000 m^2, 2.5 times than the last one.  相似文献   

Basic Information of 17th Dalian International Garment Fair The 17th Dalian International Garment Fair will be held from September 10 to 13, 2005at Xinghai Convention and Exhibition Center (old hall) and newly-built World Expo Square(new hall) simultaneously. The fair area is about 50,000 m2, 2.5 times than the last one.  相似文献   

Inexorably, privatization is rolling through Central and Eastern Europe, generally following two paths: a slow, deliberate pace or a rapid transformation. Each method has its advantages and advocates. But one nation, the Czech Republic, has taken a modified path that combines both approaches. Sacks examines the Czech privatization process through the government's policy goals, its successes, and the problems it has encountered in its privatization push.  相似文献   

Despite the social, economic and ethical problems facing government in the Czech Republic, there are positive signs of a growing concern for ethical business, including the development of codes of conduct and a striking example of new corporate social responsibility. Dr Bohatá is a member of the Economics Institute of the Academy of Sciences, Politickych Veznu 7, 111 21 Prague 1, and an Associate Editor of this Review.  相似文献   

From May 12 to June 25,Czech Tourism is doing the promotion event in ten cities,including Beijing,Shanghai,Guangzhou,Hong Kong,Haikou,Xian,Shenzhen,Hangzhou,Qingdao,and Harbin.In each city,the promotion will last 3 days;the Czech crafts will be showcased.  相似文献   


A survey of MBA study programs in the Czech Republic is presented in this study. The authors share some of their first-hand experience gained during their own teaching in one of the MBA programs. The conclusion presented at the end of the study summarizes their views of developing trends in MBA programs in the Czech Republic. At present, MBA programs are offered by seven teaching institutions in the Czech Republic, three of which provide MBA studies of the American type, four of the European (British) type, and one of the distance-learning type.  相似文献   

From May 12 to June 25,Czech Tourism is doing the promotion event in ten cities,including Beijing,Shanghai,Guangzhou,Hong Kong,Haikou,Xian,Shenzhen,Hangzhou,Qingdao,and Harbin.In each city,the promotion will last 3 days;the Czech crafts will be showcased.……  相似文献   

Privatisation is still a hot political topic today and divides economists as well as politicians and the general public. The paper aims to capture the Czech privatisation in its historical, economic and political contexts. The first part explains the difference between transitional privatisation and standard privatisation. The second part examines the interests in the privatisation process. The third part discusses the privatisation methods used in the Czech Republic. The fourth part offers an international comparison.  相似文献   

Do you remember the little animated character in The Mole? The famous mole has lived for over 86 years in this animation movie which was made by Studio Bratri v- triku,Czech.When I was still a child,I was a crazy fan of this kind-hearted but a little silly mole.I even knew how to say it in Czech:krtek! Because of that mole,I began to fall in love with Czech.After China's Foreign Trade did an interview with Am- bassador of the Czech Repulic to China,H.E.Dr.Vitezslav Grepl, also an old friend of the Magazine, I have more reasons to have affec- tion towards this country. H.E.Dr.Vitezslav Grepl has been the Ambassador of the Czech Repulic to China for about 3 years.Besides his mother tongue, he can also speak very good English,Swed- ish,Finnish and Russian.He was fond of old map collection.In the exhibition room of the Embassy,we could found many previous art works he collected.From his proud smile when he shown us the old Chinese map he collected,I suddenly knew why I could like that little mole so much. Former Czechoslovakia estab- lished former diplomatic relations with People's Republic of China only 5 days after its foundation. During those years,we witnessed together the good relationship be- tween China and Czech Republic. In December 2005,Premier Wen Jiabao visited this beautiful Czech, honored"garden of Mid-Europe". On August 31 this year,the 7th Meeting of Sino-Czech Joint Economic Com- mission was held in Prague.Both sides had an all-round review of the bilateral economic re- lations.By more exchanging activities,China and Czech are walking closer to each other. By Editor  相似文献   

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