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张建  仇向洋 《价值工程》2006,25(12):166-168
城市轨道交通项目融资的贷款人并不是项目所有者,不可能从项目的投资中获得股本收益。因此,当贷款人在考察是否为采用项目融资方式建设的城市轨道交通项目提供融资时,所关心的重点是项目未来的偿债能力。本文在分析偿债资金来源的基础上,构造城市轨道交通项目的现金流模型,并从贷款偿还期、债务覆盖率、利息覆盖率、债务承受比率等方面,对城市轨道交通项目融资的偿债能力进行分析。  相似文献   

企业职工养老保险基金支付能力是衡量养老保险收支平衡状况和社会保障能力的中心指标。本在对影响养老保险基金支付能力的各种因素进行分析的基础上,建立了基金支付能力预警模型,并利用浙江省的资料进行了实证分析。  相似文献   

短期偿债能力直接关系到企业及其债权人的切身经济利益,通常作为一个重要项目被纳入财务分析体系。文章认为,现行的短期偿债评价方法并不合理,评价指标的设置也存在一些缺陷。文章通过分析现行评价机制和指标的局限性,对重构短期偿债评价指标做一点尝试性的改进。  相似文献   

介绍了在有机化学实验教学中渗透学生创新能力培养的实践,详细阐述了在有机化学实验中增加综合实验、设计实验、研究实验、开放实验、参与教师科研实验的具体改革做法,从而提高了学生的创新能力和初步科研能力。  相似文献   

The purposes of this paper are to produce more precise estimates of the effect of rent control on homelessness using microdata on housed and homeless households and to provide evidence concerning the mechanisms through which rent control might affect homelessness. Our results suggest that rent control does increase homelessness by decreasing the rental vacancy rate and increasing the rental price of housing in the uncontrolled sector but that these effects of rent control are offset by other effects that decrease homelessness. We cannot reject the hypothesis that rent control has no net effect on homelessness.  相似文献   

论文通过分析格力电器偿债能力,发现主要的几个问题是流动负债和现金比率过高、资本结构风险过高、财务杠杆过高。论文提出了应对这些问题的一些对策和看法,主要是利用充足的现金发展多元化产品、对资本结构进行合理改变和对财务杠杆进行适当调整。  相似文献   

This paper investigates how rent control affects mobility in the Danish housing market. We apply a proportional hazard duration model, that encompasses both the presence of left truncated tenancy durations, right censored observations and allows for a very flexible specification of the time dependency of the hazard rate. Tenancy mobility is severely reduced by rent control. For a typical household in the private rental sector tenancy duration is found to be more than six years longer if the apartment belongs to the 10% most regulated units than if it belongs to the 10% least regulated units.  相似文献   

层次分析法在企业偿债能力综合评价中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
企业偿债能力的分析与评价对企业众多利益相关者有着极其重要的意义。但是从目前对企业偿债能力的分析体系来看,大多都是通过对单个比率指标进行分析。借助AHP法和灰色关联度的思想,试对各个具有一定关系的指标进行综合,以达到综合评价企业偿债能力的目的。  相似文献   

住宅的市场流通存在住宅出售(房屋买卖市场)与住宅服务(租赁市场)两种形式。住宅出售是一次性实现其价值,所有者转移消费行为或收回其投资,获取利润。房价就是在住宅买卖市场中产生,本文中所提的房价主要指开发商出售新房形成的房价。出租则是在住  相似文献   

This paper develops a theoretical model for analysing the effects of rent control. The model incorporates the roles of optimal long-term contractual arrangements and the responses of individual agents to rent control in determining the economic characteristics of the controlled market equilibrium, and can help to explain the wide variation in empirical results observed across jurisdictions. Necessary and sufficient conditions for a complete contract equilibrium, where the characteristics of the competitive and controlled solutions are identical, are established. It is shown that housing quality, new construction, and the distribution of wealth may not be affected by rent control.  相似文献   

杨连红 《价值工程》2010,29(26):173-174
本文结合了个人在口语交际教学实践中的体会,从明确对象、资料选择、语言组织、口语交际的艺术性四个层面,介绍了行之有效的口语交际之评价体系,以期在具体操练中逐步提升学生的语文素养。  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the question of how rivals’ rent-seeking expenditures and investment expenditures are affected by the temporal dimension of those cash flows as well as the timing of the cash flow of monopoly rents. The paper applies methods from statistical reliability theory to derive five propositions establishing the conditions that must be satisfied if the rivals apportion their rent seeking and investment expenditures to maximize their certainty equivalents of the monopoly rent. The propositions explicate the responses of the rivals to changes in economic parameters characterizing the rent-seeking contest such as a change in the duration of the monopoly rent cash flow or a change in the number of rivals.  相似文献   

This article addresses the timely issue of the relationship between rates of homelessness and housing market conditions. Several studies using cross-sectional data have found evidence that tighter housing market conditions contribute to higher rates of homelessness. This study employs both time series and cross-sectional American Housing Survey data to demonstrate that higher rates of homelessness are positively related to tighter lower-end housing market conditions. This finding is consistent with O'Flaherty's economic model of homelessness and contrary to Jencks' American Housing Survey-based conclusion that no such relationship exists.  相似文献   

Using Jakarta, Indonesia as a case study, we evaluate the degree to which proximity to freeway interchanges gets capitalized into office rents, controlling for factors like regional accessibility. The research shows strong capitalization effects, with rent premiums decaying exponentially with distances from freeway access points. It also shows that office rents are a stronger function of distance to Jakarta's historical center, Monas, than a gravity-based measure of accessibility to upper-income households. Thus, a monocentric measure of location explained variation in office rents better than a polycentric measure of proximity to labor markets. While value capture principles are attractive in theory, implementation is particularly difficult in developing countries like Indonesia. Jakarta's own betterment tax program has been plagued by poor administration and enforcement. We argue that shifting betterment tax financing away from a focus on residential properties to high-end office and commercial land uses would likely yield higher rates of return and be far easier to implement.  相似文献   

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