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Cooperative advertising plays a strategically important role in marketing programs. In this paper, we use a game theoretical model to study not only cooperative advertising but also pricing strategy in a manufacturer—e-retailer supply chain with the consideration of product categories. First, two cooperative advertising models (the leader-follower Stackelberg and the strategic alliance) are established and analyzed. We then compare the two models to develop some important theories and managerial insights. Furthermore, we utilize a bargaining model to implement profit sharing and determine the manufacturer’s participation rate for cooperative advertising in the channel coordination of strategic alliance. Based on our results, we derive optimal market strategies and identify probable paths of future research.  相似文献   

使用我国2002年~2014年省际面板数据,基于R&D投入、R&D产出和R&D影响三个维度构建我国R&D资源配置水平指标评价体系,并借助熵权TOPSIS法、Dagum基尼系数和Kernel密度估计分别计算和分析R&D水平的综合指数、R&D水平的空间差异及其来源以及R&D水平的动态分布趋势.结论表明:我国以及东、中、西部地区R&D资源配置水平呈总体上升态势;R&D资源配置水平的空间差异十分显著,其中东部地区内的差异和东西部地区间的差异尤为突出,地区间的差异是导致总体差异的重要原因;考察期内西部地区的多级分化现象始终存在;区域R&D资源配置水平的相对差距呈减弱态势,而绝对差距呈扩大态势.  相似文献   

This study explores how innovations surrounding supply chain communication systems (SCCS) affect channel relationships and market performance. Drawing on the resource-based view of the firm, the study hypothesizes that certain SCCS innovations can be viewed as firm resources that enhance channel capabilities, which in turn affect a firm’s market performance. The empirical research is based on 184 responses from a survey with U.S. supply chain and logistics managers using structural equation modeling as the analytic method. The results suggest that the effect of applied technological SCCS innovations on channel capabilities is mediated by interfirm systems integration. In contrast, administrative SCCS innovations enhance information exchange and coordination activities directly. Furthermore, the influence of applied technological innovations for SCCS is not strong enough to affect either responsiveness of the partnership or firm performance, whereas administrative innovations for SCCS affect both. Daekwan Kim (dkim@cob.fsu.edu) is an assistant professor of marketing and international business in the College of Business at Florida State University. He received his Ph.D. from Michigan State University. His research interests include the impact of information technology on channel relationships and marketing strategies, role of information technology in global supply chain management, channel relationships, global brand management, and family conglomerates in emerging markets. S. Tamer Cavusgil (cavusgil@msu.edu) is University Distinguished Faculty and the John W. Byington Endowed Chair in Global Marketing, the Eli Broad Graduate School of Management, Michigan State University. His research interests include international marketing strategy, coordination in the global company, and emerging markets. He is the founding editor ofAdvances in International Marketing and a governor of the Academy of Marketing Science. Roger J. Calantone (rogercal@msu.edu) is the Eli Broad Chaired University Professor of Business and is University Distinguished Faculty at Michigan State University. He is program director of the university specialization program in Information Technology Management and is also adjunct professor of economics. His publications and research are mostly in the areas of product design and development processes, decision support systems, and organization process metrics and control.  相似文献   

在当前市场竞争环境中,社会责任履行情况已成为企业竞争的重要因素之一,而企业选择主动承担社会责任是否能够有效促进财务绩效的提高和企业价值的实现?基于我国A股上市公司2010-2015年六年数据共3181个研究样本,研究不同作用机制下企业社会责任履行情况、R&D投入与财务绩效的三者的复杂关系。实证结果表明:(1)企业履行社会责任与财务绩效呈正相关关系;(2)不同的作用机制不会改变企业社会责任履行与财务绩效的正相关关系;(3)技术创新投入增强了企业社会责任对企业财务绩效的积极影响,但是这一结果主要是基于研发投入与战略性社会责任的履行保持一致对企业绩效产生正向的刺激效果,而研发投入对利他性社会责任与财务绩效的调节作用表现并不显著。  相似文献   

A parsimonious framework linking advertising expenditures and research and development expenditures to brand value, and brand value in turn to firm-level financial performance, was proposed and empirically investigated under four data conditions: data form, brand type, financial performance metric, and lag structure. Using pooled data from 125 firms (848 firm-year observations) over the period 1991–2007, 108 path analyses were conducted to compute five path model output metrics. Data on these metrics were then compared for each of the data conditions by means of analysis of variance. Although significant relationships were generally observed among framework variables, study results differed considerably across three of the four data conditions. The principal take-away from the study is that the impact of marketing activities on firm-level financial performance is likely to be in large part a function of the specific research purpose and methodology employed. As such, the take-away has implications when interpreting value-relevance findings, when constructing theories involving market-based assets, and when designing studies to investigate relationships between marketing and financial performance.  相似文献   

长期以来,我国地方政府鼓励企业进行高强度研发投入,在促进经济增长的同时造成产能增长超过市场的实际需求消化能力,导致行业产能过剩相当严重。承接上述研究背景,文章选择省际面板数据并构建计量实证模型,探讨省际研发资本存量与经济绩效和产能利用率之间的关系。结果发现:省际研发资本存量增加会促进经济绩效提高;省际研发资本存量增加会降低产能利用率,加重产能过剩;研发资本存量对东部地区和西部地区的经济绩效存在显著的促进作用,但对中部地区的作用并不明显;研发资本存量仅对东部地区的产能利用率存在显著的抑制作用。  相似文献   

基于高层梯队理论,利用深圳证券交易所2008-2014年上市企业的数据,探讨了女性高管参与对企业R&D投入的影响,以及所有权性质的调节作用。研究结果显示:女性高管参与对企业R&D投入二者之间呈现出显著的负相关关系;民营企业的所有权性质将显著调节女性高管参与对R&D投入的抑制效应。  相似文献   

A questionnaire was sent to over 550 different Canadian firms engaged in R&D activity as of the Fall of 1973. One portion of the questionnaire was designed to provide specific information about marketing involvement in the product development stream in Canadian organizations engaged in R&D. Analysis of the resulting data pertaining to: when marketing personnel are and should be brought into the product innovation stream; what level of marketing management is and should be brought into the product innovation stream; and the degree of influence of marketing personnel in product innovation is presented in this paper.  相似文献   

理论上,技能偏向型技术进步会降低运动技能的重要性,强调对认知技能的需求,由于男性和女性拥有不同的技能分布,当技术进步引起不同技能相对价格变化时,性别工资差距也会发生变化。研究使用中国综合社会调查数据与省级技术进步数据,实证检验了技术进步对性别工资差距的影响。分析表明,以研发投入衡量的技术进步有助于缩小性别工资差距。按年份、受教育程度、职业技能水平、单位性质和地区分组的回归结果也得到同样的结论,值得注意的是,技术进步更有助于缩小受教育程度低、职业技能水平低的劳动力的性别工资差距。本文的关键性结论也通过了稳健性检验。  相似文献   

自“十三五”时期,中国就开始大力发展战略性新兴产业,该产业是以重大技术突破、重大发展需求为基础的重点行业,代表了中国未来的科技、产业发展的新方向。对于战略性新兴产业而言,企业的创新活动,会成为促进产业发展的第一引擎。本文借助国泰安数据平台,通过研究,得出结论:企业规模与研发投入和创新绩效之间都呈现出“U”状关系;研发投入与创新绩效却呈现倒“U”状关系。在企业运营过程中,企业规模在研发投入与创新绩效中起了调节作用,企业规模增大,研发投入对创新绩效的作用会被减弱。  相似文献   

We do things for people we like, our friends. However, in firm-to-firm exchange relationships, boundary spanners are economic agents representing their firms contractually to achieve specific goals. Thus, questions arise as to whether close interpersonal relationships exist in business settings, how they are defined, and whether they influence the nature and functioning of interfirm exchange. A qualitative study with advertising agency account managers finds that analyzing interpersonal relationships across groups from both sides defines firm-to-firm relationships. Participants define these relationships based on the extent to which the agency is involved in the client’s business across categories including vendor, partner, and surrogate manager. Interpersonal relationship exist across categories including strictly business, business friends, and highly personal. The relationships are distinguished based on the knowledge base developed about the brand manager. Overwhelmingly, the participants claim that devoloping close, interpersonal relationships is beneficial to both their professional and personal lives. Diana L. Haytko (DianaHaytko@smsu.edu) is an associate professor of marketing at Southwest Missouri State University. She received a B.S. in advertising from the University of Colorado, an M.S. in advertising from the University of Illinois, and an M.B.A. and Ph.D. in marketing from the University of Wisconsin. Her research interests are in the field of relationship marketing, both from a business-to-business and a consumer perspective. Her work has been published in theJournal of Consumer Research, theJournal of Retailing, theJournal of Marketing Communications, and theJournal of Shopping Center Research.  相似文献   

This article examines the historical evolution of the relationships among brands, consumers, and resellers in a world increasingly dominated by very large retail organizations with substantial power within the marketing channel. It is widely believed that manufacturers' brands are becoming less important as major retailers are becoming more powerful. This view is based on the mistaken assumption that brands are relationships with consumers, not resellers. Arguments about the decline of brands are often confused with arguments about changes in the brand management function. As major firms redefine their customer as the reseller, not the consumer, there are substantial implications for brand management and the role of the brand manager. Marketing strategy implementation will require increasingly careful coordination of marketing programs with sales strategy to achieve the necessary coordination of reseller- and consumer-targeted communications to maximize the value of the brand to both the retailer and the end user. The reports of my death are greatly exaggerated. —Mark Twain, cablegram, 1897 Frederick E. Webster, Jr., is the Charles Henry Jones Third Century Professor of Management in the Amos Tuck School of Business Administration at Dartmouth College. He is a past executive director of the Marketing Science Institute. He is the author ofMarket-Driven Management and Industrial Marketing Strategy and has contributed a chapter on “The Future Role of Marketing in the Organization” inReflections on the Futures of Marketing, published by the Marketing Science Institute in 1997. He earned his Ph.D. at Stanford University.  相似文献   

Recent studies on marketing and the natural environment have called for research that links environmental marketing strategies to the performance of the firm. This research operationalizes the enviropreneurial marketing (EM) construct and examines its relationship with firm performance. It is the first empirical research to operationalize the EM construct. The new scale, albeit a first attempt, demonstrates encouraging psychometric properties. According to the resource-based view of the firm, a resource such as EM should directly influence firms’ capabilities (e.g., new product development success) but not competitive advantage (e.g., change in market share). A nationwide study of top-level marketing managers supports this perspective. In addition, although market turbulence also affects new product development success, it does not have an impact on EM. This suggests that EM formation is driven by internal rather than external forces. William E. Baker (william.baker@sdsu.edu) is an associate professor of marketing at San Diego State University. His research interests lie primarily in advertising effectiveness, new product success, organizational learning, and market orientation. He has published in leading scholarly journals including theJournal of the Academy of Marketing Science, theJournal of Product and Innovation Management, theJournal of Consumer Psychology, theJournal of Advertising, Psychology & Marketing, and theJournal of Market Focused Management. He has also served as the head of research in a major communications firm and is actively involved in consulting. James M. Sinkula (james.sinkula@uvm.edu) is John L. Beckley Professor of Marketing in the School of Business Administration at the University of Vermont. His research interests lie primarily in the areas of organizational learning, market orientation, product innovation, environmental marketing strategy, and organizational performance. He has published in the leading scholarly journals, including theJournal of Marketing, theJournal of the Academy of Marketing Science, theJournal of Product and Innovation Management, theJournal of Business Research, theJournal of Advertising Research, theJournal of Market Focused Management, theJournal of Business and Industrial Marketing, theJournal of International Marketing, and others.  相似文献   

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