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近年来,一些商业银行为了提升信誉、增加资金及改善管理,都在积极从境外引进战略投资者;而境外有些金融机构也看中中国经济迅速发展所带来的机遇和金融市场的巨大潜力,积极谋求参股我国的商业银行。从完善境外投资者引入机制角度进行分析,提出选择境外战略投资者时应把握原则、引入境外战略投资者标准及思路,以期为我国国有银行完善境外投资者引入机制提供借鉴,以境外战略投资者的进入促进我国国有银行的进一步改革。  相似文献   

外资银行的金融创新理念、先进技术以及科学的管理方式都是值得我国商业银行借鉴的地方,本篇文章主要论述了引入境外战略投资者的三个阶段,外资银行在中国金融市场发展的主要形式以及引入境外战略投资者对我国商业银行的影响,说明引入境外战略投资者的必要性以及重要意义。  相似文献   

外资银行的金融创新理念、先进技术以及科学的管理方式都是值得我国商业银行借鉴的地方,本篇文章主要论述了引入境外战略投资者的三个阶段,外资银行在中国金融市场发展的主要形式以及引入境外战略投资者对我国商业银行的影响,说明引入境外战略投资者的必要性以及重要意义。  相似文献   

目前,我国银行业的股份制改革已进入高峰期,境外战略投资者对我国国内银行的股权投资总额已超过200亿美元。通过参股,外资将获得中国银行业10%以上的市场份额。从发展趋势来看,未来几年内,几乎国内所有的银行都将把部分股权出售给境外战略投资者。本文主要从主流经济学的角度,对我国银行业引入境外战略投资者进行均衡分析,并简要阐述引入境外战略投资者的好处。  相似文献   

目前,我国商业银行股份制改革逐步进入尾声,并伴随着人民币不断升值的强劲趋势,我国银行领域出现了一个十分引人瞩目的现象:大中小商业银行通过出让部分股权,纷纷引进境外战略投资者,形成了商业银行引入战略投资者热潮。而引入境外战略投资者是一把“双刃剑”。一方面,通过引进战略投资者,可以从根本上改变目前国有商业银行在产权结构上国有独资的单一性,实现股权结构多元化。但另一方面,引入的境外战略投资者同时也会对我国商业银行的股份制结构、监管体系等等带来一系列的挑战。  相似文献   

颜冰 《致富时代》2011,(10):93-93
引进境外战略投资者是近几年中国银行业改革的一项重要措施,自2001年中国加入世贸组织后,已经先后有十几家中资银行引入境外战略投资者。2006年后,随着银行业的全部开放,越来越多的银行会引入境外战略投资者。这对我国银行业的各个方面都产生了重大的影响。该文重点从微观角度对银行治理结构效应进行分析。  相似文献   

现有的研究表明,境外战略投资是一把双刃剑,在提升公司价值的同时会给公司原股东带来风险,那么究竟境外战略投资者的真正动机是什么?在多大程度上引入战略投资者才能达到趋利避害的目的呢?现有研究并没有给出明确的答案。本文运用博弈论的分析方法,对境外战略投资者的投资动机进行分析,进而找出使公司原股东与境外战略投资者达成合作的条件,并提出政策建议。  相似文献   

为了改善证券类金融控股公司的管理水平、提升其赢利能力和国际视野,使之不断地发展壮大,本文通过对部分金融机构引入境外战略投资者实践的调查研究和对引入的需求因素分析,得出国内证券类金融控股公司可以尝试直接或间接引入境外战略投资者,加强对外合作与交流,以不断地改进和提升自己。  相似文献   

境外战略投资者参与国企改革重组的效应分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王涛  赵守国 《商业时代》2006,(6):4-4,18
本文从境外战略投资者参与国有企业重组的正负效应,分析探讨了国际战略性投资参与国企改革的相关问题。说明引入境外战略投资者能在一定程度上解决国有企业改革难题。促进国有经济的战略重组。  相似文献   

吴佩飞 《现代商贸工业》2011,23(18):133-135
机构投资者特别是境外战略投资者的引入是现在商业银行改革的一个亮点。机构投资者的引入优化了银行的股权结构,有利于银行经营绩效和企业竞争力的提高。通过对交通银行进行深入分析,论证了机构投资者在改善银行公司治理、提高企业效益等方面都有着重要的作用。  相似文献   

We show foreign strategic investors provide monitoring protection, by reducing tunneling through intercorporate loans. Further, foreign strategic investors mitigate minority shareholders expropriation through controlling excessive borrowing, whereas firms without foreign-founders channel excessive borrowing to controlling shareholders using intercorporate loans. The monitoring benefits are greater when corporate governance is weaker, and when foreign strategic investors are from English common law countries. Compared to foreign investor proxies typically used in Chinese studies, we use foreign-founder shareholders. As foreign-founders are long-term investors facing high liquidity risk, they are highly motivated to actively monitor and influence firm behaviours.  相似文献   

近年来,外资进入中国银行业的势头较猛,中行、建行、交行、工商银行目前都已引进了战略投资者。自从2005年建行在香港成功上市后,其IPO价格大大高于其转让给境外战略者股权的价格,引起了众多学者的关注。在引进战略投资者过程当中,银行股权如何定价、如何分析外资银行参股的价值以及引进之后所面临的问题,是一项重要的研究课题。  相似文献   

商业银行公司治理结构与经营绩效研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王希  刘吉田  王瑶 《商业研究》2011,(12):95-99
选取九家银行为研究样本,使用面板数据的时间固定效应模型,本文分析了商业银行的股权结构、董事会特征、监事会特征、高管激励制度、境外战略投资者的引进,对银行盈利能力和风险控制能力的影响,认为我国商业银行的内部治理结构并不能对银行盈利能力造成显著影响,但是却能显著地影响银行的信贷风险控制能力;股权集中度较高、独立董事所占比例较高,高管激励制度较健全、境外战略投资者所持股份比例较高的银行,信贷风险控制能力较强,银行的不良贷款率较低。  相似文献   

This study examines imitation behavior in the foreign entry mode of the members of a strategic group within the industry. Following the institutionalist perspective, we argue that legitimating actors (trade associations, training institutions and investors, among others) can exert pressure on strategic group members to conform to institutionalized organizational practices and structures. We hypothesize that a company’s choice of foreign entry mode is determined by the previous choices of other companies within the strategic reference group. Thus, the probability of entry with a wholly owned subsidiary (versus shared-control entry) increases when the number of wholly-owned subsidiaries established by companies within the strategic reference group of the home-country is higher. We analyze 351 foreign direct investments of 30 Spanish banks in 55 countries between 1986 and 2008. Our results reveal imitation behavior between members of the strategic group and highlight the important role of the strategic group in strategic thinking.  相似文献   

基于异质性视角构建动态面板数据模型,对战略引资与银行风险承担行为之间的关系进行估计,结果表明,战略引资有利于中资银行引进先进的理念和风险控制技术,完善公司治理机制,对银行风险承担具有显著抑制作用;不同银行对战略引资会作出异质反应,随着资本充足率的提高,战略引资对银行风险承担行为的抑制效果增强。因此,加快落实与境外战略投资者的长期深层次合作是后金融危机时代中国商业银行的重要议题。  相似文献   


Foreign direct investment (FDI) inflows are of crucial importance for the process of reintegration of Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) in the global marketplace. This paper explores the motives of foreign investors, host governments, and host companies in the FDI process taking place in CEE. The degree to which the motives of the three parties have been achieved is evaluated. The motives of foreign investors, host governments, and host companies are related to the strategic priorities of the FDI companies. The way in which these priorities have been realized is discussed. Recommendations for foreign investors' behavior in the CEE context are presented at the end of the article. The research data come from four countries: Bulgaria, Hungary, Poland, and Slovenia.  相似文献   

汤丹花 《商业研究》2006,(17):125-128
自从第二次世界大战结束后,巴西开始重视利用外国直接投资,经历了三个阶段的转变,引导外国直接投资流向重点发展部门,在短时间内建立了新兴工业。巴西政府在利用外国直接投资过程中,强调外资来源多样化,引导外国直接投资投向经济欠发达地区,但工业部门受外资控制程度过高,政府部门对国内市场高度保护。我国应借鉴巴西的经验及教训,在吸收外国直接投资过程中保持谨慎,积极引导外商向中西部地区投资,加大引进发达国家直接投资的力度。  相似文献   

This paper analyses the determinants of the location choices made by foreign investors at the district level in India to gauge the relative importance of economic geography factors, local business conditions, institutional conditions and the presence of previous foreign investors. We employ a discrete‐choice model and Poisson regressions to control for the potential violation of the assumption of independence of irrelevant alternatives. Our sample includes about 19,500 foreign investment projects approved in 447 districts from 1991 to 2005. We find that foreign investors strongly prefer locations where other foreign investors are. This effect is significantly positive and robust across different years, sectors and different types of foreign direct investment (FDI). Moreover, path dependence remains significantly positive when controlling for institutional conditions at the state and district level. Foreign investors tend to follow not only previous investors from the same country of origin but also investors from other countries of origin. They are also attracted to industrially diverse locations and to districts with better infrastructure and institutional conditions, although these findings are less robust. Surprisingly, districts in the neighbourhood of large metro areas do not benefit, in terms of attracting more FDI, from having easier access to these markets than remote Indian districts. On the contrary, our results suggest that large metro areas divert FDI projects away from neighbouring districts, thereby perpetuating or even widening the urban–rural divide. We conclude that the concentration of FDI in a few locations could fuel regional divergence in post‐reform India.  相似文献   

Post‐China's accession to the World Trade Organization (WTO), China's telecommunication industry now needs to face a much stronger competition in a relatively open market that has a number of diverse rivalries. There are specific benefits and risks associated with both domestic telecommunication (telecom) companies and foreign investors in the telecommunication or information technology area. To meet with these new challenges and take advantage of the competitive, strategic advantages to penetrate the market, both China's telecom industry and foreign investors must understand the impacts of China's accession to the WTO on its telecommunication industry and hence make the necessary adjustments and/or implementation improvements. In specific, we carefully examine the impacts such as prices, quality, and local protectionism in this article. We draw the findings based on the data collected from a survey and the resulting statistic analysis.  相似文献   

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