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This paper examines the role of institutions in explaining the differences in performance with respect to entrepreneurship and growth in two industry clusters in two countries: the biomedical/biotechnology and polymer-based industry clusters in Sweden and Ohio. Both clusters are about twice as large in Ohio as in Sweden, even though the industrial history and the composition of industrial output in general are quite similar in the two regions, and even though the Ohio economy is only about 25% larger than that of Sweden.Four types of institutional factors are examined: The science base and mechanisms of technology transfer; the density of networks and the role of business support services and companies in related industries; the entrepreneurial climate, especially the availability of finance; and the policy environment and other infrastructure.Major findings are that the science base plays a different role in the two clusters and that the regions differ in the absorption of new technology, partly due to the differences in the size and structure of firms, that bridging institutions have contributed significantly to connectivity of networks in Ohio, and that the greater availability of venture capital and entrepreneurial management skills makes the Ohio environment for entrepreneurship more supportive than that in Sweden.  相似文献   

During the last two decades small firms in developing countries have received more and more attention from researchers and policy makers. For this, several reasons have been brought forward. The decline in labour absorption in agriculture and the slow growth of employment opportunities in the other sectors of the economy, combined with the fact that the growth of the labour force has accelerated, have led to un- and under-employment problems in many of these countries.Small firms are generally viewed as a useful means of alleviating these problems, because medium and large firms only would not help to solve the problems. However, from this study it can be concluded that the medium and large firms in the manufacturing sector in Indonesia are doing better in employment and income than generally anticipated.The purpose of this study is to examine the relative pattern of change and development of small firms in the manufacturing sector in Indonesia in the last two decades and possible factors affecting their growth. Also the relative importance of small firms in terms of income generation will be assessed.The study will use national data collected from the Department of Industry and Central Bureau of Statistic in Indonesia. Further, the study will be based, for its theoretical analysis, on relevant literature on the subject and on some empirical studies in Indonesia as well as in other developing countries.  相似文献   

广东省科技人才资源分布不均,珠三角核心城市人才高度集聚,而粤东西北地区引才难、用才难一直是制约广东省区域协同发展的重要障碍。本文采用多种不同来源的统计数据结合人才流动大数据,分析广东省科技人才资源开发利用存在的问题。在广泛调研座谈的基础上,从城市人才吸引力、产业结构特征等方面分析认为,产业同构度高、创新链分工协作体系不完善和公共服务差异明显可能是导致上述问题的主要原因,并提出了完善创新分工协作、推进珠三角地区产业疏解和补足粤东西北公共服务短板,优化广东省人才资本的流动配置等建议。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to explore whether the performance of the green innovation brought positive effect to the competitive advantage. This study found that the performances of the green product innovation and green process innovation were positively correlated to the corporate competitive advantage. Therefore, the result meant that the investment in the green product innovation and green process innovation was helpful to the businesses. This study argued that the businesses should cognize the correct value and positioning of the green innovation.Dr. Chen is the assistant professor in the Department of Business Administration in National Yunlin University of Science & Technology in Taiwan. His research focused on management of technology, innovation management, corporate environmental management and intellectual capital. Dr. Lai is the professor in the Department of Business Administration in National Chengchi University in Taiwan. His research focused on management of technology, new product development and operation management. Dr. Lai is also the legislator in Taiwan. Dr. Wen is the professor in the Graduate Institute of Technology and Innovation Management in National Chengchi University in Taiwan. His research focused on corporate environmental management, marketing management of technology and entrepreneurship management. Dr. Wen is also the head of the EMBA (Executive MBA) program in the College of Commerce in National Chengchi University in Taiwan.  相似文献   

许洪臣  张利国 《商业研究》2004,5(23):169-173
严格责任最初作为契约法上的责任源于罗马法。 17世纪以后 ,商事实践中形成的严格责任在各国商事立法中确立。现代商法上的严格责任制度并不仅仅局限于契约法上的严格责任 ,也不同于侵权行为法上的无过错责任 ,严格责任制度在各国立法中主要体现为无过错原则、负连带责任以及权、责、利、效相结合的机制。严格责任制度是主体在意思自治同交易安全价值之间的平衡。严格责任制度通过建立激励机制以及外部性内在化两个途径提高商事活动的效率。因此严格责任制度在保障交易安全、促进交易方面具有重要意义  相似文献   

本文认为,发达流通市场面临内部市场模式趋同和外部新兴市场竞争的双重约束;目前发达流通市场的竞争优势主要体现在一定差异化基础上的低成本优势;要在未来保持可持续发展,就不能过多依靠低成本竞争,而应通过战略新定位和市场模式升级,突破低成本瓶颈,着力从商业市场竞争模式转变为产业价值链竞争模式,创造出显著差异性优势。文章还提出,发达流通市场要建立产业价值链竞争优势,就必须一方面打造上游本地商品制造中心和研发中心;另一方面完善和维护下游网络优势。  相似文献   

The main purpose of this article is to empirically investigate the interactions between changes in capital buffer and changes in credit risk, using panel data of Islamic and conventional banks located in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region over the period 1999–2016. A negative two‐way relationship between the changes in capital buffer and the changes in credit risk is found for the two types of banks, that is, banks tend to decrease their capital buffers in response to an increase in risk exposure and limit their risky activities in response to an increase in their capital buffers. Dividing our period of study into three subperiods to assess the effect of the last financial crisis 2007–08 on the adjustment process, we point out the negative bidirectional relationship between the changes in capital buffer and the changes in credit risk of the two types of banks is present for the three subperiods except the case of conventional banks during the precrisis period. Moreover, we provide evidence that Islamic banks adjust their capital buffer in response to the changes in credit risk regardless of the existence or not of a deposit insurance scheme. In contrast, the negative two‐way relationship between the changes in capital buffer and the changes in credit risk in conventional banks is found only in countries without deposit insurance schemes.  相似文献   

“十五”期间山东省旅游业人才发展状况分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刁琳琳 《商业研究》2008,(4):156-162
建设高素质的旅游人才队伍,是旅游业实现快速发展的有力保障。"十五"期间,山东省旅游业发展十分迅速,除了具有丰富的自然生态和历史人文资源外,积极进行旅游人才的开发和培养起到了重要作用。通过2006年对山东省17地市旅游行业从业人员状况的抽样调查,分析了2000-2005年山东省旅游业人才总量、结构和素质的发展状况。研究表明全省旅游业人才发展仍然面临总量不足、结构短缺、薪酬水平偏低、人才地区分布失衡等主要问题,为此制定人才培养的目标和对策,为旅游人才发展和开发提供科学依据和指导。  相似文献   

The first aim of this paper was to investigate how the traditional Protestant work ethic (PWE) and more contemporary work values (i.e., masculine, feminine, and entrepreneurship values) were related to one another, and differed across genders and two cultural contexts, namely Turkey and the U.S. The second aim was to elucidate the role of religiosity in PWE among the two cultural groups. Two hundred and sixty six American and 211 Turkish university students participated in this questionnaire study. The analyses examining cross-cultural differences revealed that Turkish university students reported greater scores in the PWE and all contemporary work values as compared to their American counterparts. For the Turkish sample, there were no gender-related differences in the PWE, whereas in the U.S. sample, men reported greater PWE scores than did women. With regard to gender differences in contemporary work values, our results showed that gender groups differed in feminine and entrepreneurship values in both cultural contexts; men emphasized femininity and entrepreneurship more than women in Turkey but the reverse was true in the U.S. Correlations between contemporary work values and the PWE illustrated that the PWE is associated with entrepreneurship and masculine values in both cultural contexts and with feminine values in the Turkish context. Finally, our results regarding the role of religiosity in PWE indicated that highly religious participants reported greater PWE scores than the less religious ones regardless of culture. Findings are discussed with reference both to differences in the two socio-cultural contexts and to recent change in the social structure of Turkish society. Zahide Karakitapoğlu Aygu¨n received her Ph.D. in social psychology from Middle East Technical University Turkey. She is currently an assistant professor at Bilkent University, Faculty of Business Administration. Her research interests concern values, commitment and justice. Mahmut Arslan (BSc, MA, PhD) is an Associate Professor received his graduate degree from Hacettepe University Department of Public Finance. He completed a masters degree in Business Administration at Hacettepe University Department of Business Administration and his PhD in Business at University of Leeds (UK). He has worked as a financial analyst and a research assistant. Dr. Arslan has also worked for the several reorganization projects as analyst and coordinator. He became Assistant Professor in 2000 and Associate Professor in 2003 at Hacettepe University Department of Business Administration. He teaches management and business ethics, organizational behaviour. He is also the director of Hacettepe University Centre for Business and Professional Ethics. Dr. Col. Salih Gu¨ney is an Associate Professor graduated from Hacettepe University Department of Sociology in Ankara in 1980. He received master's degree in behavioral sciences from the University of Istanbul, Faculty of Management in 1987. He finished his doctoral studies in behavioral sciences at the same university and received his PhD in 1988. He became an associated professor in 1997. He is currently the head of the behavioral sciences branch in the Turkish Military Academy. He teaches behavioral sciences, communication theory, introduction to sociology, and public relations at the Military Academy.  相似文献   

周伟 《中国流通经济》2012,26(1):101-105
大力发展农产品批发市场的拍卖交易,逐步缩减散、小、乱的传统对手交易市场,是今后我国农产品交易的发展方向和目标.在农产品流通体系上,要在政府的引导和规范下构建农产品批发市场多层次交易体系,既有农村基层市场的小额批发和城市社区市场的末梢批发,又有区域流通性质的大型集散型批发;在拍卖主体建设上,在大型农产品集散基地推行拍卖交易,特别是在大规模区域种植的产地批发市场加大投入,完善批发市场配套设施与服务功能;在农产品拍卖上下游建设上,一方面要培育、扶持现有农产品运销大户和农业经营企业,促进批发商、代理商和经纪人的组织化发展,另一方面要促进农民合作组织的发展,从资金、政策上给予必要的扶持,鼓励农民加入各类专业合作组织,提高农民进入市场的组织化程度.  相似文献   

This paper describes recent and ongoing processes of technological change in agriculture, which has become a highly R&D‐intensive sector in many countries of the Asia‐Pacific region. It also considers the role of various forms of intellectual property rights (IPRs) in promoting such technological changes and in affecting their diffusion through the region. A central part of the discussion is a review of how these various IPRs operate and are protected in major economies of the region. There is an assessment of the economic interests of key countries, including the United States, Canada, Australia, China, Japan and the Republic of Korea, in global and regional policy evolution in agricultural IPRs. These interests are a mix of comparative advantage in farming, which is quite distinctive among these countries, and the technological basis of production, which is more convergent. A review of available measures of innovation in the region suggests that all of these economies are active in developing new agricultural technologies, although there is considerable specialisation in the types of processes developed. Given this mix of divergence in comparative costs and convergence in technology interests, it is difficult to describe sharply the preferences these economies may have in continued globalisation of agricultural IPRs. However, the analysis points to some areas in which countries may continue to specialise – thereby retaining the ability to remain in specific areas of farming – and other fields in which international collaboration may be sensible.  相似文献   

The recently published ‘Scottish Diet’1 emphasizes the importance of diet in Scotland's poor health record, and sets dietary targets for the year 2000. Fruit and vegetable intake is considerably lower in Scotland than in the rest of the U.K. This paper gives details of the low levels of fruit and vegetable consumption in Scotland in relation to the rest of the U.K., and then goes on to review the factors affecting consumption of these foods, and in particular to discuss them in terms of the Scottish situation. Finally, an agenda for research in this area is outlined, emphasizing the need for further information on the interrelationships between the different factors affecting fruit and vegetable consumption, in order to inform future strategies for increasing fruit and vegetable consumption in Scotland.  相似文献   

随着国际服务贸易近20年来的迅猛发展,各国政府也越来越重视服务贸易的统计问题。但由于服务贸易自身所具有的不同于货物贸易的特点以及各国服务贸易发展水平和统计状况的不同,长期缺乏统一的国际服务贸易概念和统计标准,服务贸易统计远远落后于服务贸易的发展。本文从概括介绍国际服务贸易统计的现状入手,强调了它的重要性,在此基础上,分析了我国国际服务贸易统计的现状,并提出建立和完善我国国际服务贸易统计体系的若干建议。  相似文献   

The present study measures the impact of FDI inflows on the local economies of the US states that receive most of the FDI inflows in the country. It appears that FDI inflows in manufacturing have rather weak effects on local employment and wages in most of the states in the sample. However, these results are primarily due to the industry composition of the FDI. FDI inflows in Printing and Publishing, Transportation Equipment and Instruments have positive effects on local employment and wages, while FDI inflows in Leather and Stone/Clay/Glass have detrimental effects on local labour markets in most of the states in the sample. These findings indicate the importance of industry characteristics in evaluating the effects of FDI inflows on local communities. Also, they emphasise the need for US states to selectively target and attract FDI inflows in specific industries.  相似文献   


The use of music and lyrics in commercials run in the United States is compared with their use in commercials run in the Dominican Republic (D.R.). The authors briefly review present theoretical perspectives on the role of music in advertising and address the need to conceptualize music as a culturally situated variable. They discuss the structure of Dominican TV media and examine the influence of U.S. media culture in the D.R., then develop a set of propositions about cross-cultural differences in the extensiveness of music and lyrics in commercials, the style of music used, and the product meanings conveyed in lyrics. The propositions are tested in a content analysis of commercials. The findings support the propositions and indicate a need for sociological and interpretive approaches to the study of the role of music in advertising.  相似文献   

我国“独立保函司法解释”适应了法律规则和法学理论发展的国际性、时代性需求,但从其出台至今的周期性司法实践看来,司法机关对保函的独立性认定问题,仍存在一定的认知偏差,各地法院的判决标准分歧明显。独立担保制度产生于欧美发达国家,早期独立担保项下规则适用的基本向度均与欧美各国在不同历史时期下的商事发展需求相关。在资本主义目的因子的驱动下,以美国为代表的英美法和以法国为代表的大陆法国家对独立保函的独立性认定标准各异。中国司法对独立保函的独立性认定思路应以“一带一路”战略需求为导向,参见域外“重实质轻形式”的历史性成果,对“单据”“基础合同”“从属性条款”等争议问题明确定位,采用宽松认定的基本态度。  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to examine the application of the European Foundation for Quality Management model for self-assessment as a means to introduce changes in management in services in higher education institutions (HEIs) in Spain and in Jordan. This paper uses the case study methodology on eight administrative services in a public university in Spain and seven university services in two Jordanian universities, a public and a private institution. The findings show the steps that an administrative service may follow in order to apply the questionnaire approach successfully in a reform process, the difficulties, the benefits and the success factors in both countries and the consequences of the changes introduced. The study provides lessons for decision makers and managers from other universities in developed and developing countries, who wish to introduce the practice of quality management by creative means. This paper extends knowledge on self-assessment (steps, difficulties, benefits, success factors and changes in management) to services in HEIs.  相似文献   

A survey on aromatic (scented) rice was conducted of 150 people in each capital in Indonesia, Philippines, Korea and Japan in order to ascertain if they are familiar with the rice and like the aroma. Many of the subjects in Jakarta and Manila know of aromatic rice, and they often eat it and even prefer it. However, people in Seoul and Tokyo do not know of the rice. One hundred and seventy-five out of 246 persons (71%) in Kochi, Japan, know of the rice and over 60% of the subjects eat it. Most of the subjects who have eaten aromatic rice prefer the aroma. There is a great difference in the distribution of aromatic rice between East and South-east Asia. Significant differences are also found between Jakarta and Manila in the distribution and preference of the rice.  相似文献   

外国直接投资、加工贸易利益分配:U形价值链模型   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
文章指出,价值链各环节利益与市场结构和竞争力有关,一个国家在特定行业竞争力越大,就越能占据具有垄断优势的战略环节,提供价值链上越多的价值增加量。文章将企业价值链活动分为上游、中游、下游三个环节,并假定委托方为发达国家的跨国公司,代理人为发展中国家的加工企业,装配加工企业的产品通过加工贸易方式全部出口,加工贸易委托方决策服从收益最大化或成本最小化原则,从而建立了加工贸易U形价值链模型。分析表明,加工贸易利益的分配轨迹呈U形曲线,且会随着代理方数量的增加变得越来越陡峭,使代理方净贸易条件趋于恶化;跨国公司运用转移价格手段使U形曲线变得更加陡峭,代理方利益受损。这正是我国在国际分工中处于U形曲线底端的原因,我国贸易条件的变化与外国直接投资流入以及加工贸易发展有较大关系,单纯依靠数量扩张来改善收入贸易条件的空间越来越小,我国应把利用外资的主要目标放在外资的技术含量和产业结构调整上,应对成本动机的外国直接投资予以高度关注并给以必要的政策引导。  相似文献   

Chinese diaspora is one of the most important areas in the field of immigrant entrepreneurship and the Chinese case is, for absolute numbers, entrepreneurship rates and scientific attention, one of the most significant phenomena in the world and in Italy. While much of the literature on the topic focuses on ethnic networks and social ties, there is a lack of studies that acknowledge the role of business networks in the later growth of migrant entrepreneurship, when the importance of social ties within the ethnic community diminishes. This paper tries to answer the following research question: Which is the role of ethnic networks and business networks in the path of evolution of Chinese migrant entrepreneurship? Thus, the paper analyses the structure and characteristics of ethnic networks and business networks and the role of each in the growth and evolution of Chinese migrant entrepreneurship. Our research considers business networks as the main focus of analysis that may replace social ties in consolidating insidership in new business settings and in finding new opportunities. A qualitative methodology is adopted, namely a multiple case study. Five cases of individual Chinese companies settled in a specific area are presented, for which the networks in which they are involved are traced and analysed. The case analysis shows that in the evolution of Chinese migrant entrepreneurship, ethnic networks are very important in the early phases of the business, but the role of cross-cultural business networks becomes relevant for further development. Implications—managerial and for policy makers—are highlighted and discussed.  相似文献   

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