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The need to improve the quality of the diet of Scottish consumers has increased the interest and efforts to understand the determinants of fruit and vegetables, as they may help to prevent a range of diet-related health problems. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the demand for fresh fruit in Scotland, with particular emphasis on the contribution of Mediterranean areas. A further motivation comes from depreciation of the GB Pound with respect to the Euro and the US Dollar following the UK’s decision to exit the European Union (Brexit). This is particularly important in the case of fruit because about 80% of the fruit consumed in the United Kingdom is of foreign origin and therefore depreciation of the currency may increase the price of imported fruit. The demand for fruit was modelled as a two-stage budget to include fruit origin. The results indicate that the demand for fresh fruit is sensitive to changes in prices and the pass-through of GBP depreciation may impact negatively on the Scottish demand for fruit and the country’s nutrition goals.  相似文献   

江苏沿海围垦规模巨大,世界尚无先例。沿海滩涂开发利用,水资源保障是关键,而围垦区水资源优化配置与联合调度技术又是水资源保障关键技术之一。分析国内外水资源优化配置研究现状,研究围垦区水资源需求管理措施、盐碱环境下多水源多用户淡水资源联合调度技术以及围垦区水资源优化配置,以实现沿海围垦区水资源公平、高效和可持续利用。  相似文献   

为了响应国家对于环保的号召,促进我国果蔬物流行业的可持续发展,绿色供应链策略成为我国冷链物流发展的关键因素。随着人们对于果蔬需求的不断提升,鲜蔬鲜果冷链物流的需求也进一步增加,如何提高我国冷链物流效率成为果蔬物流行业发展的主要问题。文章主要通过对绿色供应链的定义、主要内容和食品冷链物流等理论进行梳理和总结,分析我国鲜蔬鲜果冷链物流发展现状,主要呈现果蔬产销发展迅速、果蔬冷链物流水平较低和果蔬冷链物流问题较多等特点,并进一步从冷链物流流程和绿色环保两方面,基于绿色供应链角度,对我国鲜蔬鲜果冷链物流效率进行研究,发现其运输损耗率较高,虽然在环保投资额和包装回收率等方面都有所提升,但是与发达国家还存在一定差距。文章最后从政府、行业和企业3方面,为鲜蔬鲜果冷链物流的发展提出对策建议。  相似文献   


Over the past decade, the UK fresh produce (fruit, vegetables, and salads) supply chain has undergone numerous changes, with retailers becoming increasingly powerful. The overall trend is towards the industry being dominated by a few large corporations operating on a national level, with some corporations even operating on a European or global scale. This process, which could significantly impact on the supplierretailer relationships, is examined in this study using indepth interviews with participants from the fresh produce supply chain. Amongst the findings are the following: Supply chain advancements, including backhauling, and factory gate pricing are causing some controversy because suppliers feel that these initiatives do not benefit their relationships with retailers. There is room for supplierretailer relationship improvement in areas such as trust, co-operation, and collaboration. Retailers, who have significant supply chain power, are starting to acknowledge the importance of suppliers in the gaining of gaining retail market share. Lastly, the intense process of supplychain rationalisation that we have seen in recent years appears to be leveling out in the UK fresh produce supply, such that there is less anticipated further rationalisation. The study outlines a series of recommendations for how suppliers (retailers) can improve their relationships with retailers (suppliers).  相似文献   

Modified grocery shopping and consumption behaviors have been recent outcomes of consumers' changing attitudes toward food and nutrition. This article identifies a unique segment important to grocery retailers- shoppers who purchase and consume greater varieties of fresh fruit. These consumers are shown to differ from other consumers in their food shopping and preparation attitudes, fruit and grocery expenditures, and their demographics. Opportunities for adapting fresh fruit product offerings, promotions, and services to this segment are explored.  相似文献   

For many of the countries surrounding the Mediterranean Sea, fruit and vegetables are very important products. In light of the increasing trade liberalization and thus increasing competition between countries, this paper aims to investigate the competitiveness of ten Mediterranean countries with respect to fresh fruit and vegetables. The analysis rests on two foundations. First, a set of indicators are calculated to give a general impression of trends and potentials. Second, a constant market share analysis is performed where the countries' competitiveness in world trade is investigated. The results show that the competitiveness of the investigated countries has deteriorated over the period.  相似文献   

北京市农村居民点整理时空配置综合评价   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
研究目的:探讨农村居民点整理与城市发展的时空配置,为大都市区农村居民点的规划、整合提供依据。研究方法:构建居民点用地的综合限制程度评价系统和居民点用地发展压力评价系统,利用多因素加乘复合算法和对比分析法评价居民点用地空间稳定程度。研究结果:北京市稳定、相对稳定和不稳定的农村居民点用地分别占全区居民点面积的26.23%、33.89%、39.88%,结合各区县功能定位对居民点整理在空间上做了布局规划,针对不同目标对居民点整理做了时序探讨,可为居民点整理的时空配置提供参考。研究结论:研究发达地区居民点整理的时空配置具有积极意义。  相似文献   

当前水果市场供应体系存在着运输物流成本高、流通环节复杂等问题,消费者无法得到高质量、新鲜的水果。文章以物流因素对香蕉品质安全的影响为例,利用主成分分析法对包装、运输、贮藏等因素进行研究发现:香蕉的安全包装时间为0~3d,运输最佳时间为0~2d,贮藏保质期为35d。并根据试验结果提出了包装、保鲜、运输及贮藏方面的物流模式优化建议,以期为行业相关部门制定标准提供参考。  相似文献   

The aim of the paper is to explain to what extent meat consumption patterns in Spain are different in rural and urban areas and which are the factors explaining differences and similarities. A demand system using cross-section data from the latest Spanish National Survey has been estimated. Unit values have been used instead of market prices and price and quality effects have been obtained. The main conclusion is that meat consumption patterns in urban and rural areas are not really different as regards economic factors. Some small income and price effect differences have been found, specially for fresh pork and fish, Responses to changes in income and price are higher for fresh pork consumption in rural areas and for fish in urban areas.  相似文献   

大兴安岭十八站林业局综合改革的主要做法:分解职能,整合精简局机关;统筹社会事务,模拟政企分开管理;剥离辅业单位,推行市场经营;组建专业公司,模拟法人独立经营;实施林场转型,模拟事业化管理;创新用工分配机制,综合配套推进改革。提出目前存在问题及解决建议。  相似文献   

Using unique crop-specific data gathered over 7 years, we study if and how maize-producing farmers in Ethiopia adjust their land allocation decisions in response to pre-planting-season weather variations. We show that farmers adjust their land allocation decisions in response to increased temperatures early in the growing season. In addition to quantifying a substantial adaptation margin that has not been documented before, our study also reveals the presence of a weather variation-induced expansion of maize production into areas that are less suitable for maize cultivation.  相似文献   

An online survey was conducted to investigate Japanese consumer preferences for fresh grapefruit based on prices and external fruit quality. The impact of 4 types of peel disorders (windscar, rust mite, melanose, and greasy spot) was investigated. Results from a discrete-choice model based on consumer responses indicate that willingness to pay for Extra Class fruit (no to little visible damage) is 1.5 times higher than the average willingness to pay for Class II fruit (highest level of visible damage allowed). Additionally, consumers revealed different utility levels depending on the type of peel disorder.  相似文献   

Telesignos, a fruit producer and exporter in Guayaquil, Ecuador, was considering vertical integration into pre-cut pineapple production. Fruit processing skills, favorable image/reputation, as well as access to a new market could be obtained by linking with a company like Del Monte to produce fresh-cut fruit products under the Del Monte brand. The decision is whether it would make sense for Telesignos to invest in a fresh fruit processing facility in Ecuador to export fresh-cut pineapple to the United States.  相似文献   


This study analyses the factors that determine Turkey's fresh and processed fruit and vegetable exports to the European Union (EU) using a gravity model. Panel data from 1995 to 2001 for 13 EU member countries are utilized. The explanatory variables are GDP, population, distance, Turkish population living in EU member countries, and being non-Mediterranean. Results indicate that the size of the economy, EU population, Turkish population in the EU, and addressing the tastes and preferences of non-Mediterranean countries are significant factors that affect Turkish fruit and vegetable exports. The results suggest that marketing strategies targeting the population of Turkish people in EU countries and non-Mediterranean member countries enhance the export performance of fruit and vegetable exports.  相似文献   

庄娱乐 《水利经济》2006,24(6):12-14
随着我国分配制度改革的深入,一些改革中的问题也在逐步暴露,突出的表现之一是社会收入出现了两极分化的趋势。计算结果表明:无论是在农村还是在城镇,基尼系数呈上升趋势,收入差距在进一步扩大。行业收入差距表现在:平均工资较高的行业都存在较大程度的垄断,而平均工资较低的行业主要是竞争程度较大的行业。居民收入差距体现在:①城乡之间的收入差距悬殊;②不同地区之间的收入差距悬殊;③不同所有制企业之间的收入差距悬殊。  相似文献   

Citrus fruits make up 1/5 of all fresh fruit consumed in the United States. Given the increasing importance of imported citrus in the diet of American consumers, it is perhaps surprising that no import demand analysis of U.S. citrus has been conducted. Using quarterly U.S. import data for 6 citrus commodities, we employed a demand systems model and evaluated aspects of seasonality. The results suggest wide variations in price responses to different types of imported citrus. The average amplitude and phase shift suggest that all citrus fruits exhibit some seasonality in their imports, likely a result of peak harvesting schedules of exporters.  相似文献   

This article analyzes consumer preference for fruit and vegetables when, by using time series with socioeconomic characteristics of households, there can be seemingly unobserved quality effects, which are increased by aggregation. The changes in Spanish demand for fresh and processed fruit and vegetables over the period 1987–2000 are discussed. Following previous tests and analyses, quantities are taken as predetermined and prices as matching the offer conditions. Thus, quality effects (based on the nutritional and/or health value of the product) are estimated from the error terms associated with the functions of the unit values. Quality variables are introduced as taste shifters in the inverse demand system (Laitinen–Theil model). The results show the positive effects of quality differences on the normalized price for the group of products through own‐quality flexibilities, and the negative effects between fresh and processed products through cross‐quality flexibilities.  相似文献   

[目的]新疆作为"一带一路"发展战略的核心区,为新疆地区经济的发展带来了新的机遇。但如何提高农产品在国际市场上的竞争力,如何处理全区的水土等资源的合理配置是目前新疆地区面临的首要问题。[方法]文章以新疆农产品对中亚5国比较优势为背景,以2015年全区的农业投入产出情况作为基础数据,采用线性规划模型,借助Matlab软件进行求解,对新疆地区的水土资源进行有效分配,以全区的农业结构优化方案作为表现形式。[结果]新疆地区应减少小麦、玉米、棉花等效益较低、耗水较高、用工较多的作物种植面积,增加大豆、马铃薯等可套种、可抗旱且收益较高的作物种植面积,增大葵花、蔬菜、果用瓜、苜蓿等经济作物种植面积。同时,该地区应扩大畜牧业的养殖数量,并增加饲草的来源。[结论]基于"一带一路"倡议,新疆需充分利用地缘优势,以经济效益最大化为发展目标,对全区农业结构进行优化调整,以达到水、土等资源的合理配置,最终推动新疆地区与中亚5国的农产品贸易良好发展。  相似文献   

吉林省是我国东北部地区重要的农业大省,水果与蔬菜等农产品的产量相当可观。由于吉林地区的地理位置偏北、春冬季气候偏冷,当前吉林省果蔬产品的物流配送还主要以自然配送与常温配送为主。而果蔬产品的物流配送是当前生鲜农产品产销过程中的重要一环,随着人们日常消费对果蔬量的高增长与质的高要求,使得吉林省地区传统落后的果蔬物流配送模式亟需改革与创新。文章阐述了当前吉林省果蔬类产品物流配送中存在的问题,即冷链物流使用率低、配送过程管理混乱、物流成本高、配套技术与设施建设落后、物流信息化程度低等。从政府、企业、社会等角度针对性地提出冷链物流基础设施建设、创新配送模式,健全"生产者—配送者—消费者"冷链物流配送体系、创新物流冷链输运技术、创建现代农产品(包含果蔬类产品)物流的信息体系、建设果蔬类物流行业标准等对策。  相似文献   

Streams provide a variety of ecosystem and recreational services. Several studies have documented that the public often has a strong willingness to pay for stream restoration, however, many do not distinguish between the values for different types of uses of restored streams. Given that stream restoration can include a variety of actions both instream and along streambanks, which differ widely in terms of cost, it is important to distinguish between such benefits. Taking Israel as a case study, this paper uses an approach based on respondents’ willingness to allocate tax monies in a choice modeling framework to evaluate the relative priorities that the public assigns to instream versus land-based uses of stream areas. In Israel, some rehabilitation of streambanks and riparian areas has occurred, but much less progress has been made on instream improvements, which would demand allocation of water, a scarce and pricey resource in the region. Respondents indicated a slight preference for land-based uses. Greater familiarity with streams was associated with higher utility from land uses. This indicates that less costly rehabilitation of land along stream banks is a reasonable first step for policymakers to take, before attempting more costly efforts requiring allocation of instream flows.  相似文献   

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