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A dynamic IS-LM model with a Phillips curve is used to analyze the consequences of familiar flexible government policies. The dynamic behavior of the model depends critically upon the monetary and fiscal policies followed by the government. If a passive stance is taken in which real government spending and the nominal money supply do not adapt to the course of economic events, then the model is unstable. The government can, however, follow simple policy rules which stabilize the economy. The most clearly stable policies involve the joint employment of monetary and fiscal policies.  相似文献   

The IS-LM model is the primary model of economic fluctuations taught in intermediate-level undergraduate macroeconomics. Recent works by Taylor and Romer make a strong case for an alternative model, known as the aggregate demand-price adjustment (AD-PA) or the aggregate demand-inflation adjustment (AD-IA) model, as a better model of economic fluctuations. The author argues that the AD-PA model is superior to the IS-LM model for teaching about economic fluctuations in intermediate macroeconomics. He compares the perfomance of the two models in teaching about two important issues in current macroeconomics: the ineffectiveness of monetary policy in stimulating the 1990s Japanese economy and the rapid switch of the U.S. Federal Reserve from contractionary policy to expansionary policy in 2001.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with the Blinder-Solow contention that negative government expenditures multipliers are trivial inasmuch as the resulting equilibrium is unstable in a conventional IS-LM model with constant prices. An aggregate supply side, which features progressive taxation of labor income and a real balances effect in the labor supply equation, is added to the model, and it is shown that negative multipliers are not necessarily inconsistent with local asympototic stability.  相似文献   

In this note, we analyze the local dynamics of a general non-linear fixedprice disequilibrium IS-LM model. We assume investment behavior as a general nonlinear function avoiding any Kaldor type assumption. By proving the existence of a family of periodic solutions bifurcating from a steady state, we confirm and extend some results in the literature for IS-LM models reducible to Leinard’s equation. We use bifurcation theory and study the effect of a change of the adjustment parameter in the money market upon the solutions of the model as the steady state loses stability. We establish analytically that the values of the adjustment parameter in the money market may affect the equilibrium relative to the product market and the government budget constraint. (JEL: C62, E32)  相似文献   

Consider an economy exhibiting the conventional IS-LM relationships, Phillips curve type price adjustment equations, and rational inflationary expectations. We demonstrate that starting from the disequilibrium situation of either the Keynesian unemployment or the demand inflation type in which money is nonneutral, the economy converges to an equilibrium situation in which all markets clear. On the other hand, starting from the disequilibrium situation of the classical unemployment type in which money is nonneutral, the economy converges to a state of rest in which the goods and the labor markets remain out of equilibrium. However, money is neutral at this state of rest.  相似文献   

In IS-LM models, government expenditure is usually fixed in real terms. In this short note, we examine some of the implications of nominal government expenditure targets for both model stability and comparative statics. When a fixed money supply policy is in operation, nominal government expenditure targets may stabilize an otherwise unstable system. If this is the case, an increase in the nominal stock of money will reduce the price level in the long run.  相似文献   

This paper attempts to explain why yield curve inversion may serve as a leading indicator of recessions. It employs an IS-LM model with the term structure of interest rates and provides a formal phase-diagram analysis of dynamic adjustment process. It demonstrates that the occurrence of yield curve inversion is an off-equilibrium phenomenon after an adverse shock in the adjustment process of interest rates and output, and that an inverted yield curve may lead, but does not lead to, a recession.  相似文献   

This paper explores the properties of an open economy model in which real exchange rate overshooting has a permanent impact on the rate of unemployment via a hysteresis mechanism. The magnitude of this effect depends on the slope of the short-run Phillips curve, the speed with which expectations adjust in the labour market, and on the speed with which capacity adjusts to changes in capacity utilisation. However, it does not depend on how open the economy is, although the dynamics of the adjustment process (including the extent of the initial jump in the exchange rate following a change in monetary policy) do depend on this factor.  相似文献   

This study estimates two types of Phillips curves – the price Phillips curve and nominal wage Phillips curve – for the Japanese economy and analyses the institutional structure of the dynamics of effective demand and income distribution in each period from 1977 to 2007. The estimated results allow us to make the following three findings. First, the Japanese economy was a profit-led regime and a counter-cyclical wage share regime. The combination of regimes can make the dynamics of effective demand and income distribution unstable. Second, the dynamics of price and nominal wage do not reflect each other in Japan by labour–management cooperation. Finally, after 1997, the distributive regime in Japan switched from a counter-cyclical wage share to a pro-cyclical wage share regime because Japanese firms quickened their speeds of employment adjustment. As a result, the dynamics of effective demand and income distribution were stabilised.  相似文献   

Post Keynesians should not be afraid to teach what they believe represents the best explanation of macroeconomic fluctuations. Our colleagues in the mainstream certainly are not and, realistically speaking, it is hard to imagine that any student would be handicapped by not having had a full dose of IS-LM, the accelerationist hypothesis, Phillips Curves, and so on. Furthermore, there may not be a more opportune time to introduce post Keynesianism to undergraduate students with Neoclassicals still recovering from their inability to explain the financial crisis. This article argues for a post Keynesian-focused intermediate macroeconomics and offers a sample plan. It reviews the state of post-financial crisis mainstream macro teaching and references pedagogical literature in showing how a post Keynesian transformation and reorganization can be made most effective.  相似文献   

This paper offers the rationale for presenting a particular type of Phillips curve and develops the dynamic behavior of an economy where such a Phillips curve relation is observed. The specific kind of relation that is explored has similarities with the sticky-information Phillips curve of the Mankiw-Reis framework. Nevertheless, it adds an important dimension: firms need to form expectations about current events on past time periods not because of infrequent optimal updating of information but because producers want to evaluate the possibility of taking advantage of information deficiencies on the consumers’ side. A positive probability of ‘fooling’ consumers with a price above the one imposed by market conditions re-shapes the dynamic relation between the inflation rate and the output gap.  相似文献   

Conventional specifications of import demand in LDCs have commonly been plagued by implausible and unstable parameter estimates. This paper shows the importance of imposing long‐run income homogeneity and of including foreign exchange reserves when estimating import demand function for an LDC. Using several cointegration techniques, it is shown that there is one linear relationship among real imports, real income, relative import prices and real foreign exchange reserves. In addition, by employing stability tests for cointegrated systems by Hansen (1992a), the paper shows that only when foreign exchange reserves and long‐run unit‐income homogeneity are accounted for does a constant parameter, long‐run equilibrium relation emerge for Pakistan. Also, the ensuing short‐run dynamic model is constant and data‐coherent. Finally, the study provides information on the speed of adjustment to equilibrium and the median and mean time lags of adjustments of real imports to changes in their determinants. The results indicate a quick response of real imports to changes in their determinants.  相似文献   

This paper identifies the macroeconomic factors that influence Italian equity returns and tests the stability of their relation with securities returns. The relation between stock returns and the macroeconomic factors is found to be unstable: not only are the factor loadings of individual securities virtually uncorrelated over time, but a high percentage of the shares experience a reversal of the sign of the estimated loadings. This result is not confined to single periods or to a small group of shares, but holds in different sub–periods and for securities in all risk classes. These findings suggest that research should carefully investigate the specification of the return generating process and the stability of the risk measures.
(J.E.L.: G12, E44).  相似文献   

Inchul Kim 《Applied economics》2013,45(10):1307-1314
The deficit debate is a recurring theme in academic and political circles. The controversy is over the effect of deficits on inflation and interest rates. The existing body of empirical evidence does not resolve the controversy. This paper focuses on the inflationary impact of deficits. The model used is derived from a comprehensive IS-LM analysis which incorporates a foreign trade sector and a general price (adoptive expectation) adjustment mechanism. We test the model using time series data for the United states. From our results we conclude that NIA deficits have no significant bearing on the rate of inflation.  相似文献   

It has been claimed that the fall in US inflation during the Great Recession was surprisingly small. One possible explanation for this is that the Phillips curve is unstable and that its slope was lower around the Great Recession. We investigate the importance of time-varying parameters using Bayesian vector autoregressions for inflation and unemployment. We find support for time variation in the inflation equation and an unstable Phillips curve that was somewhat flatter between 2005 and 2013. However, conditional forecasts mostly suggest that inflation was not unexpectedly high around the Great Recession, which puts the claim of a “missing disinflation” into question.  相似文献   

This paper investigates possible structural changes induced by the Euro on the relations among wages, prices and unemployment for the five major European economies. The dynamic adjustment and the level relations are found to be different across subperiods as well as across countries. During the European Economic and Monetary Union (EMU) period, there is evidence of a conventionally-sloped Phillips Curve for the four economies within the EMU, with a higher degree of homogeneity with respect to the pre-EMU period; the UK presents instead a positively-sloped Phillips Curve in the EMU period. In this latter period, deviations from reference values are found to influence unemployment for all countries, including the UK. Only for Germany and Spain, instead, we find evidence that deviations from reference values influence inflation dynamics.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the different macroeconomic models presented in Hicks's seminal 1937 article on the IS-LM (or SI-LL) approach. Hicks's treatment of the supply side Keynes's reaction to the different SI-LL models later developments of SI-LL by Hicks and his comments on the construction of SI-LL are discussed. It is argued that one of the different SI-LL models does indeed represent a faithful rendition of the analytical core of Keynes's General Theory and does belong more to the Marshall-Pigou-Keynes tradition than to a Walrasian tradition. Textbook IS-LM (and AS-AD) models are compared to the original SI-LL models. It is argued that textbook IS-LM is decisively different from the SI-LL approach this difference being the cause of presently discussed problems and obscurities of the textbook IS-LM/AS-AD approach.  相似文献   

This paper shows how the dynamic evolution of a short-run non-Walrasian equilibrium can generate cycles. The cyclic behavior of the system results from the combination of an unstable accelerator and of stabilizing price effects. The novelties of the model presented in this paper with respect to previous contributions in non-linear cycle theory are the use of a non-Walrasian equilibrium structure in the short run, and the fact that a cycle is obtained without having to assume any ad hoc shape for the various functions involved. Moreover the model bridges the gap between cycle theory and the traditional short-run IS-LM analysis.  相似文献   

宏观经济计量模型体系的实证分析及应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以凯恩斯主义经济理论为指导,传统的IS-LM理论为框架,建立小规模的中国宏观经济联立方程模型,并在生产函数中引入人力资源因素,可称为"具有价格调整机制的凯恩斯模型”。该模型对短期预测和中长期分析具有一定的积极作用。模型由商品市场和货币市场以及劳动力市场构成,体现了供给与需求双导向原则。  相似文献   

This paper shows that when inventory adjustments are introduced in production decisions, there is no longer such thing as a “stable” or “unstable” system of ISLM curves, even when the inventory policy is completely specified. For one such system and one inventory policy, the trajectories of output and interest rate can either be stable or unstable. The fact that the IS-LM diagram can no longer be regarded as a phase diagram leads to problems in the definition of the aggregate demand curve.  相似文献   

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