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本文通过文献探讨,旨在分析组织的市场导向如何影响企业的创新行为,并提升企业的创新绩效.研究表明,组织的市场导向通过两条路径对企业的绩效产生影响:市场导向-组织学习-组织绩效;市场导向-组织创新-组织绩效.同时,文章指出企业的组织学习和组织创新在组织的市场导向与组织绩效之间扮演着完全中介的角色.  相似文献   

人力资源实践和市场导向都是支持给顾客创造价值的程序,许多研究已经验证,二者均与组织绩效显著相关。在理论文献中,尽管人们已经认识到两个领域之间的联系,但是关于市场导向和人力资源实践两者的研究是两条单独发展的平行的抛物线。本文试图将两者与组织绩效的关系加以梳理,期望有益于以后的研究。  相似文献   

叶红玉 《江苏商论》2014,(11):68-69
该文从驱动市场导向的基本内涵入手,分析了驱动市场导向的三种维度及其对企业科技创新绩效的关系,指出驱动市场导向要通过顾客知识获取来提升企业的科技创新绩效。在此基础上,该文分析了顾客知识获取的三种方式及其对科技创新的不同影响。最后论文提出企业要提高创新力度,必须注重制订和实施驱动市场导向长远规划,注重实施驱动竞争者导向,以顾客交互的方式获取顾客知识,提高企业创新绩效。  相似文献   

王玉茹 《致富时代》2009,(10):67-67
分析了顾客导向和市场导向营销模式的含义,并指出了两者的优点和缺陷,提出了将两者在企业不同发展阶段,进行营销模式的整合,以期使企业营销战略能够顺利实施。  相似文献   

曲妍 《商业时代》2021,(4):119-121
为了引导零售企业科学认知和应用市场导向战略,本文对市场导向与零售企业经营绩效之间的关系进行了分析,并探究了顾客价值创新在其中发挥的中介作用,得出以下结论:零售企业经营绩效受到市场导向战略显著的积极作用;顾客价值创新受到市场导向战略显著的积极作用;零售企业经营绩效受到顾客价值创新显著的积极作用;顾客价值创新在市场导向与零...  相似文献   

在过去几十年时间里,市场导向这一研究主题在营销战略理论和实践的发展中占据了十分重要的地位.经过学者们多年的努力,这一领域的研究已经涵盖了市场导向的定义,测量,以及与企业绩效关系等多方面的内容.其中市场导向与企业绩效之间的关系更是成为了理论界和实业界广为关注的热点.那么市场导向与企业绩效之问的关系究竟是怎样的呢?这一研究问题已经被连续讨论了30多年.同时,Kohli and Jaworski et al.(1993)在其研究中发现,市场变化、竞争强度和技术变化对市场导向与企业绩效之间的关系无调节作用;Slater and Narver(1994)的研究结果表明市场导向与企业绩效之间的关系是长期性的,不受任何竞争环境因素的调整;但也有学者研究发现,市场变化对市场导向与企业绩效之问的关系具有调节效应.  相似文献   

赵红  苏剑峰  陈静 《中国市场》2014,(32):77-80
目前,培育市场导向已经成为企业在提升自身竞争优势以及实现顾客价值最大化的首要前提。但是研究中很少具体考察企业在市场导向的各个层面的不同执行力度。本文选择辽宁省生产性服务业为研究对象,生产性服务业企业中存在两种不同的市场导向执行模式。执行全面市场导向的企业在绩效方面尤其是市场绩效方面表现较为优异,竞争主导型执行模式的企业绩效弱于执行全面市场导向的企业。  相似文献   

本文提出战略人力资源管理可以通过市场导向的中介作用对组织绩效产生影响的研究假设,旨在探索战略人力资源管理、市场导向与组织绩效之间的相互关系,以更好地为企业的人力资源管理实践提供有价值的建议.  相似文献   

对于服务质量较低的中国服务企业而言,市场导向水平对于提高服务质量具有重要意义.本文通过总结大量有关市场导向对企业绩效的影响研究发现:企业的市场导向水平不仅与企业的财务绩效呈现显著正相关的关系,而且与企业绩效的多个方面都呈现显著正相关的关系,且这种关系并不受企业国别、行业类别、企业规模等因素的影响.  相似文献   

本文引入了动态能力作为中介,构建了市场导向—学习导向—动态能力—创新模式的理论模型,指出市场导向的不同构面引致不同的学习导向类型,不同的学习类型会形成不同层次的动态能力,不同的动态能力最终影响着不同创新方式的选择。  相似文献   

文章利用2005-2007年间广东省和浙江省109家制造型上市公司的数据.对企业国内市场产品多元化程度与出口绩效之间的关系进行了实证研究.结果发现.产品多元化程度越高,出口绩效均表现越差;产品的相关多元化对出口绩效均存在显著的积极影响:广东省和浙江省样本企业存在出口绩效差异,但在产品多元化方面没有显著差异.  相似文献   

Purpose: Drawing on the relationship marketing perspective, this study explores the effects of interorganizational relationship variables on export market orientation (EMO), in turn enhancing the export performance. Furthermore, firm internationalization was included as a moderator between export market-oriented behavior and export performance.

Methodology: The authors tested the hypotheses via a mail survey involving 235 exporting firms. LISREL and regression analysis were used to test the proposed model.

Findings: The results support the hypotheses, which posit that commitment, trust, and social interaction are positively related to EMO behavior, whereas power is negatively related to such behavior. Second, firm EMO behavior is positively related to export performance. Third, the degree of internationalization strengthens the effect of EMO on export performance.

Research implications: This study improves existing theoretical understanding by supporting the relationship marketing perspective and international channel research for performing export market-oriented behaviors.

Practical implications: The leverage of interorganizational relationships appears a solid strategy for performing export market-oriented behaviors. Exporters can focus not only on export market-oriented behaviors being performed but also on expansion to new markets.

Originality/value: This study contributes to the marketing and international business literature and provides insights to exporters by examining the relationships among interorganizational relationship variables, EMO, and export performance. This study also introduces the degree of internationalization from a contingency-based view and demonstrates that internationalization complements EMO, and thus facilitates export performance.  相似文献   

本文以浙江省纺织产业为例,利用1988-2007年的统计数据,对产业集聚与出口贸易的内在联系进行研究,结果表明两者之间存在着长期稳定的动态均衡关系。出口贸易对产业聚集程度有显著的正向影响和促进作用,产业聚集程度的加深同样对出口贸易增长有着显著的正向影响和促进作用。  相似文献   

Firms in export-oriented sectors with more exporters and more foreign investment, or firms with more access/use of credit, tend to export a higher share of their output, whether they are small or large. The latter points out that the benefits of size-neutral policies that improve the overall business and foreign investment climate and secure access to formal credit for all enterprises produce benefits for the entire economy. Small firms with higher use of machinery and higher use of domestic inputs displayed a higher likelihood to increase the share of their output exported. SMEs show rising productivity with access and use of appropriate production inputs. Decades of protective size-specific policies, such as the reservation scheme for SMEs still in place in Indonesia’s manufacturing may have distorted, more than supported, adoption of appropriate technologies among SMEs. These policies may need to be revisited and refocused on more size-neutral policies such as improved access to collateral or reduced cost of business registration and licensing.  相似文献   


Despite their contribution to job creation, small and medium enterprises (SMEs) are financially constrained. Lenders view SMEs as high risk borrowers and hence demand collateral, but lack of collateral inhibits SMEs access to credit. Relationship lending is believed to lessen collateral requirement and increase SMEs access to credit. However, recent studies question substitutability of relationship lending and collateral. The present study adds to the debate by drawing on the survey of 102 randomly selected manufacturing SMEs in Ethiopia. Our binary logistic regression results suggest that banks in Ethiopia are cautious in extending credit to SMEs, evidenced by simultaneous usage of relationships, collateral and other criteria, suggesting complementarity between collateral and relationship lending.  相似文献   

我国外商直接投资与出口贸易关系的实证研究   总被引:15,自引:2,他引:13  
关于外商直接投资与一国出口贸易间关系的研究已由定性向定量发展,但多数定量分析集中在投资与出口的相关因果关系上。本文利用我国改革开放以来到加入世贸组织之前的数据,对外商直接投资与中国的出口规模、出口产品结构、出口产品竞争力等进行相关性分析。  相似文献   

This paper provides an economic assessment of export credit guarantee commitments by the Austrian export credit agency, using firm‐level data on a cross‐section of Austrian exporting firms for the year 2008. In a first step, we explore various determinants of export guarantee usage. Results suggest that firm size, being part of a multinational enterprise, exposure to revenue risk and R&D intensity are important factors. In a second step, we investigate the effects of export guarantees on export performance. Identification is achieved using as instruments the exogenous determinants of export guarantee usage identified in the first step. We find that there are economically and statistically significant effects of export credit guarantee usage on firm‐specific export performance ranging from some 80 to 100 per cent compared with the control group of non‐users.  相似文献   

Corporate social responsibility (CSR) has become of great interest to both researchers and practitioners alike with much discussion on whether the costs outweigh the performance implications. CSR has become a firm strategic tool (not only an ethical concept) as firms recognize that the customer value proposition and CSR is integrated with the focus on how to differentiate the firm from the view of the customer. We utilized market orientation (MO) theory as our foundation for our research as it explains how organizations adapt to their customer environment to develop competitive advantages. With the current customer focus on CSR, MO assists the field in identifying a possible firm differentiation. Our research found that firms that ranked high on CSR correlated positively to performance. We also found our theoretically developed constructs of firm customer orientation (CO) and firm market orientation correlated with the firm adopting CSR. The results also indicated that CSR positively mediates CO and MO to firm performance. As past research had mixed results over the direct relation of MO to performance, our research suggests that CSR may be the missing variable to explain the MO/Performance relationship.  相似文献   

Literature revealed that an appropriate alignment between firm strategic orientation and market positioning is critical because of its impact on firm performance. The alignment is especially crucial for small businesses as a result of their limited resource base. However, studies have not adequately accounted for the joint effect of entrepreneurial orientation (EO) and market orientation (MO) on firm performance in different institutional environments, such as transitional economies. In this study, we examine the moderating effect of EO on the linkage between MO and firm performance among small enterprises in China. We have found that MO, alone and in conjunction with certain EO dimensions, is positively related to firm performance. More specifically, innovativeness and proactiveness have positively moderated the relationship between MO and performance. We discuss managerial implications and offer suggestions for future research.  相似文献   

This paper uses three surveys of graduates' and undergraduates' evaluations and perceptions of the conditions of work in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the U.K. The first survey addresses the relationship between the actual career profiles of graduates and their perceptions of work in small vis-à-vis large companies. The second survey is a large-scale national study of U.K. graduates' employment patterns. The third survey asked undergraduates how they expected working conditions might differ across firm size. The distribution of graduates across firm size is presented; this shows graduates to be disproportionately employed in larger firms. The work of graduates across firm size is then described in terms of earnings; work bargaining and fringe benefits; training and the internal labour market; and the work environment. For each facet, perceptions about work conditions are also explored. The evidence shows the working conditions for graduates are lower quality in SMEs and that graduates broadly perceive this to be the case. The implications for policies which overlook these conclusions are discussed.  相似文献   

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