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在李云义的微博上,写着这样一句话:“为餐饮人服务,向餐饮人谏言;供餐饮人调遣,随餐饮人周游;共荣辱齐奋时,推动饮食文化;吃遍华夏盛宴,吃遍天下美食。”  相似文献   

许娟娟 《证券导刊》2011,(16):82-83
公司以餐饮服务和食品加工为主业,主要经营西安市内特色鲜明、具有区域代表性的餐饮“中华老字号”。目前西安市内的老字号餐饮均在公司旗下,2009年公司在西安餐饮市场的市场占有率为7%。  相似文献   

最近,市场上紧急追踪、查禁“苏丹红一号”,闹得沸沸扬扬。5月中旬,肯德基家乡鸡的中国经营商百胜餐饮集团发表声明,宣布停售几款因使用的调料被检测出含有致癌红色染色剂“苏丹红一号”的食品,并在所有门店贴出告示。有报道说,中国大陆1400多家肯德基店不惜日损失销售额2500万元。百胜餐饮集团除了向全国媒体通报、回收及销毁剩余的所有调料外,还配合政府对其他肯德基食品进行抽样检查,同时严格追查供应商的法律责任,以确保不再发生类似事件。  相似文献   

李敏 《中国外资》2005,(7):30-31
全球餐饮巨头百胜集团经过一年的试验,4月27日在上海徐家汇美罗城推出首家中式快餐——“东方既白”,这是百胜继肯德基、必胜客欢乐餐厅、必胜宅急送、塔可钟墨西哥风情餐厅之后,在中国推出的第五大餐饮品牌。百胜由此正式进入中式快餐市场。百胜大中国区总裁苏敬轼表示,“东方既白”主张将西式快餐的供应体系与中国人最喜欢的本国饮食相结合,打造出“中国餐饮的精华,肯德基般的环境”。  相似文献   

徐明 《中国保险》2001,(9):18-18
去年以来,中国人民保险公司常熟支公司接连向市场推出一批保险新品,为构建“保险大超市”准备了“化源”。先是推出律师职业责任保险、注册会计师职业责任保险、供电责任、旅行责任、医疗责任和餐饮场所责任保险,今年又一款名为“金锁”的家庭财产综合保险新险仲上市,原来本不可以投保的现金、首饰盗抢险现在被列入承保范围。  相似文献   

日前,中国农业银行携手上海适达餐饮管理有限公司合力打造了农行第一张全国范围的餐饮类联名卡——金穗DQ冰雪皇后·棒约翰联名卡。“DQ冰雪皇后”隶属于“股神”沃伦·巴菲特控股的伯克夏尔·哈撒韦集团,长踞世界冰漠淋连锁企业榜首:“棒约翰”作为全球三大匹萨品牌之一,享有极高的美誉度和顾客满意度。  相似文献   

上榜理由 通过今日投资“分析师实时排名”系统对业内1800名分析师的追溯跟踪,中投证券餐饮旅游行业分析师曾光在“最牛分析师”餐饮住宿与娱乐行业排行榜中近3月排名第一、近半年排名第二、近1年排名第一,  相似文献   

“世上有个加拿大,中国有个大家拿。”流传于上世纪八、九十年代坊间的这句民谚,虽然免会情绪化和夸张式地渲染,但其“生命力”还是靠一定的事实基础来维持,即所谓“无风不起浪”。在经济学意义上,它说明了这样一个道理;公有资产所有者缺位,没有人格化,就不被珍惜,不会被严格管理和有效利用,会被人滥用和侵占,  相似文献   

北京正在成为众多洋餐饮品牌竞相争夺的战场。十年以来,这些品牌轮番上阵,一时之间,“城头变换大王旗”,除了麦当劳、肯德基、必胜客等始终红旗不倒并实现了从求得站稳脚跟到保持领先地位的目标外,其他洋餐饮品牌大都经历了一系列的沉浮,演出了一幕幕的悲喜剧。  相似文献   

刘文豪 《青海金融》2007,(11):43-44
餐饮业素有“百业以餐饮”为王之说,且一向被视为一支独秀,是最具吸引力的行业之一。近几年来,随着乐都县旅游业的快速发展和人民生活水平的提高,餐饮业发展呈现由小变大、由弱变强的趋势。本文结合乐都县餐饮业发展的现状,分析了其发展较快的成因及存在的问题,并提出了一些对策建议。  相似文献   

We study the determinants of dividend payout policy and examine the role of liquidity, risk and catering in explaining the changes in propensity to pay. Our results indicate that risk plays a major role in firms’ dividend policy. The evidence substantiates from a large sample of firms representing 18 countries over the sample period from 1989 to 2011. For firms in the US, France, UK and Other European markets, liquidity is additionally an important determinant of dividend policy. We find that, although catering incentives persist only among firms in common law countries and not in civil law countries, after adjusting for risk there is little support for catering theory even among firms incorporated in common law countries. Our results indicate that catering incentives reflect the risk-reward relationship in the changing propensity to pay dividends.  相似文献   

肖虹  曲晓辉 《会计研究》2012,(2):42-49,96
本文基于中国上市公司与投资者的行为互动视角,对公司R&D投资行为的误定价迎合性进行研究检验。总体而言,本文研究结果支持了R&D投资迎合行为假说,发现在中国制度环境下R&D投资迎合行为的实施主体为民营终极控制上市公司。误定价影响R&D投资的传导路径与股权融资渠道密切相关,与股票市场外部治理压力下的理性迎合渠道不显著相关,不存在公司管理者为最大化股权薪酬利益而迎合投资者短视的R&D投资行为。此外,R&D投资迎合行为与盈余管理行为之间的关联性也主要是通过股权融资渠道而结合起来。  相似文献   

我国如重启筵席税,则应明确其在新形势下的主要任务和新内涵.转型后的筵席税不再仅针对公款宴请的消费行为,而是对不履行分餐义务和节约饮食义务的餐饮单位设置的一种行为税.通过对不实行分餐制的餐饮单位征收筵席税,对践行分餐制的餐饮单位给予税收减免的优惠,来鼓励餐饮单位积极履行分餐义务,以"寓禁于征"的方式引导餐饮业与消费者主动...  相似文献   

We propose and test a catering theory of nominal stock prices. The theory predicts that when investors place higher valuations on low‐price firms, managers respond by supplying shares at lower price levels, and vice versa. We confirm these predictions in time‐series and firm‐level data using several measures of time‐varying catering incentives. More generally, the results provide unusually clean evidence that catering influences corporate decisions, because the process of targeting nominal share prices is not well explained by alternative theories.  相似文献   

中国大陆与中国台湾地区(以下简称"两岸")均对餐饮业的经营收入征收流转税、对其经营所得征收所得税、对其拥有的财产征收财产税,对其发生的某种行为征收行为税。由于两岸情况不同,所征税种也有着各自不同的特点。本文首先比较了两岸餐饮业税收的相同与不同之处,最后提出了完善大陆餐饮业税收的对策。  相似文献   

This article examines the catering theory in the insurance industry. We investigate whether managers of publicly traded insurers pursue a growth strategy catering to the stock market's preference. Two hypotheses are tested in this study: (1) an insurer will devote more efforts to increasing premium growth when the stock market places greater values on growth, and (2) this catering effect will be more pronounced at firms where managers have greater incentives to maximize short‐term stock prices. We find evidence supporting both hypotheses. Our study discovers a new channel through which the stock market and executive compensation affect insurance companies’ business strategies and the insurance market. The implication of the interplay between insurers and the stock market is significant and deserves future research.  相似文献   

在分别构建餐饮业顾客体验和品牌引力评价指标体系的基础上,运用耦合协调度评价模型,以长沙市餐饮业为例,利用餐饮大数据进行实证分析。研究表明:长沙市餐饮业顾客体验与品牌引力整体上处于拮抗耦合、勉强耦合协调阶段;其九个行政区域的耦合协调度有所差异。鉴此,企业应改进关键因素,持续增强品牌引力;确保品牌质量,提升顾客消费体验;不同区域发展方向应各有侧重;减少虚假评论,抵制竞价排名,从而推动长沙市乃至全国餐饮业更高质量和更高水平发展。  相似文献   

上市公司为什么要支付股利?传统的税收理论、信号模型以及代理假说等公司股利政策理论实际上都没最终完整地解释清楚这个"股利之谜"。最近美国学者Baker和Wurgler从行为公司财务角度出发提出了股利迎合理论,该理论认为公司支付股利的主要原因在于,管理者为了提高股价理性地迎合了股东对股利不断变化的偏好。本文认为,Baker和Wurgler提出的股利迎合理论忽略了上市公司股权结构的特征。在股权高度集中的上市公司里,管理者制订股利政策主要是为了迎合大股东的需求,广大中小投资者的股利偏好往往被忽视。本文以1994年至2005年间我国的上市公司为样本进行检验,研究结果支持了我们所提出的理论观点。  相似文献   

Agency theory suggests that entrenched managers are less likely to pay dividends. However, according to the catering theory, external pressures from investors can force managers to increase dividend payments. Hence, we test whether entrenched managers respond to investor demand for dividends and share repurchases. Using a large sample of 9677 US firms over the period 1990–2016 (i.e. a total of 80,478 firm-year observations), we test and find evidence that managerial entrenchment negatively impacts dividend payments. Our findings suggest that catering effects weaken the negative impact of managerial entrenchment on payout policy and that in firms with entrenched managers an increase in the propensity to pay dividends is conspicuous only when there is external investor demand for dividends. Our results indicate that while insiders and institutional owners might not necessarily favour dividend payments, firms respond to catering incentives when dominated by insiders but not institutional owners. Overall, our findings are consistent with the view that dividend payments are a result of external pressures to reduce agency problems associated with firms run by entrenched managers.  相似文献   

We document that analysts cater to short-term investors by issuing optimistic target prices. Catering dominates among analysts at brokers without an investment banking arm as they face lower reputational cost. The market does not see through the analyst catering activity and their forecasts lead to temporary stock overpricing that short-term institutional investors exploit to offload their holdings to retail traders. We also report evidence consistent with catering brokers being rewarded with more future trades channelled through them. Our study identifies a new source of conflicts of interest in analyst research originating from the ownership composition of a stock.  相似文献   

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