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I. Introduction The widening wealth gap between the rich and the poor is currently becoming a focus of attention in China. It has two implications: excessive income gap and huge wealth disparity.A number of research papers have appeared on the subject of Chinese people’s income gap. However, there has been limited research on the distribution of people’s wealth. The already published research papers show especially a lack of empirical study of the dramatic changes in wealth distribution in…  相似文献   

Using the 2006 wave of the Chinese General Social Survey, the present paper examines the effect of risk attitudes on the likelihood of entrepreneurship in China. Our results show that risk attitudes have a nonlinear effect on the likelihood of being entrepreneurs. Risk neutral people are most likely to be entrepreneurs, while both risk averse and risk seeking people prefer to work for wages. When we further divide entrepreneurs into necessity and opportunity entrepreneurs, we find only a marginal difference in risk attitudes between wage workers and necessity entrepreneurs, while less risk averse individuals tend to be opportunity entrepreneurs. Our results have important poliey implications for the government "s efforts to promote entrepreneurial activities.  相似文献   

The increase in the movement of people from rural to urban areas since the mid-1980s represents the largest labor migration ever experienced in China. Because migration is a process of selection, it is imperative that the major dynamics determining the selection are studied. What are the critical characteristics of migrants that help them to realize their mobility from rural areas to urban areas? While educational attainment, gender, age, marital status and personal skills are important variables in the selection process, the present paper examines how social networks (guanxi connections) play a significant role in the process of migration selection in China. A case study from one of the northern villages in rural China is used to explore how social networks have shaped and given meaning to migration. The present paper elaborates on how people's social mobility has coincided with and been reinforced by people's physical mobility.  相似文献   

Technological developments, globalization, and numerous information types have caused significant changes in every part of people's life. In this era, along with the occurrence of information society, organizations have also initiated this changing process. Nowadays, increasing competition in economy makes information the most valuable part of production. Management administration, which is of high importance for the firms and which provides advantage in sustainable competition, has become one of the most popular topics. From now on, information is an economical tool for organizations. The people, who have information, are evaluated as powerful. Moreover, if the organizations produce new information from available information, they move ahead of their opponents. Information is in the centre of financial and social change. Meanwhile, information has a key role in both societies' and foundations' superiority struggle over another. Knowledge management is a compile of strategies and processes for creating, finding, and exploiting information. Reaching, gathering, sharing, utilizing, evaluating, and storing information are some of the processes of knowledge management. One of the most important parts of obtaining advantage in competition firms is to evaluate information effectively. In this paper, information management, its importance, its conceptual development, its aim, its underlying perspective, and its processes are highlighted. In the results of the study, two questions have been studied: What can be done in addition to current situation of information management and what are the points need to be careful about. The main focus in this article is on the knowledge management and its importance in the management science.  相似文献   

I. IntroductionEconomy and finance have both seen rapid development in post-1978 China. After almost three decades of economic planning and isolation, political leaders decided then to let the economy move in a new direction by announcing a policy of “reform and opening-up”. Then and now, many people did and do believe that the new policy makes the economy increasingly and decisively based on the market. At the dawn of the 21st century, theChinese economy, by many indicators, stands out as…  相似文献   

王俐  毛杰 《魅力中国》2010,(24):181-182
Forrest Gump and Raymond are two main characters from the movie Forrest Gump and Kaln Man. Both of their intelligent quotients (IQ) are below the mean level, but they have performed the significant importance in their time. The two films display people' s hypocrisy and complication in the flashy reality, in which people suspect and intrigue against each other .The keynote of the two films is to illustrate how the simple minds touch the big wits and retrieve them to one' s true self .This essay aims to make a comparative study on two main characters, thus, more similarities and differences can be drawn from them.  相似文献   

徐丹 《魅力中国》2009,(5):88-91
Being a minor part in the translation field, the translation of color words is far more complex than people may have imagined. Apart from the literal meaning of color words in the target language, there are other factors that affect the understanding. This paper mainly focuses on three main characteristics of color words that make the translation work diffficuh-color words' variations and combinations, rich symbolic meanings and culture differences. It also provides possible ways to deal with the prickly problem of finding equivalents, the complexity of transferring symbolic meanings and the subtle problem of crossing culture boundaries in translation of color words.  相似文献   

The Chinese economy has emerged from deflation and entered a new stage of economic growth in late 2002 and early 2003. The sudden pick up of the economy has led to a worsening of structural imbalance and inflation is rising. The Chinese government has to find a fine trade-off between growth and inflation. While the central bank needs to tighten its monetary policy, the government may need to use a more expansionary fiscal policy to offset the contracting effect created by the tightened monetary policy. The structural imbalance and partial overheating remind us that China‘s economic reform still has a long way to go. The Chinese government must speed up its reform process. While the long-term prospect for China‘s economic rise is promising, it may be necessary for the Chinese people to prepare themselves for a harder time ahead.  相似文献   

罗丹 《魅力中国》2014,(12):63-63
In the novel“In the pond”, Ha Jin prestents to the readers a complicated character Shao Bin, who, at the beginnig, strives to fight against the power and in the end surrenders to it. During the long confrontation to the leaders, Shao Bin has indeed left no stone unturned to obtain what he deserves and people in the lower class have ever suported him, but they al end up conpromising to the power and authority. They final y lost their selves and dreams. And they are easily bought of because in the depth of their hearts, the ideology of of ical standard prevails so much that they misuse it as a disguise for their evil doings.  相似文献   

I. Introduction China’s gross domestic product (GDP) growth has averaged 9.4 percent per annum since1978. As a result of this impressive growth, millions of people were lifted out of poverty. Economic reforms implemented over the last 25 years have certainly been instrumental in the remarkable growth performance, leading to higher productivity growth than in the pre- reform period. Nevertheless, it is widely agreed that China’s growth during this period has been resource intensive, drawing…  相似文献   

Employment is a foundation of people's livelihood. In a quite long time at present and in the future, our country's employment situation is very severe. As a "rising industry", tourism is a labor-intensive industry and has the features of high degree of trade correlated, great employment capacity, low entry-level, wide field, and flexible employment way, etc. Furthermore, our country has rich tourist resources, and making good use of this advantage and developing tourism have profound meaning in promoting employment. At present, the main barrier that restricts tourist employment of our country is our insufficient development of tourism, which embodies in the tourist infrastructure construction lags behind, and the tourist investment lacks plan and the tourist products develop poorly. Strengthening the tourist infrastructure construction, well planning the investment and positively developing tourist products will promote tourist employment effectively.  相似文献   

The purpose of this research was to examine whether undergraduate business students who participated in a short term study abroad course and intercultural competence building coursework demonstrated a significant increase in intercultural competence over those who only enrolled in the study abroad course. The 20 participants attended a small liberal arts College in Midwestern United States. The Intercultural Development Inventory (IDI) was administered to the participating students before and after their study away experience. The IDI (v.3) is based on the theoretical framework of the Developmental Model of Intercultural Sensitivity (DMIS) introduced by Milton Bennett. The DMIS is based on the assumption that intercultural competence can be strengthen through the development of intercultural knowledge and experience with people from other cultures. The IDI has been used in numerous scholarly studies and has demonstrated valid and reliable results. It is a self-administered 50-item series of statements in which participants are asked to rate the level of their agreement with statements that address their relationship to and evaluation of cultural difference. In the model, people progress in a linear developmental fashion through six stages: defense, denial, polarization, minimization, acceptance, and adaptation. This study was designed to determine if students who studied away and completed intercultural coursework (prior intercultural knowledge and an intercultural experience) would increase their level of intercultural competency more than those students who just studied away (intercultural experience only) as measured by the change in their IDI scores. The results of this small sample show that intercultural coursework in conjunction with a short term study away experience can have a positive impact on individual intercultural development.  相似文献   

李晶 《魅力中国》2014,(15):45-46
With the further deepening of process global trade, many of our businesses have joined the ranks of intem~tional trade. At the same time, the values vary from nations to nations, so does the use of etiquette. There is not an acknowledged standard and it is only a set of established rules which are obeyed by all the people in the nation, therefore, in the international trade, we should pay attention to how to use the international etiquette in all fields, such as politics, economics, culture, military and even trade terms. The business etiquette shows the principle of respecting each other in business acdves. The business etiquette is a role to restrain the negotiators' behavior in daily business actives. Treating others politely in negotiatiom uot only shows negotiators ' education and quality, but also affects the thoughts and emotious of the other party in some degree. This thesis gives a definition of business etiquette and systematically explains contents, categorizations, features, principles, functions and practices. And it illmtrates greeting etiquette, dining etiquette, symbolizing etiquette, dress code, telephone etiquette and meeting etiquette in detail.  相似文献   

赵可  李世平 《魅力中国》2014,(10):258-258
View of the boundary between Hua and Yi was a thought with far-reaching ef ect in Chinese ancient times. The concept of Hua and Yi in ancient China in a sense was a frontier view if people investigated problems from the view of their own dif erent areas.  相似文献   

In this year, we feel nothing interesting except feeling envious of the wedding processions which are getting more and more common on Jinan. They have become the main event of the whole year of 2006, because people are crazy and heedless of regret in their pursuit of marriage.The Race to Get Married Has Something to Say: 2006 Itself Is the Reason for Marriage2006 is a propitious year according to the Chinese calendar. Therefore, everyone who supports marriage indicates that love needs no …  相似文献   

李亚妮 《魅力中国》2010,(7X):261-261
The twentieth century the seventies and eighties of the modern influx of Chinese mainland pop music-music school in Taiwan,with its pristine purity of musical styles,catchy melodies fresh,really meaningful lyrics,the arrangement is simple and unique form of singing affect generation after gen-eration of young people. It is both spirited and close to the voice of young people (especially close to the university campus life),among young people a strong resonance. At the same time,it is the emergence of mainland China the concept of pop mu-sic’s aesthetic,value orientation,creative tactics,techniques and style of singing had a dramatic impact,as well as future changes in the mainland pop and development has injected new impetus.  相似文献   

Since economic reforms began in 1978, China's urban population has increased by half a billion. Over the next 20years, cities will likely add another 300 million people through local population growth, migration and the integration of nearby rural areas, Cities account for the majority of resource use and pollution so achieving greener growth will depend on developing and implementing a more sustainable urbanization model. China's leaders have responded to these challenges with ambitious goals and comprehensive environmental laws and regulations. These have so far not significantly reduced the harm from air, water and soil pollution." in large measure because China "s green governance does not match its green ambitions. Drawing on the World Bank 's work on green growth and a recent joint urbanization study by the Development Research Center of China's State Council and the Worm Bank, this paper reviews recent academic research on green governance in urban China and discusses its main implications in the context of emerging global green growth concepts.  相似文献   

Compilation of thus final issue for the year 2003 has now come to a conclusion.We would like to recommend two special reports, of which 'Astro-scientists of Shanghai' is especially worth reading. The successful launching of 'Shen Zhou' No. 5 has made a thousand-year-old dream of the Chinese people come true. Do you wish to know some inside stories over the development of this spacecraft? Do you wish to know stories about those scientific research personnel of Shanghai, who worked day in and day out for the success of this magnificent feat? The scientific research personnel have truly spared no efforts and pains!  相似文献   

This article compares the extent to which ten basic "textbook" strategic marketing practices are being used among manufacturing firms in New Zealand and China. Data was collected via questionnaire and a total of 145 and 89 usable responses were received from firms employing more than 50 people in each country respectively. The results indicate that many of the basic strategic marketing practices which are typically advocated in the mainstream academic literature have been similarly and quite widely adopted by manufacturers in both countries. However, the results also suggest that, albeit in different areas, there is still scope for manufacturers in both New Zealand and China to embrace strategic marketing more fully.  相似文献   

Afew years ago a rising young politician called David Cameron who had just become leader of the Conservative Party in the United Kingdom wrote an article for Newsweek magazine called "Aristotle got it right" in which he floated the idea that governments really should try to make their people happier. From the article he seems not to have studied his Aristotle very carefully as the "eudaimonia" that the mighty Greek philosopher suggested was the goal of life doesn't seem to be the same as "satisfaction with life".  相似文献   

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