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Rod Tyers 《The World Economy》2016,39(11):1674-1702
China is transitioning towards more inward‐focussed growth, causing adverse changes in the product and financial terms of trade in the advanced economies. At the same time, international financial markets tussle between tightening forces associated with the US recovery on the one hand and unconventional monetary expansion in Europe and Japan on the other. The way these shocks interact is examined in this paper using a global macromodel with national portfolio rebalancing and asset differentiation and a representation of unconventional monetary policy. Results are found to be sensitive to the contributions of productivity and capital accumulation to China's growth. When these are offered in realistic combination, the effects are deflationary in the United States and China, militating against contractionary US monetary policy. Monetary responses in the United States and China then combine with price targeting regimes in the EU and Japan to expand liquidity globally, amplifying impacts on financial markets and the global distribution of real investment.  相似文献   

Concerns about children's ability to fully comprehend and evaluate advertising messages has stimulated substantial research and heated debate among scholars, business leaders, consumer advocates, and public policy makers for more than three decades. During that time, some very fundamental questions about the fairness of marketing to children have been raised, yet many remain unresolved today. With the emergence of increasingly sophisticated advertising media, promotional offers and creative appeals in recent years, new issues have also developed. This paper provides a basis for further examination of some the key questions in this area, and suggests how children's advertising research can be employed to illuminate them.  相似文献   

5月22日至24日,笔者参加了GRI(Global Reporting Initiative)在阿姆斯特丹举行的国际会议。此次大会盛况空前,参会人数远远多于2010年参会人数的1200人,达到了1600人之多。提到今年会议的热点,要数时隔6年进行了大幅改订的新版GRI指南,即G4的发表。会议首日的黄昏时刻,G4的发布与热闹的演出同时进行。G4由指明了原则、标准的第一部分与导入手册这两部分构  相似文献   

This paper investigates the business cycle co‐movement across countries and regions since 1950 as a measure for quantifying the economic interdependence in the ongoing globalisation process. Our methodological approach is based on analysis of a correlation matrix and the networks it contains. Such an approach summarises the interaction and interdependence of all elements, and it represents a more accurate measure of the global interdependence involved in an economic system. Our results show (1) the dynamics of interdependence has been driven more by synchronisation in regional growth patterns than by the synchronisation of the world economy, and (2) world crisis periods dramatically increase the global co‐movement in the world economy.  相似文献   

This article, based on the first of the 1999 Stockton Lectures, argues that the effective management of the global economy cannot be left to government: that international corporations have a crucial role too. Corporations that play this role can shape and be ahead of the public policy curve and thereby often gain competitive advantage. The public policy game between governments and international business can be co-operative and a positive sum game. If it is not, both sides will be weakened. Success is likely to elude companies adopting strategies that run against the grain of public policy. marketplace, and that it is to society's benefit that they should so do.  相似文献   

To come up with a theory that explains inequality and that has common application across many countries, we need measurements of inequality across countries and through time that are reasonably comprehensive and reasonably reliable — and this is a major challenge. For most countries in the world today, growth reduces inequality, and rich countries are more egalitarian than poor ones. However, there are exceptions. While global financial forces and changing financial conditions have played a powerful role affecting economic inequalities, there does not appear to be a single permanent trend to inequality.  相似文献   

Globalization has increased the economic power of the multinational corporation (MNC), engendering calls for greater corporate social responsibility (CSR) from these companies. However, the current mechanisms of global governance are inadequate to codify and enforce recognized CSR standards. One method by which companies can impact positively on global governance is through the mechanism of Global Public Policy Networks (GPPN). These networks build on the individual strength of MNCs, domestic governments, and non-governmental organizations to create expected standards of behaviour in such areas as labour rights, environmental standards, and working conditions. This article models GPPN in the issue area of CSR. The potential benefits of GPPN include better overall coordination among industry and government in establishing what social expectations the modern MNC will be expected to fill. David Detomasi is an assistant professor of international business at the School of Business, Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario Canada. His research areas include corporate governance, corporate social responsibility, and business and society.  相似文献   

近二十年来,信息和通讯技术的迅猛发展可谓令人眼花缭乱。在贸易自由化和经济数字化的交互影响下经济全球化一日千里,数字化和全球化正在改变营商的潜规则,但又缺乏普世认可、又能适应时代潮流的国际规则。以电子商务为例,世贸组织成立之时就已经在蓬勃发展。电子商务与传统的货物贸易有巨大的差异有些产品可以不同形态进行交易。对电子商务,世贸组织只作了一个临时决定"维持现状"。也就是说无所作为,任其发展,待时机成熟再做处理。这仅是一个小例子,信息经  相似文献   

甘碧群  阎俊 《财贸研究》2002,13(4):54-57
跨国公司实施全球品牌战略可以获得许多方面的竞争优势。随着我国加入世界贸易组织,跨国公司更强化了在中国市场的品牌战略。然而,任何事物都具有正反两面,实施全球品牌战略亦存在着各种障碍,其最大障碍就在于各个市场之间和各种文化之间客观存在的差异,这些障碍部分削弱了全球品牌的威力。  相似文献   

What might be the future of “the innovative global corporation”? There has been a profound evolution of the corporation over the past 100 years. Corporations have, willingly or unwillingly, developed an ever‐greater macro and micro role in societies. In many parts of the world, they have become more powerful and wealthy than governments, and their global influence, by any account, is massive. As engines of economic growth, innovation, and technological progress, they have brought much good to humanity. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Cultural diversity and globalization bring about a tension between universal ethics and local values and norms. Simultaneously, the current globalization and the existence of an increasingly interconnected world seem to require a common ground to promote dialog, peace, and a more humane world. This article is the introduction to a special issue of the Journal of Business Ethics regarding these problems. We highlight five topics, which intertwine the eight papers of this issue. The first is whether moral diversity in different cultures is a plausible argument for moral relativism. The second focuses on the possibility of finding shared values and virtues worldwide. The third topic deals with convectional universalistic ethical theories in a global world and the problems they present. Fourth, we consider the traditional natural moral law approach in the context of a global world. The last topic is about human rights, as a practical proposal for introducing universal standards in business.  相似文献   

<正>世界银行2008年1月9日公布了《2008年全球经济展望》报告,对2007年和2008年的世界经济作了回顾和展望。现择要如下:发展中经济体尤其是中国的较快发展将舒缓全球经济滑坡  相似文献   

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