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Drawing on the institutionalist approach to a capitalist economy as a money economy, I regard financial regulation and supervision as a collective action problem. I argue that, given the basic characteristics of such an economy, a financial system may be considered as a public utility and financial stability as a public good. I then maintain that the provision of the latter could not rely on private market mechanisms, such as self-regulation and price-directed incentives. As capitalism develops through more financialized forms, new institutions and regulatory rules must be designed to reframe the market’s boundaries in order to consolidate systemic stability, which is a basic condition for continuous and sustainable economic relations in society. I then suggest a precautionary-principle-based macro-prudential approach to financial regulation in order to ensure a sustainable provision of finance and financial stability that is consistent with the characteristics of a money economy.  相似文献   

The study examines the largely unexplored effect of changes in the competitive landscape for large, global financial institutions on their ability to take risks, as well as deploy capital and labour in an efficient manner based on a novel measure of inefficiency. The analysis shows during 2001–2013 that inefficiency peaked during the 2008 crisis period and has fallen back to levels close to pre-crisis periods. The model also performs well in out-of-sample forecasts of the financial firms’ future market values. These results suggest that large financial firms have been adjusting to the ‘new normal’ of the post-crisis period and thus are able to use capital and labour more efficiently within the constraints of current market conditions. In addition, a non-linear pattern between inefficiency and a firm’s asset size suggests that there might be an optimal scale for such firms in the $450–650 billion range.  相似文献   

在金融结构的变迁过程中,蕴含着金融不稳定的因素,客观上两者之间存在着互相作用的机理。同时,金融结构的变迁以及金融稳定的实现都与金融系统功能的发挥紧密相关,所以金融功能观为研究两者关系提供了很好的分析视角。从宏观上看,金融结构与金融稳定通过实体经济和货币政策相互发生作用,货币政策作用于金融系统并影响着金融结构,金融结构的变动直接作用于实体经济,由此引起的实体经济波动将会影响到金融稳定,反之亦存在着作用机制;从微观上看,金融结构的各个组成部分,包括金融市场结构、金融制度结构、金融融资结构、金融开放结构等,都对金融稳定产生各自不同的、具体的影响。  相似文献   

作为新兴市场的代表,中国的影子银行业务得到快速发展,金融脱媒现象不断加剧,一方面适应了客户的多样化需求与银行的创新冲动,另一方面使得中国的金融系统比以往传统的金融系统更脆弱。通过对于影子银行的全面分析,追溯其产生的根源,寻找相关对策,降低其对我国金融系统的风险,同时能够更好规范影子银行的发展,充分放大其融资的有利效应,推进我国金融创新的监管机制,并建立风险预警体系,提高防范能力,使得金融系统健康有序地发展。  相似文献   

碳金融市场的发展为控制温室气体排放提供了市场化的手段,同时也促进了金融交易的拓展与金融产业的升级。介绍了国际碳金融市场的市场结构、发展现状及主要经验,认为我国应该借鉴国际碳金融市场发展的经验,从健全法律法规、完善碳交易制度、培育碳金融服务中介、建立碳金融产品体系等方面入手构建我国的碳金融市场。  相似文献   

农村金融资源配置效率可以从农村金融资源的供给充足率、需求的满足度、供需的平衡度进行考量。我国农村金融资源配置效率不高的原因主要是在这个市场上出现了农民的伦理博弈、制度的伦理排斥、机构的道德逆选择等一系列伦理问题,严重影响了农村金融市场效率的提高。因此,应该以诚信为核心,引导农民市场行为"伦理化";以平等为依据,进一步落实农村金融制度"规范化";以公平为准绳,保证农村金融机构的信贷目标"公正化",从根本上解决农村金融市场低效问题,创建一个公平、互信、充满活力的农村金融市场。  相似文献   

随着中国金融业的迅猛发展,金融市场的规模不断扩大,金融工程专业越发显得重要,金融市场对金融工程人才的需求越来越旺盛,而且素质要求越来越高。根据中国高等院校的优势和特点,结合金融工程专业的特点,构建中国高等院校金融工程专业人才培养方案的,并以南京信息工程大学大学金融工程本科专业人才培养方案为例,探讨中国高等院校的金融工程专业人才培养方案。研究对于加深对金融工程基础知识和基本原理的认知程度,提高学生的实践应用能力,具有积极的意义。  相似文献   

This article advances the case for the more systematic incorporation of ideational factors into comparative capitalisms analysis as a corrective to the rational choice proclivities of the Varieties of Capitalism approach. It demonstrates the pay-off of such an ideationally attuned approach through analysis of French capitalist restructuring over the last 25 years, placing it in comparative context. A modus operandi for such ideational explanation is elaborated through delineating different national conceptions of the market, and setting out their impacts on practices of market-making. The claim made in this article is that understanding the evolution of French capitalism requires recognition of the ongoing market-making role of the French State, in combination with the French conception of the market and its embedding within a social context characterised by the inter-penetration of public and private elitist networks of France's ‘financial network economy’ which remains substantially intact. The ideational dimension is crucial because French understandings of the market and competition, the ideational building blocks of market-making, inform French state interventions and leave footprints on French institutions and market structures, and the evolutionary trajectory of French capitalism. In charting this trajectory, this article deploys the concept of post-dirigisme. We map out the parameters and causes of the post-dirigiste condition in France through examination of French bond market development, privatisation, the shift from a government- to a market- dominated financial system, and French capitalism's internationalisation. It then uses post-dirigisme to explain French state responses to the financial crisis and the banking bailout, noting how state actors, in concert with the banking elites, actively facilitated dominant market positions of French international champions.  相似文献   

中国(上海)自贸区开设后,上海的国际金融中心建设面临新的机遇。本文试图从"金融大爆炸"改革后伦敦金融中心复兴的案例中,以关系地理学为视角,分析归纳伦敦金融中心的发展机制。全球经济金融一体化的现代经济中,金融中心的内涵发生了变化,从强调空间区位的金融集聚逐渐演化为全球金融生产和服务的节点和枢纽。伦敦作为全球领先的金融中心,它的发展机制迎合了金融中心演化的趋势,并在这个过程中逐渐壮大,为上海国际金融中心的建设提供了借鉴。  相似文献   

韩国建立的致力于科技创新的金融支援体系,为创新经济、培育战略性新兴产业、应对金融危机等发挥了重要作用。长期以来,韩国陆续建立了各种金融资金支援制度,如,金融支援制度、租税支援制度、新技术产品市场支援制度等,大力发展创业风险投资和科技资本市场,使得科技与金融呈现出一种互利互动的关系,成为提高科技创新能力的基础和保障,韩国的高新技术产业乃至整体社会经济由此实现了持续快速增长。  相似文献   

马勇 《财经研究》2012,(1):61-71
文章基于1990-2009年间78个主要国家和地区的面板数据,对影响一国金融体系结构选择的相关因素进行了系统的实证分析。结果表明,一国金融体系结构的选择不仅受宏观经济状况和金融发展的影响,同时也受社会制度文化的显著影响。从宏观经济看,金融体系结构的动态变化主要与经济发展的速度相关,而经济发展的程度则主要影响金融体系的总规模;从金融发展看,效率和开放是金融体系结构"市场化"的两大动力;从文化制度看,崇尚规则和权威的制度文化更容易孕育出"银行主导型"的金融体系,而崇尚自由和民主的制度文化则更容易孕育出"市场主导型"的金融体系。  相似文献   

朱敏  高越 《经济经纬》2012,(1):153-156
作为国际智力回流的主体,海外留学归国人员是一国技术进步的重要力量,而一国金融市场发展水平是影响其国内海归技术溢出状况的重要因素。本文以1985年~2008年国家层面数据的实证研究表明:中国金融市场对海归技术溢出的积极作用开始显现,但是由于我国金融市场发展水平不高,金融市场体系不尽完善,不能为海归技术溢出效应的充分发挥提供有效的金融支持。  相似文献   

In recent years there has been a tremendous growth in readily available news related to traded assets in international financial markets. This financial news is now available through real-time online sources such as Internet news and social media sources. The increase in the availability of financial news and investor’s ease of access to it has a potentially significant impact on market stock price movement as these news items are swiftly transformed into investors sentiment which in turn drives prices. In this study, we use the Thomson Reuters News Analytics (TRNA) data set to construct a series of daily sentiment scores for Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) stock index constituents. We use these daily DJIA market sentiment scores to study the influence of financial news sentiment scores on the stock returns of these constituents using a multi-factor model. We augment the Fama–French three-factor model with the day’s sentiment score along with lagged scores to evaluate the additional effects of financial news sentiment on stock prices in the context of this model using Ordinary Least Square (OLS) and Quantile Regression (QR) to analyse the effect around the tail of the return distribution. We also conduct the analysis using the seven-day simple moving average (SMA) of the scores to account for news released on non-trading days. Our results suggest that even when market factors are taken into account, sentiment scores have a significant effect on Dow Jones constituent returns and that lagged daily sentiment scores are often significant, suggesting that information compounded in these scores is not immediately reflected in security prices and related return series. The results also indicate that the SMA measure does not have a significant effect on the returns. The analysis using Quantile Regression provides evidence that the news has more impact on left tail compared to the right tail of the returns.  相似文献   

金融发展与碳排放的关系近年来受到较多关注,但大多数文献只是从量的角度考察金融对碳排放的影响,忽略金融结构影响碳排放问题。本文利用1990—2014年88个经济体的数据,采用系统GMM进行实证分析,以探究金融结构与碳排放的关系。研究表明,金融结构通过影响创新而发挥减排作用,偏市场的金融结构有利于增强创新减排机制,从而显著地降低碳排放强度。这是金融规模或发展水平基本相同的经济体具有不同金融减排绩效的一个重要原因。这一研究发现可以为金融供给侧结构性改革提供一个重要的政策目标维度。  相似文献   

For the better part of the last century, the debate between ‘liberalisers’ and ‘interventionists’ marked thinking about the relationship between finance and development. It has by now been superseded by the emergence of the discourse of financial system development, which links economic growth to the development of the financial sector. As the risks entailed by wholesale financial reform came to the fore in the financial crises of the 1990s and early 2000s, emphasis shifted from liberalising financial markets to building institutional frameworks to accommodate investment. Arguably, the emergence of the financial-system-development discourse occurred within a wider shift in the neoliberal paradigm towards institution building. These changes are particularly pronounced in East and Southeast Asia. This paper argues that a convergence of opinions has occurred between Asian financial policy elites, previously strong supporters of the bank-based developmental state model, and the liberalisers, represented through international financial institutions such as the IMF. This consensus is geared towards the expansion of capital markets and a generally more neoliberal, market-oriented mode of economic governance. To illustrate this claim, this paper traces institutional changes in Asian financial systems since the 1997-98 financial crisis. Although local characteristics remain, a common feature is the more salient role of bond markets in the financial system. This is the result of the conscious and deliberate development of local currency debt markets by policymakers. However, the new consensus narrows down the space in which economic policymaking takes place. Yet, by re-politicising financial system development, this space could be broadened again.  相似文献   

现代金融控股公司:发展与挑战   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
现代金融体系的核心是资本市场,资本资源的配置主要通过资本市场完成,传统商业银行的地位和作用不断削弱。面对金融体系的这种结构性变化,商业银行、证券公司和保险公司等金融机构不断融合,走向集中化、国际化和全能化,金融控股公司就是这一进程中出现的重要的金融组织形态。它的出现与发展,一方面打破了传统金融机构竞争的格局,另一方面也给金融监管提出了挑战。  相似文献   

现代农业的发展离不开金融的支持,金融业的发展壮大同样不能缺少现代农业这个广阔的市场空间。近年来,尽管中国农村金融服务有大幅改善,但仍属于金融体系中的薄弱环节。通过深入分析现代农业发展中金融支持的重要性,及现阶段中国金融支持现代农业发展的主要不足,提出了一系列金融支持现代农业发展必要采取的方略,旨在为三农发展探索新的发展路径。  相似文献   

随着全球经济环境发生巨变,作为单位的会计环境,由于受整个经济环境的影响,也发生了变化。面对新的会计环境,现行财务报告体系如何满足使用者对风险信息和不确定信息披露的要求,是值得我们深入研究的新课题。从对新的会计环境下传统的财务报告存在的局限性进行分析入手,可提出对我国现行财务报告改进的思考,找出解决方法。  相似文献   

This paper explores the origin of China’s recent credit and asset boom by comparing it with the Japanese bubble economy in the late 1980s by focusing on the asymmetric pattern of financial liberalisation under high savings. It argues that (1) both cases show a ‘confidence trap’ in that policy-makers of the government shared a complacent mindset that they can achieve the optimal mix of market liberalisation and repression, while believing that their political economic system is fundamentally different from others; (2) Such complacent confidence precipitated the supply-side driven financial reforms, in which both governments tried to diversify the credit channels of bank deposits by promoting non-bank financial intermediaries; (3) Exogenous shocks played a pivotal role in enforcing the government to take aggressive monetary easing and fiscal expansionary measures. But the Chinese case is different from the Japanese case in that (1) local politics has promoted a ‘too secure to fail’ situation in which rent-seeking activities are difficult to be detected, thus aggravating the hidden systemic risks; (2) China needs to liberalise its capital account with the more strengthened macroprudential regulatory governance, as the global foreign exchange markets have drastically changed from the period of the 1980s.  相似文献   

As a disruptive innovation, FinTech has posed risks in the financial industry that are more unidentifiable, sweeping, disruptive and influential. Given these new developments, deeper regulatory reform has become necessary to safeguard national financial security, and prevent and dissolve financial risks. On March 11, 2021, the 14th Five-Year Plan1 endorsed by the Fourth Session of the 13th National People’s Congress stressed that China will improve the modern financial regulatory system and shore up our weaknesses in the regulatory system, and boost the application of regulatory technology and financial innovation risk assessment. This marks that the establishment of a technology-driven financial regulatory framework has been put on the agenda. Based on an analysis of the essential implications and drivers of RegTech innovation, this paper discusses the theoretical logic of RegTech innovation. Technology enables intelligent regulatory processes, efficient information processing and robust risk control. The restructuring of the regulatory system has revealed shifts in regulatory paradigms. These include a shift from passive response to proactive change, a shift toward positive interactions between regulators and industry players, as well as more close coordination among regulators. These changes have resulted in more adaptable and efficient regulation. After summarizing foreign experience and Chinese practice, this paper presents optimal pathways for RegTech innovation in China in the following aspects: consolidating the rule-of-law foundation for RegTech innovation, speeding up institutional reforms, improving policy services, strengthening infrastructure development, and building multiparty cooperation mechanisms. This study serves as a reference for building a technology-centric modern financial regulatory system and a sound environment for FinTech development.  相似文献   

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