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通过采用池火灾模型对乌鲁木齐石化分公司100×104t/a对二甲苯芳烃联合装置罐区中的苯储罐泄漏后发生火灾的事故后果进行模拟计算和评价,为事故预防和救援,减少伤亡和损失提供依据。  相似文献   

移动式自变装平台可在一座平台上实现注热作业、生产平台作业、伴生气回收平台作业、酸化压裂、修井作业等多种作业类型,能够满足近海小型边际油田三次开发的需要。针对某油田移动式自变装平台存在的油气火灾爆炸危险,采用HAZID方法辨识平台危险源,划分泄漏单元,通过泄漏概率和点火概率确定火灾爆炸事故的发生概率,采用CFD方法进行事故后果模拟,进而进行风险计算得到平台个人风险、潜在人员损失PLL,基于中石化安全风险矩阵和事故后果确定自变装平台的风险等级,提出针对性控制措施。  相似文献   

大容量的甲醇罐区在化工生产项目中往往以危险化学品重大危险源的形式存在,是防灭火的重点目标。为了有效选取最佳灭火位置、科学应急处置,通过池火灾模型分析与计算,确定在常年风向一定时,无风、平均风速、中等风速和最大风速四种情况下甲醇储罐区池火灾热辐射强度和范围。文章以徐州某化工厂甲醇罐区为例,利用FDS软件构建火灾模型,分析不同热辐射强度对周围设施的破坏情况,完成热辐射演化三维仿真效果,为最佳灭火位置设置提供建议。  相似文献   

根据甲醇的性质,用池火灾模型分析了某50万吨/年甲醇生产企业甲醇罐区的火灾危险性,提出了甲醇泄漏、火灾的防控对策,经实践证明防控对策科学合理。  相似文献   

DNV SAFETI Route运输路线模型是专业的运输活动风险评估模型,根据所有可能发生事故的地点分布潜在事故的总频率,计算出沿线的总体风险水平。选择事故场景为大孔泄漏,对发生泄漏情景引发的火灾、爆炸和毒性物质扩散事故后果进行预测。根据后果预测结果,进而可以得到周边防护目标所承受的个人风险和社会风险曲线。  相似文献   

黄政翔 《化工管理》2023,(6):102-104
化工行业属火灾事故多发行业,在精细化工产品生产过程中,由于生产工艺与普通化工产品相比,在生产工艺技术、应用的原料及工艺流程上都存在较大差别,需要采取的火灾防范及灭火救援对策也应不尽相同。但由于部分企业经营人员过于重视生产效益管理,未能及时认识到精细化工火灾防范与灭火救援管理工作的重要性,导致企业在精细化工生产过程中始终存在较大火灾安全隐患,一旦发生事故,会造成极其恶劣的后果。因此,如何有效地解决精细化学品行业的消防安全问题一直是亟待解决的重要问题。文章以精细化工火灾与灭火救援对策为中心展开研究,首先概述精细化工概念及特征,然后分析精细化工生产火灾诱因及火灾特征,最后提出多种精细化工火灾的灭火救援对策。  相似文献   

李琦 《化工管理》2024,(11):110-114
随着原油储备石油库不断向大型化、复杂化和综合化方向发展,火灾发生时的消防救援工作面临着严峻的挑战。为了深入探讨10万m3原油油罐罐顶火灾对周边人员和设施的影响,结合东营港有限责任公司原油商业储备油库工程实例,采用流程工业事故后果分析软件PHAST和火能量驱动流体模拟软件FDS作为模拟计算的平台,对10万m3原油罐罐顶全面积火灾的燃烧过程进行数值模拟计算。计算结果得出了不同风速下地面热辐射分布规律和邻近储罐不同高度水平的热辐射分布规律和罐顶火灾烟尘的分布规律,分析了原油罐顶火灾产生的热辐射和烟气对储罐周边人员和设施的影响程度,并给出了消防安全方面的建议,为10万m3原油罐消防安全合理设计提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

氢气泄漏后,如不能及时进行处理,可能会引起火灾、爆炸等事故。因此,文章以某实验项目氢气管束车为研究对象,利用QRA定量风险评价软件,模拟氢气管束车发生喷射火灾、蒸气云爆炸和压力容器爆炸等事故后果,并围绕可能造成的事故后果,对氢气管束车作业过程提出有针对性的安全对策措施与建议。  相似文献   

化工园区在中国经济发展中具有很重要的推动作用,但是化工园区大部分原料和附属产品都具有易燃、易爆的特征,所以化工园区存在很多的消防安全隐患。一旦引发火灾事故或者爆炸事故,其后果不堪设想。为此,化工园区一定要加强防火监管,最大限度的避免火灾、爆炸事故的出现。文章针对化工园区消防安全现状以及消防安全事故的特点等进行了探析,并提出了具体的防火监管对策。  相似文献   

长输天然气管道高后果区识别与管理作为管道完整性管理的重要组成部分,其识别的准确性及风险管控的可靠性将直接影响管道安全平稳运行。从管道完整性管理的角度出发,以我国某输气管道为例,开展基于ArcGIS+奥维地图的高后果区识别在线识别,从高后果区风险评价、完整性评价、腐蚀防护、环境管控、技术防护方面提出了高后果区风险管控措施。高后果区风险评价建议采用RiskScore等半定量风险评价方法,定量风险评价方法可作为较高风险管段的补充评价;针对高后果区焊缝异常缺陷,应开挖验证获取缺陷具体信息,采取相应的适用性评价方法,为管道管理者提供决策支持;针对高后果区地区等级升高现象,提出了降压运行措施及压力计算方法。  相似文献   

某综合楼位于市内繁华地段,设有中央空调系统。为充分利用建筑现有消防水池,提高整体系统的使用率,现将消防水池改造成为蓄冷水池,采用水蓄冷技术,解决空调冷源的问题。根据夜间空调负荷的承担情况提出两种方案,并对两种方案的系统运行效率、运行稳定性进行分析,最终确定水蓄冷与水冷涡旋机组联合运行的方案。通过对水蓄冷系统的初投资、年运行成本分析,表明水蓄冷技术应用于空调系统具有经济环保的优势。  相似文献   

We investigate how R&D university – industry collaboration (R&D UIC) is influenced by labor market rigidity. While it is well-established that an educated and skilled workforce will facilitate R&D UIC, another aspect of these alliances has been under-researched: the role of labor market rigidity, in particular the difficulties employers face in hiring and firing workers. We hypothesize that the size of the R&D labor pool in a country will encourage R&D UIC, and that the ease with which employers are legally allowed to hire and fire will directly and indirectly influence R&D UIC. Integrating data from various sources, we test our model on a sample of 73 countries for which information on the size of the R&D labor pool and labor market regulations are available. We also conduct a robustness test using a different proxy for R&D labor pool on a larger sample of 109 countries. Results confirm the strong link between a country's R&D labor pool and R&D UIC, as well as direct negative impacts of hiring and firing rigidity and an indirect negative impact of hiring rigidity. The findings have implications for managers, policy makers, and researchers of R&D collaboration between universities and industry.  相似文献   

为加强消防系统的安全性和实用性,实现甲醇罐区喷淋冷却水的节水回用,依据相关规范,从形式选择、设计计算、系统布置和操作控制等方面阐述了消防及冷却系统设计的优化方法。根据点火源模型的计算结果,提出甲醇罐区泡沫消防管道设计宜采取分散布置,替代原来集中布置的敷设形式,优化后夏季喷淋冷却系统的水回用率达到了98.25%。通过优化,降低了储罐事故状态下热辐射对相邻泡沫管道的影响程度,减少了消防车械的拥堵状况,提高了消防精度。此外,循环夏季喷淋冷却系统还有效减少了企业污水的排放量,人工操作量小,实现了较为智能的冷却水回用功能。  相似文献   

无论是生产还是生活,安全始终都是放在第一位的,但有些企业在生产过程中,疏于对企业的安全管理,以至于造成难以弥补的损失,原本发展十分平稳的企业,也就因为小小疏忽,淡出人们的视线,成为了他人的反面教材。火灾是企业安全损失的头号大敌,据了解,2008年我国发生火灾13.3万起,其中企业火灾占了七成,直接损失达10多亿元,据公安部消防局网站报道,企业仓储、商场市场发生火灾所占比例呈上升趋势,直接经济损失逐年递增,每年的2月份和9月份为火灾高发时段。玩具生产企业由于原材料多属易燃物品,对于防火安全更加需要重视,进入2009年来,有关各地玩具企业被焚为灰烬的新闻频繁见诸报端,给玩具企业的安全生产和管理敲响了警钟。  相似文献   

We consider patent pool formation by owners of essential patents for differentiated standards that may be complements or substitutes in use. Pooling improves coordination in terms of royalty setting within a standard but provokes a strategic response from licensors in the competing standard. We characterise the incentives to form and defect from pools within standards and show how pool formation and stability depend on competition between standards. We also examine strategic patent pool formation by consortium standards and show that policies promoting compatibility of standards may increase or decrease welfare depending on the effects on the incentives to form pools.  相似文献   

近年来煤炭生产任务加重,矿井开采深度增加,煤炭开采面临的问题增加,尤其是因瓦斯、通风等引起的矿井火灾。矿井火灾通常伴随大量有毒有害气体产生,还可引发矿井瓦斯爆炸,给矿工及生产设备安全造成严重威胁。本文从引起矿井火灾的各个方面,分析了其具体应对措施,对于指导矿井实际火灾防治具有一定的参考意义。  相似文献   

为了有效地防治公乌素矿煤层的自燃,本论文通过对1604工作面煤炭自然发火原因分析,提出了以注浆防灭火技术为主,束管监测技术预测、注氮防灭火技术作为补充的综合放灭火技术措施。实践应用表明,该措施能够有效地控制该矿工作面煤层自燃的现象的发生。  相似文献   

Despite documented benefits, the processes described in the new product development literature often prove difficult to follow in practice. A principal source of such difficulties is the phenomenon of fire fighting‐the unplanned allocation of resources to fix problems discovered late in a product's development cycle. While it has been widely criticized, fire fighting is a common occurrence in many product development organizations. To understand both its existence and persistence, in this article I develop a formal model of fire fighting in a multiproject development environment. The major contributions of this analysis are to suggest that: (1) fire fighting can be a self‐reinforeing phenomenon; and (2) multiproject development systems are far more susceptible to this dynamic than is currently appreciated. These insights suggest that many of the current methods for aggregate resource and product portfolio planning, while necessary, are not sufficient to prevent fire fighting and the consequent low performance.  相似文献   

炉篦条是冶金设备烧结机上的一个重要零件,对铸件技术要求高,工作面不允许有铸造缺陷,采用消失模铸造生产炉篦条是一种先进、高效的生产工艺。针对原消失模铸造工艺经常出现的夹渣、夹砂等问题以及铸件报废的原因,在对原工艺认真分析的基础上对炉篦条铸件铸造工艺进行了优化:改变铸件浇冒口的设计,将原来的2个冒口向铸件长度方向的中间靠近;将铸件在浇注位置方向上的工作面朝下,以保证工作面的铸造质量;从管理、工艺实施和监督检查方面进行严格控制,消除气孔,保证涂料烘干,防止涂料返潮。通过优化铸造工艺,有效提高了生产效率,降低了生产成本。批量生产也证明了优化工艺性能稳定,产品质量可靠。  相似文献   

Patent pools collect patents from multiple patentees and license them out as a package. They offer one-stop-shop licensing efficiencies, reduce transaction costs, and increase the predictability of the licensing environment for the benefit of innovation diffusion. However, pools failed to take off for previous cellular standards. This article analyses both retrospectively the reasons for such failures and prospectively what makes the 5G environment more conductive to pool formation and licensing. Avanci, a patent pool for licensing cellular standards in the Internet of Things (IoT), is a significant development but has limited licensing coverage so far. The article then recommends five policy principles to facilitate pool licensing in the IoT. They include recognising that only enough upstream SEP owners need to join the 5G pool to create a market signalling effect. Some vertically integrated SEP owners may remain outsiders, and some bilateral licensing may co-exist without damaging the pool's success. To encourage upstream SEP owners to join the pool, they should be allowed to set ‘high enough’ royalty rates and divide pools' royalties among members under value proportionality rules. 5G pools must also be flexible and adopt different licensing programs that consider the specificities of each IoT market. Finally, pool administrators should consult with IoT implementers before establishing licensing programs for them and have infringement legal standing if everything else fails. These principles would go a long way in spurring the broader use of 5G pool licensing for a more efficient, straightforward, and predictable IoT licensing environment.  相似文献   

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