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国际社会普遍认为引入市场化的保险机构参与医疗体系的费用控制技术创新和机制创新,对提高医疗体系的效率水平有显著作用,但理论界尚未为其提供足够的依据。基于这种认识,本文希望能够较为全面地检视国际医疗体系中商业健康保险的发展情况及其对医疗体系绩效的作用,从而为政策制定提供更坚实的理论根据。对OECD国家的考察发现,近些年来商业健康保险呈现出不断深化发展的趋势,这对各国医疗体系绩效存在显著的正向影响;此外,公共全民医疗保障体系的存在会显著改善医疗体系绩效,暗示商业健康保险作用的发挥必然是以良好的公私合作为前提的。  相似文献   

费用只是美国一半日本医疗体系的花费只有美国的一半,医疗效果往往还优于美国。日本采取的手段就是禁止保险公司营利、限制医生收费、容许医疗领域存在许多美国人感到难以容忍的缺陷。  相似文献   

蒋舒  封进 《上海保险》2022,(10):6-12
<正>一、概述2020年3月,中共中央、国务院印发《关于深化医疗保障制度改革的意见》(以下简称《意见》)。《意见》要求,到2030年,我国要全面建成以基本医疗保险为主体,医疗救助为托底,补充医疗保险、商业健康保险、慈善捐赠、医疗互助共同发展的医疗保障制度体系。同时,《意见》提出,要促进各类医疗保障互补衔接,提高重特大疾病和多元医疗需求保障水平,推进医保治理创新,规范和加强与商业保险机构、社会组织的合作。  相似文献   

美国商业性担保机构运作经验及启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
蔡真 《银行家》2007,(11):23-26
美国信用担保体系大体可分为两部分:政策性担保机构和商业性担保机构。政策性担保机构是指由政府出资设立的,主要服务对象为中小企业。目前美国的政策性担保机构是美国小企业管理局。商业性担保机构是指没有政府背景、也无特定服务对象,以营利为首要目标的担保机构。本文主要目的在于对美国商业性担保机构的运作情况进行分析,从而对中国担保业的发展提供借鉴。  相似文献   

主持人: 《医疗机构医疗保障定点管理暂行办法》(国家医疗保障局令第2号)第三十八条规定,经办机构发现定点医疗机构存在违反协议约定情形的,可按协议约定要求定点医疗机构支付违约金;《零售药店医疗保障定点管理暂行办法》(国家医疗保障局令第3号)第三十五条规定,经办机构发现定点零售药店存在违反医保协议约定情形的,可按医保协议约...  相似文献   

各国商业健康保险   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
美国 一、政策环境 (一)医疗保障制度的构成:社会医疗保障 私人健康保险. 1、社会医疗保障主要包括三种形式:一是老年医疗保障制度,对65岁以上的老年人以及因残疾、慢性肾炎等而接受社会福利部门救济者提供的健康保险.二是医疗救助制度,对低收入人群、失业人群、残疾人群提供各种程度不等的部分免费医疗服务.  相似文献   

墨西哥的医疗保障制度安排覆盖到了全体公民,一部分人被社会保障体系覆盖,一部分被公共卫生计划覆盖。在墨西哥,由于各类医疗机构以提供公共医疗卫生服务为主,而非以营利为目的,医疗费用支出得到了有效控制。这对于我国的医疗保险制度建设具有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

在本文中,我们研究在中国和印度等新兴经济体制国家的公司治理改革的进化。首先,我们介绍在这些国家治理改革背后的两个主要的驱动力:私有化和全球化。在总结了各方面的治理改革的演变后,我们确定四个主要障碍会妨碍这两个国家在公司治理与改革方面的实施,即:(1)缺乏激励机制;(2)主要的股东占主导地位;(3)外部监控系统不发达;(4)缺乏合格的独立董事。我们强调的是外国公司注重上下相关的挑战、可能实施的适当合同或其他保障措施,同时识别出更多有实际含义、参与公司治理的合资企业的形式。最后,我们总结出了一些结论和对未来公司治理的影响因素①。  相似文献   

2月25日,中共中央和国务院出台了《关于深化医疗保障制度改革的意见》(中发〔2020〕5号)。应该说,这是我国建立社会保障制度以来,出台层次最高、涉及范围最广、改革内容最新的医疗保障领域纲领性文件。笔者管中窥豹,对意见的认识概括为“1+2+4”:一体:加快建立覆盖全民、城乡统筹、权责清晰、保障适度、可持续的多层次医疗保障体系。《意见》明确了2025年和2030年两步走的目标,最终要全面建成以基本医疗保险为主体,医疗救助为托底,补充医疗保险、商业健康保险、慈善捐赠、医疗互助公共发展的医疗保障制度体系。  相似文献   

美国非吸收存款类放贷机构(Non-Deposit-Taking Lenders,以下简称NDTL或者放贷人)是指从市场借入资金并主要从事发放贷款这一业务的公司。美国NDTL发展的基本情况:(1)NDTL的机构数量较多,有的NDTL规模大于银行;(2)NDTL的机构类型多样,业务对象主要是小型业主和消费者;(3)NDTL在市场中具有相对的竞争优势,有的银行收购这类放贷人作为自己零售网络的一部分;(4)一些商业模式不好的NDTL对美国次贷危机也有贡献。美国对NDTL的监管:(1)与存款类金融机构相比,监管者对NDTL的监管较为宽松,监管的强度在下降;(2)对NDTL的监管属于州立管制,不存在联邦管制;很多州的NDTL监管机构为银行业监管机构,也有一些州为州务卿办公室;(3)对消费类NDTL的监管远远强于对商业类NDTL的监管,从事消费类放贷的公司必须有州放贷牌照,而商业性贷款公司一般不需要牌照。最近15年针对消费类NDTL的监管问题得到进一步重视;(4)NDTL的市场准入:组织形式上基本没有限制。最低资本金要求低,没有对权益负债等比例限制,这些成熟市场中市场力量可以解决;(5)NDTL不能吸收公众存款,但是其他融...  相似文献   

We delineate Hong Kong listed corporations into three levels of privatization: the fully privatized blue chips, semi‐privatized red chips and the least privatized H shares. Both H shares and red chips are mixed enterprises that mimic private ownership with joint government and private stock ownership. We find that mixed enterprises are less profitable and lower valued than the fully privatized blue chips, but red chips are more efficient and perform better than blue chips when market confidence swings to their favor. Regression analysis suggests that increased stock ownership by the government and increased emolument incentives are counterproductive to profitability, especially in bad economic times of the 1997–98 Asian financial crisis.  相似文献   

《Journal of Banking & Finance》2005,29(8-9):1905-1930
Although a large and growing literature shows that privatization can improve the performance of non-financial enterprises, there is less evidence on how it affects the performance of the banking sector. This paper summarizes the results from the papers in the special issue of the Journal of Banking and Finance on bank privatization. It concludes that although bank privatization usually improves bank efficiency, gains are greater when the government fully relinquishes control, when banks are privatized to strategic investors, when foreign banks are allowed to participate in the privatization process and when the government does not restrict competition.  相似文献   

We examine which factors affect the decision of analysts to follow newly privatized firms as well as the factors that determine the extent of that following. Contrary to traditional private firms, privatized firms harbor particular uncertainties related to the government's commitment toward privatization. The first-stage estimation shows that the decision by analysts to initiate coverage of newly privatized firms is positively influenced by lower political risk, better judicial efficiency, better information disclosure, and effective extra-legal institutions in the country. Conditional on the decision to initiate coverage, the second-stage results indicate that the extent of analyst following is more important: (1) when there is control relinquishment by the government, (2) when there is more participation by foreign investors and employees, and (3) for those larger firms in nonstrategic sectors. Finally, analysts' coverage is negatively related to postprivatization ownership concentration and underpricing. This latter result runs counter to the existing evidence on private firms—that is, that underpricing “buys” coverage.  相似文献   

We investigate the influence of political and financial factors on the decision to privatize government‐owned firms. The results show that profitable firms and firms with a lower wage bill are likely to be privatized early. We find that the government delays privatization in regions where the governing party faces more competition from opposition parties. The results also suggest that political patronage is important as no firm located in the home state of the minister in charge is ever privatized. Using political variables as an instrument for the privatization decision, we find that privatization has a positive impact on firm performance.  相似文献   

余明桂  钟慧洁  范蕊 《金融研究》2019,466(4):75-91
本文研究国有企业民营化对企业创新的影响及其影响机制。利用中国工业企业数据库,以民营化企业为实验组、以国有企业为对照组进行双重差分检验,结果发现,国有企业民营化显著抑制了企业创新,而融资约束是抑制民营化企业创新的重要因素。进一步检验发现,融资约束对民营化企业创新的抑制作用主要存在于金融发展水平较低的地区,而在金融发展水平较高的地区,这种抑制作用并不明显。本文的研究结果从融资约束的角度拓展了民营化影响企业创新的相关研究,且从民营化的角度为金融市场如何影响企业创新提供了新的视角。此外,本文有助于澄清有关民营化的争议,为进一步深化混合所有制改革、加强金融对民营企业的支持以促进民营企业的创新和发展提供理论依据和政策参考。  相似文献   

This study analyzes how prevailing institutional arrangements i.e., property rights, contracting rights, political institutions, and corporate governance practices affect privatized firms’ performance, capital markets development, and economic growth. Most of the studies surveyed show that privatization enhances privatized firms performance, efficiency, and profitability, which percolates to economic growth. Privatized firms performed better in countries with better regulatory and legal frameworks. Partial privatization may be beneficial in countries with weak institutions, namely, the French civil law countries. The stronger the economic and the governing institutions, the easier it is for privatized firms to thrive and contribute to economic growth. Overall, privatization allows firms to achieve improved efficiency while driving the development of the financial sector.  相似文献   

The process of modernizing the UK's public sector over the past 30 years has relied on significant amounts of privatization. Initially this was controversial, but by the time Labour came to power in 1997 even top secret defence establishments were subjected to selective marketization and sell-offs. This article explores the privatization of part of the Ministry of Defence and the relationship between private equity organizations and executive remuneration in the subsequently privatized company: QinetiQ. The sale of QinetiQ was controversial. It removed an essential element of the British defence research potential from direct state control and transferred ownership to an overseas private equity company. It may provide a template for future privatizations, but this article also shows some of the dangers inherent to this approach.  相似文献   

China started to reform her state-owned enterprises (SOE) in 1990s. As a result of these reforms, some of the companies are partially privatized, while the others are fully privatized. The state kept certain profitable and strategically important SOEs under state control. This paper investigates the privatization progress, the listing requirements for those companies that are listed on two national stock exchanges and the performance of the privatized companies.  相似文献   

We investigate how auditor switching is affected by government influence, misalignment between type of auditor (government vs. private) and type of controlling shareholder (government vs. private), and misalignment between an incumbent auditor and imputed preferences of managers in a market characterized by continued substantial government ownership in listed entities. We exploit a natural policy and regulatory experiment in Iran that allows us to investigate what happens when previously government-owned entities are partially privatized as listed entities where, in many cases, the government retains significant ownership interests. At the same time, there were significant changes in the audit market, resulting in large increases in the number of private sector auditors competing for previously state-administered audits. We find the likelihood of auditor switches is strongly associated with measures of misalignment between type of auditor and type of controlling shareholder and auditor–managerial misalignment, but these associations are constrained by significant government influence. Exposing the constraining effect of significant government influence on auditor switching is an important contribution to our understanding of privatizations, government shareholder influence and auditor choice. These results have implications for policy development in other emerging and transition economies where privatization remains largely partial, and competition among private sector auditors is still emergent.  相似文献   

We trace the extent of performance deviation of privatized banks from established private banks in 30 countries from 1994 to 2005 and investigate the role of bank regulatory and supervisory norms, market competition, ownership structure, deposit insurance scheme, and governance structure affecting the deviation. Evidence shows that privatization does improve the performance of banks in the first year of being privatized, but performance gradually declines, which is consistent with the government restructuring argument before the privatization. Governance, foreign ownership, banking freedom (regulations), and the deposit insurance scheme in respective economies are found to affect performance deviation significantly.  相似文献   

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