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This paper constructs a non-Walrasian two-country model of international trade, and investigates the possibility of policy combinations including tariffs which lead to Pareto superior trades. While such policies clearly do not exist in the Walrasian full employment situation, the paper shows that there may exist some in the case of unemployment. These policies are studied in various unemployment regimes, and it is shown that their effects depend both on the regime the economy is in, and on the degree of wage indexation.  相似文献   

Ito has applied the non-Walrasian regime switching methodology to the Solovian neoclassical growth model and discussed the occurrence of regimes of full employment, overemployment and underemployment and the different dynamical systems (to be patched up) these regimes give rise to. We shall show in this paper that nothing of this sort really characterizes Solovian growth with non market-clearing real wages if over- or under-time work of the workforce within the firms (the insiders) is taken into account. This simple extension of the two-dimensional dynamical systems of Ito by one dimension implies that there is only one regime possible (the Goodwinian classical regime) with a 3D dynamics that are easily made globally stable and which moreover are often globally asymptotically stable, and this even more when substitution and endogenous growth are added to the model.  相似文献   

《Economics Letters》1986,21(3):221-226
We present a dynamic disequilibrium macro model which permits non-Walrasian or Keynesian equilibria as stationary states. Unlike the stability results obtained by Varian (1977), and Eckalbar (1979,1980,1981) in a series of papers in the same model, we show that such equilibria have the saddle point property when the real wage rate, the real money balances and expected output demand, all change in disequilibrium.  相似文献   

This paper shows how the dynamic evolution of a short-run non-Walrasian equilibrium can generate cycles. The cyclic behavior of the system results from the combination of an unstable accelerator and of stabilizing price effects. The novelties of the model presented in this paper with respect to previous contributions in non-linear cycle theory are the use of a non-Walrasian equilibrium structure in the short run, and the fact that a cycle is obtained without having to assume any ad hoc shape for the various functions involved. Moreover the model bridges the gap between cycle theory and the traditional short-run IS-LM analysis.  相似文献   

Three different versions of the IS-LM model are generally found in the literature: A first version assumes both price and wage rigid, and excess supply on the two markets. A second version assumes a rigid wage, but a flexible price clearing the goods market. Finally, a third version assumes that both markets are cleared. We develop in this paper a synthetic model which displays the three above cases as particular regimes of the same model, by formalizing the implicit assumption of Keynesian models that the price and wage levels are rigid downwards, but flexible upwards. The resulting non-Walrasian equilibria can be of three types, which correspond to the three versions of the IS-LM model described above. In each case we show how production and employment are determined, and compute the multipliers for fiscal and monetary policy. Finally, the parameter space is partitioned into three subregions corresponding to each regime.  相似文献   

We demonstrate that equilibria termed ‘Walrasian’ in non-Walrasian models are generally not, but rather Hicksian Temporary Competitive Equilibria in expected virtual prices. They are only Walrasian when the expected virtual prices would clear all markets.  相似文献   

本文简要地对袁志刚教授的《均衡与非均衡:中国宏观经济与转型问题探索》进行了评述。本书评从非瓦尔拉斯均衡的视角,从中国的宏观经济、结构性转型与社会政策三个方面,分析了本书的思想理路及其对中国问题的意蕴。由于中国的经济问题在相当长的时期内都是结构性的,本书的方法和发现对于中国改革具有重要的理论与政策含义。  相似文献   

The dimension of aggregate fluctuations is quite different between the European and US economies. Such a result fully justifies attention to non-Walrasian features for improving the empirical performance of the RBC model. In this paper, we introduce two features, present in European economies, into the standard general setting of the infinite-horizon stochastic growth paradigm: trade union behavior and unemployment benefits. We show that this non-Walrasian economy (i) improves the ability to account for the stylized facts, (ii) displays realistic features in explaining the employment and productivity puzzles, (iii) may account for contractions.  相似文献   

We present a market game which features multiple posts for each commodity. We use this framework to illustrate the idea that in non-Walrasian markets, where individual activities influence market clearing prices, there are equilibria where commodities are exchanged simultaneously in two posts at different prices, thus defying the ‘law of one price’. Such equilibria are compatible with an apparent arbitrage possibility, which dissipates whenever individuals try to take advantage of it.  相似文献   

This article critically analyzes inflation targeting (IT) both theoretically and empirically. IT came into prominence in the 1990s and 1 central bank after another adopted this regime in the 1990s and 2000s. Proponents of IT mainly argued that IT regime was successful on the grounds that it resulted in lower inflation rates and hence better economic performances. However, inflation rates in the world were in a downward trend from the 1980s well into the 2000s, and both IT and non-IT regimes managed to decrease their inflation rates. In addition, focusing too much on price stability through IT paved the way for permanently higher than necessary interest rates and disinflationary “tight” monetary policy periods when inflation rate was above an arbitrarily targeted level. Tight monetary policy can and do affect the real economy negatively and overemphasizing price stability may hurt the economy in terms of lower potential output, decreasing investment and more unequal income distribution. Post Keynesians offer valuable alternatives within the framework of parking-it approach to the existing monetary policy paradigm. Our main conclusion is that central banks should set the policy interest rate as low as possible and keep it there, in line with Keynesian “cheap money” policy.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes how political institutions affect the execution of exchange‐rate policy. By focusing on policy‐makers' responses to the emergence of speculative pressure on their currencies, we argue that the effect of democratic institutions on exchange‐rate stability is likely to be conditioned by the officially announced exchange‐rate regime. Officially fixed exchange rates are the main instrument of autocrats to signal commitment to long‐term stability. Autocratic governments with strictly fixed exchange rates are thus more likely to defend their exchange rates than autocrats with an intermediate regime because the latter implicitly signal that they care less about monetary stability. In contrast, democrats defend more often in intermediately than in fully fixed official regimes by using a combination of external and internal adjustments, which reduce the negative effects of a devaluation on voters. Our analysis of 189 currency crises between 1975 and 1999 supports this conditional effect.  相似文献   

This article examines the effectiveness of monetary transmission mechanisms in the Serbian economy, covering the period from January 2009 (the point at which the formal switch to the fully-fledged inflation targeting regime was made) to December 2013. The results of the recursive VAR models suggest that the exchange rate and credit channels play a major role in the monetary transmission process, whereas this is not true in the case of the interest rate channel. However, the results of the non-recursive VAR models show that the role of the exchange rate has diminished over time. On the other hand, the credit channel has become much more influential. Thus, if one of the overriding objectives of adopting the explicit inflation targeting regime is to enhance the importance of other channels apart from the exchange rate channel, which could make monetary policy more effective in achieving price and financial stability, the switch to the inflation targeting regime is justified.  相似文献   

One of the central problems in macroeconomics is the comparison of the effectiveness of various monetary and fiscal policy measures for regulating output and employment. Opinions on this issue are quite varied. This paper analyses this controversy in the framework of a non-Walrasian model with price rigidities. It studies a monetary economy where money is the sole medium of exchange in the model ‘money buys goods and goods buy money; but goods do not buy goods’. The works of Benassy, Dreze, Malinvaud and Younes are utilised for constructing a model of Keynesian unemployment equilibrium.  相似文献   

This paper examines the claim that Keynesian models violate Walras' law. Walras' law is founded in the logic of exchange. Standard statements misrepresent it, as it pertains to a monetary economy. Keynesian models are consistent with Walras' law once this misrepresentation is corrected. The law holds for both notional and effective demands. It also holds in unconstrained Walrasian equilibria, constrained Walrasian equilibria, and constrained non-Walrasian equilibria. The latter corresponds to a Keynesian conception of equilibrium: markets need not clear, but agents expectations must be fulfilled.  相似文献   

This article deals with the effects of exchange rate fluctuations in non-Walrasian macromodels. A demand driven model (‘Keynesian Unemployment’) and a supply driven model (‘Classical Unemployment’), both estimated on Swiss data, are alternatively considered. In each case an exchange rate modification and possible accompanying policy measures are considered. The feasible consequences on employment and the balance of trade are investigated by means of a geometric comparative static technique. For each type of fix-price equilibrium, the favourable conditions for a devaluation and a revaluation are thus emphasised.  相似文献   

Risk, whether market or political, is an important determinant of private investment decisions. One important risk, subject to control by the government, is the risk associated with the hold-up problem: governments can force utilities to shoulder burdensome taxes, to use input factors ineffectively, or to charge unprofitable rates for their service. To attract private investment governments must be able to make commitments to policies that are nonexpropriative (either to contracts that guarantee very high rates of return or to favorable regulatory policies). These commitments, of course, must be credible.

Judgments about the credibility of commitments to regulatoty policies are based upon two political factors: regulatory predictability and regime stability. Regulatory predictability implies that the regulatory process, in which prices and levels of service are set, is not arbitrary. If the condition of regulatory predictability holds, then investors can forecast their returns over time and hence can calculate the value of their investment. If there is regime stability, then there is minimal risk of wholesale changes in the way the government regulates the industry—the most extreme type of change being the denial of property rights, or expropriation. We argue that three characteristics of the regulatory process are, in turn, important determinants of regulatory predictability: agenda control, reversionary regulatory policy, and veto gates. Moreover, regime stability is also, in part, a function of these three characteristics. We examine our theory of political risk and regulatoty commitment by comparing the cases of Argentine and Chilean electricity investment and regulation.  相似文献   

本文使用TV-STAR模型研究发现,我国通货膨胀路径中结构性变化与非线性共存。结构性变化发生在1995年左右,结构性变化前的通货膨胀路径中存在高、低两个均衡点,结构性变化后的通货膨胀路径中存在唯一均衡点,但通货膨胀的持久性较变化前有较大幅度上升。同时发现通货膨胀与通货紧缩的非线性调整具有明显的非对称性,其临界值为4.091。基于广义脉冲响应函数发现,结构性变化后,我国通货膨胀对外来冲击的反应幅度下降,但反应速度上升。另外,正、负向冲击对通货膨胀的影响存在明显的非线性和非对称性。在多数情况下,正向冲击的影响更大,也更持久。在短期内,通货膨胀机制下的冲击影响要明显强于在通货紧缩机制下,但从长期来开,通货紧缩机制下的冲击影响更持久。在结构性变化之后,这种冲击的非对称效应也更明显。  相似文献   

This paper explores the linkage between corporate risk management strategies, investment, and economic stability in an open economy with a flexible exchange rate regime. Firms use currency futures contracts to manage their exchange rate exposure – caused by balance sheet effects as in Krugman (2000) – and therefore their investments’ sensitivity to currency risk. We find that, depending on whether futures contracts are used for risk reduction (i.e. hedging) or risk taking (i.e. speculation), the implied magnitudes of recessions and booms are decreased or increased. Corporate risk management can therefore substantially affect economic stability on the macrolevel.  相似文献   

The paper adresses the problem of a monetary economy with costs of information, imposed in linear form. In particular, we make use of a strategic market game with money where equilibria are standardly non-Walrasian, permitting an active role to monetary policy. The imposition of information costs alters the demand of real balances since traders demand extra money for gathering and processing the necessary information. As a result, money injections could be proved welfare improving only when the induced information costs do not offset the resulted gains to trade.  相似文献   

Wage flexibility is usually defined as the responsiveness of wages to market disequilibrium. But market disequilibrium can be defined in different ways. One can accept a non-Walrasian definition of equilibrium, the market being in equilibrium when agents have no incentive to change their decisions, even if a change of wages can improve their position. To study the behavior of wages as an equilibrating variable, it is appropriate to consider Walrasian demand and supply functions, in which wages are allowed to move in each period in a direction to restore equilibrium between Walrasian demand and supply, even when agents experience restrictions and take notice of these restrictions when making decisions. The degree of wage flexibility is most often measured as the amount of equilibrating change that took place in a certain period. In most wage equations wage flexibility is measured by the coefficient of the unemployment variable, which links the equilibrating change in the wage variable to the degree of market disequilibrium. The equalization of market disequilibrium with unemployment poses some problems. The authors wish to thank Freddy Heylen of the University of Gent for helpful comments.  相似文献   

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