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在商业促销活动中出现了很多问题,其立法引起了学者和立法工作者的关注,但是在立法中由于缺乏对商业促销行为的概念和内涵的分析,总是难以有效的防范促销的负面效应。本文分析了商业促销的概念和内涵,并以其为基础提出了区分促销正当与否的标准,希望在立法上对于约束促销行为有所借鉴。  相似文献   

促销作为流通领域中重要的营销环节,对于促进销售额增长、刺激经济发展发挥着积极作用,但促销行为不当则会破坏公平竞争的市场环境,损害消费者和其他经营者的合法权益,甚至造成比较严重的社会危害后果。本文就我国目前对不当促销行为进行规制的立法进行了梳理,借鉴国外相关立法模式和经验,提出了完善不当促销行为法律规制的建议。  相似文献   

从商业贿赂手段的本质看其表现形式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、我国立法对商业贿赂手段的规定1993年的《反不正当竞争法》第八条对经营者采用财物或者其他手段进行贿赂以销售或者购买商品的行为作了禁止性规定,第二十二条进一步对经营者采用财物或者其他手段进行贿赂以销售或者购买商品的行为做出处罚规定,这两条规定是我国反商业贿赂立法最基本、最权威的渊源。国家工商管理局1996年11月15日发布的《关于禁止商业贿赂行为的暂行规定》,细化了对商业贿赂手段的列举,将《反不正当竞争法》第八条规定的“财物”贿赂手段具体为“现金和实物,包括经营者为销售或者购买商品,假借促销费、宣传费、赞助费、…  相似文献   

本刊讯 国家发展改革委近日发出《关于对全国商业促销和通信行业价格欺诈行为开展重点检查的通知》。要求全国各级价格主管部门开展对商业促销和通信行业价格欺诈行为进行重点检查。  相似文献   

随着成都市商业零售市场日渐繁荣,商业零售"价格战"呈现出白热化。一些打着促销名义但实为不正当价格行为,扰乱了正常的市场价格秩序,损害了消费者的合法价格权益,阻碍了社会诚信体系的建设。因此,如何对商业零售企业的促销行为进行合法有效的监管成为了当下亟待解决的问题。  相似文献   

上海市开展"迎世博"餐饮行业价格监督检查,重点对经营者的明码标价行为、商业促销行为及出具清单结算行为进行检查,并将从事涉外商品经营和服务的商业街区及机场、火车站、旅游景点等地区列为检查重点。(上海市物价检查所)  相似文献   

伴随我国商业经济的快速发展,商品流通企业的竞争越发激烈,许多商家时常开展不同的促销活动以获得最大的企业利益。据此,针对当前常见三种商业促销行为分析其涉税问题并进行相关会计处理。  相似文献   

商业贿赂行为作为不正当竞争行为的一种,具有很大的社会危害性,严重破坏了我国的市场竞争秩序。商业贿赂行为不仅损害了消费者的合法权益,也在一定程度上诱导腐败现象的发生。因此,必须采取有效措施,加强对商业贿赂行为的惩治力度。我国现行反商业贿赂法律体系存在着立法、执法缺陷、监督机制不够完善的不足。借鉴和吸收美国、德国、日本等发达国家的反商业贿赂法律制度的优点和经验,完善我国商业贿赂机制的立法建设、执法力度及监督机制建设,以促进我国相关制度的科学化、规范化、合理化。  相似文献   

商业营销的现场气氛是使顾客由视觉形象过渡到消费导向的行为活动的重要诱因。pop广告的促销形式能够极大地激发现场消费者的购物行为,充分运用现代科技,不断地丰富pop广告的形式和内容,是现代商业营销者的一个重要广告手段。  相似文献   

规范商业企业促销竞争行为,制定市场经济"游戏规则",为各式各样的促销形式戴上"紧箍咒",已成为目前整顿和治理市场经济秩序的重要内容之一。2005年1月,北京市商务局、发改委和工商局联合发布了《北京市商业零售企业促销行为规范(试行)》,规定从今年2月1日起对零售企业的打折让利、购物  相似文献   


This article presents a meta-analysis aiming to assess the short- and long-term effects of sales promotions on consumer behavior. We found 221 studies addressing this relationship. Our final sample provided 139 observations. First, the results revealed a significant relationship between sales promotion and both purchase intentions and sales volume. Second, we identified significant and positive connections with brand loyalty, perceptions of quality, consumer attitudes, and switching costs for consumers. Third, we noted that the sample type, the number of promoted products and sample size partially moderated the relationship between sales promotion and short/long-term effects.  相似文献   

In recent years, manufacturers of consumer and industrial goods as well as service firms have been increasingly thinking in global terms and paying more attention to sales promotion in their overall promotional programmes and strategies. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the consumer sales promotion practices of consumer goods producing companies in the advanced developing country of Turkey. It was discovered that sales promotion activities are gaining importance in overall promotional practices of Turkish companies, though there are differences in its use by type of industry, size of company, area of business and locus of decision-making within the firm. Furthermore, differences were detected between companies using sales promotions versus other forms of promotional techniques such as mass media advertising, personal selling and publicity. Study findings may be applicable to other developing countries that are at a similar level of socio-economic, market and technological development as Turkey.  相似文献   

The effect of buyer belief in good luck on the propensity to select a sales promotion strategy involving a lucky draw (e.g., sweepstakes) is investigated using a sample of 699 individuals in Hong Kong. Using subscales from Darke and Freedman's (1997b) Belief in Good Luck Scale, it is found that a belief in being personally lucky is associated with selecting a lucky draw over other sales promotions options, but that a general belief in the phenomenon of luck is not. Moreover, it is found that perceived utility of the lucky‐draw prize is consistently associated with the option to select a lucky draw over other sales promotion strategies. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

This paper explores the effects of utilitarian and hedonic benefits perceptions of discount sales promotions on consumer purchase decisions (attitude and behavioral intention). A closed-ended survey, as well as a partial least squares structural equation modeling of consumers sampling who had used discount sales promotions in their recent purchases, was utilized in this study. The findings suggest that utilitarian benefits perceptions derived from price-quality perception and hedonic benefits perceptions derived from smart shopper self-perception of using discount sales promotions positively affect consumer purchase decisions. Both utilitarian and hedonic benefits perceptions of discount sales promotions can henceforth be used to produce the desired effects on purchase decisions. Hence, this paper sheds light on the effects of utilitarian and hedonic benefits perception of discount sales promotions on purchase decisions. Though the findings are limited to discount sales promotions alone and two types of purchase decisions outcomes (attitude and behavioral intentions), this paper identified multiple avenues to extend its findings. This encourages further exploration of such promotion topics, particularly on the various perceptions of discount sales promotions as well as other sales promotion techniques among marketing academics and practitioners.  相似文献   

促销伤害危机及其应对方式——基于连锁超市的实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来由于促销不当而导致消费者受到人身、财务等伤害的事例不断,相应的危机事件增多。尽管政府采取了一系列规范企业促销行为的措施,但促销伤害形式多样界定难。在国内外相关研究的基础上,通过案例分析,对促销伤害危机的概念、分类及其应对方式进行了阐释,不仅丰富了营销安全研究的内容,让企业进一步了解促销伤害带来的直接负面效应,从而有助于规范其自身的促销行为,同时也为其制定更加有效的促销组合提供决策依据。  相似文献   

乳制品营销策略相关文献综述   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
通过对国内外乳制品营销策略相关的文献进行了梳理和归纳,从产品、价格、渠道、促销、网络营销以及其他方面进行归纳总结。可以看到,国内外文献大多选择了案例研究、实证分析,多数结合当前世界发展趋势、营销趋势进行讨论,充分考虑到了全球化、网络化、关系、跨位、绿色营销等因素。从国内外文献研究的成果来看,乳制品营销策略强调以消费者为中心、更加关注消费者的心理、行为、习惯等因素,通过对文献的整理归纳,为未来的研究提供了理论依据、参考借鉴、方向指引。  相似文献   

The purpose behind the development of this research article is to assess the impact of sales promotions benefits on consumer perceived value and examine the moderating effect of product categories on the relation between sales promotions, their benefits, and consumer perceived value. The study used a sample of 400 consumers from India and ‘Structure Equation Modelling’ technique is applied to evaluate the research assumption. Finally, the moderating effect of the product category is evaluated by utilizing ‘Multi-Group Analysis' technique. Research findings reveal that the product category moderates the consumer's perceived value for hedonic and utilitarian benefits of sales promotion tools. It is found that utilitarian benefits of sales promotion have more impact on consumer perceived value in the context of personal care product while hedonic benefits are having more impact on consumer perceived value in the context of food products. A sales promotion plan can be made more effective when it is hedonic benefit oriented in the case of food products and utilitarian benefit oriented in the case of personal care products. The findings of this research can be useful for marketers to develop an effective sales promotion strategy considering the category wise differential impact of sales promotions benefits.  相似文献   

This study explores the role of situational, demographic, and socioeconomic variables in stimulating impulse purchase behavior in the Republic of Macedonia. Factor analysis reveals five categories of situational impulse buying factors: social and personal, in-store atmosphere, sales related, sales promotion, and time and money. Cluster analysis produced two segments: noticeably rational and noticeably impulsive. The results show significant differences between the two segments on all five factors of impulse buying. Furthermore, the results show that segments differ in terms of age, working status, household income, and frequency of buying.  相似文献   

Pharmaceutical drugs are rigorously evaluated through clinical studies. The commercial consequences of such clinical studies, both to the promotion for and sales of drugs, are largely under-researched. The present study answers the following research questions: 1) How does the evolution of clinical study outcomes affect product sales? 2) How does the evolution of clinical study outcomes affect a firm's promotion expenditures to physicians and consumers? 3) Is the assessment of the responsiveness of sales to promotion expenditures biased when the analyst omits the role of clinical studies? We summarize a comprehensive body of clinical studies in three metrics: valence, dispersion, and volume. We extend the literature with the following findings. A higher valence and volume of clinical studies (i.e., more positive and larger number of studies) increase sales. A higher valence of clinical studies increases spending on both direct-to-consumer advertising and direct-to-physician promotion. A higher dispersion among clinical studies decreases spending on direct-to-consumer advertising. A higher volume of clinical studies has no effect on direct-to-physician promotion, but decreases direct-to-consumer advertising. Furthermore, the results show that omitting these metrics from a market response model leads to an overestimation of the responsiveness of sales to promotion expenditures.  相似文献   

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