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The fast growth of the Chinese economy has transformed Chinese outbound tourism into one of the major players in the tourism industry worldwide. However, Chinese outbound tourists may still encounter travel constraints in some countries, such as Japan, which has had a close and complicated relationship in history with China. This study adopted the qualitative approach by applying focus group and in-depth interviews to investigate and triangulate the travel barriers affecting Chinese outbound travel to Japan. The findings indicated that domestic nationalist sentiment played a key constraining role in influencing Chinese outbound travel decision-making, followed by current political factors, while quality products and service, as well as social environment encouraged tourists to travel. This research also found that visitors and non-visitors have perception differences in terms of travel barriers and attractiveness of travel.  相似文献   

The Chinese outbound travel market has been one of the fastest-growing international markets over the past decade. However, estimating the size and identifying key tourist-generating areas for the Chinese travel market remain a significant challenge for international marketers. This empirical study employs an incidental target-market approach and presents updated research findings concerning this burgeoning market. Primary and secondary tourist-generating cities of Mainland China were identified based on population size and level of socioeconomic development, and their market potential for outbound travel was assessed through a large-scale telephone survey. This study estimated that the current Chinese outbound travel market comprises approximately 22 million city residents, among whom 11.5 million have traveled or plan to travel to destinations outside Asia. In addition to estimating market size and making recommendations on target cities, the study also introduces an effective research design for identifying target markets and customers.  相似文献   

This paper presents data on the top 50 outbound destinations for Chinese tourists from 2002 to 2013. The total number of Chinese tourists traveling to these 50 destinations accounts for 95.38% of outbound travelers from China. We built a dynamic panel data model to measure factors that influence market demand for Chinese outbound tourism. The results show that economic variables such as income, tourism prices, and exchange rates have a significant influence on outbound tourism volume. The effect of bilateral goods trade and leisure time significantly differ between the full sample and the two subsamples, whereas political stability of the destinations and special incidents in China have no significant impact on demand for outbound tourism. Based on these findings, this study proposes strategies to strengthen the management of China’s outbound tourism market.  相似文献   

In this study the role of pop-culture on shaping destination image was derived from focus groups and interviews with 24 fans from different nationalities of the Korean pop star Ahn Jae-wook. Three main theses emerged from the study: 1) the destination image induced by pop-culture was changed in a positive way; 2) the pop-star's event reinforced a positive place image through experiences of the event and travels in South Korea; and 3) the positive image from pop-culture experiences had a strong impact on future behavior. Results of the study suggest that pop-culture as an autonomous agent delivers a more powerful and stronger influence on destination image than previously recognized in the literature. Theoretical contributions and practical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

The booming Chinese outbound tourism has attracted worldwide attention. This study attempts to examine Chinese tourists’ expectations of outbound travel products. A series of focus groups were conducted in eleven cities in China and various issues, concerns, and problems were identified related to Chinese outbound tourists’ expectations of accommodations, food and restaurants, tour guides and itineraries, entertainment and activities, and transportation. The focus group results showed that, while Chinese outbound tourists share many of the same fundamental needs and desires of all tourists, this group has particular expectations in terms of amenities and service standards. Understanding these expectations may help Western service providers better serve this market.  相似文献   

Learned helplessness is an important psychological construct that may influence senior tourists' subjective wellbeing while travelling. Employing a mixed-method approach and a multi-sample design, this study examines how Chinese senior outbound tourists’ perceived travel constraints and negotiation efforts affect learned helplessness in outbound travel. We identified four perceived constraints (perceived incapability, lack of suitable travel agencies and services, lack of information and personal support, and complex travel decision-making) and three negotiation strategies (seeking family support, physical/health preparation, and learning). Multiple regression analyses showed that among the four perceived constraints, only perceived incapability increased learned helplessness significantly; conversely, negotiation in general reduced learned helplessness. However, not as expected, negotiation was not founded to be a moderator between perceived constraints and learned helplessness. Theoretical and practical implications are also discussed.  相似文献   

Chinese outbound travel is thriving, with seniors taking an increasing market share. However, although outbound travel in general has been researched quite well, little is known specifically about the outbound travel behavior of Chinese seniors, or the effects of information technology (IT) on their vacation patterns. This study is an initial and exploratory attempt to understand the relation between IT usage and tourism behavior (travel motivation, travel intention, and sociodemographics) of Chinese senior outbound travelers. The results reveal four segments of IT usage, each with significantly different traveler profiles in terms of sociodemographics, travel motivation, and travel intention.  相似文献   

Deviant tourist behavior (DTB) among Chinese outbound tourists has sparked concerns that such behavior not only exposes destinations to various negative impacts but also damages the international image of China. Hence, it is necessary to explore how to reduce such behavior. Social identity cues are an effective inhibitor of DTB; however, previous research has focused on the influence of the interdependent and interactive nature of social identities on DTB, neglecting the inclusive nature of social identities. To fill this gap, the current study focuses on how Chinese outbound tourists’ identity breadth affects their deviant behavior in international tourism contexts. In Study 1, we examine a distinctive feature of international tourism contexts and find that tourists have high face consciousness. Second, we propose and document that Chinese outbound tourists primed with a broad (vs. narrow) identity develop higher face consciousness and a lower intention to engage in deviant behavior (Studies 1 and 2), with face consciousness mediating this process (Study 3). Finally, Study 4 finds that the number of fellow tourists with the same identity moderates this effect. The influence of identity breadth on DTB is manifest when there are few in-group members present. Our findings provide meaningful practical and theoretical value regarding how to reduce tourists’ deviant behavior through identity-related cues.  相似文献   

This paper investigates potential factors influencing Chinese residents' demand for outbound travel. Based on survey data from the Chinese Family Panel Studies project conducted in 2008, we utilize several discrete choice models to analyze (1) factors explaining Chinese residents' participation in outbound travel in the last five years and (2) factors explaining various types of outbound travel. We highlight the importance of age, hukou type, personal income, education level, domestic tourism participation, foreign language proficiency, life satisfaction, and Internet use to explain Chinese residents' outbound travel. We also observe regional differences and urban–rural differences by estimating the model using different sub-samples. Finally, implications are presented concerning marketing efforts in targeting potential Chinese outbound tourists.  相似文献   

This study puts to empirical test a major typology in the tourism literature, mass versus special interest tourism (SIT), as the once-distinctive boundary between the two has become blurry in modern tourism scholarship. We utilize 41,747 geo-located Instagram photos pertaining to the 2017 Great American Solar Eclipse and Big Data analytics to distinguish tourists based on their choice of observational destinations and spatial movement patterns. Two types of tourists are identified: opportunists and hardcore. The motivational profile of those tourists is validated with the external data through hypothesis testing and compared with and contrasted against existing motivation-based tourist typologies. The main conclusion is that large share of tourists involved in what is traditionally understood as SIT activities exhibit behavior and profile characteristic of mass tourists seeking novelty but conscious about risks and comforts. Practical implications regarding the potential of rural and urban destinations for developing SIT tourism are also discussed.  相似文献   

This exploratory study examines the predictive power of psychographic and demographic variables on intended and actual travel behaviors. A pre-tour and after-tour survey on the intended and actual travel behaviors of 397 Chinese 1 1. For the specific purposes of this research, “China” refers to Mainland China, excluding Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan due to their historical background. Hence, Chinese tourists refer to tourists from Mainland China. View all notes outbound tourists to Australia was conducted. Four of the five intended travel behaviors (Sightseeing, Culture and Heritage Activity, Shopping and Dining, and Entertainment) and three of the five actual travel behaviors (Sightseeing, Culture and Heritage Activity, and Entertainment) proved to be statistically significant with a combination of psychographic and demographic contributors. The results of this study are discussed and the market implications indicated.  相似文献   

江林  李祉辉 《旅游学刊》2005,20(2):9-14
中韩两国历史源远流长,文化相似,地理相邻,两国人民世代交往不断。由于特定时期的政治原因,两国一度中断了联系。但自1992年中韩建交以来,两国之间的经济、文化交流日益频繁。中国已经成为韩国第二大旅游客源国,中国公民赴韩国旅游业已成为我国出境游市场的重要组成部分。本论文旨在通过对中国公民赴韩国出境游市场的现状进行分析,提出当前韩国游市场存在的问题,并从政府旅游部门、旅游企业及韩方相关机构角度提出相关对策建议,以利于促进中国公民赴韩出境游市场的持续、健康、快速发展。  相似文献   

The study was designed to examine the demographic and socioeconomic characteristics and trip‐related attributes of the outbound Chinese travelers to Singapore, Malaysia, and Thailand (SMT market) and to compare this particular market with the two groups of Chinese visitors bound for other Asia‐Pacific and outside Asia‐Pacific destinations. The results provide a profile of the SMT Chinese market and identified a number of characteristics and attributes that significantly differentiated the SMT market from the two other markets.  相似文献   

文章通过对2001~2012年间中国两岸四地作者旅游类国际期刊论文的检索和统计,分析发现:(1)中国作者发表的论文总量呈增长趋势,且大陆的增幅尤为明显;(2)中国大陆作者独立发表的论文数量、大陆学术机构的贡献度及论文被引频次较低;(3)通过对不同时期两岸四地论文的关键词分析提取出的研究热点和研究方向发现,中国作者的旅游研究总体从宏观转向微观,由预测、规划转向动机、满意度研究,其中,大陆和港澳台的研究各偏重于不同的方向。文章还从《旅游学刊》文章被国际期刊论文引用的角度进行分析,研究发现,大陆学者正在以学术交流和学生联合培养的方式合作发表论文并引用中文旅游学术期刊文章,从而使之产生一定国际影响力。通过对国内外核心期刊的分析,研究近10年中国旅游研究的国际影响力变化趋势及其影响因素,为旅游学术共同体尤其是大陆学者提升其学术成果的国际影响力提供方向参考。  相似文献   

This study investigated the differences and similarities between Chinese and Australian visitors' attitudes toward nature, animals and environmental issues, in order to inform the design of visitor experiences and interpretive programs that address the needs and interests of Chinese visitors to Australia. Questionnaires were completed by a total of 267 Chinese and 258 Australian visitors to a nature-based island resort in Queensland, Australia. Results indicate that Chinese visitors had a greater sense of connection with, but more anthropocentric view of nature than Australian visitors; had less experience with, and a greater fear or dislike of animals; and were more aware of, interested in, and concerned about environmental issues. Recommendations are made for the design of interpretive experiences that are relevant and effective for Chinese visitors.  相似文献   

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