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基于典型案例研究的中国湿地生态补偿模式探析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
湿地是介于陆地和水域自然生态系统间的过渡地带,是地球自然生态系统的重要组成部分,湿地生态系统具有极高的生态价值和科研价值,湿地生态补偿是保护湿地资源的有效途径。本研究依据湿地生态补偿相关理论,分析湿地生态补偿典型案例的,提出针对性的建议:确定湿地资源权属,出台湿地生态补偿法律法规及建立合理的湿地生态补偿模式。  相似文献   

湿地公园建设中的湿地保护与恢复措施   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从湿地公园定义及效益分析入手,分析了湿地公园建设中的保护及恢复措施。保护措施主要是通过隐蔽条件建设、生境岛营造、繁殖巢构建、建设生态廊道、野外投食以及建设生态围栏和警示牌等,达到保护湿地生物的目的;恢复措施主要包括基质恢复、植被恢复、水环境恢复以及岸坡恢复等。湿地保护与恢复措施的实施可为我国湿地公园建设与管理提供技术支撑。  相似文献   

Economic activities in coastal wetlands are often perceived as incompatible with nature conservation. This negative perception stems from the visible impacts resulting from a continuous process of coastal wetland reclamation, as human pressure increases significantly in global coastal areas. The largest coastal wetland area in southern Portugal, the Ria Formosa, shares a similar perception, where current nature protection status often conflicts with the needed economic development. Here we explore how the economic activities influenced the wetland reclamation process in Ria Formosa, addressing namely aquaculture identified as an activity with a significant compatibilization potential. Different datasets were merged in a Geographical Information System, tracking land use change in Ria Formosa wetlands over the last 130 years at decadal intervals. Our results show that since the end of the 19th century nearly 2000 ha of wetlands were converted to anthropic environments, resulting in a 20 % natural area reduction. From 1885 until the mid-20th century, land use policy was influenced by the significant regional seafood preservation industry, with large swaths of wetlands diked, drained and excavated to give place to traditional salt farms. The following economic downturn gave place for the late industrialization of salt farms, further increasing the reclaimed wetland areas, later stalling with the recognition of the environmental importance of Ria Formosa in 1978. Aquaculture only gained momentum in 1980’s with the support of European funding, resulting in the conversion of many unproductive diked areas. However, late 20th century and current land use policy shifted to a nature conservation focus, therefore limiting the use of previously reclaimed areas, a challenge that influenced the abandonment of the modified areas. By studying the long-term change of land use in Ria Formosa, we argue that in high conservation value areas new policies should be considered that stimulate the development of an ecosystem approach to economic activities, namely aquaculture, improving simultaneously the regional environmental status and socioeconomic sustainable development.  相似文献   

Previous works have made great progress in mapping and assessing ecosystem services (ES) that are directed toward exploring various aspects of ecological changes and economic values. These preferences, however, may neglect the important role of people who are the direct beneficiaries in this ecosystem. Therefore, including these stakeholders in ES assessment identifies their relations and perceptions between ecosystem services and society. In order to quantify and map these relations and perceptions, we designed and implemented an analytical framework based on the Public Participatory Geographic Information System (PPGIS) method to explore local stakeholders’ (Farmers, Government managers/Experts, and Company employees) similarities and differences in recognition of preferences and social values for ecosystem services in a typical Karst basin. Our results showed that remarkable differences appeared in preferences for ES across three groups. Farmers gave more preferences to provisioning services, Government managers/Experts to regulating and cultural services, and Company employees’ preferences were individualized. The spatial distributions and relations of social values for ES also showed great differentials. Provisioning services were always related to specific natural conditions, regulating services to forests, and cultural services to specific locations around tourism localities, forest, and wetland parks. The three stakeholder groups perceived more synergies than tradeoffs between the different ecosystem services. Landscape beauty was the most influential service in Farmers’ and Company employees’ perceptions, while Local climate change regulation was the most influential service in those of Government managers/Experts. The local stakeholders’ surveys can improve the enthusiasm of the local people to participate in environmental management and provide more socio-ecological information to help the managers alleviate the conflicts among different stakeholders.  相似文献   

中国西北干旱地区湿地生态系统的形成、演变和保护对策   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在我国西北干旱地区,一些内陆湖泊湿地生态系统滋养了西北地区的历史文明和繁荣,从多方面支持了当地人民生活、全球生态系统的稳定和生物多样性,对保护干旱地区生态环境和促进干旱区域可持续发展具有重要意义;分析了西北干旱地区湿地生态系统的类型、形成过程及人类活动的影响,从区域可持续发展、流域水资源的合理利用、生态用水的保证、湿地生态系统服务功能的维持等方面,提出了西北干旱地区湿地生态系统的管理目标和保护对策。  相似文献   

Wetlands are critical natural resources around the globe, providing many direct and indirect benefits to local communities. However, wetland degradation and conversion to other land uses are widespread. Sustainable wetland management requires an understanding of stakeholders’ perceptions of the ecosystem and its management. This paper uses fuzzy cognitive mapping to capture individual stakeholder perceptions and group knowledge of wetland ecosystems in order to assess areas of consensus and opposing interests between different stakeholders and to develop future management scenarios. For this purpose, the Rushebeya-Kanyabaha wetland, which is one of the few wetlands in southwest Uganda that is still largely intact, is used as a case study. Our findings reveal differences in perceptions between different resource users. Papyrus harvesters, beekeepers, fishermen, wetland non-users, and hunters associate the largest livelihood benefits with a wetland conservation scenario, while farmers and government officials perceive increased agricultural production in the wetland area to be more livelihood enhancing. This poses a challenge to sustainable wetland management. The scenario results also suggest that centralized top-down laws and rules on wetland use are not sufficient for maintaining the wetland ecosystem. Therefore, there is a need to develop shared understanding through bottom-up approaches to wetland management that are nested within national regulatory frameworks, ideally combined with awareness building and knowledge sharing on the ecological benefits of the wetland.  相似文献   

The loss and degradation of wetlands in the Mekong Delta has been caused by a combination of human activities (social systems) and natural events (ecological systems). However, the complexity and interaction of these socio-ecological factors are poorly understood. This study provides a better understanding of the complex social-ecological factors affecting land-cover change in the Phu My Lepironia grassland conservation area, part of Kien Giang Biosphere Reserve, Vietnam. A systems thinking approach was used to determine the interaction between the social system and land-use and land-cover changes. Results indicate that ensuring food supply and improving income are the key endogenous drivers of wetland degradation in the study area. Over-exploitation of wetland resources and inappropriate agricultural practices are accelerating wetland conversion and degradation. The conflict and unclear land tenure, coupled with a desire for higher income, has driven the community to convert and reclaim large parts of the wetland. This process is also driven exogenously by wetland access and the fluctuation of commodity prices, which in-turn results in transition from traditional to extensive cropping systems and expansion of cultivated land into the protected wetland. The relationship between people and wetlands must be central to the development of wetland policies and wetland management approaches. This will improve how land use policy supports sustainable sources of food and income for the local community and concurrently reduce pressures on wetland degradation. Any efforts made to protect the remnant wetland grassland and its diverse ecosystem by regulation should be supplemented by developing and sustaining the relationship between social systems and ecological systems.  相似文献   

There is an increasing need for a comprehensive institutional understanding pertaining to ecosystem services (ESs) in coastal and marine fields. This paper develops a systematic framework to inform coastal and marine governance about the integration of ES concepts. First, as a theoretical basis, we analyze the generic rules that are part of the Institutional Analysis and Development (IAD) framework. Second, by an extensive literature review, we formulate a set of ES-specific rules and develop an evaluative framework for coastal and marine governance. Third, we examine this evaluative framework in a specific action situation, namely coastal strategic planning concerning Qingdao, China. Results from the literature review and the case study reveal that when designing ES-specific rules for coastal and marine governance, there are several socio-spatial and economic aspects that should be taken into account: (1) conceive of stakeholders as ES users, (2) capture the effect of ecological scaling, (3) understand ES interactions and clarify indirect impacts and causalities, (4) account for ES values, and (5) draw on economic choices for use rights to deal with ES issues.  相似文献   

连云港西双湖湿地公园植物景观营造技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以西双湖湿地公园为例,通过植物资源调查研究,总结出其植物景观存在的问题。遵循湿地植物景观营造的原则,针对不同功能分区的生态要求,从生态、景观角度综合考虑,对湿地公园的植物景观营造进行了探索与分析,以期为连云港市湿地公园的植物景观营造提供指导。  相似文献   

随着经济社会的迅速发展,水源地上游的大量氮磷营养盐不断输入水体,造成城市供水水库富营养化问题日益严重。为削减入库水体污染物,宁波原水集团有限公司在皎口水库建设了入库前置人工生态湿地工程,技术先进,设计科学,管理维护方便。经过两年运行,工程效益显著,值得推广。  相似文献   

面向SDGs的土地可持续利用目标、挑战与应对策略   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究目的:基于联合国2030可持续发展目标(SDGs),分析土地可持续利用的目标以及中国所面临的形势与挑战,并提出应对策略,为可持续发展的实现提供路径支持。研究方法:文献研究法。研究结果:土地利用是人类、土地单元和土地利用方式三者相互影响与制约的过程,会深刻影响2030年可持续发展目标的实现;在17个SDGs中,有7个目标与土地利用相关,可归纳为高效和集约利用土地、保护和改善土地生态环境、被社会所接受三大目标,以及提高农用土地生产能力、促进工业土地集约与转型利用、建设安全和包容城镇、防治土地污染、恢复生态系统和防治土地退化、消除贫困和实现土地产权安全7项具体目标;面对SDGs的土地持续利用目标,中国在耕地保护、工业用地转型升级、土地污染治理、土地生态修复等方面还面临诸多挑战。研究结论:为推进面向SDGs的土地可持续利用,需要构建本土化监测指标体系,自然资源相关规划与政策的制定要反映土地可持续利用的目标,以土地制度改革助推土地可持续利用,重视土地科技创新,并加强利益相关群体的参与和合作。  相似文献   

吉林省湿地生态系统服务价值评估   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
为科学评估吉林省湿地生态系统最终服务价值,在遥感调查和实地调查的基础上,综合运用生态经济学方法,针对吉林省湿地特点建立吉林省湿地生态系统服务价值指标体系和方法体系,以小班为单位估算吉林省湿地生态系统服务价值。结果显示,吉林省湿地生态系统服务总价值为2 161.93亿元,湿地提供的平均价值为12.71万元/hm~2,其中供给服务功能的价值为436.46亿元,占总价值的20.19%,调节服务功能价值为1 116.64亿元,占总价值的51.65%,支持服务功能价值为417.64亿元,占总价值的19.32%,文化服务功能价值为191.19亿元,占总价值的8.84%,反映出吉林省湿地在发挥直接经济效益的同时,还兼具巨大的生态效益和社会效益。  相似文献   

运用田野调查法,依据《旅游资源分类、调查与评价》(GB/T18972-2003)对武汉城市圈内31家国家级、省级和市级湿地公园及湿地自然保护区的湿地生态旅游资源类型、数量和特点进行了统计分析。运用地理集中指数和交通通达指数分析圈域湿地生态旅游资源的空间结构特征。结果显示:湖泊型湿地生态系统典型、生物景观丰富、历史文化积淀深厚、美学价值高;圈域整体交通通达性较好,武汉市的核心集聚效应明显。从空间结构、区位特点、核心功能、产品内涵、功能分区和典型代表这6个层面构建景区依托型、生态农场型、生境保育型三种典型的延展整合模式,为城市湿地生态旅游资源保护和合理利用提供借鉴。  相似文献   

叶浩然 《水利经济》2016,34(2):36-40
在湿地补水的社会实践中,湿地补水生态补偿成为解决相关地区之间及利益相关者之间利益冲突的有效方式。对湿地补水生态补偿机制进行了规范研究和实证分析,并从补水方案、湿地补水补偿关系、生态补偿标准、生态补偿方式和分担分配等四个主要方面对生态补偿机制进行了详细论述。从法规体系、资金保障、管理制度、信息公开和协商机制等方面,提出了进一步完善湿地补水生态补偿机制的对策建议。  相似文献   

嘉兴市位于太湖流域水网平原、长江三角洲南缘、杭州湾和钱塘江北岸,域内具有丰富的湿地资源,但由于不合理的开发利用导致自然湿地数量持续减少、湿地生态功能退化乃至丧失。通过对嘉兴市湿地类型和特点进行分析,将嘉兴市湿地划分为滨海(江)湿地(滩涂)、河流湿地、湖泊湿地和人工湿地4种类型。探讨了目前嘉兴市湿地环境存在的主要问题,并针对主要制约因素对湿地的保护和合理利用提出了对策与建议。  相似文献   

闽江河口湿地景观生态规划   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用景观生态学原理,利用3个时期遥感影像作为基本信息源,计算景观格局指数和景观类型转移矩阵,分析和研究闽江河口湿地景观格局空间演变特征和景砚生态规划方案;研究结果表明,闽江河口淡水河流区和滨海咸水区景观格局存在空间异质性和人为干扰的程度的差异;闽江河口湿地受快速城市化的影响,湿地面临的保护与开发冲突矛盾日益凸现,从保护景观功能的角度,提出有别于自然保护小区的景观生态保护区的规划思路,将闽江河口湿地景观生态区划分为三类:湿地自然保护区、湿地景观生态保护区、湿地公园.  相似文献   

研究目的:构建多元利益主体参与的土地利用冲突缓解机制,对于缓解区域用地矛盾和实现区域空间协同治理具有重要意义。研究方法:三方演化博弈模型、Matlab数值仿真。研究结果:(1)地方政府在土地利用冲突中的策略选择对营利性组织与农民的策略选择起决定作用;(2)治污处罚、政策补贴、土地租金、污染赔偿、额外补助是影响研究区土地利用冲突的关键因素;(3)通过调整影响研究区土地利用冲突关键因素,从实现绿色经济和条块化管理策略上,构建社会经济型和生态治理型的土地利用冲突缓解机制。研究结论:构建地方政府、营利性组织和农民之间的三方演化博弈关系,可实现社会经济发展和生态环境治理目标下的三方利益主体利益均衡,促进地方政府主导转向多方利益主体合作,有利于缓解区域用地矛盾和冲突。  相似文献   

水源地保护区生态补偿利益相关者行为选择机理分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
构建水源地保护区生态补偿机制涉及多个利益相关者,各个利益主体的利益诉求及其行为选择不同,影响到生态补偿机制的运行与实施,进而对水源地生态环境造成影响。文章利用利益相关者理论,对水源地保护区生态补偿中的利益相关者进行识别,并分析其利益诉求,将生态补偿中的利益相关者分为受偿者与补偿者,二者在生态补偿中的行为形成了一种博弈关系。利用博弈理论与方法,通过构建受偿者与补偿者的支付矩阵,分析了在水源地保护区的生态补偿中受偿者与补偿者的行为选择机理,给出了双方行为选择的混合战略纳什均衡点,从而得出了受偿者与补偿者的行为优化途径。研究结果表明:降低补偿者的风险偏好、监管成本以及受偿者不保护生态环境的超长收益,增加受偿者不保护生态环境的惩罚、潜在损失、信用损失以及生态环境保护内外收益差和合作期限,是减少水源地保护区污染的有效手段,并据此提出了健全监管体系、强化风险意识,以及健全诚信制度、完善生态补偿方式的优化策略。  相似文献   

Progresses made in global responses to climate change shows that adaptation is gradually finding its way into development planning, yet delays are generally expected from competing priorities of several sectors, policy and knowledge challenges. To understand these dynamics, a pathway for enhanced climatic risk communication, which is a form of a non-structural adaptation, was analyzed in Ghana’s coastal zones. Two learning platforms, the Community-based Risk Screening Tool for Adaptation and Livelihoods (CRiSTAL), and U-Learning (Theory U-Process) were used to engage the state level policy-making process in governing development within coastal zones in the face of increased climatic risks and climate change impacts. Local livelihood priorities showed that a national level development planning framework that excluded local contexts of climatic risks face possible maladaptation. Subsequently the process that was engaged in the local contextualization of climatic risks and development in selected Districts culminated in the consensus framework, Coastal Zone Green Growth (CZGG), informed mostly by concerns over clean energy usage and ecologically compatible use of coastal resources. Therefore the CZGG potentially provides co-benefits for enhanced ecosystem services, livelihoods and adaptation. Thus, it constitutes a denominator for measuring climatic risks and adaptation to potentially inform the policy-making process towards sustainable coastal zone management practices. Except for the desired goals of CZGG being far reaching and futuristic, they overlapped with goals of the adaptation strategies of the local population, which are similar to development goals. Therefore communicating localized contexts of coastal climatic risks of which sea level rise is seen often as remote to planning, could strengthen risk management in integrated coastal zone management (ICZM) and enhance resilience of vulnerable communities. However, this will require the designation of a body which is accustomed to the local issues to facilitate, harmonize and coordinate multi-sector actions and diverse stakeholders’ interests for the CZGG to become a reality in contributing to ICZM in Ghana.  相似文献   

Current Saskatchewan wetland regulation may be insufficient to meet North American Waterfowl Management Plan (NAWMP) preservation and restoration goals in a climate of increasing demand for grains and nuisance costs. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to ascertain the effects that crop prices, nuisance costs, and alternate wetland regulation have on these goals. An integrated geographic information system and economic farm‐level model that assesses the net present value of drainage projects in the Whitesand River Watershed is employed. If prices eventually reach historical highs observed in the early 1970s, more than 85% of the wetland area in the study area could be drained, making NAWMP goals impossible to achieve. In this scenario, nuisance costs have little effect on drainage outcomes because they are dwarfed by the magnitude of agricultural revenue. If prices remain at the current higher levels observed from 2007 to 2012, the use of a binding permit could help achieve NAWMP goals. In this case, nuisance costs play a large role in determining the drainage of marginal, comparatively larger wetlands. If prices return to the recent lower levels observed from 1999 to 2006, current Saskatchewan regulation is sufficient. In this scenario, agricultural returns are low and nuisance costs are not high enough to cause wetland drainage. Both wetland regulation and nuisance costs can play an important role in agricultural wetland drainage, but that role depends critically upon the price of agricultural products.  相似文献   

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