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This study analyzes industrialization-induced agricultural land conversion (ALC) and its impact on land use change, food crop production, and the livelihood of smallholder farmers in peri-urban Gelan and Dukem, Oromia Region, Ethiopia. The study was carried out using a mixed method approach, i.e., qualitative and quantitative methods. Data were collected through various methods, e.g., household survey, expert interview, field observation, and focus group discussions method. Furthermore, a total of 223 interviews with farmers were conducted in Gelan and Dukem. Results show that large-scale industrial investments in the case study area led to substantial land use change, an appropriation of agricultural land, and an increase in the number of landless farmers, as well as farmers with small farmland holding sizes of less than one hectare. At the same time, the total crop production in the area decreased. The ‘development pace’ of the investments is often very slow. Only 28% and 37% of the licensed projects in Gelan and Dukem had entered their operational phases by the end of 2014, respectively. The study concludes that if the incomes of smallholder farmers are not enough to meet the needs of their families, they will need to create some income alternatives. Thus, considering the population growth and limited farmland, it is necessary to support various income-generating activities in order to improve farmers’ livelihoods rather than depending entirely on low productive methods such as traditional agricultural activities and non-mechanized production tools. It is worth mentioning that the results of this study will enhance the positive impacts of ALC and minimize the negative ones through land use planning and management tools. Furthermore, the main findings allow us to specify the gaps in access, utilization, and coverage due to wrong policy priority and institutional and technological variables.  相似文献   

This viewpoint paper presents a reaction to the article by Brandt et al. (2016). It highlights the complexities inherent to the attribution of deforestation impacts to policy interventions when using remote-sensing data. This critique argues that in the context of the Congo a suite of factors (i.e., population density in particular) other than those considered by Brandt et al. (e.g., type of forest, distance from roads and markets) play essential roles in determining the fates of forests. It also contends that care is needed when making decisions regarding which units will be included in the comparison group so that contextual factors and on-the-ground information are properly considered (e.g., when logging operations are inactive or when a concession is used for ‘conservation’ purposes). Finally, it proposes that a focus on an analysis of deforestation rates for a given level of timber production might be a metric that more accurately represents one aspect of the consequences of forest management, which should also consider the appraisal of trade-offs associated with a larger set of social, financial and ecological objectives.  相似文献   


This study investigates the importance of the country of origin (COO) effect in German consumers’ perception of chocolate quality using the example of chocolate made from Ecuadorian raw cocoa. From earlier COO and consumer perception research, a complex research framework grounded in schema and attribution theory has been developed acknowledging the multifactorial character of consumers’ food quality perception. Based on this framework, a PLS analysis of primary data from an online survey of 205 German chocolate consumers is conducted. The results demonstrate the overall applicability of the research framework and give evidence on the underlying complex consumer perception process of COO-labeled food products. For the case of chocolate made from Ecuadorian cocoa, PLS estimations show a strong COO effect in German consumers’ quality perceptions and identify characteristics of the target consumer group. Protecting geographical indications may offer a potential for products from developing and transition countries to differentiate in the German market, a prime example for European markets, and should be promoted more strongly by government offices and NGOs.  相似文献   

Economic reform in China has resulted in rapid urbanisation over the past three decades, changing the urban and rural landscape dramatically. A large amount of farmland was developed, leading to conflict between construction demand and farmland protection. In response, the “Link Policy” was proposed in 2005 that seeks to concurrently preserve farmland while providing for urban expansion through land exchange. The effectiveness of the Link Policy has not been systematically investigated. The purpose of this study is to analyse and evaluate outcomes of the Link Policy objectives from both a participant and investigator’s interpretive perspective. Ezhou, the first experimental city to implement the Link Policy in Hubei Province in central China, was selected as a case study area. Eight different communities in Ezhou were visited and 160 semi-structured interviews were conducted with resettled rural residents in March 2016. A combination of interviews and investigator field observations were used to evaluate the Link Policy objectives. The results show that participants recognize and support improving rural living conditions and coordinating urban-rural development, but the Link Policy failed to achieve the objectives of preserving farmland, protecting farmers’ land use rights and interests, and facilitating agricultural production. Participants perceived concentrated resettlement communities to be more efficient in land use compared to more expansive rural settlements, but vacant apartments for commercial use in resettlement areas account for a large proportion of land suggesting inefficiency in the land exchanges. We suggest policy changes to achieve more successful implementation of the Link Policy.  相似文献   


Sanjaya Lall's contribution to the debate on the role of industrial policy in economic development (Oxford Development Studies, 24, pp. 111–131,1996) is criticized. Part of the argument concerns the nature of development experience in Hong Kong, where deindustrialization is not regarded as a sign of lack of industrial policy, as argued by Lall. More generally, the article contends that selective intervention is not necessarily the key to capturing the benefits of dynamic comparative advantage, that intervention costs can be large, and that governments can have difficulty in devising and implementing plans for the development of technological capability.  相似文献   

The present study examines the influence of young farmers’ support system including both direct payments for young farmers and rural development measures initiatives under the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) on the sustainability of rural regions. The intentions and decisions taken by young farmers in Lithuania are analysed within the rural sustainability concept. The empirical analysis relies on the questionnaire survey. In order to disentangle the possible effects of the CAP support on the farming sustainability (as it is perceived by the young farmers), we consider payments for farm establishment and expansion along with support for advisory services. The results show that young farmers’ support system under the CAP has the strongest perceived effect on income support in Lithuania without significant differences across different groups of farmers. The effect on investments is significantly lower for crop farms if opposed to the other farming types. Still, the results also indicate that environmental awareness of Lithuanian farmers is rather low as the demand for such advisory services appeared to be relatively low. The relatively high demand for advisory services on the business plan preparation suggests low levels of business administration and marketing skills among the young farmers, which indicates the need for development of the social dimension.  相似文献   

This paper establishes the analytical framework of the driving mechanism of land use transitions on urban-rural integrated development. The evolution rules and spatio-temporal patterns of land use transitions and urban-rural integrated development in China were quantitatively analyzed using the methods of kernel density and spatial analysis. Furthermore, the relationship between land use transitions and urban-rural integrated development was tested by the econometric models based on China’s provincial panel data from 2005 to 2016. The results show that urban-rural integrated development is a process of the reconstruction of urban-rural values. It helps to promote the free flow and equal exchange of urban-rural development elements, and achieve the convergence of returns from urban-rural development elements. The effect of land use transitions on urban-rural integrated development requires to realize the rational distribution of land incremental value in urban-rural territory. Under ideal channels, it is supposed to promote urban-rural integrated development through income effect, resource effect and urbanization effect. But urban-rural dual institution, distorted land market and obstacles to social integration may distort the positive role of land use transitions. The degree of land use transitions presented a trend of “decrease first and then increase”, and urban-rural integrated development has been improved since 2005, both of which are characterized by spatial agglomeration. Currently, land use transitions have a negative impact on urban-rural integrated development. Accordingly, some implications are formulated for policy makers to improve urban-rural integrated development form the perspective of land use transitions.  相似文献   

Creative hotspots have become a key driver for urban policies to stimulate social, cultural, environmental and organisational growth of creative and knowledge-based clusters, districts and hubs. However, their functional and spatial characteristics vary due to their different evolving structure as new spaces of economic activity in different contexts. This article points to a consideration of new foci for both land use and urban economic policy through a mapping of formal and informal creative hotspots in Brisbane, Australia. The study found two distinctive development patterns: (a) earlier top-down approaches as instigated by national and international innovation policies, and; (b) recently emerging bottom-up spaces for creativity, knowledge and innovation practices. This study examines how formal creative strategies and emerging informal creative spaces shape cities and urban policies. The methodology comprises online data collection and a review of creative and knowledge strategies and implementation policies. Data was then analysed via multiple mapping techniques illustrating the spatial distribution of creative hotspots, formal and informal formations, scale and land use characteristics. The research findings consolidate our understanding of Brisbane’s creative ecosystem and suggest new urban policy mechanisms to better foster the interrelationship between top-down and bottom-up approaches in cities, that is, between formally planned and large-scale interventions and small-scale organic and informal creative activities.  相似文献   

Land consolidation has been an important instrument of rural development for over a century throughout Europe. Nowadays, land consolidation can be an integral part of both rural and urban development projects, but the focus of our study is on land consolidation in rural areas. In addition to the efforts aimed at making agriculture and forestry more competitive through a comprehensive reallocation process, improvement of road and drainage networks, landscaping, environmental management, conservation projects, and other functions may be implemented in land consolidation. There are differences in the objectives and procedures of land consolidation among the countries. Beside the formal institutional framework of land consolidation, informal institutions can have a substantial influence on the implementation of land consolidation. In the article, the past experiences in the field of land consolidation in Slovenia are presented, which are still reflected in the limited acceptability of this instrument among land owners. Furthermore, the current institutional (legal) framework is analyzed in detail. The main objective of the research was to investigate the opinion of land consolidation participants about land consolidation. Based on the field survey conducted on a sample of private land owners involved in selected land consolidation projects we tried to define the advantages and disadvantages of the current practice. The main finding is that the active participation of land owners contributes to their comprehension of the aims and to their satisfaction with the results of the land consolidation. It has been shown that the active participation of land owners in the land consolidation is the basis for developing good practices; moreover, it affects the land owners’ perception of land consolidation. The transfer of knowledge and representation of good practices among actors are still needed, in particular because of bad experiences in the past (i.e. enforced and environmentally unfriendly projects) and the traditional emotional attachment to land among land owners. In parallel, there is a great need to provide an optimization of the land consolidation process in Slovenia.  相似文献   

In Canada, the Alternative Land Use Services (ALUS) program aims to support conservation projects by financially compensating farmers for ecosystem services. The program advocates a bottom-up approach that allows farmers to decide which projects to implement. In this respect, ALUS distinguishes itself from more traditional agri-environment schemes, which are often managed in a top-down fashion. Other unique features of the program include a governance structure based on stakeholder confidence; the provision of annual compensation to members for supplying ecosystem services; and a private, community-based approach to conservation. Using the proximity analysis framework, our research explores whether this model can reshape the values of farmers and encourage them to adopt and maintain environmentally friendly practices. Our results reveal a close proximity among ALUS members in terms of their values, both environmental and economic. However, the ALUS program fails to take full advantage of the geographic and organized proximity of its participants. Specifically, individual projects are not integrated into a spatially coordinated, collective strategy that could have a greater environmental impact. While ALUS has been successful in encouraging farmers to adopt new practices, it mostly attracts participants who already agree with the values it promotes. In this regard, the program is not very different from standard agri-environment schemes.  相似文献   

‘Integrate’ Rural Development Policy in the EU: a Term Too Far? Since its introduction in the early 1980s for Mediterranean and some other regions, an ‘integrated’ approach to EU rural development policy has come to-be increasingly advocated. However, the precise meaning of the term is seldom made clear in official and other documents, which appear to have applied it in a variety of contexts and in a number of different ways, This article discusses and analyses some alternative interpretations of ‘integrated’ rural development policy, including considerations of finance (funding from more than one source), administration (policy design, approval, monitoring and evaluation being undertaken by a single agency), institutions (responsibility and coordination being shared between different departments and agencies) and the economics of efficiency (better balancing of costs and benefits, and the encouragement of desired complementarities). These different meanings may explain some of the confusion in the long-running debate over rural policy in the EU, and suggest the need for more careful language. However, the arguments do endorse the apparent direction of thinking at the November 2003 Salzburg conference on rural development, i.e. that improved policy will result from better defined objectives, a single EU fund for rural development, and territorial programming at a local or regional level. Les politiques européennes de développement rural ‘intégré’:un mot de trop? Depuis l'introduction de ce vocable, au début des années 80, à propos, entre autres, des régions méditerranéennes, il est de plus en plus courant d'entendre vanter les mérites d'une approche ‘intégrée’ des politiques de développement rural. Pourtant, la signification précise de ce terme n'est que rarement explicitée, que ce soit dans les documents officiels ou dans d'autres. Le mot semble avoir été appliquéà de nombreuses situations différentes et de toutes sortes de façons. On essaie id d'analyser les différentes interprétations qu'il est possible de donner à la notion d'intégration des politiques de développement rural, que ce soit en termes de financement (utilisation de plus d'une seule source de financement), d'administration (l'élaboration des politiques, la décision, le suivi, et l'évaluation se trouvant sous la responsabilité d'une agence unique), destitutions (partage des responsabilités et des tâches de coordination entre différents départements ministériels ou agences d'exécution), ou d'efficacitééconomique (meilleur équilibre entre les bénéfices et les coûts, souci de créer des complérnentarités). La polysémie du mot semble expliquer la confusion qui entoure depuis longtemps le débat sur la politique rurale dans l'Union européenne et cela implique la nécessité d'employer un langage plus précis. Aussi bien, ce point correspond à la ligne générale de pensée qui s'est manifestéà la conférence de Salzbourg en novembre 2003 sur le développement rural: pour améliorer la politique, il faut que ses objectifs soient mieux définis, qu'il existe un seul fonds européen pour le développement rural, et que la planification territoriale se fasse au niveau local ou régional. ‘Integrierte’ Politik zur Entwicklung des ländlichen Raums in der EU: Ein zu weit gefasster Begriff? Seitdem der integerierte Ansatz für die Politik zur Entwicklung des ländlichen Raums der EU in den frühen 1980er Jahren für den Mittelmeerraum und andere Regionen eingeführt wurde, wird er zunehmend befürwortet. Die Definition dieses Begriffs geht jedoch selten eindeutig aus amtlichen und anderen Dokumenten hervor, welche diesen Begriff scheinbar auf die verschiedensten Arten und in vielfaltigen Kontexten verwenden. In diesem Beitrag werden einige Alternativen hinsichtlich der Auslegung des Begriffs der “integrierten” Politik zur Entwicklung des ländlichen Raums diskutiert und analysiert. Hierbei werden Finanzierung (Finanzierung aus mehreren Quellen), Verwaltung (Politikentwurf, Zustimmung, Überwachung und Evaluierung durch eine einzige Agentur), Institutionen (gemeinschaftliche Verantwortung und Koordination von verschiedenen Abteilungen und Geschäftsstellen) und Effizienz (verbessertes Abwägen von Kosten und Nutzen sowie Förderung erwünschter Komplementaritäten) behandelt. Diese unterschiedlichen Begriffsinhalte sind möglicherweise ein Grund für die Verwirrung in der seit langem geführten Debatte zur ländlichen Politik in der EU und lassen eine umsichtigere Sprachwahl sinnvoll erscheinen. Die Argumente untermauern jedoch die vorherrschende Meinung auf der Salzburger Konferenz zur Entwicklung des ländlichen Raums im November 2003, d.h. dass klarer definierte Ziele, ein einziger EU-Fonds für die Entwicklung des ländlichen Raums sowie territoriale Programmentwicklung auf lokaler oder regionaler Ebene zu einer verbesserten Politik führen.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the non-market benefits resulting from the restoration of an old drovers’ route for recreation uses in Valencia (Spain). The valuation was carried out using the Contingent Valuation Method (CVM) through the elicitation of individuals’ willingness to pay (WTP). Since 52% of the respondents stated a zero WTP response, in order to inform decision-making processes more accurately, special attention was paid to the problem of zero and protest responses, and also to the possible presence of self-selection by those that protested. For the different specifications considered, results suggest that mean WTP estimates are higher for “rural areas” than for “the Valencia area”.  相似文献   

Urban agriculture (UA) is rapidly growing in popularity and significance across the Western hemisphere. For over two decades North Americans have embraced the concept, although in Europe the idea of UA has only recently gained attention from academics, practitioners and policy makers. Networks are beginning to form in the UK, sometimes bound by a ‘food charter’: a statement of aims which bring together businesses, practitioners and other bodies involved or interested in sustainable food systems. More recently, food charters have become popular tools for pursuing the UA agenda. In this paper we provide a view on this method of moving forward the local food agenda; primarily using a case study of Birmingham, we comment on its success and potential for the future.  相似文献   

This study uses conjoint analysis to analyze consumers’ preferences for geographic indications (GI) bananas by examining the effects of production methods (inorganic, organic, certified organic, and natural), quality attributes (taste, perishability, medicinal, and nutritional), and price premiums (prices of GI bananas relative to prices of other bananas). Consumers were surveyed for demographic, economic, and taste and preference characteristics. The results show that consumers prefer GI bananas for their medicinal properties, natural production method, and lower price premium.  相似文献   

The study ascertained the impact of the Fast Track Land Reform Programme (FTLRP) in Zimbabwe on tobacco production. The Chow Test, Vector Error Correction Model (VECM) and the Vector Error Granger-Causality Test were applied. The results reveal that there was a structural break in tobacco sales in the year 2000. Furthermore, in the long-run, area under tobacco production had a positive impact whilst number of tobacco producers had a negative impact on tobacco sold pre-FTLRP. Post-FTLRP, area of tobacco and number of tobacco producers had negative impact. In addition, the FTLRP induced an 8.94 % increase in the speed of adjustment in correcting the long-run equilibrium in tobacco sales. In the short-run, the FTLRP caused a percentage increase in the area of tobacco production and number of tobacco producers to induce a 0.65 % and 0.76 % increase in the tobacco sales, respectively. Area of tobacco production and number of tobacco producers Granger-caused tobacco sales in the pre-FTLRP period. Post-FTLRP, the number of tobacco growers Granger-caused tobacco sales. It is concluded that the FTLRP had an impact on tobacco sales, mainly through the number of tobacco growers. The study recommends the specialisation and training of the new farmers to improve productivity.  相似文献   

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