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基于两期石漠化和土地利用数据,定量分析了环江县各区不同等级石漠化土地中土地利用类型的分布规律和不同土地利用类型的石漠化发生率。研究发现,不同等级石漠化与不同土地利用类型存在着相关性,且这种关联性地域差异明显,受土地利用状况、人类活动强度等因素的制约。不同土地利用方式对不同土地生态系统的干扰效应和干扰过程是不一样的,导致喀斯特石漠化土地退化过程、退化程度、退化群落特征有异,最终表现在恢复方式和恢复难度的差异上。  相似文献   

基于聚类分析的喀斯特山区石漠化土地利用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以毕节老街村喀斯特石漠化土地利用为个案,利用研究区土地类型单元图,采用实地访查获取研究数据。分析表明:研究区石漠化土地利用现状,已显著地凸现其利用的经济不合理性,总体而言,土地利用经济效益随石漠化程度加重而衰减;选择土地自然属性和经济属性指标为分析变量,以SPSS12.0的聚类结果为基础,利用土地景观生态的基本原理优化土地利用结构,推动喀斯特山区生态农业发展。  相似文献   

广西石漠化地区土地利用空间变化的生态风险研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
[目的]利用2000年、2005年、2010年、2015年广西轻度及以上石漠化的69个区/县土地利用数据,分析其土地利用时空变化特点,揭示其变化对该区域土地生态风险的影响。[方法]基于GIS支持,采用土地利用动态变化度、土地转移流、土地生态风险指数(RSI)等对研究区土地生态风险的异质性特征进行定量分析。[结果](1)2000—2015年广西石漠化地区土地利用动态度呈逐渐增大趋势,土地利用动态度变化,反映出研究区土地利用变化较频繁。(2)耕地、林地、草地、建设用地4类用地转移的数量与方向决定着广西石漠化地区土地利用变化的特征。(3)2000—2015年广西石漠化各区/县土地生态风险程度略微增大,南部的贵港、南宁是生态重警区,研究区的土地生态安全有待进一步改善。(4)土地生态风险指数与土地利用类型变化的活跃程度呈正相关。[结论]研究区未来土地利用,应进一步优化土地资源配置,加强生态环境保护,提高土地利用综合效益。  相似文献   

云南省石漠化问题初探   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
云南岩溶区的石漠化已严重地制约了区域社会经济的可持续发展。根据云南岩溶地区石漠化的分布现状及发展趋势,分析了石漠化形成的自然因素和人为原因,提出了不同环境条件下石漠化地区生态恢复的途径及模式,探讨了石漠化地区生态保护的对策及今后的研究方向,从而为云南石漠化地区的生态环境整治提供较为科学的理论依据。  相似文献   

This paper reports results from a study of resource degradation and conservation behavior of peasant households in a degraded part of the Ethiopian highlands. Peasant households' choice of conservation technologies is modeled as a two-stage process: recognition of the erosion problem, and adoption and level of use of control practices. An ordinal logit model is used to explain parcel-level perception of the threat of the erosion problem and the extent of use of conservation practices. Results show the importance of perception of the threat of soil erosion, household, land and farm characteristics; perception of technology-specific attributes, and land quality differentials in shaping conservation decisions of peasants. Furthermore, where poverty is widespread and appropriate support policies are lacking, results indicate that population pressure per se is unable to encourage sustainable land use. The challenge of breaking the poverty-environment trap and initiating sustainable intensification thus require policy incentives and technologies that confer short-term benefits to the poor while conserving the resource base.  相似文献   

七星关区处于石漠化严重的云、贵、川喀斯特区交界处。生态环境脆弱,加之人为因子的干扰,导致大面积水土流失,对土地利用造成严重威胁。本研究以七星关区的土地质量为评价对象,在P-S-R框架下,针对水土流失构建土地质量评价体系,并对各指标进行分级赋值,对七星关区的土地质量进行评价。经评价结果得出七星关区的土地质量最终得分为2.276分,土地质量较差,评为4等。其中压力指标得分最低,表明七星关区生态受人为干扰明显,需要采取复垦、退耕还林等利用措施和石漠化治理、小流域治理等技术措施对其加以防治。  相似文献   

There is a strong need for accurate and spatially referenced information regarding policy making and model linkage. This need has been expressed by land users, and policy and decision makers in order to estimate both spatially and locally the impacts of European policy (like the Common Agricultural Policy) and/or global changes on farm-groups. These entities are defined according to variables such as altitude, economic size and type of farming (referring to land uses). European farm-groups are provided through the Farm Accountancy Data Network (FADN) as statistical information delivered at regional level. The aim of the study is to map locally farm-group probabilities within each region. The mapping of the farm-groups is done in two steps: (1) by mapping locally the co-variables associated to the farm-groups, i.e. altitude and land uses; (2) by using regional FADN data as a priori knowledge for transforming land uses and altitude information into farm-groups location probabilities within each region. The downscaling process focuses on the land use mapping since land use data are originally point information located every 18 km. Interpolation of land use data is done at 100 m by using co-variables like land cover, altitude, climate and soil data which are continuous layers usually provided at fine resolution. Once the farm-groups are mapped, European Policy and global changes scenarios are run through an agro-economic model for assessing environmental impacts locally.  相似文献   

This paper explores Swaziland's National Action Programme (NAP) to combat desertification; the country's main strategy for implementing the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD). It considers whether this policy tackles real problems supported by micro-level scientific evidence and local experiences, or whether it further reinforces popular orthodoxies about land degradation. Data from one case study chiefdom in Swaziland are used to test two key orthodoxies identified within the country's NAP: (1) the presentation of degradation as a neo-Malthusian problem resulting from population pressure and (2) the assumption that the poor are responsible for degradation of their environment, in particular, the over-use of forest areas and the degradation of soils. It is found that diverse rural livelihoods inherently deliver patches of degradation at the micro-level but it is not necessarily population pressure or poor people that cause the degradation. Households with varying assets simultaneously degrade and conserve different parts of the land resource through pursuing different livelihood activities. The data indicate that while the NAP focuses on mythical problems grounded in the orthodoxies, policy attention is directed away from the more serious land degradation issues affecting rural livelihoods. The findings of this study provide a more nuanced understanding of the gaps between land degradation policy, local conservation practice and environmental and livelihood outcomes, and suggest that policymakers need to evaluate more critically the outdated and simplistic degradation orthodoxies on which much current policy is based. Stronger links need to be made between scientific and policymaking communities, while more credence should be given to land users’ own knowledges, perspectives, concepts and categories surrounding issues of soil conservation and degradation. It is suggested that steps need to be taken towards the development of broadly applicable benchmarks and indicators that bring together local and scientific knowledges across levels. Without this, popularised orthodoxies will continue to provide a basis for inappropriate land policy.  相似文献   

In Thailand, land use planning and policy decision-making were—and to some extent still are—organized in a hierarchical and disjointed fashion. This is also true for the utilization of public lands, including forest reserves in the northern uplands that are often settled by ethnic minorities. There are, however, instances of change in land policies and regulations and in the way decisions and plans are made. Doi Mae Salong (DMS) in Northern Thailand, where there is a trend towards land use for conservation purposes, is a case in point. This paper aims to explore decision-making by farmers in DMS in the context of changing land regulations and policies from the 1950s to the present. The Institutional Analysis and Development (IAD) framework, together with a historical perspective and with narratives on land management through time, were applied by using in-depth interviews of key informants and group farmers’ discussions as tools. The time period under investigation was divided into three periods of change: The first period, before the year 1960, was an era of security concern. In contrast, the second period, from 1961 to 1996, was an era of emerging conservation priorities. Finally, the third period, from 1997 to the present, is an era of lessons learned from the conservation era. Land use decision outcomes reveal that the decision-making processes of farmers are influenced both by the hierarchical decisions of higher authorities and by horizontal linkages among multiple stakeholders. However, while farmers participate readily in forest conservation activities, they do not play an active role in the process of changing policies.  相似文献   

自1994年以来,国家林业局已组织开展了4次全国荒漠化监测,监测结果为定期掌握荒漠化土地的现状及动态变化信息,为制定防治荒漠化政策和长远发展规划,保护、改良和合理利用国土资源,实现可持续发展战略提供了重要的基础资料。在深入分析荒漠化监测在改善荒漠生态系统,特别是在现代林业建设中的基础性作用的前提下,为适应发展现代林业、建设生态文明、推动科学发展的需求,提出了构建完善的荒漠化监测体系的具体目标和措施。  相似文献   

喀斯特山区石漠化综合治理   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
长顺县是国家级少数民族贫困县之一,属典型的传统农业县。该县的石漠化面积约占全县总面积的80%,已成为制约和束缚该县经济发展的最大障碍。当前,长顺县结合县情实际,将石漠化治理与可持续发展、促进农民增收有机结合起来,同步推进,加快了喀斯特山区农民脱贫致富的步伐。  相似文献   

石漠化即喀斯特荒漠化、石化,是广西生态环境最突出的问题。其成因既有自然原因,也有人类活动原因。为了促进广西石山区经济的可持续发展,必须从治理石漠化,保护石山地区生态环境入手。应采取明确石山区土地所有权;调整有关林业政策;综合治理;妥善解决能源问题;控制人口;解决资金短缺问题,优化区域内产业结构和布局;严格执法;完善生态补偿机制等措施。  相似文献   

[目的]喀斯特农村地区低值粗放的能源利用方式对原本脆弱的生态环境产生强烈胁迫,薪柴过度使用造成植被破坏,从而加剧土壤侵蚀,成为诱发石漠化的主要因素之一。明确不同喀斯特地区农村能源消费特征及影响因素以促进能源结构优化是喀斯特生态系统恢复的重要措施,也是社会—生态研究领域的一大议题。[方法]采用随机抽样的方式调查喀斯特峡谷、高原山地和槽谷3种不同地貌类型的石漠化治理示范区的能源结构特征与消费现状,利用Tobit和Logit模型对能源消费的影响因素进行回归分析。[结果](1)喀斯特地区用能结构单一,电力使用率达99. 31%,但对薪柴的替代进程缓慢,薪柴使用率仍高达83. 10%,其他能源使用率均不足50%,不同地貌区能源结构差异显著。(2)喀斯特地区农村能源消费量整体偏低且以薪柴消费为主导,人均能源消费量仅占全国人均消费量的40. 32%,薪柴消费量占总能耗的50. 69%,其余能源均不足20%,不同地貌区能源消费差异明显。(3)家庭人口数量、年纯收入、养殖牲畜数量、耕地面积、煤矿以及政策对喀斯特地区农村能源的消费具有显著影响,能源政策可以有效促进新能源使用。[结论]针对喀斯特峡谷区、高原山地区和槽谷区依次提出能源服务配套型、金融贷款合作型和企业入驻引资型3种模式建议,对优化喀斯特地区能源结构、保障石漠化治理成果具有一定的现实意义。  相似文献   

甘肃省酒泉市土地沙漠化现状及动态分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
[目的]沙漠化是酒泉市面临的主要生态环境问题之一,了解土地沙漠化现状,分析其动态演变特征,是维持区域生态安全,保证经济社会可持续发展的关键前提。[方法]研究依托GIS技术,结合最新卫星影像数据,采用野外调查和人机交互解译的方法,对酒泉市沙漠化土地面积、类型、程度进行了监测,同时通过对比酒泉市上期(2009年)沙漠化土地监测数据,分析了沙漠化土地的动态特征和变化原因。[结果]酒泉市现有沙漠化土地面积956.34万hm~2,较2009年减少了4.07万hm~2,年变化率-0.08%,呈整体减少趋势;沙漠化程度以重度和极重度为主,但整体呈减轻趋势,具体表现为重度沙漠化土地面积减少7.87万hm~2,年变化率-0.75%,极重度沙漠化土地面积减少19.47万hm~2,年变化率-0.64%。沙漠化土地类型以流动沙地(丘)、半固定沙地(丘)、固定沙地(丘)和戈壁为主,占沙漠化土地面积的98.16%。[结论]降水和地表径流的增加、生态工程的实施、水资源利用集约化、关井压田工程的开展以及基础设施建设是酒泉市沙漠化土地面积减少的主要原因。  相似文献   

By using Northeast China as example, this study measured the characteristics of the land use transition of underdeveloped areas (UAs) of China and explored the underlying transition mechanism. This study found that, the main characteristics of the land use transition of Northeast China during the last two decades (1995–2015) were continuous expansion of cropland, accelerated growth of construction land, and continuous reduction of woodland and grassland, as well as unused land. Policies dominate the process of land use transition of the UAs of China. The land use transition of UAs of China is a result of interaction and coupling between socio-ecological feedback under the guidance of policies and socio-economic change under the influence of policies. The former determines the direction of regional land use transition while the latter determines the intensity of this transition. During the process of land use transition, the sustainable use of land of the UAs of China faces several severe issues: inefficient use of urban construction land caused by unreasonable policy support, degradation of the ecological environment caused by irrational expansion of cropland, and both policy instability and policy conflicts. To resolve these issues, punishment and accountability of local governmental violations of land use should be strengthened. Furthermore, a land use information disclosure system and public supervision mechanism should be established by policy makers. The starting point of policy formulation should be shifted from quantity growth to quality improvement as well as from economic benefits to comprehensive benefits.  相似文献   

新疆土地利用型荒漠化及其防治措施   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
新疆极为干旱少雨,生态环境脆弱,滥垦,滥挖,乱占导致了生态平衡失调,耕地质量越来越差,森林,草地破坏规模大,沙漠化威胁越来越大。土地资源正受着自然因素和人为因素的双重压力。因此,制定适当的规划,合理开发利用土地资源,是推进新疆生态环境保护和建设,实现社会经济可持续发展的需要,分析了新疆土地利用型荒漠化的分类及存在的问题,并提出了防治措施。  相似文献   

Feeding 9 billion people by 2050 on one hand, and preserving biodiversity on the other hand, are two shared policy goals at the global level. Yet while these goals are clear, they are to some extent in conflict, because agriculture is a major cause of biodiversity loss, and the path to achieve both of them is at the heart of a public controversy around ‘productive’ land use and biodiversity conservation. Over the years, the scientific, policy, civil society and agri-business communities have been engaged in producing evidence that can support a land sparing policy (separating intensive agricultural production from biodiversity conservation) or a land sharing policy (integrating the two in larger and more extensive landscapes). This paper contributes to this debate by analyzing land sparing and land sharing (LSS) as a socio-technical controversy. Through the analysis of large and small corpora of scientific, policy, corporate social responsibility and sustainability standards documents we explore the ethical underpinnings and social networks that support the opposing sides of this controversy. We explore these linkages in order to explain how the concept of land sparing achieved dominance in the scientific literature and how the concept has been taken up in international policy, business and civil society circles. We examine the convergences and divergences in alliances between actors in this controversy in order to map how specific actors have promoted the concept of land sparing as the best way to used land for biodiversity and food production.  相似文献   

Until the 1990s Israel was implementing a strict agricultural land preservation policy program, rooted in Zionist ideology. This was changed when shifts in Israeli planning and land policy towards the end of the 20th century brought about accelerated growth and sprawling development in agricultural lands at the urban–rural fringe, particularly in the Tel Aviv metropolitan region (TMR). In this article we describe the background for policy shifts and the resulting impact on metropolitan growth, and then proceed to identify patterns of development in former agricultural lands and their impact on conservation, based on a study of statutory land use plans converting agricultural land to built-up uses within the TMR. It was found that most of the plans were converting large tracts of agricultural land to residential uses, characterized by low-density suburban-type family housing, thus reducing considerably the spatial conservation potential. In addition, only relative small portions of land were conserved as public open space within plans’ boundaries, and even then only about half of that was actually effective for active open space uses.  相似文献   

In recent years, the sustainable utilization of China’s arable land has been confronted with several challenges. The China government has been very strict in arable land protection, and a package of policies and measures have been promulgated. All these endeavors are of great significance for proposing an innovative policy system for sustainable land use in China. However, above stated policies are all designed from the perspective of space control with the purpose of reducing arable land loss or increasing arable land area, few policies have been designed from the perspective of utilization control, namely guide the actual arable land farming in sustainable ways and constraint unreasonable land use behavior such as overuse, rough use, land abandonment. In this paper, we analyze spatial distribution of average land-use intensity (ALUI) at the county-level in Mainland China, which can be used as a significant index for evaluating the rationality of arable land use and providing effective decision-making supporting information for design of regional arable land protection policy. Based on the experimental results, there is still considerable room for yield improvement as the ALUI of ∼73.1 % counties are lower than 0.7 while the 53.60 % counties are lower than 0.6. Furthermore, the ALUI dataset shows significant global spatial autocorrelation characteristic. Boundaries of regions that aggregated by counties with high ALUI are more consistent with that of provincial administrative districts, comparing with that of sub-standard farming system regions. On the other hand, counties with low ALUI are mostly cluster in mountains, hills, or plateaus, where grain yield is mainly limited by regional hydrothermal conditions. In addition, counties with different ALUI status have been divided into six classes, using k-means clustering algorithm. This will facilitate the understanding of appropriate arable land protection and utilization paths for different regions and the rethinking of current support policies on farmland protection.  相似文献   

对赤峰市沙化土地1994年和2004年的情况进行了综合分析,结果表明:沙化土地总面积为1914983hm2,占全市总面积的22.2%;有明显沙化趋势的土地1029690hm2,占全市总面积的119%;流动沙地占7.8%,半固定沙地占10.1%,固定沙地占80.5%,露沙地占0.5%,沙化耕地占1.1%;沙化耕地占1.1%,沙化林地占24.8%,沙化草地占65.8%,未利用沙化土地占8.3%;轻度沙化土地占46.4%,中度沙化土地占35.2%,重度沙化土地占10.1%,极重度沙化土地占8.3%;10年间,沙化土地面积减少748797hm2,其中固定沙地增加81089hm2,半固定沙地减少174588hm2,流动沙地减少49066hm2,露沙地增加7457hm2,沙化耕地减少613690hm2。  相似文献   

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