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面对江苏沿海围垦地区严重的淡水资源危机,以及国家沿海开发战略下复杂的水资源管理问题,如何通过先进的信息技术辅助决策,更好地发挥水资源的综合效益,已成为战略开发决策者的迫切任务。应用现代化的技术手段,设计沿海围垦区水资源一体化管理决策支持系统的体系框架,并对框架设计目标、主要内容以及预期成果进行重点阐述,以期为沿海围垦区水资源的高效、可持续开发利用提供技术支撑。  相似文献   

The significant proportion of often abandoned marginal/enclosed agricultural land in city peripheries has given rise to the need for studying the delicate relationship between built-up areas and rural land. These issues are exacerbated where metropolitan settlement has no bounds and begins to invade the rural space juxtaposed between cities and urban areas.This marginal land, in particular where a minimum of agricultural activity persists, could provide support to urban activities for recreation, farm services and local production of goods, reducing energy consumption, greenhouse-gas emissions, global warming and packaging, conserving biodiversity. These actions will allow the composting and the reuse of treated waste waters for irrigation.In particular, urban agriculture can play an educational role by contributing to reducing crime and improving community/ethnic relations, encouraging time spent in the open air and ensuring food safety.This study describes a methodology related to the analysis, to the identification, of the residual agricultural areas, differentiating them in accordance with the various levels of rurality to indicate the models of use, which allow to enhance the local landscape situations (preservation of the agricultural function or insertion of integrated activities) obtaining the pertinent valorisation. This methodology has been applied to the metropolitan area in the North zone of Catania.The method has three distinct phases: (1) land analysis and GIS construction consists of acquiring and georeferencing cartographic data, field studies to check and update the maps, and carry out a questionnaire on farm data; (2) data processing with GIS to create some thematic maps; (3) proposal of suitable land-use models.  相似文献   

Coastal areas are worldwide characterized by multiple pressures generated by high levels of urbanization and by conflictual and inappropriate uses. The establishment of protected areas represents a tool to contrast such pressures. The integration between planning tools represents a key issue, in particular in the Mediterranean area; hence, it has been addressed by both legally binding acts and voluntary agreements and charters concerning coastal zone management as well as marine spatial planning. By looking at two Italian case studies and analyzing their planning documents currently in force, our study aims at assessing the level of integration in relation to planning and management of areas characterized by the coexistence of various nature protection regimes. Our analysis shows that, although integration seems to be a key point in the planning agenda and in spite of some improvements, an integrated management approach in Mediterranean coastal and marine areas is still in its infancy. The results of the analysis show that, rather than contributing to building an integrated approach to marine and coastal zone management, each planning tool focuses on complying with its sectoral, normative framework. This situation can partly be attributed to the multilayered, and complex, Italian framework, characterized by several categories of protected areas with their own legal act and objectives.  相似文献   

Intensive agriculture and livestock breeding represent critical factors in the Lombardy region since the nitrate vulnerable zones are 62% of utilised agricultural plain area. The aim of reducing the environmental risk caused by agriculture activities (e.g. nitrogen losses into groundwater and atmosphere) can be only achieved through a critical and scientific analysis of livestock manure management in a whole-farm perspective. Keeping in mind this objective, the decision support system (DSS) ValorE was developed. It can be described as a tool able to evaluate from the environmental, technical, agronomic and economic points of view the main components of manure management (production, storage, treatment and land application) for a variety of livestock types (i.e., cattle, swine, poultry, sheep, goats and horses), under different scenarios adopted at farm and territorial scale. ValorE consists of three main components: data management subsystem, model management subsystem and two versions of user-interface, both for farm and territorial scale. Most of the inputs to the DSS comes from external databases, while a software tool developed in the .NET environment and implemented using object oriented programming (C# language), provides the logic to manage the scenario simulation of agronomic and environmental farm-scale models. Users and stakeholders can carry out comparative analysis, starting from the knowledge of the current perspective, in terms of manure management system at farm or territorial scale by interrogating the available databases. Moreover, they can generate different alternative scenarios thanks to different options for the manure handling and cropping system simulation. Then they can finally evaluate and compare different scenarios through multidisciplinary and synthetic indicators but also visualise spatial effects exploiting the coupled webGIS. ValorE is therefore an attempt to offer a comprehensive tool for improving both farm strategy and decision making process, which is particularly important in a very intensive agricultural area, with one of the highest livestock density in the world, as Lombardy.  相似文献   

小浪底库周与移民安置区环境影响研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
分析了小浪底工程对库周及移民安置区土地、生物、水资源以及公共卫生的影响,对该区的可持续发展提出了水土保持、调整农业结构、防止水土流失、小流域综合治理、建立保护区、加强环境管理等相应的对策。  相似文献   

Costa Rica established the National Biological Corridor Program in 2006. Under the National Biological Corridor Program, the long-running Payment for Environmental Services Program was newly prioritized into biological corridors throughout the country. The National Biological Corridor Program caused a nationwide spatial shift in placement of payments for environmental services throughout Costa Rica. We classified ASTER 15-m resolution imagery in a central Costa Rica corridor connecting the eastern and western protected areas networks to analyze the change in forests during the National Biological Corridor Program with its targeted payments for environmental services effort. We used object-based classification methods, and compared land cover changes over an initial four-year period of corridor policy enactment. We calculated the changes within PES properties and outside of PES regions, and we also calculated forest patch metrics during the same time period. Results indicate a decline in forest cover over the study period, along with an increase in urban and pasture land covers, with higher change and loss of forest centered inside of the biological corridor, near the construction area for the new San Carlos highway, and within eastern pasture areas. We also saw a higher percentage of forest loss inside of the biological corridor area as compared to areas outside of the biological corridor. Forest loss was drastically less within current and historic PES properties, as compared to the overall study region. Across the entire study region, patch metrics show a decrease in the number of patches and a slight decrease in average patch size. These results suggest that current and past designation of PES prevents forest loss within PES properties while the current designation of priority conservation status via the National Biological Corridor Program is not increasing connectivity and forest conservation. This is shown by increased land use change and a decrease in forest associated with biological corridor designation. These results are antithetical to the goals of the National Biological Corridor Program.  相似文献   

叠加法作为现行征地区片综合地价(区片价)的测算方法之一,有其自身的弊端和局限性,为了切实维护农民权益,充分体现土地价值,提高现行征地补偿标准,本文根据农地的经济、社会、生态价值,通过逻辑推理和实证研究,改进叠加法原理,在综合考虑土地的多重功能的基础上测算区片价;研究结果表明:改进后的叠加法评估的区片价更符合实际。  相似文献   

The large-scale implementation of the Grain for Green project on the Chinese Loess Plateau since 1999 has greatly increased the vegetation coverage and rapidly decreased the agricultural land by converting slope cropland to planted vegetation (forest and grasslands). However, the geological, hydrological, ecological, and agricultural effects of the Gully Land Consolidation (GLC) project launched at Yan’an City in 2011 to address these land-use problems are not clearly understood. To assess the project outcomes in this region, we examined 71 of the 193 subprojects (61 treated gullies and 10 untreated gullies); measured geological, hydrological, ecological, and agricultural indices in the field; and tested disturbed (n = 447) and undisturbed (n = 142) soil samples (e.g., particle size distribution, saturated hydraulic conductivity, bulk density, and heavy metal contents). We found that: (1) slope stability improved for 67 % of the subprojects, (2) severe swamping was found only for 2 % of the subprojects, (3) the average increase in NDVI was 0.0231, 69 % of treated gullies NDVI was increased, and (4) crop yield was overall improved. There were no significant differences between the treated and untreated gullies in soil texture, saturated hydraulic conductivity, bulk density, or heavy metal contents (Cr, Zn, Cu, Ni, Pb), although particle size contents (range of 0.05 mm – 0.20 mm) differed significantly (p < 0.05). To promote successful gully land consolidation, the GLC project should (1) prioritize slope stability and long-term maintenance of water preservation facilities in gullies, (2) use bioengineering to accelerate the maturation of newly created land, or develop new cropping system after the GLC project; (3) on the basis of Grain for Green, integrate the GLC project, and modern agriculture to be complementary.  相似文献   

A new direction for evaluating pollution policy is proposed, focused on optimal investment pathways for mitigation capital. The approach allows practitioners to draw directly from key principles in the diffusion literature. A two‐stage, policy‐development framework is introduced. The first stage consists of empirical modelling to assess optimal diffusion pathways for diverse mitigation options. The second involves determining the relative strengths of different policy actions to address diffusion rates or maximum levels of adoption that diverge from optimal levels. The advantages of this new approach are demonstrated in an agri‐environmental context, concerning the off‐site impacts of intensive agriculture on water quality. The viewpoint provided by the novel approach establishes the importance of adoptability – alongside the traditional measures of abatement effectiveness and cost – for mitigation practices in policy assessment. The key role that durable mitigation capital plays in addressing dynamic externalities is demonstrated, alongside the importance of structured diffusion cascades for alternate mitigation options.  相似文献   

黄河滩区土地利用与防洪问题研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
黄河滩区现存的基本问题是黄河滩区旱涝灾害严重、农业生产条件较差,黄河滩区补偿政策落实不够、开发利用政策滞后,黄河滩区安全建设状况严重落后,防洪标准不足、洪水威胁依然存在。提出黄河滩区建设的总体目标、建立有特色的土地利用模式、对黄河滩区土地进行分区管理、修建引洪放淤工程、调整产业结构以及加快黄河滩区安全建设步伐等基本构想,以解决黄河滩区土地开发利用和防洪的诸多问题。  相似文献   

Multifunctional land use has become a widely supported pathway for Europe's countryside. Brussels and the national governments stimulate farmers to integrate primary production with non-agricultural practices from which they can also benefit. In favour of this development different stakeholders are encouraged to collaborate to produce the so-called farmer-managed public goods. This paper explores critical success factors for the production and maintenance of these public goods. In two Dutch case study regions we show a chronology of major events from 1975 leading to a shift from primary agricultural production towards a successful multifunctional land use. We evaluated which critical success factors crucial for managing public goods manifest themselves in our case study regions. Besides six critical success factors described in literature (Property rights, Asymmetric information, Administrative complexity, Governance, Time lags and Market structure) four other factors appear to be crucial in governing farmer-managed public goods: (1) establishing a system of rewards; (2) a mix of governance forms; (3) visionary leadership with networks in both the public and the private sectors and (4) time for new ideas to mature and to build commitment among the actors.  相似文献   

The main purpose of this study is to measure environmental effects and recreational benefits under different hypothetical scenarios program, involving quality improvement in Tien‐Wei Highway Garden, which is the biggest cultivated flower land in Taiwan. The contingent behavior model was adopted. The data combined actual number of trips under current quality of environment combined and the intended number of trips for expected scenarios of environmental quality improvement and congestion mitigation. For the empirical model, on‐site Poisson model was performed to correct truncated and endogenous stratification issues from on‐site surveys. The results show that the estimated average consumer surplus is greater in contingent behavior method than the one in the traditional travel cost model. Also, the estimated recreational benefits in contingent behavior method are more precise than those in the traditional travel cost method. The environment benefits to consumers are communicated with the programs that changes in environment quality. Meanwhile, the incremental economic benefits comprise the gain associated with the improvement of environmental quality.  相似文献   

Protected areas in fishery management have been suggested to hedge management failures and variation in harvests. In this paper, a stochastic bioeconomic model of a two-species fishery in the Manning Bioregion is used to test the performance of protected areas as a management tool in a fishery. The establishment of a protected area is analysed under the assumption of heterogenous environments that are linked via density-dependent or sink-source stock dispersal relationships. The sensitivity of the results to different degrees of management is also explored. The model is applied to the Ocean Prawn Trawl, and Ocean Trap and Line fisheries within Manning Bioregion in New South Wales, Australia. The focus of the study is placed on the biological and institutional characteristics that yield benefits to the fishery. It was found that protected area use in the Manning Bioregion is likely to have differing effects on the two fisheries examined, benefiting Ocean Trap and Line fishers but adversely affecting Ocean Prawn Trawl fishers. Overall, it is unlikely that protected area use will lead to an increase resource rent in the fishery.  相似文献   

The sub-Saharan Africa challenge programme is designed to address the problems of failures of agricultural markets, inappropriate policies and natural resource degradation, that contribute to the continuing deterioration of livelihoods and food security in the region. It is seeking to do this by redefining the roles of scientists and farmers through collaborative learning processes, addressing questions about the level, timing, type and formof participation, as well as themost effective approaches andmethods to foster them. The research domains of the programme deal with sustainable intensification of smallholder agriculture, the sustainable management of natural resources, the development of efficient markets, and the promotion of enabling policies. One question that was addressed in designing the initiative was deciding where to work so as to maximize the chances of successful testing of this new approach, so that it would lead to significant reductions of rural poverty. A participatory process was put in place to design a framework to accomplish this site selection, and then to apply it in west, east and southern Africa. A mixture of spatial data analysis and expert knowledge on spatial and non-spatial factors was used, and one primary site in each region was identified to form the basis for the next phase of the challenge programme. Several lessons were learnt from the process, including the importance of adapting themethods to actual conditions, the increased utility of targetting when the quantitative and the qualitative are freely combined, and the continued need for baseline spatial and non-spatial data to improve the targeting of research in the future that is designed to alleviate poverty in sub-Saharan Africa.  相似文献   

从涉水管理行政部门之间的利益冲突、涉水企业之间的利益冲突两个不同的层面,剖析了涉水部门利益冲突的表现和根源,在此基础上,提出了完善水法规体系建设、落实责任制、发挥经济激励机制的作用以及提高涉水部门对水务一体化认识等对策。  相似文献   

针对江苏沿海滩涂围垦区的自然环境特点与复合型生态系统特征,构建体现围垦区生物多样性、生境特征和环境变化的围垦区生态环境长效管理的指标体系,建立江苏沿海围垦区生态环境长效管理模式,为地方政府决策提供参考。  相似文献   

为了更好地深化水务改革,从改革的目的和内涵出发,以利益相关者偏好理论为研究视角,探讨政府、水务企业以及社会公众在水务一体化管理进程中的偏好和责任要求,由此形成利益相关者的责任关系结构。针对现实中不同利益相关者之间责任关系存在的问题,从建立权责挂钩的考核制度、完善监督管理体系和社会监督平台、强化社会监督力量对于政府和水务企业的外部约束等方面提出了对策建议。  相似文献   

整体性治理视角下长江流域河长制研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李锋  顾睿哲 《水利经济》2021,39(4):41-45
为进一步推进长江流域河长制的实施,提升长江流域水环境治理的效用水平,总结整体性理论框架,探究整体性理论与河长制的契合性,梳理长江流域河长制推行的概况,从整体性理论治理视角下分析长江流域推行河长制过程中出现的参与治理主体单一化、公共利益部门分割化、同一层级整合碎片化、治理信息碎片化的问题,并提出应鼓励多元主体参与、完善激励约束机制、完善同层级整合机制、开发网络化政府信息管理系统推动长江流域河长制改革。  相似文献   

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