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This study investigates carry trade diversification opportunities and linkages of major carry trade currencies on five different investment horizons. Using daily data on eight currencies and LIBOR rates, we examine the temporal structure of correlations and assess portfolio diversification benefits with wavelet techniques. Our results indicate that positive and economically significant carry trade excess returns are observed on all investigated investment horizons. We document that strategies built on the basis of wavelet correlation lead to significant diversification benefits. These findings indicate the importance of the dynamic structure of exchange rate correlations to currency arbitrage strategies.  相似文献   

This paper investigates how jump risks are priced in currency markets. We find that currencies whose changes are more sensitive to negative market jumps provide significantly higher expected returns. The positive risk premium constitutes compensation for the extreme losses during periods of market turmoil. Using the empirical findings, we propose a jump modified carry trade strategy, which has approximately two-percentage-point (per annum) higher returns than the regular carry trade strategy. These findings result from the fact that negative jump betas are significantly related to the riskiness of currencies and business conditions.  相似文献   

This paper examines the role of oil market uncertainty on currency carry trade payoffs. We find that oil market uncertainty can impact currency carry trade excess returns. When oil market uncertainty rises, expected currency excess returns will increase. Our findings are robust to alternative measures of oil market uncertainty and, after controlling for traditional uncertainties, different types of oil shocks. The results also hold well in both developed and emerging markets, as well as for oil-related currencies, non-oil currencies, commodity currencies, and non-commodity currencies. Additionally, oil market uncertainty can be priced in the cross section of currency carry trade excess returns. This effect can be explained by investors becoming more risk averse under high oil market uncertainty and requiring greater compensation for bearing such risk. Moreover, our measure of oil market uncertainty, the downside risk from the oil market, is quite different from that of traditional aggregate measures.  相似文献   

The current literature suggests that uncovered interest parity (UIP) does not hold because of differences in risk in holding different currency denominated debt. We test whether this risk is related to sovereign credit risk in government bonds. We consider an insured uncovered interest parity relationship – that is, one where debt is insured with credit default swap (CDS) contracts. CDS rates help explain the UIP puzzle but have no predictive power for carry trade returns and currency movements.  相似文献   

This study empirically examines the effect of equity market illiquidity on the excess returns of currency momentum and carry trade strategies. Results show that equity market illiquidity explains the evolution of currency momentum strategy payoffs, but not carry trade. Returns on currency momentum are low following months of high equity market illiquidity. However, in the recent decade, illiquidity positively predicts the associated payoffs. The findings withstand various robustness checks and are economically significant, approximating in value to one-third of average monthly profits.  相似文献   

Standard carry trades, which consist of purchasing high- and selling low-yield currencies, provide an economic diversification effect. However, the diversification effect is not robust, and is not borne out by much statistical evidence. We introduce optimized carry trades, which incorporate risk components such as currency volatility or currency skewness in the selection process. These optimized carry trades provide a robust economic diversification effect observed by a larger Sharpe ratio, a reduced portfolio volatility, a smaller drawdown, or a reduced tail risk with respect to a benchmark portfolio. Moreover, a significant improvement of the mean-efficient frontier is observable, with the result that minimum-variance and tangency portfolio are enhanced. The empirical results reveal that optimized carry trades have a larger diversification effect than standard carry trades and their modifications.  相似文献   

Currency carry trades exploiting violations of uncovered interest rate parity in G10 currencies deliver significant excess returns with annualized Sharpe ratios equal to or greater than those of equity market factors (1990–2012). Using data on out-of-the-money foreign exchange options, I compute returns to crash-hedged portfolios and demonstrate that the high returns to carry trades are not due to peso problems. A comparison of the returns to hedged and unhedged trades indicates crash risk premia account for at most one-third of the excess return to currency carry trades.  相似文献   

This paper studies the time series predictability of currency carry trades, constructed by selecting currencies to be bought or sold against the US dollar, based on forward discounts. Changes in a commodity index, currency volatility and, to a lesser extent, a measure of liquidity predict in-sample the payoffs of dynamically re-balanced carry trades, as evidenced by individual and joint p-values in monthly predictive regressions at horizons up to six months. Predictability is further supported through out-of-sample metrics, and a predictability-based decision rule produces sizable improvements in the Sharpe ratios and skewness profile of carry trade payoffs. Our evidence also indicates that predictability can be traced to the long legs of the carry trades and their currency components. We test the theoretical restrictions that an asset pricing model, with average currency returns and the mimicking portfolio for the innovations in currency volatility as risk factors, imposes on the coefficients in predictive regressions.  相似文献   

We apply the concept of carry, which has been studied almost exclusively in currency markets, to any asset. A security’s expected return is decomposed into its “carry,” an ex-ante and model-free characteristic, and its expected price appreciation. Carry predicts returns cross-sectionally and in time series for a host of different asset classes, including global equities, global bonds, commodities, US Treasuries, credit, and options. Carry is not explained by known predictors of returns from these asset classes, and it captures many of these predictors, providing a unifying framework for return predictability. We reject a generalized version of Uncovered Interest Parity and the Expectations Hypothesis in favor of models with varying risk premia, in which carry strategies are commonly exposed to global recession, liquidity, and volatility risks, though none fully explains carry’s premium.  相似文献   

We sort currencies into portfolios by countries’ past consumption growth. The excess return of the highest- over the lowest-consumption-growth portfolio – our consumption carry factor – compensates for negative returns during world-wide downturns and prices the cross-section of portfolio-sorted and of bilateral currency returns. Empirically, sorting currencies on consumption growth is very similar to sorting currencies on interest rates. We interpret these stylized facts in a habit formation model: sorting currencies on past consumption growth approximates sorting on risk aversion. Low (high) risk-aversion currencies have high (low) interest rates and depreciate (appreciate) in times of global turmoil.  相似文献   

Differences in economic institutions, as measured by an index of economic freedom, have been correlated to differences in cross-country investment levels, capital market development, and country-level equity index returns. Here, a country’s level of economic freedom is demonstrated to be a proxy measure for the likelihood of an idiosyncratic currency devaluation during periods of low global foreign exchange volatility. This observation makes economic freedom determinant of whether carry traders may be facing a ‘peso problem,’ giving currency speculators insights into a risk factor which the foreign exchange market may not be pricing or for which there is no historical evidence.  相似文献   

Yen carry trades have made headline news for over a decade. We examine the profitability of such trades for the period 2001–2009. Yen carry trades generated high mean returns and Sharpe ratios prior to the recent financial crisis. They continued to outperform major stock markets for the full sample period. Given the non-normality of carry trade returns, we apply non-parametric tests based on stochastic dominance (SD) to evaluate whether the high returns of yen carry trades are compatible with risk as reflected in returns on US and global stock market indices. We apply a general test for SD developed recently by Linton, Maasoumi and Whang (2005) to six currencies as well as portfolios of these currencies. For a large class of risk-averse investors, profits from yen carry trades cannot be attributed to risks.  相似文献   

This paper uses a new database provided by the Commodity and Futures Trading Commissions to examine the price impact of hedge fund carry trades in “hot” and “cold” markets. We find that hedge funds significantly increase their carry trade positions during hot markets (periods with very high currency returns). Consistent with currency overpricing, positions in hot markets are followed by exchange rate reversals. Optimism in the stock market seems to have a spillover effect on hedge fund speculation in the currency market: controlling for the variance risk premium fully accounts for the reversal effect. Overall, our results add to a growing body of empirical evidence that institutional demand can move asset prices.  相似文献   

This paper presents a consumption-based general equilibrium model for valuing foreign exchange contingent claims. The model identifies a novel economic mechanism by exploiting highly but imperfectly shared consumption disaster with variable intensities which are the concerns to the representative investor under recursive utility. When applied to the data, the model simultaneously replicates (i) the moderate option-implied volatilities; (ii) substantial variations in the risk-neutral skewness of currency returns; (iii) the uncovered interest rate parity puzzle; and (iv) the first two moments of carry trade returns. Furthermore, the model rationalizes salient features of the aggregate stock, government bonds, and equity index options.  相似文献   

The currency market features a small cross-section, and conditional expected returns can be characterized by few signals: interest differential, trend, and mean reversion. We exploit these properties to construct the ex ante mean-variance efficient portfolio of individual currencies. The portfolio is updated in real time and prices all prominent currency trading strategies, conditionally and unconditionally. The fraction of risk in these assets that does not affect their risk premiums is at least 85%. Extant explanations of carry strategies based on intermediary capital or global volatility are related to these unpriced components, while consumption growth is related to the priced component of returns.  相似文献   

This paper empirically identifies non-informational and informational trades using stock returns and trading volume data of the U.S., Japanese, and U.K. stock markets and five individual firms. We achieve the identification by imposing a restriction from theoretical considerations. Our results show that trading volume is mainly driven by non-informational trades, while stock price movements are primarily driven by informational trades. We also find that, around the 1987 stock market crash, trading volumes due to non-informational trades increased dramatically, while the decline in stock market prices was due mainly to informational trades. Increases in volatilities both in returns and in trading volumes during and after the crash are mainly due to non-informational trades. Regarding the trading volume-serial correlation in the stock returns relationship, we find evidence that is consistent with theoretical predictions that non-informational components can account for high trading volume accompanied by a low serial correlation of stock returns.  相似文献   

Previous work examined the long-run profitability of strategies mimicking the trades company directors in the shares of their own company, as a way of testing for market efficiency. The current paper examines patterns in abnormal returns in the days around these trades on the London Stock Exchange.
We find movements in returns that are consistent with directors engaging in short-term market timing. We also report that some types of trades have superior predictive content over future returns. In particular, medium-sized trades are more informative for short-term returns than large ones, consistent with Barclay and Warner's (1993) 'stealth trading' hypothesis whereby informed traders avoid trading in blocks.
Another contribution of this study is to properly adjust the abnormal return estimates for microstructure (spread) transactions costs using daily bid-ask spread data. On a net basis, we find that abnormal returns all but disappear.  相似文献   

利差交易主要是指借入低利率货币、再投资于高利率货币,从而赚取利差的交易行为。文章介绍了近几年来国际间利差交易的主要种类、规模及收益和风险状况,并对我国利率水平提高后对利差交易产生的影响进行了展望。  相似文献   

The uncovered interest parity (UIP) condition suggests that carry trades whereby investors borrow in the low interest rate currency and invest in the high interest rate currency should not result in excess profits over the long run. In this paper, we test the significance of the conventional empirical failure of UIP condition. Using the four bilateral pound parities we fail to detect significant excess carry trade profits for the yen, euro and swiss franc–pound parities. The only parity for which the carry trade consistently makes excess profits is the dollar–pound parity. This result is somewhat surprising as this is the currency pair with the lowest interest rate differential. We are extremely grateful for the anonymous referee’s comments on this paper.  相似文献   

We show that carry trade strategies resemble FX option strategies that sell out of the money puts on high interest rate currencies. Both strategies collect premiums to generate persistent excess returns that unwind sharply when volatility increases. We also show that the widely documented negative slope coefficient in regressions of exchange rate depreciation on forward currency premiums is an artifact of the volatility regime. In high volatility regimes, the so-called Fama regression produces a positive coefficient greater than unity. We finally document the existence of an intuitive co-movement between currency risk premiums and yield curve risk factors.  相似文献   

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