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With the remaining ambiguity around COVID-19 effective treatment, the decision-making process for 2020 tourists remains fraught with complexity. Drawing from a sample of 385 permanent Athenian residents, the study explores the decision-making attributes driving their accommodation purchasing preferences in times of increased uncertainty. The complex dynamics are investigated using fuzzy-set Qualitative Comparative Analysis. A complementary analysis evaluates the size effect of the examined conditions using Necessary Condition Analysis. In total, four solutions are generated concerning: (i) health and safety; (ii) the price-quality nexus; (iii) risk aspects; and (iv) quality related health and safety. The study contributes towards the initiation of the theoretical discourse on the foundations of the exploration of tourists’ accommodation choice triggers and dilemmas in times of pandemics. The results inform market intelligence with regard to accommodation-related customer priorities, perceptions and intentions during the pandemic which lay several important managerial implications for the accommodation industry.  相似文献   

A quality assessment scale in tourism was constructed in five dimensions: economic, development, human resources, marketing and product. We presents the research findings for the economic dimension, aiming to understand the perception of Portuguese public decision makers at the local level. Using survey methodology, a sample of Portuguese municipalities was used for data collection. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses were performed, and three factors supported quality assessment regarding economics: development strategy (F1), economic factors of demand (F2), and financial incentives (F3). Results focus on the validation of the psychometric properties of this measuring instrument, identifying key issues for future research.  相似文献   

Considering the recognized pressures of tourism on the natural environment, it is important to quantify and understand those pressures. This paper adopts an approach based on the Tourism Satellite Accounts conceptual framework to measure selected environmental pressures of tourism. Egypt is selected for the case study and the accommodation industry group is used as a pilot test (reference year 2009) for the feasibility of the proposed methodology. Results show that each US$ 1 million of direct value added supported by tourists expenditure in the accommodation industry group requires 18.6 thousand m3 of water, 51.1 tons of fuel, and 426 megawatt hours (Mwh) of electricity. Similarly, each US$ 1 million of the direct value added generated by tourists expenditure for accommodation creates directly about 464.3 tons of CO2 emissions. It is estimated that serving inbound tourism is a higher user of energy resources than serving domestic tourism, which is higher in terms of water use. These environmental performance measures enable the Egyptian Government to examine the potential environmental pressures and financial costs of attracting new tourists.  相似文献   

汤静 《旅游学刊》2014,29(12):111-117
我国传统的管制型政府(国家)背景下,立法在规制国家与公民关系时,以公民基本权利-国家权力关系为指针,立法者将侧重点放在国家权力规范设计上,突出国家权力对公民权利的保障。今天,随着以人为本法治理念与服务型政府建设的推进,我国服务型政府正取代传统的管制型政府,公民权利保障制度设计上必然走出传统的公民基本权利-国家权力关系理念,采取替代性公民基本权利-国家义务关系理念。2013年4月通过的《旅游法》作为综合性法律,适应新形势要求,全面规范了国家尊重、保护、促进公民旅游权之义务,呈现了规制公民-国家关系之国家义务强化趋势。  相似文献   


Tourism increases, diversifies and concentrates water consumption in space and time; it contributes to social-ecological processes that often make tourist destinations vulnerable to water stress. Climate change projections foresee an increase in water stress problems in many tourist resorts. Tourist islands are particularly challenged due to their geographical isolation and the limited options for enhancing supply. Despite the significance of the problem, the understanding of the tourism and water–stress complex remains under-researched. In this article, we aim at a novel, integrated and spatiotemporally dynamic conceptualization of tourist islands’ vulnerability to water stress. To do this, we begin by presenting the “Water-Tourism Social-Ecological Systems framework” based on literature on water and tourism, social-ecological systems, adaptation, vulnerability, resilience, and island studies. We then apply this framework to investigate the so far underexplored vulnerability to water stress of the island of Rhodes (Greece). Results from in-depth interviews with key stakeholders along with secondary sources provide insights into the Rhodes Water-Tourism SES dynamics. Our analysis provides an interdisciplinary and multidimensional lens to the water-stress and -tourism complex. It enriches the literature of tourism and water and gives the opportunity to open up the scope of solutions that are being discussed.  相似文献   

Building on feedback theory, this study aims to understand providers' continuous sharing behavior (CSB) by integrating subjective and objective feedback in the context of peer-to-peer (P2P) accommodations. In Study 1, we test a mediation model by using survey data collected from 289 hosts of P2P accommodations. The results show that providers' positive feedback perception (PFP) is positively related to CSB and that intrinsic motivation mediates this effect. In Study 2, we collect 169 multisource data to explore the effect of objective online feedback on providers' PFP and subsequent effects in further detail. This study reveals that online ratings positively influence providers' PFP and that this effect is strengthened by the volume of online reviews. Further, we find sequential positive effects among providers’ PFP, intrinsic motivation, and CSB, which is consistent with Study 1. Implications for theory and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

A number of researchers have postulated that tourism between nations that have been divided or remain hostile to each other may be a means of reducing tension and promoting peace. The Korean Peninsula has remained divided since the Korean War and tensions between the North and South remain high. In the first tangible attempt to develop meaningful relations between the North and South outside of the UN structure, the Hyundai Corporation of South Korea was given permission to build and operate a resort destination at Mt. Gumgang in North Korea. The project has not been well supported by South Korean tourists and has required significant financial assistance from the South Korean Government. The paper examines the background of the project, the issues that were the primary cause for low demand and the role of the project as a vehicle for promoting peace. The paper finds that while tourism may be a method of reducing political tension as suggested by Butler and Mao (Asia Pacific J. Tourism Res. 1(1) (1996) 25) and Yu (Asia Pacific J. Tourism Res. 2(1) (1997) 19), it may also have a darker side and inadvertently become a vehicle for inhibiting peace. Further the paper suggests that in the case of Mt. Gumgang, tourism is the consequence of a political process aimed at rapprochement, not the genesis of the process.  相似文献   

The tourism literature recognises the importance of resilience to crises, but little is known about how tourism firms become resilient. In particular, the use of corporate social responsibility (CSR) as a risk-reduction strategy has been identified as an important gap in the literature. Aiming to fill this gap and adopt a more integrative view, this study examines complementarities between tourism firms' attention to social issues and corporate governance mechanisms in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. Supported by the attention-based view and stewardship theory, the findings show that firms' attention to social issues and CEO duality might be associated with higher degrees of firm resilience. If firms have a CSR committee, the presence of CEO duality might leverage firms’ attention to social issues. The findings suggest that corporate governance should not restrict executive flexibility when tourism firms face exogenous shocks if firms pay attention to social issues.  相似文献   

The rapid spatial diffusion of the COVID-19 epidemic outbreak has resulted in the total economic disruption of the Tourism Supply Chain (TSC) causing a significant reduction in revenue and creating liquidity issues for all operators. Firms in TSC are linked to each other in complex patterns, leading one risk to another. The purpose of this article is to understand the role of relationship management between hotel chains and their key TSC agents in order to overcome economic disruptions caused by epidemic outbreaks. Among the main contributions of this article are the identification of governments, tour operators, and competitors as the key relationships to be managed by hospitality firms. In addition, key areas for coordination with these actors are explored. Finally, the objectives of relationship management according to the partner are also addressed.  相似文献   

The study investigates the relationship between economic growth, carbon dioxide emissions, tourism development, energy demand, domestic investment and health expenditures with an aim to test the validity of the Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC) hypothesis in the panel of three diversified World's region including East Asia & Pacific, European Union and High income OECD and Non-OECD countries. The study covers the period of last nine years i.e. 2005–2013. The study used the principal component analysis (PCA) to construct tourism development index which is the amalgamation of number of tourists' arrivals, tourism receipts and international tourism expenditures. The results validate the inverted U-shaped relationship between carbon emissions and per capita income in the region. The results further substantiate the following causal relationships i.e. i) tourism-induced carbon emissions, ii) energy-induced emissions, iii) investment – induced emissions, iv) growth led tourism, v) investment led tourism and vi) health led tourism development in the region.  相似文献   


This study explores the key factors influencing potential employees in the hospitality and tourism industry and examines whether causal relationships between behavioral attitudes, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control influence students' job selection. The study suggests that the career decision-making process is related to job selection. A total of 307 responses were analyzed. The results explain individual students' attitudes toward a behavior and perceived behavioral control in the context of their job selection. Attitudes toward a behavior and job selection had significant effects on career decisions. On the other hand, opinions of significant others had no significant effect. Perceived behaviors required to decide on jobs had a significant effect on job selection intentions. Students with internship experience were likely to form positive attitudes toward the hospitality and tourism industry, suggesting internships to be a useful source of a stronger relationship between the industry and job aptitudes of students in hospitality and tourism programs. The results have important implications.  相似文献   

过往旅游感知研究多停留在实证研究层面——以管理学、社会学、统计学的视角居多,而实证之后对其从制度伦理等哲学角度的反思鲜有涉及。实际上,研究旅游只在管理学或社会学层面的思考是远远不够的,许多问题还涉及目前旅游学界未给予足够关注的制度伦理。文章拟从另一视角来验证旅游发展带来制度伦理方面的诉求。通过比较两个地理位置相当、人口社会学特征相似的古村落——广东开平自力村和马降龙村的旅游影响感知及态度,发现由于旅游发展程度的不同,居民对开放社会的制度伦理诉求存在一定的差异;得出旅游发展程度越高,居民呈现出对公民社会的伦理诉求越强烈,即居民对村里的公共事务的参与意识越强,对分配公正的诉求、公共利益的关注越明显等制度伦理特征。  相似文献   

Entrepreneurship is vital to the success of tourism and hospitality and the sector makes an important contribution to many island economies. Despite this, far too little attention has been paid by researchers to tourism and hospitality entrepreneurship in islands (THEI). This research helps to address this gap through a systematic review of the literature, conducted to provide a platform for further research and to help investigators set their research priorities. Using the Scopus database and the PRISMA technique, a total of 132 articles were included in bibliometric and thematic content analyses. Although there has been an increase in THEI research, this has tended to focus on the Asia-Pacific region. It is suggested that researchers consider redressing this geographical bias and conduct more quantitative and comparative THEI studies. Further opportunities exist to investigate the characteristics and behaviors of island entrepreneurs and the impacts of the industrial and spatial aspects of THEI.  相似文献   

A cross-cultural approach is adopted to examine factors related to perceptions of and attitudes toward medical tourism by American, Russian, Chinese, and Japanese tourists to Korea. Results from a survey with a sample of 883 tourists show that respondents' overall attitudes significantly differ across the four nations. Russian patients hold most positive attitudes, followed by Chinese and Japanese. Major perceptual factors are found to have different effects on overall attitudes among respondents. While travel-related risks are the most influential factor among Russian, Japanese, and Chinese patients, Americans are influenced mostly by health-related risks. American and Japanese attitudes are also affected by cost factor but not by convenience factor. On the other hand, convenience factor significantly affects Russian and Chinese attitudes. Additionally, post-operative risk, access to information, and availability of procedures have different effects across the four nations. Possible explanations and practical implications are discussed in conjunction with the cultural contexts of the four nations.  相似文献   

This study investigates American customers’ perceptions of Chinese restaurants in the U.S., using the Importance–Performance Analysis (IPA) approach. This study also examines which attributes of Chinese restaurants influence American customers’ satisfaction and behavioral intentions. The IPA shows that environmental cleanliness and attentive service are two important areas where Chinese restaurateurs can make improvements. In addition, food taste and service reliability appear to be key attributes for Chinese restaurants’ success. Overall, this study indicates that food quality, service reliability and environmental cleanliness are three pivotal attributes to create satisfied customers and positive post-dining behavioral intentions. Chinese restaurant managers should reasonably allocate their limited resources to restaurant attributes based on their contributions to customer satisfaction and behavioral intentions.  相似文献   

This study revisits the impact of distance on international tourist behaviours in Hong Kong. This work divides and cross-validates the concept of distance into physical and cultural distance. This work also proposes an alternative cultural distance measure by introducing optimal weight amongst Hofstede's dimensions and then compares the proposed measure with the traditional Kogut and Singh's and Kandogan's measures. By using data from the Visitor Profile Report of the Hong Kong Tourism Board and the World Trade Organisation from 2002 to 2017, along with latent growth curve modelling, multivariate regression and panel data analysis, findings confirmed the significant role of physical and cultural distance. In addition, quadratic relationships are detected using cross-validation methods. The effect of physical distance on tourist demands clearly dominates that of cultural distance in the overall market. The problem of spurious correlation and the results of three cultural distance measures are also discussed.  相似文献   

Sustainable tourism development (STD) has recently become a tourism management guideline. STD meets the needs of present tourists and host regions while protecting and enhancing opportunities for the future. It is envisaged as leading to management of all resources in such a way that economic, social and aesthetic needs can be fulfilled while maintaining cultural integrity, essential ecological processes, biological diversity and life support systems (World Tourism Organization, 2004, Concepts & Definitions: Sustainable Development of Tourism Conceptual Definition. Retrieved 12 August 2004 from http://www.world-tourism.org/frameset/frame_sustainable.html). The purpose of this study is to propose an evaluation procedure of STD and illustrate how it can be applied empirically to a specific destination. Green Island in Taiwan, which lies in the Pacific Ocean, was selected to act as our empirical case due to its rich resources but threatened sustainability. First, we collected indicators of STD from the literature about small islands. Second, the Delphi technique was used to refine and identify the final indicators for STD evaluation according to the characteristics of our study case. Third, we calculated the criteria weights by applying the Analytic Hierarchy Process after constructing the evaluation criteria hierarchy. Finally, the measurement of performance corresponding to each criterion was conducted under the setting of fuzzy set theory. The results illustrate that our empirical case still needs more work in order to achieve its goal of sustainable tourism development. We also provide some managerial implications for the stakeholders such as tourism authorities, tourism businesses, local communities and academics.  相似文献   

郭为  黄卫东  汤斌 《旅游学刊》2004,19(3):27-31
本文利用实证经济学的方法从整体和个体的角度检验了鄂西北地区农业、工业和旅游业从1991年到2002年之间对农民收入的增加是否存在贡献以及贡献度是多少,客观上说明了利用旅游业扶贫是否具有现实意义;在肯定了旅游业的贡献之后,具体分析了鄂西北各地区旅游资源的比较优势,以及在开发规划上如何利用这些比较优势(这是扶贫的基础);最后,文章说明了扶贫的本质和途径,并具体提出了扶贫的基本原则。  相似文献   

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