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The intricate relationships among core service and service encounter performances, customer satisfaction, and switching barriers in the formation of satisfaction and switching intention were examined in this study. A field survey was conducted at upper-midscale hotels. The results of the structural analysis revealed that both core service and service encounter performances significantly affected customer satisfaction, and satisfaction completely mediated the effects of service performances on switching intention. In addition, findings from the tests for metric invariances indicated that components of switching barriers (switching costs, relational investment, and lack of alternatives’ attractiveness) moderated the relationships between satisfaction and switching intention. In particular, the role of satisfaction derived from service performances in decreasing hotel guests’ intention to switch is greater when they perceive high switching costs, relational investment, and lack of alternatives’ attractiveness. Based on study findings, theoretical and practical implications are identified and discussed.  相似文献   

The role of satiation as a determinant of restaurant patronage has been the subject of increasing research attention. The purpose of this research is to further consider the relationship between satiation and switching behavior in the restaurant industry. Specifically, we seek to address the mediating mechanism of service quality in this framework. Based on the related tenets of diminishing marginal utility and hedonic adaptation, we propose that satiation and service quality are inversely related. The results of an empirical analysis confirm that as consumers become satiated with food, atmosphere, and restaurant service, perceptions of these three facets of overall service quality are diminished, leading to decreased satisfaction and switching intentions. In addition to the practical implications of these results, the finding that satiation directly impacts service quality represents an important step in the overall task of understanding the effects of satiation in determining restaurant patronage behavior.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to establish the impact of customer service failure attributions on customer commitment and the influence of service failure severity on recovery satisfaction. Data were collected through structured questionnaires and the hypotheses were tested using Structural Equation Modelling (SEM). The study revealed that service failure severity and attribution dimensions of stability and controllability influence recovery satisfaction. No relationship was established between locus of causality and recovery satisfaction. It was revealed that recovery satisfaction influences customer commitment and knowledge of alternatives moderates the relationship between the two. Service providers are recommedend to avoid preventable service failures.  相似文献   

The continuous growth of electronic (e) commerce prompted businesses to manage effective websites to attract customers and retain loyalty. Website evaluation has been extensively researched, but a comprehensive and globally accepted model is yet to be established in the tourism and hospitality industry. This review of studies on airline website evaluation reveals an undesirable situation. Existing literature, especially on the low-cost carrier (LCC) sector, is inadequate despite the heavy reliance of this sector on web-based sales. Neither specific nor comprehensive instruments for effectively assessing airline websites are found. Therefore, a comprehensive website evaluation model in the airline or LCC context is necessary.  相似文献   

识别中国住宿业碳排放增长路径,是应对气候变化、精准制定旅游减排政策的关键。本研究从产业关联的视角出发,采用环境投入产出和结构路径分析方法,探究1997—2017年中国住宿业碳排放演变特征与影响住宿业碳排放变动的关键路径。结果表明:(1)研究期间中国住宿业碳排放量波动增长,但排放强度持续下降,电力和热力消耗是住宿业碳排放最主要的能源消耗类型。(2)最终需求引致的直接住宿业碳排放对住宿业全部碳排放量贡献始终较大,但住宿业消费中间产品投入引致的隐含碳排放量逐渐增多。(3)从供应链路径来看,"(上游供应部门)→食品制造业→住宿业→最终需求"与"(上游供应部门)→电力、热力的生产和供应业→住宿业→最终需求"是驱动中国住宿业碳排放变动的主要路径类型,上游供应部门涉及农林牧渔、道路运输、化学工业等部门。实现住宿业低碳发展应实施"源头减量、过程控制、末端治理"的综合治理战略,优化住宿业的中间产品投入结构,引导住宿业传统供应链向绿色供应链转型。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to investigate the antecedents (i.e., role ambiguity and conflict, burnout, socialization, and work autonomy) and consequences (i.e., affective and continuance commitment, absenteeism, and employee turnover intention) of employee job satisfaction. Data obtained from a sample of 671 respondents drawn from 11 international tourist hotels in Taiwan were analyzed with the LISREL program. According to the results, role conflict, burnout, socialization, and work autonomy, but not role ambiguity, significantly predicted job satisfaction. In addition, job satisfaction significantly contributed to psychological outcomes in terms of organizational effectiveness (i.e., greater affective and continuance commitment and lower employee turnover intentions).  相似文献   

This study proposes an integrated model that combines the theory of planned behaviour (TPB) and the innovation adoption theory to investigate the attitudinal and behavioural decision factors on adopting green practices in the restaurant industry in Taiwan. The results demonstrate that attitude and perceived behavioural control have positive effects on behavioural intention while social influence is insignificant. Perceived innovation characteristics have direct positive effects on attitude and indirect positive impacts on behavioural intention to adopt green practices. Managerial implications are discussed.  相似文献   

The cruise dining experience is one of the core elements of the overall cruise travel experience as guests fulfill their cognitive and affective needs in this pleasant environment. Nonetheless, the cruise dining experience has been sparsely researched. There is also no holistic model conceptualizing the cruise ship dining experiencescape. This study explores how under the influence of the COVID-19 pandemic, cruise ship dining environment stimuli dimensions are evaluated by female cruise travelers. Female travelers are the major spenders and travel decision-makers. They are also the dominant customer group in the cruise sector. Their perception of cruise ship dining environment is leading to their positive emotional responses and approach behavior. More precisely, this study demonstrates the potency of the moderating role of a perceived health risk from COVID-19, which strengthens female travelers’ perceptions of the dining atmosphere and interaction with other guests by evoking positive emotions and influencing their approach behavior.  相似文献   

How long do the effects of advertising actually last? This issue has received increased attention in the fields of marketing, accounting, and finance. However, despite the importance of advertising for firm management, research on the effective duration of advertising costs still remains in the exploratory stage. To address this research need, this study investigated how long advertising costs function to increase sales and intangible value in association with franchising in the restaurant industry. The results of this study showed that advertising expenditures had a positive short-term effect on sales growth, whereas advertising did not significantly impact sales growth in the long run. However, when advertising expenditures were considered together with franchising, the long-term interaction effect was positively significant. The results suggest that advertising has long-term positive effects on sales growth only in restaurant firms using a franchising system. This implies that advertising costs should be recognized as investment-like assets only in franchising restaurant firms. On the other hand, advertising ratio had both positive short-term and long-term effects on intangible value. In addition, once the advertising ratio was associated with franchising, the long-term interaction effect was negatively significant. More detailed explanations and implications are included in the conclusion.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the links between air connectivity, tourism benefits and welfare. It improves on the common practice in the literature by demonstrating avenues of tourism expansion and their welfare implications using both a partial and a general equilibrium model. The results of the gravity model show that there is a strong connection between air connectivity factors and incoming passengers. Simulation results of tourism expansion brought about by improved connectivity demonstrate that all household groups experience an improvement in their welfare but with lower impact on low-income agricultural households. The study concludes that formulating policies that address the air connectivity gap in Kenya would benefit the tourism sector and all households if co-ordinated with rural development initiatives.  相似文献   

This study conducted two experiments to determine the influence of review valence, review quantity, and the interaction effects between the two among consumers designated as conformist and non-conformist.4 The results show that positive reviews are more effective than negative reviews in enhancing booking intentions and increasing the number of reviews can magnify the influence of review valence on booking intentions. Our analysis of valence indicated that reading positive reviews can have a stronger effect on booking intentions among individuals who are strongly inclined toward conformity. In addition, a greater number of reviews proved to be more persuasive among individuals displaying a low degree of conformity. Finally, the interaction effects among the three independent variables revealed that a larger number of negative reviews can be more damaging to the booking intentions of conformist individuals. In contrast, a larger number of positive reviews were shown to have a greater impact on non-conformists.  相似文献   

Group buying, which provides daily discounts for various services and products, is a new form of marketing that has attracted the attention of both practitioners and academic researchers. However, it is unclear what factors influence the effectiveness of a group buying promotion. This study presents an analysis of 862 restaurant group buying deals based on the secondary data collected from a restaurant guide website. The results indicate that group buying effectiveness – namely, the number of coupons sold, satisfaction improvement, and return intention of group buying customers – can be affected by the discount depth of a deal as well as the service quality and popularity of a restaurant. These findings provide useful insights regarding the elements that are necessary to make a group buying promotion work.  相似文献   

The COVID-19 pandemic has caused a crisis in the hotel industry worldwide, but few studies have suggested methods to retain customers. This study proposes hygiene management as a means to minimize the indirect damage from COVID-19 to the hotel industry. It identifies perceived hygiene attributes and explores their influence on hotel image, word of mouth, and revisit intentions. This study identifies and validates three types of perceived hygiene attributes through qualitative and quantitative methods. It uses structural equation modeling to validate hypotheses and concludes that there are significant relationships of influence between the proposed variables. This study provides important and meaningful insights into hotel image and customer behavior through perceived hygiene attributes.  相似文献   

The global threat of climate change, diminishing natural resources and significant socio-economic inequalities is forcing companies and individuals to evaluate the impact they are having on the natural, social and economic environments. This trend has led to an increased availability and demand for socially, environmentally and economically responsible products. The tourism industry relies heavily on the sustained beauty and hospitality of the places and communities it operates in and has come under pressure to manage its negative and positive impacts. Change in the industry has, however, been limited. This paper investigates the current attitudes and perceptions of tourism business owners in Cape Town towards responsible tourism management (RTM) practices. Cape Town as an internationally acclaimed top tourism destination needs to urgently address its low levels of responsible tourism evidence. Survey data of 244 tourism businesses were used to statistically test what factors are causing the low levels of RTM practices in the Cape Town tourism industry. Findings suggest that despite general positive attitudes towards RTM, businesses are not investing time and money into changing management practices. This is a common emerging market phenomenon where resource constraints negatively impact the relationship between what businesses would like to do and what actually gets done. Factors such as the perceived cost of RTM, a highly competitive environment and a perceived lack of government support are further negatively influencing this relationship. Recommendations are made as to how the costs of implementing RTM can be reduced and what channels should be implemented to facilitate change.  相似文献   


This study applies upper echelon theory and validates its conceptual framework by investigating chief executive officers’ observable determinants (e.g., the age, tenure, and formal education of top managers) of corporate social responsibility (CSR) in the restaurant industry. Multiple CSR dimensions (e.g., operational, non-operational, community, diversity, employee, environment, and product) are examined through fixed effects regression. The results indicate that older and highly educated CEOs who serve more stakeholders perform fewer CSR activities, whereas longer tenured CEOs who serve more stakeholders perform more CSR activities. Consequently, non-operational, community-, diversity-, employee-, and environment-related CSR activities are significantly explained by the proposed attributes. By validating both the theoretical perspectives of upper echelon theory and the role of stakeholder demands in CSR decisions, this research can contribute to expanding the CSR and upper echelon literature to the restaurant industry.  相似文献   


This study explores the key factors influencing potential employees in the hospitality and tourism industry and examines whether causal relationships between behavioral attitudes, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control influence students' job selection. The study suggests that the career decision-making process is related to job selection. A total of 307 responses were analyzed. The results explain individual students' attitudes toward a behavior and perceived behavioral control in the context of their job selection. Attitudes toward a behavior and job selection had significant effects on career decisions. On the other hand, opinions of significant others had no significant effect. Perceived behaviors required to decide on jobs had a significant effect on job selection intentions. Students with internship experience were likely to form positive attitudes toward the hospitality and tourism industry, suggesting internships to be a useful source of a stronger relationship between the industry and job aptitudes of students in hospitality and tourism programs. The results have important implications.  相似文献   

This study aims to theoretically integrate quality factors of both medical and hospitality services in medical tourism. Medical tourism comprises both medicine and tourism. Although the core product in medical tourism is medical treatment, attractive hospitality and travel options are also essential. Despite the dual nature of medical tourism, the two aspects of this concept have not been integrated in a unique framework. This study attempts to fill this gap using interpretive structural modeling (ISM). According to ISM, although factors of medical services and hospitality services are independent from each other, these factors have vital impacts on perceived value, satisfaction, and loyalty.  相似文献   

旅行社网站服务公平性对顾客行为意向的影响研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
申文果 《旅游学刊》2008,23(2):17-22
企业坚持公平性原则,才能建立和维系与顾客的长期关系.笔者以旅行社网站的顾客为研究对象进行了一次实证研究,探讨了旅行社网站服务公平性对顾客行为意向的影响.数据分析结果表明:旅行社网站服务公平性直接影响顾客信任感和满意感,间接影响顾客的行为意向.  相似文献   

In an era of fierce competition, financial hardship, and volatile customer expectations the hospitality industry is seeking out new revenue centers that can both enrich the customer experience, and contribute to financial success. Capturing the attention of the industry, fitness centers have become a fundamental component of the contemporary hospitality experience with numerous strategic, operational and tactical implications. Responding to the need for further empirical investigation, the study, by adopting a quantitative methodology, holistically investigates quality, satisfaction, and behavioral intention in fitness centers currently operating in upscale hospitality establishments in Cyprus. Findings suggest that satisfaction with the provision of fitness services in hotels is primarily associated with the dimensions of employee behavior and workout facilities. Moreover, workout facilities was the only quality dimension which was significantly associated with the respondents’ intention to renew their membership, whereas a strong relationship between satisfaction and future intention was substantiated.  相似文献   

A number of studies have been conducted to examine the behavior of tourists. However, there has been little research done on food tourism examining food tourist’s behavior. Food tourism is one of the fastest growing industries and areas of interest in the tourism industry today. The current study provides an integrated approach to understand the effect of food tourists’ behavior based on perceived value and satisfaction as it relates to their intention to revisit using the modified theory of reasoned action (TRA). The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of perceived value on intention to revisit (H1) and satisfaction (H2), and satisfaction on intention to revisit (H3). Empirical findings indicated that H1, H2, and H3 were supported significantly in this study (p < 0.01). H1 was supported (β = 0.67) showing the perceived value is the antecedent of satisfaction. H2 and 3 suggested that attendees’ intention to revisit is predicted by the perceived value (β = 0.13) and satisfaction (β = 0.67) respectively. The most significant contribution of this study is a theoretical understanding with empirical results using the new factors (i.e., perceived value, satisfaction, and intention to revisit) in the context of the modified TRA rather than using the original factors. The implications will be very useful for food festival organizers as well as destination marketing organizations.  相似文献   

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