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前年的关键词是不差钱,去年的关键词是给力,我希望今年的关键词是传漾。2011年2月22日,在传漾B轮融资发布会上,妈妈说的小马云说出了所有黑马营一期学员的心声。传漾在入营后,迅速成长为互联网数字营销的领军者。在一年多的时间里,公司营收从500万元激增到1.5亿元,足足翻了30倍,还获得了经纬创投等机构2000万美元的B轮投资。  相似文献   

卢山林 《创业家》2010,(12):22-23
一年前,这些公司被创业板发审委否决;一年后,它们又被创业板或中小板接纳。这段时间到底发生了什么,让监管机构的态度彻底改变?今年10月,《创业家》"创业板周年特刊"推出《折戟创业板:它们被否的7大原因》,讲述33家公  相似文献   

各位亲爱的读者:上一期的《创业家》封面报道"108公司创业板红灰榜"获得了广泛的关注和好评。但是,由于我们自身工作的问题,也导致了大家迟迟未能看到杂志。从栏目定位、美术设计到发行邮递,我们的短板在读者的目光下暴露无疑。《创业家》一  相似文献   

赵楠楠 《创业家》2010,(4):29-29
它的总代理制模式大大提高了楼盘的出租率,许多代理商开始越来越依赖它理想阳光是一家写字楼服务提供商,但它并不直接为求租办公室的客户服务,而是一手抓住大量楼盘资源,一手抓住许多二级代理商,自己做起了B2B生意。这种模式被杨乐涛称为总代理制,跟写字楼行业传统的独家代理或者二级代理很不相同。  相似文献   

By the end of World War I successive merger waves had producedan oligopolistic, tightly cartelized, English banking system,which was widely viewed as having restricted lending to small-medium-sizedfirms—the famous ‘Macmillan Gap’ in industrialfinance. We explore the reasons behind the failure of marketentry to bridge this gap. The clearing banks are shown to haveacted as ‘jealous monopolists’, obstructing theactivities of the Credit for Industry Ltd (CFI), the only significantfirm established to breach the gap (rather than narrow its upperlimit). By poaching many clients it had vetted and approved,the banks blocked CFI's growth, deterring further market entry,and thus, preserving their monopoly position.  相似文献   

This study analyses fatal crash patterns, and identifies the risk factors contributing to motorcycle versus non-motorcycle fatal crashes using binomial logistic regression on two-, four- and six-lane National Highways (NHs) in India utilizing police fatal crash data. The distribution of victims’ mode by striking vehicles shows that percentage share of striking vehicles (truck) against the victims’ vehicles (motorcycle) is 44%, 52% and 37% on two-lane NH-8, four-lane NH-24 and six-lane NH-1, respectively. Nine explanatory variables pertaining to fatal crash, victim, roadway and environment are considered for the model (using combined data of cited three NHs). The results of the logistic regression model (motorcycle versus non-motorcycle fatal crashes) show that for variable ‘collision type’, likelihood of occurrence of ‘rear-end’, ‘sideswipe’ and ‘head-on’ fatal crashes are 42-times, 35-times and 25-times more than ‘hit pedestrian’ respectively. Similarly, for variable ‘number of vehicle’, likelihood is thrice as ‘single-vehicle’ than ‘two or more vehicles’; and, for variable ‘number of lane’, probability is more on ‘two-lane’ NH-8 than ‘four-lane’ NH-24. Based on the study results, it is recommended to upgrade two-lane (undivided carriageway) to four-lane (divided carriageway) NHs to reduce ‘head-on’ collision.  相似文献   

20世纪末期,中国中央政府启动了雄心勃勃的“五纵七横”国道主干线建设计划,将主要城市和重要口岸联结成网.这些干线自2001年起陆续通车,至2007年基本实现全部贯通.本文将国道主干线对西部地区的覆盖视为一次“交通干预”,以县级区划为观测单元,考察服务业就业占全社会就业的份额如何对“交通干预”做出因果响应.识别策略考虑了县域初始条件的异同性和交通外溢性干扰.经验估计表明,国道主干线贯通对其过境县域的服务业就业份额在整体上具有显著的提升效应,这种效应在城市地区明显高于农村地区,同时也因县域服务业就业的初始状况而有所差异.  相似文献   

简单介绍中美规范在浅圆仓仓壁设计中的不同。  相似文献   

IPTV:又一个杀手级应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
白丽 《电子商务》2005,(3):38-41
通俗地说,IPTV就是网络电视,它的基本功能是,让观众能在网上收看实时电视以及选择收看大量的电视节目  相似文献   

杨奕宽 《商业研究》2007,(3):153-156
国内外一些学者把套期交易和套期保值联系在一起。对上海商品交易所2003-2005年天然橡胶期货与现货价格实际变化情况进行研究,发现套期交易除了有锁定价格的作用外,还存在期货价格和现货价格的同方向不同幅度的变动,即套期存在保值差异和逆向风险。因此,套期保值应表述为套期锁险。  相似文献   

Globalisation is blamed for many socioeconomic shortcomings. I discuss the consequences of globalisation by surveying the empirical globalisation literature. My focus is on the KOF indices of globalisation that have been used in more than 100 studies. Early studies using the KOF index reported correlations between globalisation and several outcome variables. Studies published more recently identify causal effects. The evidence shows that globalisation has spurred economic growth, promoted gender equality and improved human rights. Moreover, globalisation did not erode welfare state activities, did not have any significant effect on labour market interaction and hardly influenced market deregulation. It increased, however, within‐country income inequality. The consequences of globalisation thus turn out to be overall much more favourable than often conjectured in the public discourse.  相似文献   

关于市场细分的四点思考   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
<正>市场细分的概念是美国市场学家温德尔·史密斯(Wen-dell R.Smith)于20世纪50年代中期提出来的。市场细分是指根据消费者购买行为的差异性把一个总体市场划分成若干个具有共同特征的子市场的过程。因此,分属于同一细分市场的消费者,他们的需要和欲望极为相似;分属于不同细分市场的消费者对同一产品的需要和欲望存在着明显的差别。  相似文献   

本文研究西宁特钢高管团队特征对公司绩效的影响,采用自下而上的评价方法,将调查对象锁定在公司普通员工、中低层管理者。通过对公司普通员工进行全面问卷调查获得大数据样本结果,并对部分普通员工进行深入访谈,以挖掘深层次的数据资源。调查结果显示高管团队任期和年龄均与公司绩效呈倒U形关系,高管团队教育背景与公司绩效呈正相关关系,高管团队职业背景丰富度与公司绩效存在临界点,临界点之前两者呈正相关,超过临界点后反之。  相似文献   

医疗服务质量评价方法研究综述   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
沈蕾 《消费经济》2006,22(3):55-59
本文系统回顾并比较分析了医疗服务质量的概念演变和评价方法的发展过程,指出以患者为中心的医疗服务质量管理越来越受到医疗服务机构的重视。  相似文献   

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