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伴随着经济国际化发展,国际产业资本加快向我国转移,推动了中国制造业成为国际重要制造基地。但中国制造业产品在国际市场上价格廉、档次低,在产业价值链中处于末端。本文认为中国制造业国际化发展中的问题,是与忽视营销在产业国际化发展中的地位与作用有关,而产业核心竞争力来源于生产规模与遍布世界的营销网络。因此,推动我国制造业国际化进程必须重视营销的作用,以在世界市场上建立营销网络作为促进制造业竞争力提高的重要路径。  相似文献   

为了更好地迎接经济全球化的挑战 ,我国企业应采取一系列有效的营销对策 :加大实施多元化、专业化战略力度 ,迅速扩大我国企业的规模 ;建立战略联盟 ,增强企业国际竞争力 ;严格按国际惯例开展营销活动 ,争创一批国际名牌 ;利用国际互联网 ,大力开展网络营销 ;加强管理 ,按国际化标准培养市场营销人才。  相似文献   

A standard procedure in the development of multi-item measurement scales is to incorporate reversed-polarity items to control for and/or identify acquiescence response bias. In spite of the broad acceptance of this approach, very little work has been done to evaluate the impact of reversed-polarity items on the dimensionality of scales. This study empirically evaluates the impact of reversed-polarity items on the unidimensionality of several well-known marketing measures. The authors suggest that use of reversed-polarity items may present a substantive problem for marketing scholars because of the resulting degradation of scale unidimensionality. The existence of this phenomenon is confirmed in a multisurvey, multiscale, binational research design. Implications for marketing scale developers and measurement theoreticians are discussed, theoretical bases that might explain the phenomenon are explored, and further research suggestions are presented. He received his Ph.D. from the University of Oregon in 1989. His current research interests include cross-cultural marketing strategy, sales force management, and psychometrics. He is a previous contributor to theJournal of the Academy of Marketing Science and has also been published in theJournal of Personal Selling and Sales Management, International Marketing Review, andEuropean Journal of Marketing, among others. Before receiving his D.B.A. from Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, he served in marketing positions for international firms and as marketing chairs for two industry associations. His research interests include product innovation and new product strategy.  相似文献   

The U.S. trade deficit brings to question the effectiveness of international marketing strategies of American firms. Multinational corporations must develop better international products and improve their performance in their international marketing efforts. They must know when to globalize or localize their marketing practices. This article incorporates learning, involvement, diffusion/adoption and culture context as dimensions of a global product and marketing strategy development decision model. The model developed is “be global, act local.” The interrelationship of consumer behavior models in the context of a multinational product development decision is emphasized. This article raises research issues which need to be addressed for future success in multinational and/or multicultural markets.  相似文献   

This study develops a scale, using the American Marketing Association’s code of ethics, to measure the marketing-related norms of marketing practitioners. The scale has five dimensions: 1) price and distribution, 2) information and contracts, 3) product and promotion, 4) obligation and disclosure, and 5) general honesty and integrity. The relative influence of personal moral philosophies and organizational ethical climate on the norms of marketers was also examined in this study. He received his Ph.D. in marketing from Texas Tech University. His work has previously appeared in theJournal of Macromarketing, Journal of Business Ethics, Research in Marketing, Business and Professional Ethics Journal, andJournal of the Academy of Marketing Science, as well as various other journals and proceedings. His research has been accepted for publication in theJournal of Pharmaceutical Marketing and Management and theJournal of Business Ethics, and has been published in various national and regional proceedings. His research interests include marketing ethics, health care marketing, international marketing, and direct marketing. He received his Ph.D. in marketing from the University of Mississippi. His work has previously appeared in theJournal of Macromarketing, Journal of Business Ethics, Business and Professional Ethics Journal, Journal of Public Policy and Marketing, andJournal of the Academy of Marketing Science, as well as other journals and proceedings.  相似文献   

营销策略创新已成为中国企业国际市场营销的主题。中国知名企业在国际市场营销中主要采取竞争策 略创新、全球化策略创新及品牌策略创新。解决中国企业国际市场营销策略制订中存在的问题,完善营销策略的创 新机制,需要政府和企业的共同努力。  相似文献   

This paper examines the relationship between international marketing strategy, foreign sales performance and overall corporate performance for a small sample of 39 New England high technology firms. The results show that existence of an international marketing commitment is beneficial to overall corporate performance; however, no incremental contribution to corporate performance is evident from the use of foreign manufacturing operations over foreign sales subsidiaries.  相似文献   

This study presents an integrated work alienation model that includes a number of relevant exogenous antecedents from the task, supervisory, and organizational structure domains. The study hypothesizes that these antecedents influence work alienation of marketing employees both directly and indirectly because of the effects they have on employees’ role stress and commitment to the organization. Simultaneous inclusion of relevant antecedents enables the study to establish the relative importance of each antecedent for work alienation of employees. The study also includes a comparative evaluation of the applicability of the proposed model for subgroups of employees stratified by gender. He obtained his Ph.D. at the University of Texas at Austin and has several years of practical experience in sales management. His research interests are in the areas of sales management, marketing strategy, and international marketing. He has previously published in the International Journal of Research in Marketing, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Journal of International Business Studies, Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management, and a number of other marketing/international journals. He obtained his Ph.D. at Ohio State University. His practical experience includes international trade of merchandise and sales and supply of industrial plants and equipment. His research interests are in the areas of international marketing and sales management. He has previously published in Advances in International Marketing, International Trade Journal, Journal of International Business Studies, and Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management, and has contributed to several national and international conference proceedings. He obtained his Ph.D. at the University of Texas at Austin and has several years of practical experience in advertising management. His research interests are in the areas of advertising, marketing strategy, and international marketing. He has previously published in the Journal of Advertising Research and has contributed to several national conference proceedings.  相似文献   

Since exporting is the most popular mechanism by which firms engage with international markets, understanding the drivers of export market performance is key to explaining firms’ international competitiveness. The literature posits that the effective implementation of planned export marketing strategy is a key determinant of the performance of firms operating in international markets. Yet little is known about the specific nature and drivers of export marketing strategy implementation effectiveness. In this study we build on the implementation literature in marketing and strategic management to develop a new conceptualization of export marketing strategy implementation effectiveness. Drawing on dynamic capabilities theory, we empirically examine the export marketing capability antecedents and performance consequences of export marketing strategy implementation effectiveness in the context of manufacturing firms that are exporting to international markets. Results indicate that effective implementation of planned export marketing strategy contributes to export market and financial performance, and that marketing capabilities play an important role in enabling effective marketing strategy implementation in export venture operations.  相似文献   

我国跨国公司的国际营销战略分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着中国加入WTO后过渡期的到来,我国企业跨国经营受到各种新的挑战,国际市场营销环境日益复杂。从4个方面论述了当今跨国公司的特点和新趋势,论述了我国跨国公司在跨国经营中应采取的国际市场营销战略。  相似文献   

A measure of long-term orientation: Development and validation   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Long-term orientation (LTO) is a salient aspect of national culture values and as such influences consumers’ decisionmaking processes. This article describes the development and validation of measures to assess LTO. Scale development procedures resulted in a two-factor, eight-item scale that reflects the tradition and planning aspects of LTO. A program of studies involving more than 2,000 respondents in four countries demonstrated the psychometric properties of the measures, their discriminant and convergent validities, and the relationship of the measures to other important theoretical concepts (e.g., consumer frugality, compulsive buying, and ethical values). The measures are applicable for investigating individual differences in LTO both within and across cultures. William O. Bearden (bbearden@moore.sc.edu) is the Bank of America Chaired Professor of Marketing in the Moore School of Business at the University of South Carolina. His articles have been published in journals such as theJournal of Consumer Research, theJournal of Marketing, the Journal of Marketing Research, theJournal of the Academy of Marketing Science, and theJournal of Retailing. His research interests include consumer perceptions of value and prices, the measurement of consumer and marketing constructs, and the effects of marketplace promotions. R. Bruce Money (moneyb@byu.edu) is the Donald Staheli Fellow and an associate professor of marketing and international business in the Marriott School of Management at Brigham Young University. His articles have been published in journals such as theJournal of Marketing, theJournal of the Academy of Marketing Science, theJournal of International Business Studies, andSloan Management Review. His research interests include the international aspects of national culture’s measurement and effects, business-to-business marketing, word-of-mouth promotion, services marketing, and negotiation. Jennifer L. Nevins (nevinsjl@appstate.edu) is an assistant professor of marketing in the Walker College of Business at Appalachian State University. Her research interests include export marketing, distribution channels, and the influence of cultural values on international channel relationships.  相似文献   

In this issue of JAMS, Dr. Lyn Amine presents a “comment and an extension” to our previously published article. Such efforts are often constructive, and in this spirit, we present a discussion responding to Dr. Amine’s comments. Our response, combined with Dr. Amine’s comments, hopefully will provide constructive research avenues in international product and marketing strategy development. He has published extensively in the areas of international marketing and retailing. His research and publication areas include international marketing, high tech marketing, and advertising management. His research and publication interests include sales management, international marketing, and retail management.  相似文献   

Recent studies on cross-national diffusion have observed that when a new product innovation is introduced early in one country (the lead country) and with a time lag in subsequent countries (the lag countries), the consumers in the lag countries learn about the product from the lead country adopters, resulting in a faster diffusion rate in the lag countries. This study attempts to examine the relationship between lead and lag countries and to systematically capture thelearning effect that takes place between the two social systems. In particular, this research examines the diffusion of retail point-of-sale scanners in countries that belong to the European Union, the United States, and Japan. It offers interesting insights for formulating efficient international marketing strategies. He received his Ph.D. from the University of Houston in 1995. His research interests include global competition, international marketing strategy, cross-national diffusion of products and services, brand equity and brand extension, and issues in product development and introduction. He has been recognized with numerous teaching and research excellence awards and has published numerous articles in various scholarly journals in marketing and forecasting. He has coauthored a text titledMarketing Research and currently is working on other textbooks. He is on the editorial review board of many journals. He has lectured on marketing-related topics in various universities worldwide. His research interests include developing forecasting models, international marketing strategy and international marketing research issues, models for sales promotions, and new methodologies for product positioning and market segmentation. He received his Ph.D. from the University of Texas at Austin.  相似文献   

The intent of this paper is to examine the possibilities for standardization of marketing elements within a multinational marketing strategy. A majority view among international marketers is that each national is unique, and thus each must be treated as a separate and independent operation. This “localized” strategy view is examined first. A growing number of international marketers however, are finding that by standardizing various elements oftheir marketing strategy across national borders, cost savings and/or increased revenues to be realized can yield greater profits. The second, and major, part of the paper examines the opportunities for and potential benefits of standardization of product, packaging, advertisting, and pricing.  相似文献   

A growing concern among international marketing managers is how to increase the market orientation and thereby performance of their transnational organizations. This study broaches this issue by investigating how the marketing concept, the heart of the market orientation, may be established in a multinational setting and the effects of national culture on that process. From a wide array of literature, the authors construct a theoretical framework and propositions on how global organizations may transform this philosophy from an abstract platitude to an operational reality. Their findings suggest that the process consists of complex, interdependent steps—interpretation, adoption, and implementation of the marketing concept. Cultural values shape interpretation and facilitate or impede adoption and implementation. The overall framework and findings can be used to guide institutionalization of the marketing concept across the organizational span, in particular by anticipating culture-based reactions from international subsidiaries. Cheryl Nakata is an assistant professor of marketing at the University of Illinois at Chicago and received her doctorate from the same institution in 1997. Her work appears in theJournal of Marketing, Journal of International Business Studies, Journal of Product Innovation and Management, Marketing Science Institute Working Paper Series, International Marketing Review, and other publications. Her primary interests are in global marketing and marketing management and strategy. K. Sivakumar (Ph.D., Syracuse University, 1992) is the Arthur Tauck Professor of international marketing and logistics at Lehigh University. His research interests include pricing, international marketing, and technology management. His research has been published or is forthcoming in theJournal of the Academy of Marketing Science, International Marketing Review, Journal of Business Research, Journal of International Business Studies, Journal of Marketing, Journal of Marketing Theory & Practice, Journal of Product Innovation Management, Marketing Letters, Pricing Strategy & Practice, and other journals. He has won several awards for research and is on the editorial boards of six scholarly journals.  相似文献   

中国加入WTO后,中国经济的全球化和我国企业的国际化经营程度必然加深,这就要求我国的市场营销要有大的发展,加入WTO对我国经济各方面的影响都是存在的,有利于学习和借鉴国际市场营销理论和经验,有利于我国营销与广告、策划的跨国、跨行业合作;有利于提升我国的良好的企业国际形象,更好地实施名牌战略和运用市场防御战略等。  相似文献   

Market growth plays a central role in virtually all strategic marketing models developed in the past 30 years. Although marketing scholars seem implicitly to assume that marketing efforts contribute in some way to market growth, market growth per se remains a conceptual black box in marketing. Using new developments in endogenous growth theory, this article explores the link between marketing actions and market growth. In particular, the authors develop a conceptual model arguing that the effect of endogenous actions on market growth is mediated by knowledge creation, matching, and diffusion. Propositions are proposed to guide future research. The authors discuss the implications for marketing strategy at both business discipline and public policy levels. Sundar Bharadwaj (Sundar_Bharadwaj@bus.Emory.edu) is an associate professor of marketing in the Goizueta Business School at Emory University. He received his Ph.D. from Texas A&M University. His research interests focus on marketing strategy, performance, and risk. His research has appeared in theJournal of Marketing, Management Science, and theitJournal of the Academy of Marketing Science, among others. Terry Clark (tclark@cba.siu.edu) is a professor and chair in the marketing department at Southern Illinois University, Carbondale. He received his Ph.D. from Texas A&M University. His research interests include the intersection of international marketing and marketing strategy. His research has appeared in theJournal of Marketing and theJournal of the Academy of Marketing Science, among others. Songpol Kulviwat (mktszk@hofstra.edu) is an assistant professor of marketing and international business at Hofstra University. He received his Ph.D. in marketing from Southern Illinois University. His research interests include Internet marketing, hightech marketing, international business (sncross-cultural research), and information technology. Prior to his academic career, he worked in the area of international sales management in Thailand.  相似文献   

旅游市场是旅游业发展的基础,也是进行旅游开发规划的导向。青藏铁路的全线开通以及近年来在国际市场上的不断宣传,青海省旅游业面临着前所未有的发展机遇。据此,从时间序列和旅游市场结构两个角度,以1998-2009年度旅游统计年鉴为数据基础,利用亲景度和市场竞争态两种分析方法,分析了10年来青海省13个主要入境旅游市场的动态变化。研究发现,青海幼童类-高偏好和幼童类-比较偏好的客源国比较集中,并主要以英国、法国、德国、加拿大、美国等欧美国家为主。东南亚及周边市场整体上对青海的偏好低,除日本和新加坡外,其他国家所占市场份额非常有限。最后根据整体市场格局,提出了青海入境旅游市场的拓展方向。  相似文献   

通过介绍我国酱油市场和中小企业的现状,运用市场营销理论对企业的内外部经营环境和营销手段等诸方面进行分析,着力讨论企业如何利用自身优势,借助外部资源,结合先进的营销理论,制定适合企业自身的市场营销策略,力求寻找到适合中小企业进行市场开拓的最佳市场营销策略。  相似文献   

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