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Industrial action has been the subject of considerable economic research, but most research has focused exclusively on strikes and has ignored the fact that workers can use tactics other than strikes in resolving disputes. The fact that workers engage in forms of industrial action other than strikes raises important questions: What determines the incidence of nonstrike action, and how do these determinants compare with strikes? This article uses a recently developed dispute‐level data set of both strike and nonstrike actions in Australian manufacturing to analyze determinants of the incidence of two types of industrial actions: strikes and work bans. Work bans are actions where workers refuse to engage in certain specified tasks such as overtime but otherwise remain on the job. Evidence is found that the incidence of work bans is affected by changes in economic and institutional conditions in significantly different ways than strikes.  相似文献   

This research note examines the frequency, nature and context of employers seeking legal injunctions in collective industrial disputes between 1995 and 2005. The number of actual and threatened applications continues to be relatively frequent compared with much of the period from 1980 to 1995, with employers overwhelmingly gaining successful outcomes. However, usage is increasingly concentrated in a small number of industrial sectors such as parts of the public sector and semi‐state industries.  相似文献   

This paper takes an empirical starting point in a claim that Biacore, a pioneering Swedish producer of affinity biosensors, was “in the enviable position of creating its own market” (Abelin, 1997). An in-depth case study traces how Biacore undertook segmentation activities while shaping the market for its new product technology, affinity biosensors. This involved stabilising the modes of exchange with customers, the product and the identity of the company. The efforts of Biacore highlight a constructive dimension of market segmentation that hitherto has received little attention. Rather than a process of describing, deciding and taking action, Biacore engaged in the gradual construction of market segments through an interactive and iterative process involving close collaboration with early users. Simultaneously, the market for the new technology gained shaped. Thus, the paper reports a ‘markets from networks’ story illustrating how the practice of segmenting a market may have consequences for that market.  相似文献   

We develop the concept of boundaries in the context of sales personnel and their counterparts encountering and negotiating these while they undertake work to shape markets and build relationships. Drawing on a case study from production chemistry, we show that market shaping implies a mutual development of relationships, goods and services exchanged, and boundaries. In particular, we show that while relationships can submerge and obscure parts or dimensions of boundaries to other market actors, normal business activities such as testing new products and adapting products to changes in environmental legislation make visible some material dimensions of the exchange object, which can attract attention from other sellers. Visibility finds an expression as those market objects are exchanged, such that objects can be devices by which other actors join in and position themselves and their objects within markets.  相似文献   

The importance of the study of relationships and networks within business-to-business marketing is clear from the numerous articles written over the years that aim to give us greater insight into these two concepts. This paper reviews six of these articles. What sets these six apart from others is that they are the most highly cited articles on relationships and networks published in Industrial Marketing Management between 1995 and 2004. We examine each of these articles in terms of their scholarly impact and identify what researchers have learnt from these highly cited papers. Our conclusions show some interesting similarities that we feel has led to these articles being so highly cited. We conclude that the key to citation success is the identification of new research avenues. In addition, the chances of writing excellent papers seems to be improved when collaborating with others, rather than writing alone. By introducing new ideas these authors have not only been successful in their own work, but have given others the platforms to build on, thereby generating much more research in this area.  相似文献   

良好的争议解决方法能够促进建设工程顺利平稳地进行、减少当事人双方所投入的成本并维持融洽的商业合作关系.文章通过实地调研和文献查阅,对争议评审制度及其在我国的发展进行了介绍,并就我国建设工程争议评审制度当前所存在的问题进行了三个方面的概括和总结--缺少法律支持、评审条款存在问题以及评审专家缺乏.结合国际惯例,文章对争议评审制度构建提出了改进意见:尽快对争议评审进行法律界定,制订与之呼应的示范文本,构建高素质的专家队伍.  相似文献   

1996年,有着2452名员工的北京送变电公司还背负着近亿元的挂账亏损包袱,在“无米下锅”的困境中苦苦挣扎。三年后,公司基本还清全部欠款轻装上阵,实现了真正意义上的盈利。到2003年,北京送变电公司更是实现了前所未有的突破和发展,完成企业总产值9.7亿元,全员劳动生产率达到18.5万元/人年。与1996年相比,这两项指标分别增长了289%和263%,而员工总数却减少了51%。2003年6月,根据华北电网有限公司党组决策,以北京送变电公司为基础成立的北京超高压公司,以担负北京地区500千伏输电线路运行维护任务为起点,大踏步进入电网生产运行领域,开始由单纯基建施工型向生产基建综合型转变。北京送变电公司扭亏、增盈、转型,连续实现三步大跨越,成功的奥秘何在?  相似文献   

应用生态足迹模型测算了重庆1997年~2009年的生态足迹,应用发展能力公式对重庆可持续发展能力进行了评估,以及采用产业一生态和谐指数分析了产业结构与生态环境的协调性。实证研究表明:1997年~2009年重庆人均生态足迹不断增加,人均生态赤字逐年扩大;可持续发展能力有所提高,但仍然具有潜在的不可持续性;产业一生态和谐指数逐步下降,产业发展超出生态环境承载能力的势头逐步加强。在生态问题的背后,产业结构是影响重庆可持续发展的关键.对产业结构与生态环境关系的认识与解决程度有助于减少重庆生态赤字。推动重庆经济可持续发展。  相似文献   

澳大利亚是一个环境优美的国家,海外访客对澳大利亚蔚蓝的天空、新鲜的空气、绿化的公园和干净的市容与街道往往赞赏有加。尤其是每逢收垃圾的日子,住宅区的街道两旁处处可见挨家挨户排列整齐的垃圾箱,统一发放的垃圾箱旁边则有装塑料、玻璃瓶罐的废物回收箱,然后还有一落包扎好的报章杂志与广告有待收集。这种景象使人对澳大利亚人民维护环境清洁的习惯以及井然有序的废物回收工作留下了深刻的印象。  相似文献   

本文运用全国与丝绸之路经济带沿线9省区市2003~2014年的面板数据,通过建立空间计量模型,分析了投资结构对产业结构变动的空间效应。结果表明:(1)区域产业结构的变动存在显著的空间依赖性;(2)与全国比较,丝绸之路经济带投资结构对产业结构的调整具有显著的促进作用。非公共基础设施投资对产业结构合理化、高级化的积极作用最大,尤其是对西北地区产业结构合理化,西南地区高级化的作用较大,而对全国呈现出消极效应;(3)硬性基础设施投资对西北地区产业结构合理化和高级化的积极作用最明显,而软性基础设施投资对西南地区产业高级化的贡献较大。表明调整丝绸之路经济带投资结构能够提高本地和相邻地区产业结构的优化升级。  相似文献   

某MTO工业化实验装置的经济评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
煤或天然气经由甲醇制取低碳烯烃技术是国际上广泛关注的研究热点,但一直以来由于其高昂的投资成本、生产成本核技术风险,使得此项目在工业化的过程中步履维艰。2004年国际市场乙烯、丙烯大幅度上扬,为本项技术的推广带来新的契机。文章从市场分析和财务评价的角度论述了甲醇制取低碳烯烃项目的必要性和可行性。  相似文献   

Hugh Clegg and Allan Flanders are generally recognized as the founding fathers of postwar British academic Industrial Relations (IR). While Flanders is regarded as the chief ‘theorist’ of pluralism, Clegg’s own contribution is seen mainly in terms of his empirical research and public policy work: as the author of numerous detailed studies and the field’s major textbook, the first Director of the Industrial Relations Research Unit at the University of Warwick, a member of the Donovan Commission and many other enquiries. Indeed, Trade Unionism under Collective Bargaining (1976) is often regarded as Clegg’s one and only foray into IR theory. This paper explores Clegg’s largely forgotten early writing on industrial democracy to argue that he made a critical, independent theoretical contribution to the British IR paradigm.  相似文献   

Studies of the industrial adoption of innovatious have frequently concluded that managerial attitudes are a crucial determinant of adoption behavior. However, these studies have usually offered hypotheses rather than rigorous tests. Equally important, these studies have not specified the characteristics of those managers whose attitudes exert a particularly strong influence on the firm's adoption policy.  相似文献   

拉动经济增长的三驾马车消费、投资、进出口已经在改革开放的40年来带动我国经济快速增长,目前,经济已转入新常态下,产业结构需要调整。在供给侧改革的条件下产业结构不断调整已成为经济目标新的增长点。本文首先对供给侧以及产业结构理论做出前期铺垫,然后分析了新疆产业结构的现状,最后提出供给侧改革背景下新疆产业结构优化升级的路径选择。  相似文献   

This article examines HIV/AIDS peer educators in South African workplaces, drawing on research in five companies with large peer educator programmes. The research indicates that peer educators are primarily focused on reducing new HIV infections and ‘normalizing’ the epidemic by promoting change in the behaviour of individuals — a feature that is not accounted for by theories of workplace mobilization based on collective action. Similarly, their role is inadequately explained by theories on the emergence of new workplace actors based on the changing nature of work, shifting identity salience in society, and the nexus between workplace and communities as opportunities for union regeneration. After outlining the profile and activities of workplace HIV/AIDS peer educators, attention is paid to their motivations and methods of action, their relationship to management and unions, and the way in which they straddle workplace and community. The implications of this and the possible trajectory of workplace peer educators as a new industrial relations actor are discussed.  相似文献   

The diffusion of a technological innovation often follows the pattern of the familiar 'S'-curve—the classic smooth, cumulative adoption curve. Yet, an individual firm's decision to adopt or reject an innovation may be filled with discontinuous events, represented by familiar concepts like diffusion thresholds, bandwagon effects and the sudden rejection or displacement of an existing innovation. Paul Herbig reports how catastrophe theory can be used to describe many of these sudden changes and discontinuities. His article describes a model for a firm's adoption or rejection of an innovation via the cusp catastrophe, which he illustrates with a number of possible examples.  相似文献   

地区竞争与地方保护主义的产业组织经济学   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文建立了一个简单的产业组织经济学模型来讨论中国分权化改革过程中地区竞争与地方保护主义的经济后果。本文发现,相对于国家垄断而言,在规模报酬递减的技术下,地区竞争一般会带来社会福利的提高;而在规模报酬递增的技术下,地区竞争更有可能降低了社会福利。而地方保护主义会削弱甚至逆转地区竞争相对于国家垄断的效率优势。  相似文献   

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