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美铝是世界领先的生产氧化铝、电解铝和铝深加工产品的500强跨国企业,已经有120多年的历史,在航空航天、汽车、建筑、包装、商业运输和消费电子品等领域有很多发明和应用,并且连续八年入选道·琼斯可持续发展指数。  相似文献   

11月17日,刚从美国匹兹堡总部飞临北京的PPG工业公司政府及公共事务副总裁Lynne D.Schmidt女士在PPG工业公司基金会执行总监Sue Sloan的陪同下,在位于北京嘉里中心的办公室,接受了本刊记者的专访。  相似文献   

2011年1月11日,北京繁星戏剧村伍剧场,在电子投影布做成的三块蔚蓝色背景板的映衬下,显得格外湛蓝、温暖。13家公益组织、企业的代表将手中各自机构的手型模板粘贴在标有第二届"芯世界"公益创新奖的"大树"上,由此启动了英特尔联合众多跨界合作伙伴"寻找公益创新的力量"的旅程。  相似文献   

2010年年底广州的亚运会、亚残运会,留给人们太多精彩的记忆。广州亚组委副主席、广州市市长万庆良说:"确保亚运会成功举办,电力是第一保障。"南方电网公司兑现"万无一失"的庄重承诺,所有比赛场馆、重要用户"零停电",电网及涉亚设备"零事故",涉亚工作"零差错"。是什么精神,让南方电网做到这一点?南网人的回答是:责任在先。责任在先,是"想在先",早在2002年底南方电网公司成立时,南方电网就确立了"对中央负责、为五省区服务"的宗旨。基于对自身性质和定位的深刻认识,南方电网较早就在中央企业中提出要"主动承担社会责任",并将这一价值观念上升到公司使命高度。责任在先,是"做在先",8年来,南方电网责无旁贷地承担起对国家和社会的安全供电、经济绩效、节能环保和社会和谐等责任,努力促进企业利益与社会利益的和谐统一。责任在先,是"创在先",2007年,南方电网启动了广州、深圳供电局创建国际先进水平供电局试点工作。"创先"让国内用户享受到国际先进水平的电力服务,成为公司战略落地的重要载体。"创在先",也是"引领在先",2010年12月,南方电网创新社会责任报告编制模式,同时启动2010、2011年报告编制工作。将社会责任报告编制工作前移,实现了社会责任报告从传统的"事后编制"方式向"事前编制"方式的转变,是将社会责任逐步融入南方电网日常生产经营的重要创新,将引领我国企业社会责任报告向纵深发展,开启我国社会责任报告发展的新篇章。"责任在先不是单纯的,南方电网在促进整个社会经济发展方式转变、科学发展、绿色发展方面,都有着非常重要的责任。因为我们是能源行业重要的上下连贯的企业,我们既要把自己的活儿干好,也要结合实际贯彻落实国家政策,以此影响社会、带动社会的科学发展。我们有责任做好这方面的工作,我们的责任在每一秒钟,责任在每一瞬间。"南方电网董事长赵建国说。  相似文献   

"社会责任是一种品质,诺华将始终坚持‘关爱与救助’的理念,让我们走得更快、更远,进而实现诺华成为‘中国医药行业第一’的目标。"  相似文献   

人物简介贾涛,国务院发展研究中心企业研究所副研究员,曾作为主要成员参与多项国际合作、中央交办、部委与地方委托、及大型央企委托的重要课题研究。中国企业要走出去,就必然会遇到海外合作方乃至社会公众对其行为各方面的考察,履行CSR已经成为一种事实上的行业准则,或者说走向海外的"通行证"之一,《企业在非洲的社会责任》项目团队中方成员贾涛表示。  相似文献   

初见梁利华,很难把外表优雅的她与资本投行联系到一起。在采访之前就有媒体的朋友告知,她是北京人,比较有爱心,对人也很热情。  相似文献   

2014年5月20日,北京饭店会议中心,在完成3G移动医疗项目"移动HER健康"的发布仪式后,美国高通公司政府事务副总裁Shawn Covell接受了本刊记者的专访。从"移动HER健康"如何助力女性建康,到对"责任竞争力"理念的一致认可,Shawn Covell展现了她作为政府事务副总裁对于公司企业社会责任战略的深度思考。同时,作为一个成功的女性和6岁孩子的妈妈,她又展现了极佳的平衡能力:她寄语本刊,希望女性朋友们“相信自己,勇于尝试”;采访之后的第三天,Shawn就要赶回美国为儿子过生日。采访期间,她将手机中珍藏的家人照片和记者分享。  相似文献   

每一次见到英特尔中国首席责任官杨钟仁,他都是行色匆匆,大家习惯于叫他的英文名字"CY"。CY总是背着一个黑色的双肩包,包里有他不离身的笔记本电脑和各种资料。他往返于香港、北京、上海、美国,在国内和国际各种内外部CSR的战略会议、论坛和演讲中,向听众普及英特尔的社会责任生态圈、CSR3.0、社会创新等理念。2014年5月9日傍晚6点,2014年芯世界社会创新周开幕式之前的这20分钟,还是他好不容易挤出来的。而一旦开头,说起英特尔这些年为支持社会创新走过的岁月和思考,CY便会一扫旅途的风尘仆仆,变得神采飞扬、滔滔不绝。  相似文献   

在企业文化和品牌建设过程中,除了通常的理念、传播、营销等传统方式,中国广核集团(以下简称"中广核")采用更透明、更市场化、更符合当代社会特点的沟通方式与渠道,与利益相关方建立更加紧密的互动关系。这是与"责任品牌"的同途之旅。《WTO经济导刊》:中广核在品牌建设中注重哪些信息输出?较之于您理解的责任品牌还有哑些需要提升的?娄云:“善用自然的能量”是中广核的品牌理念,而为社会提供“安全的清洁能源”则是中广核的品牌核心——换言之,善用的“责任”、安全的“责任”就是中广核最核心的品牌特质和价值观。  相似文献   

“商道即人道,产品如人品。作为全国食盐生产经营的专营主体,我们有义务也有决心承担起这样的责任,为建设我国安全的食品业作出表率,确保百姓吃上放心盐!”  相似文献   

中国企业责任100强的推出既是中国企业社会责任研究的重要里程碑,也将成为推动中国企业社会责任理念传播和买践的重要工具。中国企业责任100强的推出的最重要意义还在于评价本身所折射的企业社会责任的本质意义和对企业经营管理方向性指向。  相似文献   

Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is becoming increasingly important in China. This paper investigates the implementation of instruments for dimensions of CSR that are relevant for the Chinese context and the challenges that Chinese companies face. Based on a survey among 109 Chinese companies, we find that formal instruments to implement CSR are rather common. Companies spend most effort in improving the economic aspects of CSR, such as competitiveness, product innovation and process innovation. Only a small minority of the companies set concrete targets and report the realization of these targets for social and environmental goals. This indicates that the attention to social and environmental aspects of CSR is still rather loose. The most important challenges for improving CSR are strong competitive pressure, insufficient support from the government and/or nongovernmental organizations and high costs of CSR implementation. Multiple regression analysis shows that the use of instruments is positively related to company size and foreign ownership and negatively related to lack of resources and support for CSR by investors and consumers.  相似文献   

This study investigates the impact of firms' business group affiliations on their performance in corporate social responsibility (CSR) in China. We find that firms with a dual-status of being a business group member and a state-owned enterprise (SOE) at the same time have weaker CSR performance. Our finding is consistent with the view that CSR engagement is a strategy for firms to pursue political legitimacy from the government and seek legitimacy in general from the public. The business group affiliation and the SOE identity together afford legitimacy to the firm and reduce its need to conduct CSR activities.Data availabilityAll data used in the study are publicly available from the sources noted in the text.  相似文献   

无论科学再怎样进步,医生都非万能。面对人类历史上不可治愈的疾病,譬如癌症,医生的能力显然是有限的。在癌症患者的生命不会随着科技的发展而延续的年代,诺华所能作的贡献就是为癌症患者减轻痛苦。阳春三月  相似文献   

This study examines whether and how a supplier firm’s customer concentration affects its corporate social responsibility (CSR) performance in emerging markets. Using a sample of Chinese listed firms, we find that customer concentration is negatively associated with supplier CSR performance. Cross-sectional analyses reveal that the negative relation is more pronounced in suppliers without foreign customers or foreign investors, suppliers that are non-state-owned, and suppliers operating in poor legal environments. Finally, channel tests suggest that reduced demand of disclosure from customers and limited awareness of CSR are potential mechanisms through which customer concentration negatively affects CSR performance.  相似文献   

To explore the motivations underpinning corporate social responsibility (CSR) decisions in China, a country characterized by extensive government intervention, this paper investigates whether building a good relationship with the government is a political incentive that is driving firms to conduct CSR by examining the effects of political connections on the latter. Our results indicate that politically connected firms exhibit better CSR. However, the effect is considerably more significant for firms with existing political relationships. Additionally, findings show that the effect is more prominent in firms for which political connections are more valuable, namely, non‐state‐owned enterprises, small firms, and firms operating in less market‐oriented cities, indicating that CSR can serve as a differentiation strategy to compete against other bidders. Dividing CSR activities into economic, environmental and social aspects, we find that the social‐based activities are more likely to be driven by political motivations. By categorizing CSR and political connections, this paper not only expands the scope of political CSR and renders the generated results that have been mixed together more distinguishable, but also provides a more precise understanding of the fundamental drivers of CSR in China from the perspective of resource exchange.  相似文献   

【关于本次调研访谈】从2007年5月起,《WTO经济导刊》进行了“在华跨国公司发布企业社会责任报告情况”访谈调研。截至2007年6月15日,各在华跨国公司问卷逐步反馈。  相似文献   

Numerous individuals, discussing the topic of corporate social responsibility, have exhorted the business community to demonstrate increased concern for social welfare. However, some observers [1,8,12] believe that executives have become less interested in social responsibilities and more disillusioned by the results of the social-responsibility era.The apparent change in executives' attitudes leads to several questions that need answering: Has corporate experimentation with social programs convinced managers that the pursuit of social responsibility is basically inimical to the quest for profits? Is the business community's commitment to the philosophy of corporate social responsibility moribund? Is the idea destined to die of benign neglect? Conclusions pertaining to these questions are developed in this article. The analysis includes the formulation of a theoretical basis for evaluating and resolving the central issues which confound executive decision making as it relates to corporate social responsibility.  相似文献   

We examine the effect of managerial professional connections and social attention on corporate social responsibility disclosure. Using a unique sample of Chinese listed firms that includes 7462 firm-year observations from 2009 to 2017, we hypothesize and provide supporting evidence that in emerging markets such as China, firms whose top managers have professional connections are more incentivized to improve corporate social responsibility disclosure. This is particularly the case when firms face significant public and media attention. Additional analysis shows that firms with professional connections tend to be more conservative when choosing accounting policies to maintain their professional reputations. Professional connections bring value to both firms and managers in that professionally connected managers are valued by external investors, have greater job security, and are better compensated. Our results are robust to a series of endogeneity tests and perform well in various robustness tests. Overall, our study suggests that corporate social responsibility decisions are shaped by managerial idiosyncratic characteristics and external institutions.  相似文献   

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