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The International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) published the Exposure Draft ?Insurance Contracts“ in July 2010. This standard draft is the basis for the final IFRS for accounting of insurance contracts and will replace the currently valid interim standard IFRS 4. In its Discussion Paper from May 2007 the IASB proposed the valuation of insurance liabilities based on a Current Exit Value. However, in the Exposure Draft the board changed his opinion (not at least due to the visible consequences of the last financial crisis) and follows an approach based on so called fulfillment cash flows. This new approach is different in many details and aims at creating a greater objectivity. Goal of this article is firstly to introduce the target valuation model and to judge it based on criteria developed in the paper. Furthermore, alternatives that could be applied in a final standard shall be shown.  相似文献   

The new standard for the accounting of insurance contracts (IFRS 17) will entail substantial changes for the insurance industry. In the following article the new standard is critically analyzed. First and foremost the coming valuation model, the so-called building block approach, is presented which will be the basis for all insurance contracts within the scope of IFRS 17. (For certain insurance contracts, especially those with direct participation features, or for less complex or short-term insurance contracts, there are some modifications.) To be more precise, IFRS 17 introduces an enterprise-specific valuation approach that is grounded on the so-called fulfilment value. This fulfilment value is determined by four separate building blocks (fulfilment-cashflow, discount rate, risk margin and contractual service margin), which will be addressed in detail. Finally, major changes in performed accounting practices that insurance enterprises are confronted with and will have to adapt to in their financial statements and accounts are pointed out.  相似文献   


Die sehwedische staatliche Pensionsversicherung ist bekanntlich als eine kombinierte Alters- und Invaliditätsversieherung organisiert. Mit 67 Jahren oder bei früher eingetretener Invalidität fängt die Auszahlung einer Pension an, deren Betrag sich als ein gewisses Prozent der einbezahlten Prämien ergiebt, für Manner 30 und für Frauen 24 Prozent. Diese Höchsbeträge werden jedoch für diejenigen Personen, die bei dem Inkrafttreten des Alterspensionsgesetzes eine gewisse Altersgrenze überschritten hatten, einigermassen modifiziert.  相似文献   

The phenomenon of digitalization is reaching into our everyday lives, and “self-tracking” practices gain new adherents. Yet “self-tracking”, the practice of systematically recording information about one’s health and lifestyle by digital means, is not only an opportunity for the self-tracker to enhance his self-knowledge, but also for insurers to detail and personalize their risk assessment. The following article deals with “self-tracking”-insurance contracts, i.?e. insurance contracts that adapt to the personal risk data of the insured person and offer discounts for risk-aware policyholders. In these contracts, self-tracking data will either be used as a basis for premium calculation or as an element to calculate the bonuses payable as profit participation on with-profit policies. The article focuses on the control of standard terms of “self-tracking”-insurance contracts, but also covers the legal prerequisites under which the insurance contract may be combined with a separate self-tracking-contract between the self-tracker and a third party.  相似文献   

Risk measures and accordingly risk measurement increasingly gains in importance in economics. Over the past years risk measures were already used at credit and shareholders' equity depositations due to Basel II regulations. The article now introduces a hybrid decision modell and applies it to the reinsurance business. The modell uses a convex combination of risk measures and therewith enables the modelling of risk attitudes. First of all, by doing that, it can be shown, which risk attitude leads to the acceptance of a reinsurance contract, and secondly which deductible an insurer is prepared to undertake. Consequently it is possible to determine the risk attitudes of insurers. In turn, on knowledge of risk attitudes, it becomes possible to generate recommendations of the extent of the deductible at similar reinsurance contracts.  相似文献   


Um eine graphische Darstellung einer gegebenen, eindeutigen Funktion f(α) zu erhalten. denken wir uns die den Wert en α′, α″,… αn der unabhängigen Veränderlichen entsprechenden Grössen x = l . f(α) als Abszissen auf eine Gerade von demselben Ausgangspunkt abgetragen und bezeichnen dann die Endpunkte der Abszissen mit dem zugehörigen Wert von α. Öber die Konstante l, den Modul, können wir frei verfügen und hierdurch einen passenden Massstab erhalten.  相似文献   

In this paper we study the influence of Gaussian dependencies on the payoff of reinsurance contracts and the resulting effects on a non-life insurer's risk and return profile. To achieve this, we integrate different Gaussian dependencies and reinsurance contracts in a dynamic financial analysis (DFA) framework and conduct numerical tests within a simulation study. Depending on the reinsurance contract and the dependency employed, we find substantial differences in risk assessment for the ruin probability and for the expected policyholder deficit. The results have important implications for regulators and rating agencies that use these risk measures as a foundation for capital standards and ratings. Our results extend the findings of a recent working paper by Eling and Toplek (2008) with a detailed analysis of Gaussian dependencies under different reinsurance contracts.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on supervisory boards and investigates various board characteristics for the largest German and Austrian insurance companies. Furthermore, the study examines the link between diversity policies and financial performance.The study reveals some differences between the two aforementioned countries, which are mainly driven by size effects. In addition, the analysis shows that larger and stock listed insurance companies have better diversity management policies and a higher proportion of female directors. There is no significant correlation between gender diversity measures and profitability.  相似文献   

For insurances sales and communication it is important to know, how the context of presenting products influences purchasing decision and customer satisfaction. Within an experimental study we analyzed the influence of presentation (one vs. multiple products, sequential vs. simultaneous presentation, and three vs. two products). The results show that customers are more likely to buy an insurance product if they are exposed to multiple products rather than to only one product, though decision satisfaction suffers if multiple options are presented. Practical implications and limitations are presented and future research opportunities are discussed.  相似文献   


In einer Note über die Theorie des Deekungskapitales habe ieh für das reduzierte Kapital der gemisehten Versicherung auf die Beträge At den Ausdruck gebraueht (1) wobei als Deckungsintensität bezeichnet wurde.  相似文献   


Im Anschluss an die im Jahre 1916 erschienene Monographie von E. J. Gumbel: “Die Berechnung des Bevölkerungsstandes durch Interpolation” (Leipzig, Vogel) hat Verfasser dieser Zeilen den formalen Aufbau der für die Praxis einfachsten Interpolationsmethoden der mathematisch-statistischen Behandlung zugeführt; auf dieser Grundlage hat dann Gumbel die so erhaltenen verallgemeinerten Ansätze bereits auf praktische Fragen der Bevölkerungslehre angewendet. Im Folgenden sollen einige Resultate dieser Untersuchungen mitgeteilt werden, und zwar in Hinblick darauf, dass dieselben bei der Konstruktion von Volkssterbetafeln und bei der Ausarbeitung der Deckungssysteme in der Socialversicherung Verwendung finden können. Die für die Statistik und für die wirtschaftliche, Mathematik (z. B. Grundlegung der Zinsfunktionen). so wichtigen Mittelwertoperationen erscheinen erst durch die nähere methodische Bearbeitung in der für die zielbewusste Anwendung notwendigen Beleuchtung. Die mathematische Diskussion der Mittelwert-Interpolationen dünkt uns vom statistischen Gesichtspunkt als wesentlich, wenn auch der Verwaltungsstatistiker für primitivere Zwecke eine kürzere Behandlung der präcisen Auseinandersetzung bevorzugt. Dieser Standpunkt erweist sich als gerechtfertigt, sobald man — wie es z. B. in der Lebensversicherungstechnik der Fall ist — nicht nur Abschätzungen im Grossen vornimmt, sondern auf Grundlage des empirischen Materials feinere Berechnungen anstellt, deren numerisches Resultat von der Präcision der Ausgleichungsprocesse abhängt. Hauptziel der folgenden Betrachtung ist die genauere Festlegung der in der Verwaltungsstatistik üblichen rohen Interpolationsansätze, um auf diesem Wege solche Formeln zu gewinnen, die den Erfahrungen besser angepasst werden können und die es weiterhin ermöglichen, dass die Berechnung der auf den Interpolationsprocess beruhenden wichtigern Masszahlen (z. B. verlebte Zeit, Vermehrungsintensität, Fixirung partieller Bevölkerungsmassen, etc.) einer mathematjschen Kritik unterworfen werden können.  相似文献   

In recent years the Turkish insurance market has exerted a strong appeal, especially for insurers seated in the EU, in view of its exponential growth rates and its dormant growth potential. EU insurers are, however, subject to more stringent insurance supervisory requirements when entering this insurance market, external to the EU, than when expending into other European insurance markets.  相似文献   

The EIOPA (European Insurance and Occupational Pension Authority) is a regulatory EU-body, which was founded on the 1st of January, 2011. The EIOPA was established as a result of the financial crisis that took place in 2007/2008, and it is part of a newly created EU-financial system. This essay deals with questions around the legality of the EIOPA, and looks into its legal basis and the scope of its authorities, which are limited by the case law of the European Court of Justice, as well as European and constitutional principles. When considering these aspects, the regulation, on which the EIOPA is based, seems to be partly incorrect. This essay therefore deals with the legal consequences of such faultiness.  相似文献   

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