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本文通过对杭州市200位大学生手机消费情况的调查,总结了影响当代大学生购买决策的因素以及大学生手机消费的特点。发现,大学生在购买手机时,要求时尚、实用和低价;易再次消费;价格层次趋向中高档;购买渠道具有多样性等。  相似文献   

一路走来,2006年也已经过了一半,综观今年的手机市场,无论是音乐、拍照、智能还是商务手机都以一个暂新的方式来迎合更加全面化的手机用户需要,之所以会有如此大的转变,主要还是因为手机用户的需求正朝着一个多元化的方向前进,手机不仅仅是做为一种通讯工具而存在,它逐渐的变成了时尚、娱乐和商务的“工具”,各大手机厂商也正是看到了市场中的这种变化,不断推出更多功能的时尚新品。 下面就让我们按照不同的操作系统来分类,为大家推荐几款目前比较值得购买的机器:[编者按]  相似文献   

目前大学生消费状况的调查报告很多,但针对高职院校大学生消费状况的专题调查却并不多见。调查显示,高职大学生除学费外,绝大多数年均消费在4000元左右,其中"饮食"、"学习生活必需品"、"尽量节约"、"适合自己"为高职大学生四大消费取向。为促进高职大学生学会正确消费,高职院校需要进一步做好工作,提倡理性消费,引导计划消费,强化计划消费,关注贫困消费,改善食堂消费。  相似文献   

抽样调查表明:大学生消费支出的主要来源于父母提供,消费水平相对较低,消费结构基本稳定、且基本合理。应引导大学生树立正确的消费观念,扩大消费开支来源,提高消费水平,并调整消费结构,以促进大学生的合理消费。  相似文献   

透视大学生手机消费   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
大学生手机消费有其群体特点,对大学生手机消费的特点进行研究并针对其消费提出相应的建议对手机生产商和零售商都有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

大学生是社会重要且特殊的消费群体,备受社会各界高度关注。大学生的消费理念、消费水平及结构在一定程度上影响了其正确价值观和世界观的形成。本文随机抽取青海省在校大学生进行研究,采用问卷调查的方法,了解大学生的消费水平、消费结构,从而指导大学生形成科学的消费观。  相似文献   

作为特殊的社会群体,高职生表现出特珠的消费心理和消费行为,为了解粤东地区高职生的消费现状,从而帮助高职生树立科学的消费观。对粤东地区四所高职院校学生进行问卷调查,并就调查结果对高职生的消费心理和消费行为进行了分析。  相似文献   

张婧婧 《商业科技》2013,(28):122-122
采用问卷的方式对浙江省温州医科大学药学院的10、11、12级各专业学生进行生活费收支状况调查,并根据调查人群的性别、年级、家庭情况进行分析比较,本次问卷旨在帮助大家更好的了解大学生的生活费收支状况,才能有针对性地对其进行消费指导,对在校大学生科学消费观的引导和培养有很大的促进作用。  相似文献   

近期我国物价迅速上涨,CPI指数再创新高,通货膨胀渐露端倪,大学生作为一个社会的特殊消费群体在日常生活学习中也受到了较大的影响。然而目前大学生对于通货膨胀普便认识不足准备不足同时,其自身也存在着一定的消费误区。本文通过对常州八所高校大学生消费状况的调查,了解在通货膨胀下大学生的消费有哪些明显改变,揭示大学生日常消费中的一些问题,并提出相关建议。  相似文献   

大学生手机使用情况调查   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
赵宝刚  尹勤  韩柯 《市场研究》2006,18(10):15-19
近年来,随着我国社会的进步,经济的发展,信息化进程不断地加快和提高,高新科技产品成为人们使用和消费的热点。手机作为其中的代表之一,也不断地被人们关注和青睐。而大学生作为一个特殊的群体,他们接受新的事物和想拥有高新产品的欲望都比较强烈,尤其是在手机使用方面更为突出  相似文献   

The paper reports on an empirical study of the connection between consumption patterns and mobile phone use. The data stem from a survey of Finnish young people aged 16–20. The results indicate that young people's relationship to the mobile phone is consistent with their general consumption styles. An "addictive" use of the phone was related to "trendy" and "impulsive" consumption styles and prevalent among females. Technology enthusiasm and trend-consciousness was linked to impulsive consumption and "hard" values and prevalent among males. A frugal mobile phone use was not related to gender but to environmentalism and thrifty consumption in general. The traditional gender division in mobile phone use styles that could be observed is interesting in the light of conjectures that genders are becoming more alike in their use of new technology. Technology enthusiasm, usually regarded as a "typically male" thing, was also linked to "female" consumption styles. This may reflect young men's changing relationship to consumption.  相似文献   


There has been tremendous growth in the cellular telephone industry in recent years. The present study was undertaken in order to better understand the pattern of usage among one of the most important target markets for cell phone products—young adults attending college. Data were collected from a total of 383 cell phone consumers residing in four states in different geographic regions of the United States. Respondents ranged in age from 18-57 with a median age of 23 years. Data analyses revealed several interesting and potentially important patterns of usage. Among these were the findings that the majority of those surveyed indicated that they use their cell phones for the purpose of social stimulation, to remain continually available, for domestic reasons, to leave themselves memos and reminders, for time-keeping, for emergency purposes, and to use the phone's phonebook function.

It was also found that the cell phone market among the target population is relatively mature in that the vast majority of the sample (90.5%) indicated that they have owned a cell phone for more than one year. The maturity of the market, however, was found to vary as a function of geographic region. This particular finding has implications for regional cell phone marketing strategies. A number of other differences of potential importance for market segmentation and target marketing purposes also emerged and are discussed in detail.  相似文献   

以山东大学威海分校本科女大学生为研究对象,运用问卷调查和个案访谈的方法研究女大学生闲暇消费心理和消费行为。研究结果表明,女大学生的闲暇消费以追求实惠和兼顾时尚为主导,理性消费观念占主流。从而引导女大学生合理、健康地消费,同时也为企业营销提供借鉴的策略。  相似文献   

The Effectiveness of Branded Mobile Phone Apps   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Mobile phone applications (“apps”) have generated substantial interest among marketers, primarily because of their high level of user engagement and the positive impact this presumably has on a user's attitude toward the sponsoring brand. This study utilized a pre-test/post-test experimental design to determine whether using popular mobile phone apps affects brand attitude and brand purchase intention. The results show that using these apps has a positive persuasive impact, increasing interest in the brand and also the brand's product category. The relevance of the product category makes no difference, but apps with an informational/user-centered style were more effective at shifting purchase intention, most likely because this style focuses attention on the user, and therefore encourages making personal connections with the brand. Experiential game-like apps were less successful, because they focus attention on the phone. These results suggest that understanding how to maximize the impact of mobile phone apps will be a key topic for future research.  相似文献   

The consumer confusion phenomenon is associated with highly turbulent industries, which are characterised by rapid, technological change and evolving competition. These factors impede consumers' understanding of such markets and consequently effect their decision making process. This research focuses on the effect of confusion on information search behaviour which is part of the decision making process in the mobile phone market. Understanding search behaviour is of great importance to marketers, especially in designing marketing strategy and tactics.

The findings reveal that although consumer confusion exists in the mobile phone market, it does not have a detrimental effect on the market. In addition, the findings also suggest that suppliers should buildup a strong brand image and be aware of the importance of word of mouth sources since both of these are considered to be very significant reference points for consumers. Finally, further reductions in call charges, the maintenance of good quality service and customer care are essential for customer retention.  相似文献   

Atthebeginningofthisyear,theXiahuaMobileCommunicationsEquipmentCo.Ltd.developedGSMmobilephonesandlaunchedthemonthemarket,withtheirsoftwareandhardwarebothenjoyingthetotallyindependentintellectualpropertyrights.Beforethistime,themorethantendomesticmanufacturersproducingGSMmobilephoneswereallChinese-foreignjointvebesorwhollyforeign-investedenterprises.ThemodeofproductionwasSKDorCKDassemblyonthewholeandthedegreeoftechnologicaltransferwassluggish.Inrecentyears,Chinesemobilecommuniconshavede…  相似文献   

在现有研究成果的基础上提出了一个顾客忠诚模型,并使用PLS路径方法对模型进行验证,数据采集于江苏移动的7000位消费者。研究结果表明:企业形象和顾客信任较其它因素对顾客忠诚的形成更为重要;企业形象对顾客忠诚的间接影响较大,其间接路径是企业形象→顾客期望→感知质量→感知价值→顾客满意→顾客信任→顾客忠诚;模型中6个内生隐变量R2的平均值高达0.6。综合考虑:该顾客忠诚模型的PLS路经分析结果可靠有效,对企业具有重要的管理意义。  相似文献   

走向Mobile2.0   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
‘mobile2.0’这个词最好被定义为面向移动关联设备的下一代数据服务……Mobile2.0并不是在‘未来’,而是早已经存在于我们周围的一些服务,这些服务正在以惊人的速度走向成熟,他们所做的是将Web2.0与移动平台有效地编织在一起来创造某种新产物:一种以移动性为基准的新的服务类型,但却就象今日互联网一样便于使用且随处可见。这些服务为移动数据产业指明了方向。  相似文献   

中国手机设备制造商的运营利润率在今年的剩余时间里将继续下降.原因是残酷的竞争给该行业带来的冲击近内期仍没有缓和的迹象。市场研究机构Gartner亚太区移动终端研究首席分析师梁嘉铃(Ann Liang)表示,事实上.在近期放宽手机牌照的审核标准,会吸引新厂商竞相进入市场,导致全行业运营环境变得更加恶劣。  相似文献   

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