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Food system regulators often decide whether to ban existing practices or approve new technologies without conclusive scientific evidence on possible damage and knowing that resolution is likely in the future. In a model with three decision points and stochastic resolution of uncertainty, we study interactions between expected losses due to regulation and information availability when a regulator is deciding on an early reversible ban and on a later reversible ban. Adjustment costs create inertia concerning intermediate signals such that earlier decisions are not overturned, and also a bias against imposing an early ban. The prospect of more later-stage information can increase or decrease the incentive to ban early, but research decreases the incentive to ban early.  相似文献   

海南农垦2002~2003年度干胶生产影响因素实证分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在分析农业生产函数原理和应用基础上,选用Cobb Douglas生产函数,引入分别反映自然、技术、物质投入的10个影响海南农垦干胶产量的因素,拟合生产函数模型,并应用SPSS软件对各影响因素进行了显著性分析,得出结论为:单位面积平均开割株数,年均干含,单位面积年有机肥施用量,胶工人数对海南农垦干胶产量具有显著的正效应影响,年割刀数和单位面积年压青有显著的负效应影响,其他因素为不显著因素。分析可能造成这种结果的原因,并提出对策。  相似文献   

根据《生态功能区划技术暂行规程》和《关于黑龙江省生态功能区划编制说明》,创新性地构建以生态环境现状、生态环境敏感性、生态系统服务功能重要性为一级指标的森林生态区位重要性评价体系,并且对小兴安岭地区进行了评价,得到小兴安岭中部地区、北部地区、西北部地区、南部地区的森林生态区位重要性分别是62.23、60.19、57.95和54.14,说明小兴安岭中部地区的森林比其他地区的森林有较高的生态区位重要性,建议在投入森林建设资金时,应对森林生态区位重要性较高的地区倾斜,以利于推进小兴安岭森林的可持续发展战略。  相似文献   

基于MapInfo的城市级别基准地价测度技术及探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用区片基准地价与区片面积求取级别基准地价这一更简洁的方法,同时采用MapInfo地理信息系统技术手段来评估基准地价是符合未来发展方向的。本文首先对目前基准地价的理论和应用进行分析,然后以广东省云浮市的级别基准地价测试为例,介绍了基准地价测算技术和过程,最后讨论了该新方法的成功之处和需要注意的地方。  相似文献   

利用ISM方法构建我国沿海地区陆海经济有序度评价指标体系,建立陆海经济协同发展模型和陆海经济协同度模型,结合序参数方程平衡解的分析,对2005-2013年我国沿海地区陆域经济与海洋经济发展的有序度和协同度进行测算;通过分析陆域经济有序度与海洋经济有序度对海陆经济协同的影响程度,对陆海统筹规划提供定量的参考;最后,文章选取山东半岛蓝色经济区为研究对象,进行海陆经济协同度典型剖析。结果表明,山东省与我国陆海经济协同结果类似,陆域经济有序度的增长速度大于海洋经济有序度的增长速度,2010年后陆海经济协同度呈上升趋势,海洋经济与陆域经济两个子系统相互促进、协同共进。  相似文献   

Price discovery, a central function of futures markets, has been usually tested in‐sample by studying the common stochastic trend between spot and futures prices. Instead, to evaluate futures as anticipatory prices, we develop a forecast approach to out‐of‐sample test price discovery in a multivariate framework. We apply it to the soybeans market. Results indicate futures prices as the best available “predictors” of future spot prices, although this finding holds only on average and for certain periods, other models show forecasting gains.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to understand the pattern of export of dates in Iran and the other main exporter countries. Revealed comparative advantage (RCA) was used to examine comparative advantage of the main exporters of dates. Export-share revealed the comparative advantage index and Spearman's correlation coefficients were analyzed to identify the dynamic changes in comparative advantage for dates. In the last 4 decades, comparative advantage for dates changed for many countries. A trend developed toward reduction in the comparative advantage of Iran, Iraq, and Saudi Arabia in favor of United Arab Emirates (UAE), Tunisia, and Pakistan from 1989 to 2005. Spearman's correlation coefficients showed that the RCA of Iran and UAE were negatively related to the RCA of Iraq and Saudi Arabia. A regression export model indicated that comparative advantage and export promotion policy had a major role in the export of Iranian dates.  相似文献   

以HGT-1000型谷物容重器检定为例,分别对其称量系统和容量筒检定测量不确定度进行了评定.并探索使用Excel自动运算生成谷物容重器检定报告,从而提高检定的准确性和效率.  相似文献   

探讨油脂定性试验——菜籽油中棉籽油检出测量不确定度的评定。用已知棉籽油含量的菜籽油进行检测分析测量过程的不确定度分量,合成相对不确定度(Uc)=18.21%。选择与被测样色泽接近的油脂加标对照,可以有效提高测定准确性。  相似文献   

基于古林法的伊春林区不同等级森林生态区位测度研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据《生态功能区划技术暂行规程》和《关于黑龙江省生态功能区划编制说明》,构建了以生态环境现状、生态环境敏感性为一级指标的生态区位测度体系,并对伊春林区内国家一级公益林、国家二级公益林、国家三级公益林、地方公益林和商品林进行了测度。测度结果表明:国家一级公益林的生态区位重要性是0.255,国家二级公益林的生态区位重要性是0.202,国家三级公益林的生态区位重要性是0.193,地方公益林的生态区位重要性是0.185,商品林生态区位重要性是0.165。这个研究结果可以为下一步对伊春林区森林生态资产价值评估奠定坚实的基础。  相似文献   

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