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This paper analyzes harvesting and timber bequest behavior in a two-period overlapping generations model where the government uses site productivity, yield and inheritance taxation. The ceteris paribus effects of forest and inheritance taxes are derived first, then the paper discusses the optimal design of forest and inheritance taxes by assuming that intergenerational externalities are either absent or operative. In the absence of intergenerational externalities, it is optimal to use only the site productivity tax, and not to introduce yield and inheritance taxes at all. In the presence of intergenerational externalities the situation changes. The paper demonstrates that the externality can be internalized by introducing either a yield tax or an inheritance subsidy, or both. If the government is able to use both at the same time, it is desirable to use the yield tax to 'punish' excessive harvesting and an inheritance subsidy to 'bribe' to give bequests.  相似文献   

The optimal income tax model under the threat of migration of Simula and Trannoy (J Public Econ 94:163–173, 2010; Soc Choice Welf 39(4):751–782, 2012) is extended to include indirect taxes and public goods. This enables us to conclude that: (1) optimal income tax rates are higher than in the absence of indirect taxation, and may be positive at the top of the skills distribution; (2) indirect taxes, à la Corlett and Hague, may help mitigate the loss of redistributive capacity arising from income taxation caused by migration threats; (3) migration encourages the provision of the public goods preferred by the most productive workers; (4) optimal tax and public goods provision policies against the emigration of the highly-skilled are connected through the conditions for Pareto efficiency; (5) if the number of potential migrators is large, it may be desirable to violate classical tax rules to retain the most able in the home country; (6) when migration costs are exogenously given and utility is weakly separable, Simula and Trannoy’s results are restored; (7) if migration costs are endogenous, the Atkinson and Stiglitz theorem breaks down and the taxation of country-specific goods becomes desirable, even if utility is strongly separable.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the impacts on timber and forest products markets of increasing forest conservation in Norway. A partial equilibrium forest sector model is applied to analyse effects on roundwood and forest products prices, quantities and trade of four alternative conservation extents. These alternatives are based on a recent biological analysis of the conservation needs in order to protect biodiversity in Norway. Roundwood prices are projected to increase moderately when conservation increases domestically only, since the Norwegian forest industry substitutes imported fibre for domestic. The impacts on roundwood prices are more substantial if also Norways forest products trading partners increase the forest conservation. If forest owners voluntarily conserve forests subject to an economic compensation (which currently is the most likely policy in Norway), the model results imply that forest owners on average are better off with increased conservation. Domestic sawnwood production is projected to reduce when assuming increasing forest conservation, while the production level in the pulp and paper industry is almost unaffected in the short-run. Finally, increasing demand for forest products as a result of environmental good-will may increase roundwood prices and harvest levels in unaffected forest areas significantly.  相似文献   

We develop a multiple forest use model to determine the optimal harvest date for a forest stand producing both timber and carbon benefits under a risk of fire. An empirical application is provided for a forest owner producing maritime pine in Southwest of France. Our results indicate that a higher risk of fire will decrease the optimal rotation period. On the contrary, higher carbon prices increase the optimal harvesting age. To investigate the contradictory effects of fire risk and carbon price on forest rotation, we identify the set of carbon prices and fire risks that lead to a given rotation age. We also show that forest owner's willingness to pay for a risk reduction can be substantial (37.33 euros by ha and by year to reduce the annual fire risk from 1.26% to 0.07%).  相似文献   

This paper presents economic rules for harvest timing when timber and nontimber goods, services, and ecological functions are produced from forest stands. Forests include stands that are heterogeneous in age, land quality, and distance to market. Rules for allocating land between forest and nonforest use are developed. Key land use margins are identified that are important to land use allocation in temperate and tropical regions (e.g., between unmanaged forest, forest management, and forest conversion). Processes that can change key land use margins are discussed and used to organize recent empirical and theoretical studies of regions where forest land use is in transition, such as where forest land is being converted to alternative nonforest land uses.  相似文献   

This note explores the incidence of benefit taxation when public goods yield utility only indirectly, as inputs to household production. It provides a condition for tax progression in terms of measurable parameters. The result is contrasted with the usually considered case of public goods being ordinary consumption goods, in which the parameters that indicate whether benefit taxation would be progressive are inestimable because of the preference revelation problem.I am grateful to two referees for insisting on clarifications and for providing useful suggestions.  相似文献   

《Ecological Economics》2006,56(1):132-143
We analyze the willingness to pay for non-timber values (NTV) by non-industrial private forest (NIPF) landowners of uneven-age mixed species forest stands in the south central United States. The preferences of NIPF owners are revealed by the way they manage their timber. Many NIPF owners maintain a more diverse and natural stand structure than that of a more profitable even-aged industrial plantation. In so doing, the average NIPF owner was willing to forego 60% of the timber profit for the NTV of their more natural stands compared to a less diverse industrially managed even-aged plantation.  相似文献   

The optimal treatment of tax expenditures   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper analyzes the optimal treatment of tax expenditures. It develops an optimal tax model where individuals derive utility from spending on a “contribution” good such as charitable giving. The contribution good has also a public good effect on all individuals in the economy. The government imposes linear taxes on earnings and on the contribution good so as to maximize welfare. The government may also finance directly the contribution good out of tax revenue. Optimal tax and subsidy rates on earnings and the contribution good are expressed in terms of empirically estimable parameters and the redistributive tastes of the government. The optimal subsidy on the contribution good is increasing in the size of the price elasticity of contributions, the size of the crowding out effect of public contributions on private contributions, and the size of the public good effect of the contribution good. Numerical simulations show that the optimal subsidy on contributions is fairly sensitive to the size of these parameters but that, in most cases, it should be lower than the earnings tax rate.  相似文献   

《Ecological Economics》2007,63(3-4):441-450
This paper explores the tradeoff between resource extraction and net carbon sequestration in managing representative timber stands in the state of New Hampshire in the northeastern United States. In the absence of policies to promote forest carbon storage, land owners have incentives to employ clear-cut harvesting regimes with relatively short rotation periods. Under conservative assumptions regarding the social benefits of carbon storage, optimal rotation periods are extended by between 16 and 133 years depending on the forest type under consideration. If policy-makers pursued a cost-effective strategy to stabilize atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations at twice the pre-industrial norm, optimal rotation periods would be extended by a full 180–347 years. The analysis suggests that partial harvesting regimes (in which approximately 35% of timber volume is removed at 15-year intervals after the timber stand reaches an initial age of 45 years) provide relatively high net benefits under a variety of circumstances. This finding is relevant because partial harvesting is an accepted and relatively common practice that could be adopted more widely.  相似文献   

In seeking to value environmental amenities and public goods, individuals often have trouble trading off the (vague) good or amenity against a monetary measure. Valuation in these circumstances can best be described as fuzzy in terms of the amenity being valued, perceptions of property rights, and the numbers chosen to reflect values. In this paper, we apply fuzzy logic to contingent valuation, employing a fuzzy clustering approach for incorporating preference uncertainty obtained from a follow-up certainty confidence question. We develop a fuzzy random utility maximization (FRUM) framework where the perceived utility of each individual is fuzzy in the sense that an individual’s utility belongs to each cluster to some degree. The model is then applied to a Swedish survey that elicited residents’ willingness to pay for enhanced forest conservation and to a Canadian survey of agricultural landowners that elicited their willingness to accept compensation for a tree planting program. Both the WTP and WTA measures we obtain using the fuzzy approach are well below those obtained using standard probability methods. Based on goodness of fit measures and Monte Carlo experimentation, a case can be made for using a fuzzy preference approach for modeling preference uncertainty as opposed to incorporating respondent uncertainty within the random utility maximization framework.   相似文献   

The present study examines the optimal use of renewable resources and how optimality is linked to the accumulation of waste stock. Production technology choices are based on a maximization of a discounted stream of net utility over time with respect to constancy of environmental services. When adopting a socially optimal tax-subsidy scheme to price produced goods, the ultimate utility level is determined by how tax revenues and subsidies compensate each other in monetary terms. Therefore, the constraints imposed on the optimal use of economic instruments in promoting recycling when a government budget is balanced are also studied. The materials balance structure of the model yields steady-state comparative statics and dynamic envelope results with interesting policy implications.  相似文献   

Choosing the optimal harvesting time in multiple-use, even-aged forest management is an important but difficult problem. The usual formulation of the problem requires explicit knowledge of the value of the timber, plus the value of the other, non-timber and mainly non-market values. The latter are notoriously difficult to measure. This paper develops a harvesting rule that depends only implicitly on the flow of non-market values. The rule, dubbed the implicit value formula, gives the minimum stream of non-market values that would induce a landowner to adopt a given rotation length. Since harvesting decisions must be made with or without information on non-market values, the implicit value formula can provide guidance to forest managers by putting a lower bound on the non-market values for every rotation length. As a demonstration, implicit non-market values are calculated for Douglas fir. The implicit value formula indicates that preserving a forest of Douglas fir beyond the optimal rotation is much more expensive than harvesting it an equivalent length of time before the optimal rotation.  相似文献   

National account of timber and forest environmental resources in Sweden   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper outlines an extension of the national account of income from forest resources in Sweden, 1987, incorporating changes in timber inventories, production of nonmarketed timber and nontimber goods, and depletion or improvement in vital environmental stocks such as soil nutrients, biodiversity and carbon sinks. The total net value added provided by forest resources and forestry labour 1987 is estimated to 22 billions SEK. This is one third more than the contribution of forestry to ordinary GNP.  相似文献   

The paper contributes to the discussion of fiscal competition with infrastructure goods. We explicitly focus on the costs of providing public infrastructure capital that appear in the public budget as investment. Thus we analyse the problem in a dynamic framework. Public infrastructure is considered as a marginal product complement to private capital. A central result of the model is that the fact that public capital is a complement to private capital, so that an increase in the supply of public capital ceteris paribus improves the marginal productivity of private capital, cannot be used as an argument to support a source tax. The so-called indirect productivity effect on private capital induced by public inputs does not justify the taxation of mobile capital. Rather, the efficiency of a source tax on mobile capital income depends on the question of whether or not the public input generates a factor rent to private capital.
Kersten KellermannEmail:

At present there is a growing optimism in commercializing the moose hunting in Scandinavia. We developed a deterministic, dynamic bio-economic model to examine the optimal management of land with both moose and timber as potential sources of income. We show that most forest owners should target their moose commerce towards increased quality of the hunt rather than quantity. Due to the inherent complexity of moose: forest interactions we ran the model for a wide array of parameter values to check its sensitivity. Although it was the combined production of timber and moose that gave the highest net value in all run scenarios, timber was the major source of income (69% or more). The main single-factors favouring moose over timber was: low timber productivity of the soil and high moose prices in the market. Also factor synergies can strongly increase the relative value of moose. Our model may serve as a decision tool for choosing the economically optimal moose levels in populations with no across-border migration. It highlights the following need for further studies: I. Quantifying the relationship between browse availability (forest state, moose density) and moose condition (weights, fecundity). II. Quantifying the relationship between browse availability and timber browsing damage.  相似文献   

Forests produce benefits over and above the revenue yielded from timber and other wood based products. Most important among these may be the recreational benefits for visitors, which have been examined in several studies. Total benefits for residents are perhaps more accurately captured in property values since, ceteris paribus, the price of a house reflects willingness to pay to live near an environmental amenity such as a forest to gain access to it, and also the amenity (non-use) value of the forest in so far as it creates a pleasant landscape. However, the total non-priced value of forestry is not the sum of HPM and ITCM benefit estimates. Recreational benefits will typically be less, and will be subsumed in the HPM estimates, since the hedonic price is partly induced by the value of recreational access.  相似文献   

International differences in fuel taxation are huge, and may be justified by different local negative externalities that taxes must correct, as well as by different preferences for public spending. In this context, should a worldwide uniform carbon tax be added to these local taxes to correct the global warming externality? We address this question in a second best framework à la Ramsey, where public goods have to be financed through distortionary taxation and the cost of public funds has to be weighted against the utility of public goods. We show that when lump‐sum transfers between countries are allowed for, the second best tax on the polluting good may be decomposed into three parts: one, country‐specific, dealing with the local negative externality, a second one, country‐specific, dealing with the cost of levying public funds, and a third one, global, dealing with the global externality and which can be interpreted as the carbon price. Our main contribution is to show that the uniformity of the carbon price should still hold in this second best framework. Nevertheless, if lump‐sum transfers between governments are impossible to implement, international differentiation of the carbon price is the only way to take care of equity concerns.  相似文献   

We make two contributions to the theory of optimal income taxation. First, assuming conditions sufficient for existence of a Pareto optimal income tax and public goods mechanism, we show that if agents' preferences satisfy an extended notion of single crossing called capacity constrained single crossing, then there exists a Pareto optimal income tax and public goods mechanism that is budget balancing. Second, we show that, even without capacity constrained single crossing, existence of a budget balancing Pareto optimal income tax and public goods mechanism is guaranteed if the set of agent types contains no atoms.  相似文献   

This paper argues that Pareto improvements based on harmonizing tax reforms expressed in terms of the divergence between actual and optimal tax structures and over/under provision of public goods require the use of ‘pseudo-optimal’ taxes instead of optimal ones. ‘Pseudo-optimal’ taxes are defined as those obtained using the optimal tax formulas but evaluated at any arbitrary initial tax structure. Within this context the paper reconfirms existing results showing that tax harmonization emerges as a strong policy instrument in achieving a potential Pareto-improvement.  相似文献   

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