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Single professional black women are becoming a separate and powerful segment in the total apparel market. This study explores whether or not there are significant social class differences in their apparel purchase behavior in regard to social classes. Apparel purchase behavior has been analyzed in terms of three-areas: purchase planning, method of payment and social influence. In most cases, class differences were not found to be statistically significant with the exception of social influence. It was found that social classes respond quite differently to social influences in their clothing selection.  相似文献   

在现代化进程中,职业妇女扮演着社会与家庭诸多方面多重的角色,在时间、精力、能力和资源分配上具有丰富多彩的特点,同时又容易发生冲突。究其原因,主要有社会生产力、职业女性双重角色评价标准、男女价值观以及传统文化的影响等。基于这样的原因,从职业与家庭之间寻求新的角色平衡、家务劳动社会化、实现夫妻角色互补、形成社会支持系统、塑造职业妇女的良好形象等方面入手来达到女性的职业角色与家庭角色的调适显得尤为重要。  相似文献   

本文主要从英汉不同文化在词汇内涵上所表现的差异来进一步说明在词汇教学中传授文化背景知识的重要性。  相似文献   

在泰国乃至东南亚,“中央洋行”的名字可谓家喻户晓。它是东南亚规模庞大的经营现代百货的商业集团,被誉为“商业王国”,它的经营者就是祖籍海南文昌的郑氏家族。目前,“中央洋行”的“掌门人”是郑有英先生。  相似文献   

Stratification of American society creates social classes— large groups of people sharing approximately the same life styles who are ranked according to social prestige. Class membership is determined on the basis of occupation, artifacts, association, and influence. Classes themselves are measured empirically through reputational, subjective, and objective techniques. The most popular models of American class structure provide for five or six distinct social strata. In recent years, however, divisions have become somewhat blurred by the spread of affluence and rapid social change. Social class appears to determine buying behavior for some products and services, and may be useful as a basis for market segmentation. School of Business, C. W. Post Center, L.I.U. Rapp & Collins A Division of Doyle, Dane Bernbach Advertising  相似文献   

城镇化发展使农村传统养老方式受到挑战,并使得农村社会养老保险的地位得到强化.应当加大探索力度,适当改革与调整农村社会养老保险的原则与现行政策;实行重点突破,将进城农民工纳入城镇社会养老保险体系,以此构筑城乡社会保障制度的衔接通道.  相似文献   

For companies to realize the benefits of recent innovations in customer interface technology, they need to understand the value consumers place on technology as part of the shopping process. A national survey of 2,120 online consumers was conducted to explore how people want to shop in both online and in-store environments and determine how interactive and conventional media work together to move consumers through the purchase process. The study investigated 128 different aspects of the shopping experience, from common elements to recent innovations. The results indicated that consumers are generally satisfied with the convenience, quality, selection, and value provided by retailers today. They are less satisfied with the level of service provided, the availability of product information, and the speed of the shopping process. The findings suggest that new technologies can enhance the shopping experience, but applications must be tailored to the unique requirements of consumer segments and product categories. Raymond R. Burke is the E. W. Kelley Professor of Business Administration at Indiana University’s Kelley School of Business and the founding director of the school’s Customer Interface Laboratory. His research focuses on understanding the influence of point-of-purchase factors and new retailing technologies on consumer shopping behavior. Prior to joining Indiana University, he served on the faculties of the Harvard Business School and the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School. He has consulted for a number of leading manufacturers and retailers, and his virtual shopping technology is used by market research firms around the world. His articles have appeared in various professional journals, including theHarvard Business Review, theJournal of Consumer Research, theJournal of Marketing, andMarketing Science. He is also coauthor ofADSTRAT: An Advertising Decision Support System.  相似文献   

This paper provides insights into the cost-value implications of retail store visitation. It does this by relating the extent of retail store visitation to both consumer characteristics and situational variables in the context of a specific type of major appliance purchase. The assessment was based on the usage of the Automatic Interaction Detector (AID). This algorithm determines what variables and categorees within them combine to produce the greatest discrimination in group means by the dependent variable (the number of retail stores visited). An interpretation of AID-revealed binary splits suggests support for the cost-value hypothesis of retail store visitation.  相似文献   

一、文件管理系统在企业网中的地位及作用文件是企业传达领导精神、发布经营策略、建设管理办法及人事变动等信息的主要手段 ,是企业信息流的一大分支 ,是办公管理的重要组成部分。文件管理子系统的设计是企业用 IN TRAN ET方式成功实现办公自动化的关键之一。二、文件管理子系统的功能简介文件管理按流程包括发文管理、收文管理两大块 ,按文件类别分为局文和简文两类。局文和简文的流程基本相似 ,只是权限设置方面有所差异。下面以局文为例 ,简介其功能。局文发文流程如下所示 :  收文流程主要是各部门收文 ,把它分发给部门领导 ,部…  相似文献   

社会信用是社会保障制度良性发展的有效支撑。我国目前的信用现状还不能满足社会保障发展的要求,今后,应加强诚信宣传教育,营造诚信文化环境,加快信用体系法律法规建设,建立和健全个人信用档案管理制度、完善个人信用档案管理法规体系,普及自动指纹识别技术等,以加强我国社会信用建设,保证我国社会保障制度的正常运行。  相似文献   

法官的职业道德建设,是社会主义精神文明建设的重要组成部分。它包括政治素养教育、品德教育、理想情操教育以及作风和文明礼貌教育等内涵。我们应通过政治、理论学习,通过工作实践和健全制度等途径,造就一支政治坚定、业务精通、品德高尚、作风优良的法官队伍,从而树立人民法官公正、高效、廉洁、文明的新形象。  相似文献   

风险作为市场经济的重要特征之一越来越渗稼到经济社会的各个角落,民间审计作为市场经济的产物自然也受到风险的影响。面临不断升级的“诉讼爆炸”,审计职业界的“生存危机感绝非危言耸听。研究审计风险成因、制定防范措施、积极有效地迎接挑战,是民间审计求生存、谋发展的必然选择。而在众多的风险预防措施中,提倡审计应有的职业谨慎,以引起职业界的广泛关注,不失为一种明智之举。本文就审计应有的职业谨慎的涵义、特征、假设、职能及表现形式等,通过理论联系实际,发表了自己的看法。  相似文献   

“探索开展社会组织协商”的提出,使得如何构建协商型社会组织成为理论界关注的热点问题。对各地区社会组织数量与政府信息公开状况的相关性分析表明,社会组织的发育程度与协商开展密切相关;对2014年“全国性行业协会商会评估专题数据”的分析发现,社会组织社会资本发育不足是开展社会组织协商的瓶颈。应以服务绩效增强社会组织的网络覆盖,以外部制度促进社会组织内部规范的民主化,以制度创新推动社会组织公信力的提升,培育社会组织适合于协商民主的社会资本,推进协商型社会组织的建设,进而促进社会组织协商的全面开展。  相似文献   

目前,我们对农民专业合作组织的涵义及存在意义的理解还不准确,造成其发展中存在许多问题,诸如缺乏社员所有的产权制度,合作组织法律地位不明确,外部环境不够宽松,政府扶持不足等等。所以,必须明确什么是真正的农民专业合作组织,采取积极措施加以规范和培育,包括开展教育活动,抓好法规建设,切实维护农民专业合作组织的基本原则,成立政府服务机构,加大政策扶持力度等。  相似文献   

随着社会的急剧转型和经济体制的转轨,弱势群体的社会保障需求问题日益凸现,影响着社会的稳定和发展.只有构建制度化的社会保障体系,才能为弱势群体提供针对性的社会保障支持,真正使其完全摆脱弱势状态.  相似文献   

网上模拟报税是培养了学生实际纳税申报能力的一种重要的实践教学手段,构建先进、科学的电子报税教学系统是培养学生网上报税能力的物质保障,而网上模拟报税的教学设计能够使教学效果更加显著.  相似文献   

先进生产力应指一定历史时期,社会或社会共同体中相对发达并符合社会历史发展要求的生产力.中国先进社会生产力除了具有先进社会生产力的一般性质外,还具有独特的内容,即中国特色.  相似文献   

社会保障财产权及保护问题是社会保障理论与实践中的一个深层次问题。在社会保障财产权理论争论的基础上给予其重新诠释,并运用于弱势群体的社会保障财产权保护问题。关注弱势群体可行能力的建设。  相似文献   

本文在分析国内外电子商务专业建设状况基础上,以吉林工商学院为例探讨了新建地方本科院校电子商务专业的特色建设问题。提出电子商务专业定位应面向地方培养应用型人才,确立国际贸易与电子商务创新结合的专业特色,同时分析了人才创新能力培养方法。  相似文献   

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