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Quality & Quantity - The article “The stories groups tell, campaign finance reform and the narrative networks of cultural cognition”, written by “Aaron Smith-Walter, Michael...  相似文献   

■当今世界许多国家和地区都深受银行危机的困扰,虽然我国没有出现大量银行倒闭,也没有出现系统性支付危机,但这并不能说明我国银行置身于金融危机之外,而是恰恰相反,我国国有商业银行、股份制商业银行、农村信用社都面临着不同程度的经营危机。■当前中国的金融改革正处于一个重要的转轨时期,如何避免由房地产泡沫引发的金融风险非常值得关注,银行的坏账率居高不下,且金融坏账确有从国有企业向民营企业、从企业投资领域向个人投资领域转移的趋势,因此央行及时调整其金融信贷政策是非常必要的。  相似文献   

The effects of court-ordered education finance reform on property values and residential choice have received increasing attention in recent years (Fischel 2001). However, little attention has been focused on the effects of education finance reform on manufacturing sector property values within an optimizing framework. This is pursued here by modeling education expenditures and education finance reform as “free” variables to manufacturing firms in a cost function model together with input demand equations. This framework is applied to panel data on manufacturers’ capital (building and structures) stocks for the 48 continental US for 1982–1996 to estimate implicit (shadow) values to the manufacturing sector of education spending and school finance reform. On average, school finance reform lowers the implicit value of manufacturing firms’ stock of buildings and structures capital, while greater education spending lowers manufacturing variable costs.
Jeffrey P. CohenEmail:

分税制通过对中央与地方事权、财政收入的重新界定,解决了分级包干财政时期出现的中央财政调控能力下降的问题,但随着经济社会的发展,分税制体制不完善带来的弊端也逐渐显露,地方政府为了弥补自己的财政赤字而产生的土地财政及一系列社会问题在一定程度上阻碍了我国社会的发展,分税制改革并没有完成。因此,分税制还需要进行完善以适应当前我国国情,较好的解决地方政府财政面临的问题,完善分税制财政体制。  相似文献   

Using state administrative records matched to the 1984 Survey of Income and Program Participation, we examine intertemporal relationships in response errors. False negative errors in reporting food stamps are highly correlated across interviews for the same household. Hypotheses that the error process can be explained by learning behaviour are not supported. Bivariate probit of response error in two periods reveals that responses to covariates are stable over time and the latent error terms are positively correlated. These findings support the hypothesis that respondents have a latent tendency to cooperate (or not cooperate) with surveys. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Digital finance is expected to improve the financial development of economic backward regions through its inclusive nature. Therefore, this paper selects the financial data of 30 provinces in China from 2011 to 2017 to evaluate regional finance disparities with the inclusion of digital finance, using the meta-frontier slack-based measure dynamic DEA model. The results are as follows. (1) The overall financial efficiency, input efficiency, output efficiency, and TGR in the eastern region are better than those in the non-eastern region. (2) With the inclusion of digital finance, the finance efficiency gaps in the eastern and non-eastern regions have expanded.  相似文献   

More than eight years after the introduction of the euro, impacts on developing countries have been relatively modest. Overall, the euro has become much more important in debt issuance than in official foreign exchange reserve holdings. The former has benefited from the creation of a large set of investors for which the euro is the home currency, while demand for euro reserves has been held back by the dominance of the dollar as a vehicle and intervention currency, and the greater liquidity of the market for US treasury securities. Fears of further dollar decline may fuel some shifts out of dollars into euros, however, with the potential for a period of financial instability.  相似文献   

Factoring is a financial service enabling enterprises to sell their accounts receivable to a factoring company in exchange for cash. The market for factoring in the UK has been growing at substantial rates and most banking institutions are now actively involved in providing this service. Little research on the factoring market currently exists and so this paper'seeks to profile the determinants influencing decision making in the UK factoring industry. Using data from an interview‐based survey, this paper establishes that the decision to purchase an enterprise's accounts receivable is influenced by the enterprise's size, type of product or service it offers, industry, sector, age, type of customers, financial statement, the management team, operational suitability, collectability and credit notes. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

在我国经济高速发展的过程中,重大违法违纪行为不断发生,加强财经法纪审计具有重大的意义。财经法纪审计主要是揭发、清查、处理违法违纪行为,这需要审计人员掌握一定的审计方法,具备特别的技能。  相似文献   

金融创新,指新的金融工具的广泛应用和新的金融市场、金融机构和金融业务的出现并被社会广泛接受.其技术原理是将现有金融工具、金融制度等的特性加以分解,再根据市场需要进行取舍并重新组合,制造出新的金融工具和金融制度等.纷繁复杂的金融创新,就其产生的原因而言,归根到底可分为需求引导型(如可变利率抵押贷款、金融期货、金融期权等)、供给促进型(如信用卡、商业票据市场、金融产品证券化等)和规避管理型(如可转让提款通知书账户、隔日回购协定等)三种.  相似文献   

财经类院校“数学与应用数学”专业的改革要彻底打破“精英教育”时期的培养模式。本科阶段应主要培养应用型人才 ,而对课程体系也应作相应的整合。  相似文献   

This article shows how informally told stories and human resource systems help create strong company cultures which can support a corporate strategy. It explains why stories are so powerful in creating company culture. It also suggests how managers can deal with negative stories and encourage the telling of positive stories both through their personal behavior and through the human resource systems they manage.  相似文献   

互联网金融是传统金融与互联网"开放、平等、协作、分享"精神相结合的新兴领域,它带来金融创新的同时,也颠覆着传统的金融模式。但因始终缺少国家财税政策作指引,互联网金融市场的问题日益凸显。为了建立健全我国互联网金融市场,切实帮助新兴互联网金融企业发展,政府应借鉴国内外成功经验,从财政支出、财政监督、税收优惠方面对互联网金融行业给予支持,进而促进我国经济多元化发展。  相似文献   

王滢 《企业技术开发》2007,26(3):63-64,74
高新技术产业是知识密集、技术密集的产业,是代表一个国家综合国力和整体竞争力的重要先导产业,也是新一轮的经济增长点。文章首先对高新技术产业等相关概念做了界定;其次分别从高新技术产业对国民经济的先导作用、高新技术企业和高新技术产业区的发展以及其在对外经济中的效益这几个方面,分析了高新技术产业对我国财政收入的贡献;最后分析了我国高新技术产业存在的问题,提出加大其对财政的贡献的若干战略建议。  相似文献   

This article outlines the economic consequences of the CAP, including the high level of protection, the burdens on consumers, taxpayers and the EU budget, environmental damage, the harm to international trading relations, and the failure to raise farmers' incomes. The numerous unsuccessful attempts at reform from 1968 to 1999 are described. Finally, some of the lessons of the reform attempts are drawn, including the apparent political impossibility of reducing farm support and bureaucratic intervention once it is in place.  相似文献   

随着互联网的不断发展和壮大,其在金融领域的应用不断深入,诸多互联网金融项目都纷纷崛起,其中的余额宝、零钱宝、定期宝增值宝等都是典型的代表。这些互联网金融产品项目的出现,无论是在便捷服务上,还是在增值额度上,都较传统的金融产品有较大的优势,对传统的金融形成了巨大的竞争压力。文章通过分析互联网金融内涵、特征、互联网金融给传统银行业带来的冲击,进一步探讨互联网金融与传统银行业合理有序的竞合关系。  相似文献   

Behavioral finance inherits the standard research methods in the finance, and it makes outstanding contribution to leading the experimental research into the field of finance. It uses the cognitive science as the method guide to expand its scientific research tools. On one hand, the intelligent development of the cognitive science provides an important and effective means of a tool for the behavioral finance research; on the other hand, precisely because behavioral finance theories of progress makes a certain extent, dependent on the modem cognitive science research results and thus the development of cognitive science, its results application and limitation will be confined to a direct impact on the development of behavioral finance. That is why we need an in-depth study of the new method of behavioral finance research and grasps their limitations.  相似文献   

In an election campaign a politician attempts to combine the resources at his disposal so as to maximize the percent of the votes he receives. This behavior is consistent with an economic model of production where the producer combines inputs in order to maximize output. In this paper the concept of an election campaign as a production process is applied to elections to the U.S. House of Representatives. The three inputs were campaign expenditures, years of tenure in office, and the percent of registered voters in candidate's party. Cobb-Douglas and CES versions of the production function are estimated. Each estimation indicated that the marginal productivity of campaign expenditures was very low. Further, the CES estimation indicated low elasticity of substitution between campaign expenditures and other inputs. This means that it is difficult for a candidate who faces a disadvantage—either because his opponent is an incumbent with several years experience, or because he belongs to a minority party—to overcome this disadvantage by simply spending more money.  相似文献   

Bob Holman gave up a comfortable middle-class life to run community projects in poor areas, first in Bath and then Easterhouse. The neighbourhood groups he has established show the benefits of empowering people to act as free agents. State funding for such groups would turn them into bureaucracies, foster dependence on the political process and destroy the good work they are doing.  相似文献   

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