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Marketing Letters - The goal of a business is to enhance profitable revenue. Often this mission is accomplished by innovation, commonly by the process of bringing new products or services to...  相似文献   

Marketing Letters - This article discusses the past, present, and future of brand research. We begin by reviewing three historical eras of branding development in the past: the information,...  相似文献   


This paper provides a synthesis and critical assessment of the sustainability marketing literature, from the period 1998–2013, building on a previous assessment from 1971 to 1998. It details research within major marketing journals and critically assesses this research in relation to the on-going conversation which focuses on marketing’s relationship with the natural environment. Differences in the content and depth of sustainability coverage in marketing journals are considered. Potential avenues for future sustainability marketing research are proposed, with a particular call for theoretical and managerial reflections which tackle broader systemic and institutional issues within the discipline.  相似文献   

Marketing Letters - This article provides a high-level overview of marketing strategy research and offers a number of suggestions of areas ripe for future research. We discuss the most fundamental...  相似文献   

Marketing Letters - For decades, researchers in customer management have demonstrated the business importance of firm-customer relationships, developed models for understanding customer behavior...  相似文献   

This article conducts a literature review on three gray market areas: strategy, legal issues, and consumer behavior. Previous gray market strategy-based articles do not discuss the impact of the Web on gray market activity, limit their analysis to international gray markets, and do not identify situations where gray market activity is profitable for a manufacturer and its authorized resellers. Like the strategy-based articles, the legal issue-based articles confine their discussion to international gray markets. A current US Supreme Court case that expands the potential for gray market activity is discussed. The third research stream focuses on the impact of brand image and brand equity and the relationship of perceived risk and gray market acceptance by consumers. The authors develop an overall strategy for dealing with gray market activity based on balancing positive and negative issues. In some cases, it is prudent for manufacturers and resellers to view gray markets as an alternative strategy to private labels, second-tier brands, or fighting brands. In other instances, firms need to explore supply- and demand-based strategies to deter gray market activity. Alternative organization formats for gray market surveillance and control are discussed. Difficulties associated with conducting gray market research as well as directions for future research in gray markets are covered.  相似文献   

Marketing Letters - The field of marketing has made significant strides over the past 50 years in understanding how methodological choices affect the validity of conclusions drawn from our...  相似文献   

《Journal of Retailing》2007,83(4):447-464
The field of retailing has experienced significant changes in recent years. In this article, we review articles published in Journal of Retailing over the 2002–2007 time span, classified into ten broad topic categories: price, promotion, brand/product, service, loyalty, consumer behavior, channel, organizational, Internet, and other. Some areas have received a reasonable amount of attention; others would be worthy of additional work. We summarize a key insight from each article in the Appendix. Finally, we highlight some key insights for each area and some avenues for further research, in the hope that this review spurs additional research into these and other areas of importance to both academicians and retail practitioners.  相似文献   

The authors investigate the intellectual pillars of service marketing and its evolution through key subareas during 1992-2009 using a citation-based approach. They derive insights for the most promising research directions. The results reveal the dynamic influences of different research topics on service marketing. In a graphical representation, the authors further show that the main topics have changed their research orientations over time. For example, the literature on online service & technology infusion reveals an increasingly operational and customer-focused orientation. A citation-based measure of the significance of research opportunities and a comparison with the topics found in recent literature reviews indicate that research on managing business-to-business services & service infusion, complaint handling & service recovery, and enhancing and managing the service value chain are promising topics. These results assist academics and practitioners by revealing what we know about service research and what we need to know in the future.  相似文献   

Review and future directions of cross-cultural consumer services research   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
It is widely recognized that an increasing number of service firms are expanding into international markets. Many studies in the services marketing literature have focused on the identification and discussion of similarities and/or differences in consumer service experiences across nations and cultures. In this paper we review the relevant literature, address conceptual and methodological issues associated with extant cross-cultural consumer services research and suggest theories and approaches in regards to future research in the area. In addition, we introduce and discuss the concept of “cultural service personality” as a potential new theoretical perspective.  相似文献   

In this brief commentary, we reflect on 50 years of the Journal of World Business and its predecessor, Columbia Journal of World Business. Commenting from our roles as authors, editorial board members, reviewers and advocates for the journal, we chronicle important trends in JWB's editorial emphasis and publication record, trends that are reflective of broader changes in the global business environment and the field of International Business. We derive a series of themes that have ebbed and flowed during the period, and reflect on these patterns and their implications for IB scholarship. We conclude by deriving insights from past contributions that can shed light on future directions in the international business field.  相似文献   


Psychology, along with a wide range of other academic disciplines, has influenced research in both consumer behaviour and marketing. However, the influence of one area of psychology – namely, behaviourism – on research on consumers and marketing has been less prominent. Behaviourism has influenced consumer and marketing research through the application of classical and operant conditioning, matching and foraging theories, amongst other frameworks, during the past 50 years. This article provides a review of research and applications of behavioural psychology in the area, as well as a brief introduction of behavioural psychology for scholars unfamiliar with the area. The article also suggests avenues for further research examining the potential development of behavioural psychology approaches for both consumer and marketing researchers.  相似文献   

Consumer vulnerability is gaining increasing attention from researchers and practitioners as a social phenomenon in modern consumption-driven societies. In an attempt to conduct a comprehensive review using credible published research materials on the topic, this study applies a big data analytics approach to analyze scholarly research with a pool of 859 articles covering the last 25 years of post-modern marketing practices that have been a precursor to market-driven vulnerability. This paper identifies the most influential articles, as well as the top contributing journals and authors, along with their affiliations. In addition, this study reveals four major themes of research in consumer vulnerability, namely marketing, fraud and consumers, consumer vulnerability and well-being, ethics and vulnerable consumers, and consumption, disability and gender. These integrative perspectives will serve as a critical starting point to encourage focused theme-based exploration in the field.  相似文献   

The potential of blockchain technology (BCT) to modify and innovates established business structures and frameworks has received widespread attention. Academia and businesses are becoming increasingly curious about how this technology could be used to improve and refine consumer services and operations. Despite the growing popularity of blockchain research in consumer services, there remains a dearth of detailed summaries in the literature. Hence, this bibliometric analysis, combined with a systematic literature review (SLR) using SPAR-4-SLR protocol with the theories, characteristics, contexts, and methods framework (A hybrid review), aims to convey qualitative and quantitative knowledge on the ever-evolving subject of blockchain application in consumer services in an organized manner. Specifically, this article analyses: (1) the current publication trends in studies devoted to blockchain-based applications for consumers, (2) the most important publications and themes of research in this field, (3) the evolution of blockchain in consumer service over the years, and the most current trends in this field, (4) the advantages and challenges of incorporating BCT into consumer services, (5) gaps in the existing literature that future researchers should investigate. In addition, this review also describes the widely used theories, characteristics, and methods in the application of blockchain in consumer service research by examining the most applied theories, methods, constructs, and study contexts and paving the way for new research directions. The review includes 417 documents after searching for scholarly publications in two databases (Web of Science and Scopus) and choosing documents based on their relevance to the stated goals.  相似文献   

The rise of social media influencers (SMIs) in the recent decade garnered wide interest from academicians and marketers. Academicians try to understand the effect of influencers on consumer behaviour, while marketers use influencers as part of their strategy to achieve marketing objectives. Although, plenty of practical and conceptual research is available in this area, literature reviews in the domain of SMIs and consumer engagement are scarce as it is still developing, and most of the studies have focused on these two concepts separately. In this study, the authors attempted to combine and understand how social media influencers affect consumers engagement. This systematic review of the literature offers a comprehensive view of previous research on social media influencers and consumer engagement. The study reviewed articles published in the Australian Business Deans Council (ABDC), Scopus, and Web of Science indexed journals till 5 June 2021. To understand consumers' engagement with SMIs, authors identified and theorized the antecedents, decision and outcome of such engagement. It also discusses the influencer-follower parasocial relationship on different social media platforms. The study proposes an integrated conceptual framework that can be further used to test and validate the impact of social media influencer's marketing efforts on consumer engagement. This framework also may serve as a foundation for marketers to develop effective influencer strategies for brand promotions. The review concludes the discussion by highlighting theories, methodology, and context of studies conducted by past researchers.  相似文献   

The article asks the question why consumer researchers sometimes try to invent an organization to represent the consumer interest when there already is an existing organization with the required characteristics: consumer cooperatives. The advantages of having a consumer organization with its own production and distribution facilities are pointed out. The key role of consumer research to help realize the inherent possibilities of consumer cooperatives to become the main organization representing the consumer interest is stressed and some possible project ideas for research are formulated.
Kooperative und Verbraucherforschung
Zusammenfassung Der Beitrag geht aus von der Frage, warum Verbraucherforscher manchmal versuchen, eine Organisation zur Vertretung von Verbraucherinterssen zu erfinden, obwohl es mit den Verbraucher-Kooperativen bereits eine Organisationsform gibt, die im Prinzip die geforderten Eigenschaften hat.Der Beitrag beschreibt die wesentlichen Eigenschaften von Verbraucher-Kooperativen. Grundsätzlich ist eine solche Kooperative eine Gruppe von Verbrauchern, die praktische Demokratie in der Form pflegen, daß durch ständigen Dialog bestimmt wird, was zur Befriedigung der Bedürfnisse der Mitgliedshaushalte produziert und verteilt wird. Beispiele bestehender und entstehender Kooperative zeigen, welche Möglichkeiten diese Organisationsform für die Stärkung der Verbraucherposition birgt. Erste Forschungsergebnisse lassen vermuten, daß Verbraucher-Kooperative für Verbraucherforscher ein lohnendes Forschungsobjekt sein dürften, wenn es um die Erforschung wirkungsvoller Mittel zur Stärkung der Verbraucherposition geht. Der Beitrag schlägt nicht nur Fragestellungen und Ideen für Forschungsprojekte vor, sondern diskutiert auch die normative Grundlage solcher Projekte.Ziel ist dabei die Entwicklung solcher theoretischer Ansätze, Konzepte und Aktionsforschungs-Vorhaben, die Verbrauchern dazu verhelfen, in der Organisationsform der Kooperative durch Diskussion die optimalen Wege zur Bedürfnisbefriedigung zu finden. Wenn sich Verbraucherforscher an solchen Projekten beteiligen, könnten sie zu einem Schlüsselfaktor für die Entwicklung der Verbraucher-Kooperative zu einem der wichtigsten Mittel zur Förderung des Verbraucherinteresses in der Gesellschaft werden.

Kai Blomqvist is Programme Director at the Swedish Cooperative Institute, Box 15200, S-104 65 Stockholm, Sweden, and Main Secretary to the Government Commission for the review of public consumer policy in Sweden.  相似文献   

Maintaining sustainable consumer behaviours is necessary for both mitigating environmental problems and the success of sustainable businesses. However, to date, the focus is mainly on the motivation-adoption link (i.e., how to motivate sustainable consumer behaviours) rather than the adoption-continuance link (i.e., how to maintain those behaviours). This study addresses the link between sustainability adoption and continuance, through a structured literature review. Specifically, this study synthesizes what is (and is not) known about the post-adoption (continuance) stage of the sustainable consumer journey, by reviewing and integrating the results of 87 articles. This review has three key outcomes. First, it elaborates on the importance and distinction of the continuance stage, which is predicted by a set of different and ‘evolving’ factors, compared with motivation and initial adoption. Second, the key components of the continuance stage are identified and grouped under (I) post-adoption cognitive perceptions, (II) emotional outcomes, and (III) subsequent behavioural patterns of (dis)continuance, spillover, advocacy, loyalty and habit formation. Third, this study introduces the concept of sustainable consumer behaviour continuity and discusses theoretical relationships in a conceptual framework. Finally, this review identifies knowledge gaps and provides research directions as well as implications for theory and practice.  相似文献   

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