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As an indicator of ‘material injury’ in antidumping petitions, companies often claim plant closings have been caused by unfairly‐traded imports or threaten plant closings if no relief is provided. This paper analyzes a sample of 91 companies involved in US antidumping proceedings in the 2002 to 2005 period to examine the determinants of plant closing activity with particular emphasis on the role of the antidumping process in the timing of plant closing announcements. We find that larger firms and firms in declining sectors are more likely to close plants, and that the prize of Byrd Amendment funds may help keep plants in operation (especially for smaller firms for whom these funds are likely to be more important). However, there does not appear to be a consistent and significant relationship between antidumping petitions and the timing of plant closings.  相似文献   

市场化认同、贸易报复与反倾销   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
研究反倾销的文献大多从调查国的角度出发,考虑哪些因素会引致一国反倾销调查。文章从被调查国的角度出发,利用美国对华反倾销数据和泊松回归模型进行实证研究得出,中国的市场化改革降低了美国对华反倾销频度,但其经济显著性不明显;美国对中国贸易依赖指数提高会降低对华反倾销频度;美国对华FDI增加和中国加入WTO反而提高了对华反倾销频度;中国反倾销立法的制定对美国对华反倾销频度的影响没有通过统计显著性检验。  相似文献   

国外反倾销研究最新发展及特点分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在传统的贸易保护做法受到世贸组织规则的限制作用日益弱化的情况下,发达国家开始从WTO规则中寻求新贸易保护主义的新策略,反倾销措施应运而生。许多国家借助这一WTO所允许的合法手段行贸易保护主义之实,受到越来越多的质疑,对此学者们从不同角度进行了研究,文章对这一问题的研究进行了梳理。  相似文献   

刘勇 《国际贸易问题》2008,302(2):113-118
世贸组织《反倾销协定》具有理论依据缺失、明确与模糊的法律条款并存、同时许可与管制成员方采取反倾销措施等特点。基于《反倾销协定》的以上特点,尽管反倾销措施具有若干负面效果,文章认为它仍然将继续成为各成员方保护国内产业、消除国际贸易自由化所带来的消极影响的重要手段,同时有关反倾销的争论也将持续下去。  相似文献   

Antidumping and retaliation threats   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
We propose and test two ways in which retaliation threats may dampen the antidumping (AD) activity we observe. First, the threat of retaliatory AD actions may make a domestic industry less likely to name a foreign import source in an AD petition. Second, the prospect of a GATT/WTO trade dispute may make government agencies less likely to rule positive in their AD decision. Using a nested logit framework, we find evidence that both retaliation threats substantially affect US AD activity from 1980 through 1998.  相似文献   

我国作为世贸组织正式成员参与世贸组织谈判以来,介入最深与我国利益最为密切的就是反倾销协议的规则谈判。认真研究世贸组织的规则修改,在有关谈判中表明自己的鲜明观点,是摆在我们面前的重要任务。文章重点分析了在规则谈判中的几个热点问题,各方提出的观点以及我国可能的立场,以供进一步的研究参考。  相似文献   

反倾销:当代显性贸易摩擦主要表现形式的原因分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文根据贸易摩擦表现的形式和发生的可能性,将贸易摩擦分为显性贸易摩擦和隐性贸易摩擦,并对当前显性贸易摩擦主要表现为反倾销形式的原因进行分析,指出贸易摩擦是贸易自由化的伴生物,是不可避免的;当前贸易摩擦主要表现为反倾销是由反倾销规则本身的很多特点决定的,并且在短时间内不会改变.  相似文献   

In this paper we develop a dynamic two-period model of imperfect competition to analyse the effects of European antidumping duties on firm behaviour and domestic welfare. Our model is one of the first to complement the European empirical literature on antidumping policy and can usefully be compared with papers dealing with the effects of US antidumping policy. We arrive at three important conclusions: (a) the strategic behaviour of European firms under European antidumping rules may run in the opposite direction compared to the incentives for US firms provided under the US antidumping rules; (b) US antidumping rules perform better than European rules in terms of domestic welfare and in terms of protecting domestic value added and employment; (c) the Strategic Trade Policy argument for protection need not apply for antidumping duties because the level of protection is endogenously determined by the firms involved.  相似文献   

美国反倾销因果关系的五种裁定方法分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
倾销同产业损害之间因果关系的存在,构成实施反倾销措施的必要条件之一。反倾销现行规则关于因果关系认定标准的宽松界定,导致具体裁定过程往往无法有效地证明因果关系的存在。本文以美国为例,分析了其在反倾销实践中使用的五种因果关系裁定方法。该五种方法均存在一定的缺陷导致因果关系的裁定失去了实际意义  相似文献   

Antidumping protection and markups of domestic firms   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper tests whether Antidumping (AD) protection affects the market power of import-competing domestic firms. We use panel data of about 4000 EU producers that were involved in AD cases to estimate markups before and after the filing of a case. Our findings indicate that AD protection has positive and significant effects on domestic markups, except in cases where import diversion after protection is strong, like in ‘seamless steel tubes’. Our results control for potential endogeneity of AD filings. A randomly drawn control group of firms not subject to AD policy did not have rising markups during the same period.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the role of retaliation in trade agreements. It shows that, in the presence of private information, retaliation can always be used to increase the welfare derived from such agreements by the participating governments. In particular, it is shown that retaliation is a necessary feature of any efficient equilibrium.We argue that retaliation would not be necessary if governments could resort to international transfers or export subsidies to compensate for terms-of-trade externalities. Within the current world trading system, though, in which transfers are seldom observed whereas export subsidies are prohibited, the use of the remaining trade instruments in a retaliatory fashion might be optimal. The model is used to interpret the retaliatory use of antidumping observed in the last decades, and the proliferation of these measures relative to other trade remedies.  相似文献   

论欧共体反倾销法中反吸收的法律问题及其启示   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
肖伟 《国际贸易问题》2005,32(9):119-124
反吸收法律制度是欧共体反倾销法律体系中非常富有特色的一项制度设计。本文首先从世贸组织规则的角度对其进行了评析,然后对其实体问题和程序问题分别做了探讨。在此基础上,对我国出口企业应诉欧共体反吸收调查和我国借鉴欧共体立法经验建立反吸收法律制度提出了具体的建议。  相似文献   

反倾销中公共利益问题的理论探讨   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
廖玫  邹超 《国际贸易问题》2005,30(2):115-119
随着反倾销措施实施频率增加,力度加大,改进和完善反倾销程序的呼声越来越高,在反倾销程序中采用公共利益原则成为必然的趋势。以公共利益原则指导反倾销调查能遏制反倾销措施的滥用,而且有利于国内各利益集团的利益平衡。本文根据公共利益概念在公共管理学和经济学、法学三个领域的体现,指出公共利益原则的本质在于提高社会整体福利水平,并介绍了反倾销中公共利益原则的起源、实施状况,分析了征收反倾销税对社会福利的影响,最后提出应该以公共利益原则指导反倾销调查,以实现社会福利最大化。  相似文献   

WTO规则谈判工作组的主席加尔米斯先生于2007年11月30日公布了一份有关《反倾销协定》的修订草案,这是多哈回合反倾销规则谈判所取得的最新成果,同时也构成了下一阶段谈判的基础和出发点。该草案在归零法、因果关系认定、反规避、日落复审等方面提出了重要的修订意见,并试图协调成员方的不同立场和利益。我们应理性地评估该草案的意义。  相似文献   

反倾销:地方行业协会的优势及功能   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在世贸组织框架内,我国建立应对贸易摩擦体系,必须重视发挥地方行业协会的作用。本文以分析地方行业协会的组织优势和功能优势为基础,从建立反倾销应诉机制、形成反倾销预警、促进地区产业结构升级以及培养反倾销专业人才等方面阐述了地方行业协会应对倾销与反倾销的具体功能,并就其在新形势下的提升对策做了探讨。  相似文献   

Subsidizing rent-seeking: Antidumping protection and the Byrd Amendment   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper argues that a recent U.S. law, which distributes the tariff revenue resulting from successful antidumping petitions to firms that supported the petitions, increases the amount of antidumping protection requested by U.S. firms in two ways. First, by increasing the total benefits accruing to industries filing successful petitions, the law subsidizes rent-seeking. Second, by awarding these subsidies only to those firms that actively support the petition, it mitigates the free rider problem traditionally associated with collective actions. Empirical results provide strong evidence that industries have filed more antidumping petitions under the new law. Moreover, the average proportion of firms in the industry filing these petitions increased under the law, suggesting that the law at least partially alleviates free riding incentives.  相似文献   

1995-2007年欧盟对华反倾销实践定量分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章从反倾销指控、行业分布、中国企业的待遇、损害和因果关系的判定、结案方式等方面,对多角度欧盟对华反倾销实践进行了定量分析。认为在欧盟对外反倾销活动减少的情况下中国已经成为了其首要目标;在各种宏观经济因素影响下,反倾销已经成为了欧盟相关产业长期战略的工具;我国企业在欧盟反倾销中的待遇有所改善;反倾销结案方式正向有利于申诉企业方向发展。  相似文献   

美国和欧盟是我国重要的贸易伙伴,也是对我国提起反倾销申诉比较多的国家和地区。本文对中国、美国和欧盟反倾销法的主要差异进行了比较研究,指出了中国与美欧反倾销法的分歧和冲突,以及中国反倾销法的若干不足之处,为完善我国的反倾销法提供借鉴。  相似文献   

Why do firms often advertise their current price together with their past price? Although consumers expect high quality products to have high prices, such firms may optimally charge lower prices when faced with low production costs. Thus in markets in which quality is difficult to ascertain and costs often fall over time, for example technology products, high quality firms may face a challenge of signaling their quality through current price alone. In this paper we develop a price signaling model in which uninformed consumers draw inference not only from the current price but also the prior period's price (the “strikethrough price”) if the firm chooses to disclose it. We find that a high quality firm benefits from using strikethrough pricing when the prior probability of high quality is relatively low while the probability of costs falling is relatively high.  相似文献   

1980-2003年美国反倾销实务定量分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
贾宁  梅仁毅 《国际贸易问题》2007,291(3):119-122
实务分析是研究美国反倾销行为的一个重要方面。文章从美国反倾销实务入手,对1980-2003年美国的反倾销申诉和反倾销裁决结果进行了数量和价值的定量分析,发展和补充了关于美国反倾销行为的传统观点,从而更全面合理地解读了美国的反倾销行为。  相似文献   

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