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Andrew J. Economopoulos 《Atlantic Economic Journal》1986,14(4):76-84
Conclusion The evidence indicates that a specie reserve requirement influences bank closings and bank failures. States enacting a strong specie reserve requirement showed a significant difference in bank failings and closings from states that enacted lenient specie reserve requirements. This study suggests that the discrepancy in experiences between states with different specie reserve requirements may be due to a link between the short-term liability (i.e., banknotes) and the long-term assets (i.e., state bonds). This hypothesis implies that the free banknotes made up a substantial portion of a free bank's liabilities; hence, state bonds were a substantial portion of a free bank's assets. Therefore, in order to make a conclusive statement about the influence of the specie reserve requirement on the free banking experience, more information is needed on the protfolios of the individual free bank. 相似文献
David D. Vanhoose 《Atlantic Economic Journal》1989,17(3):34-38
Conclusion The fundamental conclusion of the analysis contained in this paper is that Laurent's claims concerning the potential monetary
control enhancements of the adoption of a reverse-lag reserve accounting system are correct. This result conflicts with those
reached by other studies of the monetary control properties of RLA, because the model of RLA used in this paper has been based
on an analysis of the microeconomic behavior of banks. The conclusion that monetary control could be improved by adoption
of RLA vindicates Laurent's [1984] argument that a “microbank analysis” is fundamental to understanding correctly the workings
of an RLA system.
An important qualification that prohibits a conclusion that RLA clearly is superior to lagged or contemporaneous accounting
is that the monetary control enhancements resulting from adoption of RLA are mitigated to some extent by the existence of
the Federal Reserve discount window. Indeed, the relative desirability of RLA as compared to alternative reserve accounting
systems cannot be evaluateda priori in the presence of a discount window. Any serious consideration of RLA would need to be prefaced by a careful study of the
relationship of the money stock to bank borrowing in an RLA setting.
The final version of this paper was written while the author was a visiting economist at the Board of Governors of the Federal
Reserve System. This paper has benefited considerably from comments and suggestions by Robert Laurent, Kenneth Kopecky, Daniel
Friel, Chris Waller, Elmus Wicker, and participants in a seminar at the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago and in the Indiana
University Money and Banking Seminar. Initial work on this topic was supported by an Indiana University Summer Faculty Fellowship.
Any errors are the author's responsibility, and any views expressed in the paper do not necessarily reflect those of the Board
of Governors of the Federal Reserve System or its staff. 相似文献
我国网络银行模式选择的理论与实证分析 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
网络银行作为创新的金融服务手段 ,已对银行业产生重要影响 ,并正进一步改变着银行业服务方式、管理模式和竞争格局。我国网络银行正处于起步阶段 ,选择适于我国国情的网络银行经营模式成为当务之急。该文在充分考查发达国家网络银行经营模式基础上 ,论证了在我国当前宏观与微观条件下 ,混合型网络银行经营模式是降低成本提高效益的最佳方式。 相似文献
Bruno S. Frey Henrik Horn Torsten Persson Friedrich Schneider 《Review of World Economics》1985,121(3):438-447
Zusammenfassung Formulierung und Test eines einfachen Modells für das Verhalten der Weltbank. -Um das Verhalten der Weltbank zu analysieren,
wird ein einfacher theoretischer Ansatz entwickelt, indem angenommen wird, da? die Weltbank wie eine einzige Person ihren
Nutzen maximiert. Die Argumente der Nutzenfunktion sind die Summe der Kredite an die Empf?ngerl?nder, die Einkommen dieser
L?nder und der gesamte erwartete Zahlungsausfall beim Schuldendienst. Die Beschr?nkung der Funktion liegt im Gesamtbudget
der Bank. Auf dieser Grundlage werden mehrere Hypothesen bezüglich der Kreditpolitik der Weltbank abgeleitet und getestet.
Es zeigt sich, da? das Einkommen und Ausfallrisiko zu 37–40 vH die Varianz der Weltbankdarlehen, die 1981 und 1982 gew?hrt
worden sind, erkl?ren k?nnen.
Résumé Une formulation et teste d'un simple modèle du comportement de la Banque Mondiale. -Les auteurs présentent un simple cadre théorique pour analyser le comportement de la Banque Mondiale en utilisant une approche d'acteur-unifié qui maximise son utilité. Les arguments de la fonction d'utilité sont les montants des crédits accordés aux pays destinataires, le revenue de ces pays et la suspension de paiements totale attendue. La contrainte de la fonction est le budget total de la Banque. Les auteurs dérivent et testent plusieurs hypothèses regardant les crédits accordés aux pays développants. Ils démontrent que le revenue et la risque des créances douteuses peuvent expliquer 37–40 pourcent de la variance des crédits de la Banque Mondiale accordés en 1981-1982.
Resumen Formulatión y test de un modelo simple del comportamiento del Banco Mundial. -En este trabajo se presenta un marco teórico simple para analizar el comportamiento del Banco Mundial, utilizando un modelo individual de maximización de utilidad. La función de utilidad contiene como argumentos el volumen de crédite otorgado a los países receptores, el ingreso de estes países, y el total esperado de crédites vencidos. El presupuesto total del banco constituye la única restrictión. Varias hipótesis sobre el otorgamiento de préstamos a países en desarrollo son derivadas y analizadas empíricamente. Se concluye que el ingreso y el riesgo de que un crédite venza pueden explicar del 37 al 40 por ciento de la varianza de los crédites otorgados en los a?os 1981 y 1982.相似文献
本文以案例为基础,通过对商业银行信息技术风险进行分析探讨,提出商业银行信息技术风险的管理策略,包括对商业银行信息技术风险管理的要素进行解析以及建立相应的管理机制。 相似文献
随着信息技术的发展 ,网络银行将成为未来银行的重要组成部分 ,促使银行机构虚拟化 ,推进货币电子化和全球金融一体化。传统银行应调整经营战略 ,裁减营业网点 ,增强网上交易功能。 相似文献
A Nonnormative Theory of Inflation and Central Bank Independence. — The authors study monetary policy under different central bank constitutions when the labor-market insiders set the minimal wage so that the outsiders are involuntarily unemployed. If the insiders are in the majority, the representative insider will be the median voter. The authors show that an independent central bank, if controlled by the median voter, does not produce a systematic inflation bias, albeit equilibrium employment is too low from a social welfare point of view. A dependent central bank, in contrast, is forced by the government to collect seigniorage and to take the government’s re-election prospects into account. The predictions of their theory are consistent with the evidence that central bank independence decreases average inflation and inflation variability, but does not affect employment variability. 相似文献
我国外汇储备适度状况定量分析 总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17
随着我国外汇储备逐年攀升,目前已跃居世界第二位,外汇储备是否适度引起了经济学界的争论。本文通过IMF衡量国际储备是否充足的3个定量指标对我国外汇储备适度状况进行了分析,得出我国外汇储备是适度的结论。文中还详细分析了影响我国外汇储备增量和规模的主要因素,并结合模型对外汇储备管理提出了相应建议。 相似文献
文章认为我国对外国银行分行的监管,目前仍存在着薄弱的环节。加强对其监管,必须从监管目标与原则、监管体制以及相应的制度设计等方面入手。 相似文献