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This commentary focuses on teaching philanthropy using an innovative pedagogy known as experiential philanthropy. Experiential philanthropy allows students to study social issues and nonprofit organizations and then make decisions about awarding funds to nonprofits working to address the social issues they learned about. The pedagogy is considered to be transformative for students across a variety of disciplines (e.g., business administration, marketing, public administration, and social work). In this commentary, I raise an important consideration for those who teach philanthropy using this pedagogy and I conclude by issuing a call to action.  相似文献   

In this era of constrained and declining economic resources, institutions of higher education are turning to advancement professionals to identify and cultivate the financial resources that are becoming an increasing and larger portion of the fundamental funding of the institution. In this high stakes arena, advancement professionals have a need for the tools that can assist them in cultivating philanthropic relationships more effectively and efficiently. To that purpose, this research empirically explores ways in which the brand community construct can be adapted to philanthropic intent for non‐profit organizations to aid in the cultivation process. This paper presents the results of a survey of college alumni drawn from a commercially provided online panel, and examines the potential impact that institutional size may have upon the relationships of an alumni brand community and the community's expressed willingness to offer financial donations to the alma mater. From a theoretic perspective, this paper reveals that brand community is a significant contributor to this expression of philanthropic intent across universities of differing size. As a practical consideration, our findings produce additional evidence to affirm the notion that brand community is a robust construct that can be of value to development professionals who seek to build financial support for both small and large universities. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

  • Entrepreneurs are not the only ones to salivate at the call of emerging markets. Major nonprofit organizations that raise money in high-income Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development countries for redistribution in developing countries are also looking for new sources of funds. Some of the countries that benefited from private philanthropy not too long ago are now in a position to help. The contribution of this paper is two-prong. First, it introduces a robust market screening methodology to determine countries' capacities to give on the basis of macroeconomic and infrastructure indicators. Second, it identifies cross-cultural predictors for charitable donations taken from the World Value Survey. A logistic regression calibrated on already successful fundraising operation scores countries on their propensity for private philanthropy. Research findings receive theoretical support from Max Weber's Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism. Top countries for private philanthropy are of Protestant tradition and are at the origin of capitalism, as we know it today. Confucian countries that share a similar ethic and have opted for capitalist economies are first class candidates for private philanthropy.
Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Engagement with the concept of reconciliation, broadly understood as the process or goal of transforming relations among Canada's Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples, became commonplace in the philanthropic sector after the 2015 release of the final report of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada (TRC). Institutional responses to the TRC (e.g., by universities, businesses, healthcare institutions, governments, etc.) have been widely discussed in the academic literature—lauded by some as pivotal to the transformation of Indigenous/settler relations, and critiqued by many as no more than a shift in rhetoric covering over ongoing racialized colonial violence. Through a critical analysis of reconciliation talk as articulated through blog posts, press articles, conference recordings, webinars, and professional development resources produced by and for progressive settler philanthropy from 2012 to 2020, this essay analyses the hearty uptake of reconciliation in the sector. I bring these texts into dialog with the larger body of critiques of reconciliation, with the aim of interrogating settler philanthropy's place and roles in Canada's settler colonial order, past, and present. I focus on common terms and concepts that appear in conjunction with reconciliation talk such as diversity and inclusion; community-engagement and relationship building; learning and listening. I also explore instances of obfuscation and renaming, such as a scarcity of explicit references to race and racism, colonialism and white supremacy and a tendency to relegate colonialism to the past in texts produced by non-Indigenous authors. The themes I identify across these texts resemble those apparent in other institutional contexts. Reconciliation talk has potential to transform how settler philanthropy engages with Indigenous communities. Yet, many of the most urgent critiques raised in other fields apply to this context. Ultimately, I conclude, reconciliation talk may elevate and uphold—and indeed conceal—the white supremacist, colonial status quo in settler philanthropy and in Canada more broadly. Occlusions and renaming common to settler philanthropy's reconciliation talk contribute to what Vimalassery et al. describe as “colonial unknowing” and what Tuck and Yang call “settler moves to innocence.” In these ways, reconciliation serves a mystifying function for settler philanthropy, masking ongoing coloniality, absolving settler guilt, and avoiding more radical, transformative possibilities.  相似文献   

Community-based organizations (CBOs) fill a critical role in acting as public health partners and trusted resources for their communities, especially in an emergency. The CDC Foundation, an independent, nonprofit organization, used trust-based philanthropy to manage more than 110 COVID-19 grants focused on equitable vaccine information, outreach, and access. The CDC Foundation team uses a trust-based philanthropy paradigm by applying five out of six of the grantmaking practices: do the homework; simplify and streamline paperwork; be transparent and responsive; solicit and act on feedback; and offer support beyond the check. By applying trust-based philanthropy practices, the CDC Foundation is empowering CBOs through flexible grant management and more equitable power dynamics as grantee and grantor. This has been essential to CBOs in their efforts of tackling health inequities during the COVID-19 pandemic and improving community resilience. Lessons learned will inform future collaborations with CBOs where the power dynamics are shared.  相似文献   

This research aims to offer a new perspective of art philanthropy, different than the traditional one, that focuses on citizen's desire for and support to art as one of the most important, collective heritage of human society. It conceptually proposes the citizen arts philanthropy (CAP) system, as well as its application in the form of a digital platform. The research proposition is based on a cross-disciplinary review of literature on the history of arts, patronage and philanthropy, arts and philanthropy ethics, participatory philanthropy, evolution of stakeholders in the art world, and a digital citizen governance process. Analysis of the existing literature leads to the CAP conceptualization with the subsystem of artistic creation; financial, social, and practical engagement; and collective activities. Each subsystem sets its ethical codes to assure the ethics of arts philanthropy. The CAP system may be realized with a digital platform with registration, art and art philanthropy ethics setting, art selection and art philanthropy action. The digital platform is conceptualized as a collective design with citizen governance, including actors, domain, and process and includes the platform registration, art and art philanthropy ethics setting, art selection and art philanthropy action. The overall design of the CAP system offers a direct engagement of citizens in arts and arts philanthropy and assures that citizens have equalized rights and responsibilities regarding art selection and creation. It further contributes to a new ethics of arts and arts philanthropy and the ecosystem of the art world.  相似文献   

This research explores how philanthropic foundations responded to the killing of George Floyd and subsequent Black Lives Matter protests through a critical race theory perspective. Using qualitative content analysis of online statements, the study analyzed messages foundations conveyed about racism and anti-racism and what commitments they made to address racial equity. The findings suggest half of foundations communicated racist ideas through assimilationist and non-racist messages, and half expressed anti-racist ideas by addressing systematic racism. Further, corporate, rather than family or community foundations, conveyed more racist messages and committed to providing funds rather than adjusting organizational orientation to address racial inequity.  相似文献   

杨槐  刘琼  赵梦思 《价值工程》2014,(3):328-328,F0003
中国历史悠久的慈善思想影响着我国慈善事业的兴起与发展,二者有着密切的联系。先秦时期,儒家、道家等诸子学说体系里就孕育着丰富而又精蕴的慈善思想。本文中,笔者在前人慈善思想研究的基础上,将中国慈善思想的发展进行了总结与归纳。  相似文献   

在激烈的竞争形势下,企业能否持续发展主要取决于企业能否迅速适应环境变化。在这种情况下,传统的企业慈善行为已经不能适应企业生存与发展的需要,而将慈善行为和企业经营目标相结合的战略性慈善行为是现代企业适应环境的必然选择。因此,必须通过制度尤其是法治的保障和引导,推动企业战略性慈善事业的快速健康发展,这样企业参与社会建设的力量才会更加强大。  相似文献   

In recent years, fundraisers have become increasingly focused on major gift solicitation while donors have been making larger gifts to fewer organizations. As this trend continues, some have begun to question whether major organizations and/or wealthy individuals now have too much control over the work of nonprofits and the communities they serve. While it is true that major gifts are important and can made a noticeable, positive impact, in some cases community members might see their impact as intrusive. In situations such as this, what is the “best” course of action? How should fundraisers consider, balance, and address the perspectives and rights of their organization, donors, and community members? This paper creates a framework for fundraisers as they consider not only their responsibilities to their organization and constituents, but also their responsibilities for promoting equity within their community as a whole. This paper draws on the social-ecological model, as well as concepts from intersectionality, to explore how fundraisers can increase involvement from all community members in a nonprofit's work to create a participatory and community-engaged process, with a special focus on including those who are typically marginalized, rather than maintaining a hierarchical system of power. It also draws on the theories of rights-balanced fundraising ethics, community-centric fundraising, and other ethical frameworks of fundraising and public administration to compare what is being done by fundraisers to what should be done to encourage ethical practices in fundraising. The paper is supplemented by examples of the impact of implementing (or not implementing) community engagement in fundraising practices. This paper aims to create a community-engaged philanthropy framework for fundraisers as they consider not only their responsibilities to their organization and donors, but also their responsibilities for promoting equitable distributions of power within their community. This framework provides specific guidance for fundraisers as to how they can balance these multiple (and sometimes competing) responsibilities while also keeping ethics at the forefront of their actions. It demonstrates how, by taking a community-engaged approach to their work, fundraisers are able to bring about better long-term outcomes for their organization. Specifically, the framework considers: (1) To whom are fundraisers most responsible, and to whom should fundraisers be most responsible—their nonprofit, their donors, or those being served? (2) For what rights of community members must the fundraiser account when soliciting funds, and to what extent is the fundraiser responsible for upholding these rights? (3) In what ways can an invitation from a fundraiser to make a gift also invite some level of power or control over the organization's work? (4) To what extent do fundraisers have the responsibility to maintain an equitable power balance among their constituents, including donors and those served? (5) How can fundraisers help ensure that all community members are able to participate in the organization's work to extent that they are willing and able?  相似文献   

Choosing messages to encourage charitable bequest giving may be particularly challenging given sensitivity to personal mortality reminders. Previous research suggests that people often react to mortality reminders with avoidance, including distancing themselves from those associated with death. We compare the effects of otherwise similar living and deceased bequest donor stories on subsequent intentions to leave a charitable bequest. Although both story types significantly increased subsequent intentions to leave a charitable bequest, living donor stories consistently outperformed otherwise identical deceased donor stories. Fundraisers may do well to emphasize stories of living planned bequest donors and de‐emphasize death and the deceased in charitable bequest fundraising messaging. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

What is the philanthropic outlook for the 1980's? Will giving be consistent with the decline of the dollar? How can non-profits deal with the skyrocketing costs of management and fund raising? These issues are surveyed in separate points of view from two leading philanthropic experts, drawn from their years of experience in the non-profit sector.  相似文献   

盛夏  郁可 《价值工程》2015,(3):282-283
近年来,我国各地政府都在开展公益创投实践以培育社会组织、供给公共服务,满足多样化与个性化的民众需求。昆山市率先在县级市层面开展了公益创投的实践,分析昆山公益创投的困境对未来县级市层面公益创投活动的开展有着重要的借鉴作用。  相似文献   

  • Corporate support is a significant revenue stream for non-profit organisations, yet little is known of the actual decision paths companies take when making these decisions and what characterises these paths. This study seeks to develop a greater understanding of decision processes for companies considering sponsorship of the arts. A multiple-case study approach was taken, with participants from arts organisations and paired sponsoring companies, resulting in the finding of three decision paths: one characterised as high-level and intuitive, one as driven at a lower-level, and a third initially instigated by a third party. Analysis of these paths highlights the importance of existing relationships as well as a ‘fit’ between both parties. In addition, the company's orientation towards more commercial or philanthropic goals is found to be a key element determining the path taken, and the role of individual informed intuition is highlighted as crucial in moving decisions forward. This study extends knowledge in sponsorship and corporate philanthropy, into a decision making and arts sponsorship context. The findings also offer a useful perspective for non-profit arts managers as they pitch their event to the business sector.
Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We studied what types of motives South Korean consumers and corporate giving officers attributed to corporate philanthropy (CP). Results showed gaps between consumers and corporate giving officers in that consumers more firmly believed corporations conducted CP for profit‐driven motives than did corporate giving officers, whereas the corporate giving officers more strongly perceived that corporations engaged in CP for altruistic motives. Based on these findings, we discuss managerial implications for practitioners. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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