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In illiquid markets, option traders may have an incentive to increase their portfolio value by using their impact on the dynamics of the underlying. We provide a mathematical framework to construct optimal trading strategies under market impact in a multi-player framework by introducing strategic interactions into the model of Almgren [Appl. Math. Finance, 2003, 10(1), 1–18]. Specifically, we consider a financial market model with several strategically interacting players who hold European contingent claims and whose trading decisions have an impact on the price evolution of the underlying. We establish the existence and uniqueness of equilibrium results for risk-neutral and CARA investors and show that the equilibrium dynamics can be characterized in terms of a coupled system of possibly nonlinear PDEs. For the linear cost function used by Almgren, we obtain a (semi) closed-form solution. Analysing this solution, we show how market manipulation can be reduced.  相似文献   

This paper provides an application of the Black–Litterman methodology to portfolio management in a global setting. The novel feature of this paper relative to the extant literature on Black–Litterman methodology is that we use GARCH-derived views as an input into the Black–Litterman model. The returns on our portfolio surpass those of portfolios that rely on market equilibrium weights or Markowitz-optimal allocations. We thereby illustrate how the Black–Litterman model can be put to work in designing global investment strategies.   相似文献   

We consider the infinite-horizon optimal portfolio liquidation problem for a von Neumann–Morgenstern investor in the liquidity model of Almgren (Appl. Math. Finance 10:1–18, 2003). Using a stochastic control approach, we characterize the value function and the optimal strategy as classical solutions of nonlinear parabolic partial differential equations. We furthermore analyze the sensitivities of the value function and the optimal strategy with respect to the various model parameters. In particular, we find that the optimal strategy is aggressive or passive in-the-money, respectively, if and only if the utility function displays increasing or decreasing risk aversion. Surprisingly, only few further monotonicity relations exist with respect to the other parameters. We point out in particular that the speed by which the remaining asset position is sold can be decreasing in the size of the position but increasing in the liquidity price impact.   相似文献   

We investigate optimal consumption policies in the liquidity risk model introduced by Pham and Tankov (Math. Finance 18:613–627, 2008). Our main result is to derive smoothness C 1 results for the value functions of the portfolio/consumption choice problem. As an important consequence, we can prove the existence of the optimal control (portfolio/consumption strategy) which we characterize both in feedback form in terms of the derivatives of the value functions and as the solution of a second-order ODE. Finally, numerical illustrations of the behavior of optimal consumption strategies between two trading dates are given.  相似文献   

We prove that, under very weak conditions, optimal financial products on complete markets are co-monotone with the reversed state price density. Optimality is meant in the sense of the maximization of an arbitrary preference model, e.g., expected utility theory or prospect theory. The proof is based on a result from transport theory. We apply the general result to specific situations, in particular the case of a market described by the Capital Asset Pricing Model or the Black–Scholes model, where we derive a generalization of the two-fund-separation theorem and give an extension to APT factor models and structured products with several underlyings. We use our results to derive a new approach to optimization in wealth management, based on a direct optimization of the return distribution of the portfolio. In particular, we show that optimal products can (essentially) be written as monotonic functions of the market return. We provide existence and nonexistence results for optimal products in this framework. Finally we apply our results to the study of bonus certificates, show that they are not optimal, and construct a cheaper product yielding the same return distribution.  相似文献   

We prove a general version of the super-replication theorem, which applies to Kabanov’s model of foreign exchange markets under proportional transaction costs. The market is described by a matrix-valued càdlàg bid-ask process evolving in continuous time. We propose a new definition of admissible portfolio processes as predictable (not necessarily right- or left- continuous) processes of finite variation related to the bid-ask process by economically meaningful relations. Under the assumption of existence of a strictly consistent price system (SCPS), we prove a closedness property for the set of attainable vector-valued contingent claims. We then obtain the super-replication theorem as a consequence of that property, thus generalizing to possibly discontinuous bid-ask processes analogous results obtained by Kabanov (Financ. Stoch. 3, 237–248, 1999), Kabanov and Last (Math. Financ. 12, 63–70, 2002) and Kabanov and Stricker (Advances in Finance and Stochastics: Essays in Honour of Dieter Sondermann, pp 125–136, 2002). Rásonyi’s counter-example (Lecture Notes in Mathematics 1832, 394–398, 2003) served as an important motivation for our approach.  相似文献   

Many empirical studies have shown that financial asset returns do not always exhibit Gaussian distributions, for example hedge fund returns. The introduction of the family of Johnson distributions allows a better fit to empirical financial data. Additionally, this class can be extended to a quite general family of distributions by considering all possible regular transformations of the standard Gaussian distribution. In this framework, we consider the portfolio optimal positioning problem, which has been first addressed by Brennan and Solanki [J. Financial Quant. Anal., 1981, 16, 279–300], Leland [J. Finance, 1980, 35, 581–594] and further developed by Carr and Madan [Quant. Finance, 2001, 1, 9–37] and Prigent [Generalized option based portfolio insurance. Working Paper, THEMA, University of Cergy-Pontoise, 2006]. As a by-product, we introduce the notion of Johnson stochastic processes. We determine and analyse the optimal portfolio for log return having Johnson distributions. The solution is characterized for arbitrary utility functions and illustrated in particular for a CRRA utility. Our findings show how the profiles of financial structured products must be selected when taking account of non Gaussian log-returns.  相似文献   


This paper examines the so-called 1/n investment puzzle that has been observed in defined contribution plans whereby some participants divide their contributions equally among the available asset classes. It has been argued that this is a very naive strategy since it contradicts the fundamental tenets of modern portfolio theory. We use simple arguments to show that this behavior is perhaps less naive than it at first appears. It is well known that the optimal portfolio weights in a mean-variance setting are extremely sensitive to estimation errors, especially those in the expected returns. We show that when we account for estimation error, the 1/n rule has some advantages in terms of robustness; we demonstrate this with numerical experiments. This rule can provide a risk-averse investor with protection against very bad outcomes.  相似文献   


In this paper we show how the optimal amount of economic capital can be derived such that it minimizes the economic cost of risk-bearing. The economic cost of risk-bearing takes into account the cost of the economic capital as well as the exposure to residual risk. In addition to the absolute problem of determining the amount of economic capital, we also consider the relative problem of how to establish the allocation of economic capital among subsidiaries. Because subsidiaries are juridical entities, they will also consider the absolute problem of economic capital allocation themselves. In an equilibrium situation, the relative allocation derived by the conglomerate and the absolute allocation derived by the subsidiaries coincide. We show that the diversification benefit that is typically obtained in a conglomerate construction creates a virtual economic capital for subsidiaries within the conglomerate. We show further that the approach we propose to solve the absolute problem of economic capital allocation also can be applied to the problem of optimal portfolio selection, extending the well-known Markowitz approach and providing a tool for management by economic capital.  相似文献   

In this paper, we study issues related to the optimal portfolio estimators and the local asymptotic normality (LAN) of the return process under the assumption that the return process has an infinite moving average (MA) (∞) representation with skew-normal innovations. The paper consists of two parts. In the first part, we discuss the influence of the skewness parameter δ of the skew-normal distribution on the optimal portfolio estimators. Based on the asymptotic distribution of the portfolio estimator ? for a non-Gaussian dependent return process, we evaluate the influence of δ on the asymptotic variance V(δ) of ?. We also investigate the robustness of the estimators of a standard optimal portfolio via numerical computations. In the second part of the paper, we assume that the MA coefficients and the mean vector of the return process depend on a lower-dimensional set of parameters. Based on this assumption, we discuss the LAN property of the return's distribution when the innovations follow a skew-normal law. The influence of δ on the central sequence of LAN is evaluated both theoretically and numerically.  相似文献   

We consider the terminal wealth utility maximization problem from the point of view of a portfolio manager who is paid by an incentive scheme, which is given as a convex function g of the terminal wealth. The manager’s own utility function U is assumed to be smooth and strictly concave; however, the resulting utility function U°g fails to be concave. As a consequence, the problem considered here does not fit into the classical portfolio optimization theory. Using duality theory, we prove wealth-independent existence and uniqueness of the optimal portfolio in general (incomplete) semimartingale markets as long as the unique optimizer of the dual problem has a continuous law. In many cases, this existence and uniqueness result is independent of the incentive scheme and depends only on the structure of the set of equivalent local martingale measures. As examples, we discuss (complete) one-dimensional models as well as (incomplete) lognormal mixture and popular stochastic volatility models. We also provide a detailed analysis of the case where the unique optimizer of the dual problem does not have a continuous law, leading to optimization problems whose solvability by duality methods depends on the initial wealth of the investor.  相似文献   

We present an optimal investment theorem for a currency exchange model with random and possibly discontinuous proportional transaction costs. The investor’s preferences are represented by a multivariate utility function, allowing for simultaneous consumption of any prescribed selection of the currencies at a given terminal date. We prove the existence of an optimal portfolio process under the assumption of asymptotic satiability of the value function. Sufficient conditions for this include reasonable asymptotic elasticity of the utility function, or a growth condition on its dual function. We show that the portfolio optimization problem can be reformulated in terms of maximization of a terminal liquidation utility function, and that both problems have a common optimizer.  相似文献   

Log-optimal investment portfolio is deemed to be impractical and cost-prohibitive due to inherent need for continuous rebalancing and significant overhead of trading cost. We study the question of how often a log-optimal portfolio should be rebalanced for any given finite investment horizon. We develop an analytical framework to compute the expected log of portfolio growth when a given discrete-time periodic rebalance frequency is used. For a certain class of portfolio assets, we compute the optimal rebalance frequency. We show that it is possible to improve investor log utility using this quasi-passive or hybrid rebalancing strategy. Simulation studies show that an investor shall gain significantly by rebalancing periodically in discrete time, overcoming the limitations of continuous rebalancing.  相似文献   

In this paper we investigate portfolio optimization in the Black–Scholes continuous-time setting under quantile based risk measures: value at risk, capital at risk and relative value at risk. We show that the optimization results are consistent with Merton’s two-fund separation theorem, i.e., that every optimal strategy is a weighted average of the bond and Merton’s portfolio. We present optimization results for constrained portfolios with respect to these risk measures, showing for instance that under value at risk, in better markets and during longer time horizons, it is optimal to invest less into the risky assets.This research was partially supported by the National Science and Engineering Research Council of Canada, and the Mathematics of Information Technology and Complex Systems (MITACS) Network of Centres of Excellence.  相似文献   

We revisit the previous work of Leland [J Finance 49:1213–1252, 1994], Leland and Toft [J Finance 51:987–1019, 1996] and Hilberink and Rogers [Finance Stoch 6:237–263, 2002] on optimal capital structure and show that the issue of determining an optimal endogenous bankruptcy level can be dealt with analytically and numerically when the underlying source of randomness is replaced by that of a general spectrally negative Lévy process. By working with the latter class of processes we bring to light a new phenomenon, namely that, depending on the nature of the small jumps, the optimal bankruptcy level may be determined by a principle of continuous fit as opposed to the usual smooth fit. Moreover, we are able to prove the optimality of the bankruptcy level according to the appropriate choice of fit.   相似文献   

This paper deals with the notion of a large financial market and the concepts of asymptotic arbitrage and strong asymptotic arbitrage (both of the first kind) introduced in Probab. Theory Appl. 39, 222–229 (1994) and in Finance Stoch. 2, 143–172 (1998). We show that the arbitrage properties of a large market are completely determined by the asymptotic behavior of the sequence of the numéraire portfolios related to small markets. The obtained criteria can be expressed in terms of contiguity, entire separation, and Hellinger integrals, provided that these notions are extended to sub-probability measures. As examples, we consider market models on finite probability spaces, semimartingale models, and diffusion models. We also examine a discrete-time infinite horizon market model with one log-normal stock. This work was supported by Southern Federal University, grant No. 26 “Mathematical Finance” and by RFBR, grant 07-01-00520.  相似文献   

We prove existence and uniqueness of stochastic equilibria in a class of incomplete continuous-time financial environments where the market participants are exponential utility maximizers with heterogeneous risk-aversion coefficients and general Markovian random endowments. The incompleteness featured in our setting—the source of which can be thought of as a credit event or a catastrophe—is genuine in the sense that not only the prices, but also the family of replicable claims itself are determined as a part of the equilibrium. Consequently, equilibrium allocations are not necessarily Pareto optimal and the related representative-agent techniques cannot be used. Instead, we follow a novel route based on new stability results for a class of semilinear partial differential equations related to the Hamilton–Jacobi–Bellman equation for the agents’ utility maximization problems. This approach leads to a reformulation of the problem where the Banach fixed-point theorem can be used not only to show existence and uniqueness, but also to provide a simple and efficient numerical procedure for its computation.  相似文献   

Andersen (J Financ 51, 169–204 (1996)) introduced a modification of the mixture of distributions model based on microstructure arguments. Based on a small sample of five stocks, he infers that this modified mixture of distributions (MMD) model adequately captures the joint behavior of trading volume and volatility. We re-examine this claim using a larger sample of twenty-two stocks and two sample periods. Our tests show that 59% of the sample rejects the MMD model in the period 1973–1991, the same period studied by Andersen. Results for the second period (1993–1999) are more supportive of the MMD, especially for number of trades, although nearly one-third of the sample still rejects the MMD. We conclude that further tests are needed before the general validity of the MMD can be established. JEL Classification Numbers C12, C52  相似文献   

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