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本文从案例分析入手,剖析了填错卡号错汇款项纠纷案件的法律风险及各方当事人应承担的法律责任,认为不当得利第三人对汇错款项既无财产所有权又无存款债权,无权要求汇入行偿还不当得利,汇入行根据汇款人中请办理退汇手续,完全符合法律规定,法院对本汇兑纠纷案件的审理出现认定事实和适用法律错误。作者探讨了错误汇款法律救济的有关途径,阐述了此类案件对国家、社会、银行、公民等多元主体的法治启示,特别在当代银行业实现数字化、信息化并与国际接轨的背景下,本案例的探讨对依法维护汇款人、银行、收款人的合法利益具有积极的现实意义。  相似文献   

茶不语 《理财》2015,(2):45
如果这样的事情真的发生在我身上,那我就会到银行查清楚这笔钱是谁汇给我的,如果是我认识的人汇的就好说,如果不是的话,就说明今年要发财了!这笔钱不是我的,但是汇款人如果一直都没发现自己汇错钱或者知道了没到银行追查的话那就是我的。一旦汇款人有一天知道了,去银行查那可能会有一点麻烦。银行如果找上门来的话,我可以再说给与不  相似文献   

网上银行的开展,给客户带来了极大的方便,客户无需前往银行网点和填写各种单据,节约了路途和排队等候的时间。客户开通网上银行业务,不仅要对该项业务熟悉,还要在操作上谨慎。如操作失误,将转帐金额多输入一个零或数字,或将收款方的账号输错,都会导致汇款发生错误,虽然费尽周折将汇错的款项追了回来,但也浪费了精力和  相似文献   

关于改进银行汇票结算的几点建议童彩屏,张月云,戴文水银行汇票是汇款人将款项交存当地银行,由银行签发给汇款人持往异地办理转帐结算或支取现金的票据。银行汇票使用灵活,适用范围广泛,以其随身携带方便、票随人到、入帐及时等优点,越来越多地被客户所采用,对促进...  相似文献   

<正>银行与客户在钱款上的纠纷时有发生,有时因银行工作失误,多付了钱款给客户,银行在有充分证据的情况下向客户追讨多付款项,有些客户便以银行条款"钱款当面点清,离柜概不负责"为由拒绝归还,银行无奈之下只好诉诸法律,最终法院判客户归还不当得利。每当媒体报道这样的事件都会引发公众热议,舆论一边倒地认为银行的"霸王条款"只对客户不对  相似文献   

汇费,亦称汇水,是银行向汇款人收取的一种费用.收取汇费高低的依据是资金市场供求情况及运钞成本.汇出汇入两地物价差别、银根松紧、利率高低、资金流向等都是影响汇费高低的因素.运钞成本受交通条件的制约.旧银行各地汇费收费标准不同,有外水与贴水之分.外水为汇款人向汇出银行交付的费用.贴水为汇出银行给汇款人打折扣的款项,目的在鼓励多汇入款项.解放初期汇费收费率为1‰—20‰等不同.解放初期一笔汇款除了按率收取汇费外,还要收手续费,邮费等三种费用.全国解放后,为了畅通各地之间,城乡之间的物资交流,便利异地之间贸易往来的资金清算及资金调拨,采取了廉价汇兑的方针,大大降低了汇费的收费标准.由于当时各商业公司  相似文献   

近日,中国工商银行和美国纽约梅隆银行共同在中国推出了“全球直联汇款”(Remit Worldwide)国际汇款产品。通过该产品,中国境内的收款人能够以更安全便捷的方式和更快的速度接收到来自美国汇款人汇出的款项。“全球直联汇款”是一套国际汇款解决方案,美国的汇款人可以通过与纽约梅隆银行建立了此项业务合作关系的多家美国当地银行使用该产品。  相似文献   

银行汇票是汇款人将款项交存当地银行,由银行签发给汇款人持往异地办理转帐结算或支取现金的票据。实践证明,银行汇票结算具有使用方便灵活、兑现性强的特点,它有利于结算双方钱货两清,加快商品流通,加速资金周转。但是,现行的银行汇票结算办法也还存在不尽完善的地方,其中一些漏洞,为不法分子提供了作案的机会,给兑付银行带来了许多麻烦。为此,本人认为,现行银行汇票结算办法亟待完善。  相似文献   

<正> 银行汇票是汇款人将款项交存当地银行,由银行签发给汇款人持往异地办理转帐结算或支取现金的票据。它具有票随人到,结算方便的优点,有利于单位和个人的急需用款和及时采购,颇受客户欢迎。但从龙岩市各专业银行实践过程中,发现这种结算方式还存在不少问题,亟待改进。本文试就此问题谈些肤浅看法。  相似文献   

当前票据结算方式差异分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前票据所具有的支付、流通和信用功能得到了认同,它对促进商品交易和商品流通,转移债权,及时结清债务,约期付款,规范商业信用,加速资金周转,提高社会资金使用效益,减少现金使用,节省流通费用,以及促进我国经济建设有着十分重要的意义。但是不同的票据在使用中有许多不同之处,本文就票据使用中应注意的问题加以详细说明。一、当前票据运用范围差异分析1.无业务范围限制的票据:银行汇票、银行本票和支票。银行汇票,银行本票和支票,使用于商品交易,劳务供应和其他款项的结算,业务范围广泛。2.有业务范围限制的票据:商业汇票。商业汇票只能适用于有经济合同的商品交易及由商品交易所引起的劳务供应。二、当前票据签发差异分析1.以银行为签发人的票据:银行汇票、银行本票。银行汇票是银行应汇款人的要求,在汇款人按规定履行手续并交足保证金后,签发给汇款人由其交付收款人的一种汇票,银行汇票的签发人只能是银行。银行本票是由银行签发,承诺自己在见票时无条件支付票据金额给收款人或持票人的票据。票据法第七十三条释义中解释,银行本票的出票人在资格上是有限制的,仅限于银行签发,银行以外的法人、非法人单位或个人不得签发银行本票。2.以企业、单位为签发人的票据:支票...  相似文献   

In this paper, we compare banking performance and resiliency between Islamic banks and conventional banks in MENA region over the period 2002–2014. Stochastic hyperbolic and radial output distance functions are employed to evaluate banking performances. Furthermore, hyperbolic distance function methodology is extended to evaluate bank's business risk through simulations. Historical extreme observed situations in terms of profit loss from the industry are used in order to simulate their impact on the overall profit distribution within the industry. More precisely, we compare the observed profit and the simulated one followed by an abrupt fall in bank lending and non-lending activities. Results find evidence of technical efficiency differences with bank type, some evidence with bank size. It is found that conventional banks are much more vulnerable to an important drop on their lending activities than non-lending activities, while Islamic banks are equally vulnerable to any drop of the activity. Furthermore, Islamic banks are found to be less vulnerable than their counterparts when they are exposed to shocks on their lending activities. Very large banks are much more resilient than small banks whatever is the bank stream. It is also found that bank vulnerability is more important when the banks are not able to adjust their costs in the short run, and increases with the exposure to higher shocks in magnitude.  相似文献   

This paper examines bank fund reallocation and regional economic growth based on 1991–2005 provincial-level data of four state-owned commercial banks of China that practice fund reallocation nation-wide. We find no correlation between bank fund reallocation and regional economic growth or between bank loans and regional economic growth. We find, however, a positive association between bank deposits and growth. It appears economic growth leads financial development in China, not the other way around. Furthermore, as China’s market-oriented reforms deepen, fund reallocation and loans start to manifest positive effects on growth even though the banks are government owned.  相似文献   

This paper examines the risk structure of bank holding companies and the effect of mutual fund activities on bank risk and profitability over the period 1987–1994. Findings from structural change tests indicate a significant decline in bank risk occurred near the mid-point of the study. Results from a confirmatory factor analytic model employed to examine the impact of mutual fund activities on banks suggest that mutual fund activities moderated bank industry systematic risk during the sample period. Mutual fund activities also increased the profitability of banks. These results suggest that mutual funds represent a productive avenue of expansion for bank holding companies.  相似文献   

村镇银行为农村金融服务注入了新鲜的血液,但在发展过程还在存在很多问题,盲目追求利润最大化,普遍呈现服务"三农"市场定位偏离,村镇银行"不村镇",贷款脱农化、大额化、短期化的倾向。本文旨在探究村镇银行市场定位偏离的根源,积极寻求矫正之策,促使其走上正轨之路。  相似文献   

李丽芳  谭政勋  叶礼贤 《金融研究》2021,496(10):98-116
商业银行及其效率的高低是金融供给侧结构性改革的关键环节,而可以压缩的“坏”投入和影子银行对商业银行效率产生重要影响。本文首次建立理论模型并分析影子银行影响商业银行效率的路径;方法上,同时区分投入和产出的“好”或“坏”,拓展只区分产出的“好”或“坏”的效率测算模型;实证上,首次测算并分析“坏”投入、影子银行业务对商业银行利润、风险和效率的影响。结果表明:理论上,影子银行会同时增加风险承担和利润,但无法确定经风险调整后的利润增加能否提升效率;只区分产出的模型高估了效率,尤其是显著高估四大行和股份制商业银行第一阶段的效率,大型商业银行依靠网点的扩张不利于效率的提升;影子银行业务提升了四大国有银行尤其是股份制银行的效率,但对中小型商业银行效率影响较小。总的来看,压缩“坏”投入和规范影子银行是增加有效金融供给、优化金融供给结构和提升银行效率的重要途径。  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to determine the effect of corporate governance on foreign ownership of the banks. Within this context, annual data of 65 developing countries for the periods between 2004 and 2013 was analyzed. In addition to this situation, 7 explanatory variables were used in this study in order to achieve this objective. As a result of the analysis, it was identified that there is a strong relationship between operations of foreign banks and governance levels of the countries. In this regard, it was determined that the factors of corruption, political stability, rule of law and flexibility in legal regulations affect foreign bank operations. Moreover, it was also analyzed that foreign bank operations are stronger in the countries that have low poverty, high political stability and efficient legal infrastructure. On the other hand, it was defined that strict legal regulation affects foreign bank operations negatively which shows that foreign banks prefer to enter into the countries that have flexible legal regulations. This study gives essential information to developing countries about the factors that affect the decisions of foreign banks in order to enter into a developing country. Therefore, by considering the results of this study, the authorities of these countries can have a chance to take necessary actions so as to attract foreign banks.  相似文献   

Because big banks could impact competition in rural markets, we investigate the effects of big-bank presence on the performance of rural, small banks. When competing against a big bank, rural one-county banks operate at lower levels of proit efficiency, but with higher ROA and increased levels of interest and fee income from loans. Lower profit efficiency and higher returns in the rural markets suggest that big banks possess market power in rural markets and that they can extract rents to earn higher returns with lower than average profit efficiency. Therefore, small banks in rural markets should not fear large competitors. Conversely, customers who rely on loans from rural, small banks are negatively impacted by higher rates and fees on loans when a big bank is present in the market.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to investigate the relation between competition, profitability, and risk. The investigation uses bank-level panel data from 171 Chinese banks during 1993 to 2007. Throughout the whole sample, the empirical results divulge that increased bank concentration in China improves the profitability and the risk of its banks. These results support the structure-conduct-performance and the moral hazard hypotheses. In terms of persistence, both the profit and the risk of the banks rise significantly by showing the enhancement of profit and risk from one period to the next. When different types of banks are considered, joint-stock banks have the highest persistence in profit and risk, and therefore more stable profits. City banks support the moral hazard hypothesis. They have entrenched managers that tend to take on more risk when the bank’s charter value falls in a very competitive (less concentrated) environment. Further, deregulation which in 2003 China allowed foreign banks to formally enter China has a negative impact on the structure of China’s banking sector.  相似文献   

We analyze 271 bank mergers for 1986–2001 to attempt to determine if differences among acquirers in profit efficiency are priced in financial markets. We find that the acquirer’s pre-merger profit efficiency (as well as its experience in handling other mergers) has positive effects on the wealth of the acquiring bank’s shareholders. We also find that more profit efficient acquiring banks produce lower abnormal returns for the target, suggesting that well managed (i.e., more profit-efficient) banks are less likely to overpay when they enter into a merger agreement. Financial market participants apparently take something akin to the econometric concept of profit efficiency into account when they make decisions about bank stock purchases and sales around merger announcement dates.   相似文献   

我国商业银行利润效率研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利润效率是评价商业银行竞争力和经营绩效的重要指标.本文基于自由分布法,利用超越对数函数模型,对我国14家主要商业银行的利润效率进行了评估.我国商业银行平均的利润效率只有54.25%;股份制商业银行的平均效率比国有商业银行高.  相似文献   

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