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Shorter Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: Urry, John 1995: Consuming places. Perry, D.C. (ed.) 1995: Building the public city — the politics, governance and finance of public infrastructure. Wells, P. and M. Rawlinson 1994: The new European automobile industry. Kemeny, Jim 1995: From public housing to the social market: rental policy in comparative perspective.  相似文献   

Shorter Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: Horn, David (1994) Social bodies: science, reproduction and Italian modernity. Lazin, Federick A. (19) Politics and Policy Implementation: Project Renewal in Israel. Goetz, E. (1993) Shelter burden. Local politics and progressive housing policy. Schoeman, Chris (1994) District six: the spirit of Kanala, (Cape Town: Human and Rousseau). Savage, M. and A. Miles (1994) The remaking of the British working class 1840–1940.  相似文献   

Shorter Reviews     
Books reviewed Kleinman, Mark, Housing, welfare and the state in Europe. A comparitive analysis of Britain, France and Germany Kim, Won Bae, Mike Douglass and Sang-Choe (eds.), Culture and the city in East Asia Toepel, Kathleen, Zusammenwirken von nationaler und europäischer Regionapolitik in den neuen Bundesländern: eine kritische Bilanz Blowers, Andrew and Bob Evans (eds.) Town planning into the 21st century  相似文献   

Shorter Reviews     
Hardly, Jane and Al Rainnie, Restructuring Krakow. Desperately Seeking Capitalism Butler, Tim and Michael Rustin, Rising in the East: The Regeneration of East London Harvie, Christopher, The Rise of Regional Europe Jones, Barry and Michael Keating (eds.), The European Union and the Regions Koopmans, Ruud, Democracy from Below: New Social Movements and the Political System in West Germany Duyvendak, Jan Willem 1995 The Power of Politics: New Social Movements in France  相似文献   

Shorter Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: Curran, J. and R. Blackburn 1994: Small firms and local economic networks: the death of the local economy. Hill, D.M. 1994: Citizens and cities. Urban policy in the 1990s. Lavinas, L., L.M.F. Carleial, and M.R. Nabuco 1994: Integraçã, Regiãoe Regionalismo. Fountas, Steve and Kennelly Brendan 1994: European integration and regional policy. Kronauer, Martin, Berthold Vogel and Frank Gerlach 1993: Im Schatten der Arbeitsgesellschaft. Arbeitslose und die Dynamik sozialer Ausgrenzung.  相似文献   

Shorter Reviews     
US Congress, Office of Technology Assessment The technological reshaping of metropolitan America Vieillard-Baron, HervéLes banlieues françaises: ou le ghetto impossible and Stewart, Murray and Marilyn Taylor Empowerment and estate regeneration: a critical review Schneider, Robert A. The ceremonial city: Toulouse observed, 1738-1780 Gardezi, Hassan N. The political economy of international labour migration  相似文献   

Shorter Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: Blackman, Tim 1991: Planning Belfast. Budd, Leslie and Sam Whimster (eds) 1992: Global finance and urban living: a study of metropolitan change. London Planning Advisory Committee (1991) London: World city moving into the 21st century. Burawoy, M., A. Burton, A.A. Ferguson, K.J. Fox, J. Gamson, N. Gartrell, L. Hurst, C. Kurzman, L. Salzinger, J. Schiffman and S. Ui 1991: Ethnography unbound: power and resistance in the modern metropolis. Caves, Roger W. 1992: Land use planning: the ballot box revolution. Paul Cloke (ed.) 1992: Policy and change in Thatcher's Britain. Gray, Ian 1992: Politics in place: social power relations in an Australian country town. Isin, Engin 1992: Cities without citizens. Robins, Kevin (ed.) 1992: Understanding information: business, technology and geography. Simon, David 1992: Cities, capital and development: African cities in the world economy. Western, John 1992: A passage to England: Barbadian Londoners speak of home. Wolman, Harold and Michael Goldsmith 1992: Urban politics and policy: a comparative approach.  相似文献   

Shorter Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: Caulfield, Jon (1994) City form and everyday life: Toronto's gentrification and critical social practice. Curtin, Chris, Hastings Donnan and Thomas M. Wilson (eds) 1993: Irish urban cultures. Garrahan, Philip and Paul Stewart (eds) 1994: Urban change and renewal: the paradox of place. Hasson, Shlomo 1993: Urban social movements in Jerusalem: the protest of the second generation. Margolis, Maxine L. 1994: Little Brazil, an ethnography of Brazilian immigrants in New York City.  相似文献   

Shorter Reviews     
Garcia-Ramon, M.D. and M. Monk (eds.), Women of the European Union: the politics of work and daily life Hoggart, Richard, The way we live now Hoyle, Brian (ed.), City ports, coastal zones and regional change MacGregor, Suzanne and Arthur Lipow (eds.), The other city: people and politics in London and New York  相似文献   

Shorter Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: Cullingworth, J.B. 1993: The political culture of planning: American land use planning in comparative perspective. Gray, Clive 1994: Government beyond the centre: sub-national politics in Britain. Weisman, Lesley Kanes 1992: Discrimination by design: a feminist critique of the man-made environment.  相似文献   

Shorter Reviews     
Gasparini, Giovanni, La dimensione sociale del tempo Magatti, Mauro, Corruzione politica e societa italiana. Il rapporto degradato tra partiti politici e interessi economici come sintomo di crisi della democrazia: una analisi approfondita Freeman, Neil B., The politics of power. Ontario Hydro and its government, 1906–1995 Williams, Colin C., Consumer services and economic development Gale, Denis E., Understanding urban unrest. From Reverend King to Rodney King  相似文献   

Shorter Reviews     
McDowell, Linda Capital culture: gender at work in the city Scott, John Corporate business and capitalist classes Aziz, Abdul Decentral;ised planning. The karnataka experiment O’Toole, Laurence J. Jr. Institutions, policy and outputs for acidification: the case of Hungary  相似文献   

Shorter Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: Ambrose, P. 1994: Urban process and power. Krumholz, N. and P. Clavel 1994: Reinventing cities: equity planners tell their stories. Leach, S., J. Stewart and K. Walsh 1994: The changing organisation and management of local government. S. Watson and K. Gibson (eds) 1994: Postmodern cities and spaces.  相似文献   

Shorter reviews     
Danzinger, Sheldon and Gottschalk, Peter America unequal Dandaneau, Steven P. A town abandoned: Flint, Michigan, confront deindustrialization Hannigan, John Environmental sociology, a social constructionist perspective Harrison, Malcolm L. Housing ‘race’, social policy and empowerment  相似文献   

Shorter reviews     
Crush, Jonathan and James Wilmot (eds.) Crossing boundaries: mine migrancy in a democratic South Africa Smith, Michael Peter (ed.) Marginal spaces: comparative urban and community research, volume 5 Harrington, J.W. and B. Wharf Industrial location: principles, practice and policy King, Desmond Separate and unequal. Black Americans and the US Federal government  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Struyk, Raymond, J. (ed.), Economic restructuring of the former Soviet block. The case of housing Green, Eric Marshall, Economic security and high technology competition in an age of transition: the case of the semiconductor industry Gibson-Graham, J.-K., The end of capitalism (as we knew it): a feminist critique of political economy Lorrain, D. and G. Stoker (eds.), The privatisation of urban services in Europe Herlyn, U. and B. Hunger (eds), Ostdeutsche Wohnmilieus im Wandel Preston, Peter and Paul Simpson-Houseley, Writing the city: Eden, Babylon and the New Jerusalem Reichhard, Christoph and Hellmut Wollmann (eds.), Kommunalverwaltung im Modernisierungsschub?  相似文献   

Book Reviews     

Book Reviews     
Begin, James P., (Ed.) Dynamic Human Resource Systems — Cross-National Comparisons
Howard, E. and Bansal, P., Business and the Natural Environment
Bloomfield, Brian P., Coombs, Rod, Knights, David and Litter, Dale, (Eds.) Information Technology and Organizations: Strategies, Networks, and Integration
Donaldson, Lex, Performance Driven Organizational Change
Wacjman, Judy, Managing Like a Man
Pollitt, Christopher, Birchall, Johnston and Putnam, Keith, Decentralising Public Service Management  相似文献   

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