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Through a case study of a large industrial company ( TRW ) , this paper examines the history and functioning of independent local unions ( ILUs ). TRW's ILU plant wages were about the same as those at affiliated union plants and higher than those at nonunion plants. The premium explains why TRW and other companies discarded ILUs in favor of a "new" nonunion model. Yet ILUs can remedy some of the defects in that model and thus belong on the policy and research agenda  相似文献   

Examining whether Japanese enterprise unions have a negative effect on employee job attitudes or whether they forge a stronger bond between the worker and the firm, our results indicate that union membership has no effect on Japanese employees' job satisfaction, but that there is some negative impact on company commitment. Much of the union effect on U.S. workers' job attitudes stems from lower job complexity, work autonomy, perceived promotion chances, and quality circle membership.  相似文献   

This paper uses a traditional, static view of zoning to illustrate the costly, rent-seeking behavior that results from zoning. A simple graphical model is developed and used to illustrate the size of rent-seeking costs when various levels of development are permitted and when different schemes are used by zoning authorities to allocate development permits. The model shows that allocation schemes designed to minimize rent-seeking fail to allocate permits to the highest-valued users. Zoning models that ignore the costs of rent-seeking and misallocation are found to seriously overstate the potential gains from zoning.  相似文献   

Canadian and American research finds that organized labor's engagement with race, ethnicity, gender, and sexual orientation until recently has been largely exclusionist. The Canadian labor movement emerges as having been somewhat more responsive to equity issues, particularly gender and sexual orientation, and at an earlier stage than its U.S. counterpart. The American movement, however, did create limited room for African-American issues and unionization from early this century and now shows signs of broader engagement with diversity issues in general. The literature is strong in case studies pointing to exceptional situations involving minority militancy and union acceptance and in highlighting the role of activists inside and external to the labor movement. It suffers from a lack of large-scale analysis and comparison.  相似文献   

劳动力不仅是一种成本,也是一种投入.在劳动力成本的核定上,不仅要考虑直接与显性成本,也要考虑间接与隐性成本;不仅要考虑企业的利益,也要权衡员工的利益与社会的成本.劳动力成本取向不仅是业务层面的核算方法问题,更是一种战略取向和经营理念.  相似文献   

DAVID WEIL 《劳资关系》1991,30(1):20-36
This study examines the role of unions in implementing the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) by using a data set that provides information on regulatory enforcement. The analysis demonstrates that unionized establishments are more likely to receive safety and health inspections, face greater scrutiny in the course of those inspections, and pay higher penalties for violating health and safety standards than comparable nonunion establishments. Implementation of OSHA therefore seems highly dependent upon the presence of a union at the workplace.  相似文献   

This paper estimates the burden of lost producer surplus imposed on landlords by rent control. The approach employed measures the reduction in Marshallian quasi-rent from the side of the derived demand for factors rather than the short-run supply of housing.
A constant elasticity of substitution production function is employed to derive the input demand equation. The equation is estimated using post-war rent control data from five major New York State cities. It turns out that rent control reduced quasi-rent about 15%. The deadweight loss is estimated at 1.5% of gross rental payments or about 5% of net income before debt charges.  相似文献   

成本是商品经济的价值范畴,是商品价值的组成部分。人们要进行生产经营活动或达到一定的目的,就必须耗费一定的资源(人力、物力和财力),其所耗费资源的货币表现及其对象化称之为成本。企业要取得经济效益,必须为之付出必要的成本,在收入一定的情况下,成本每增加一分,利润就减少一分,  相似文献   

This paper analyses the development of the union avoidance industry in the United States during the past half‐century. Focusing on one leading example from each group, it examines the activities of the four main actors that constitute that industry: consultants, law firms, industry psychologists and strike management firms. Although these firms have experienced a fall in business as unions have declined in strength and numbers — a development that the union avoidance industry has contributed to — they continue to play an important role in the US system of industrial relations. Over three‐quarters of employers hire consultants when confronted by organizing campaigns, and large union avoidance firms are increasingly seeking export markets for their expertise.  相似文献   

This article looks at the financial resources of trade unions in the UK. The core argument is that trade unions are subject to ‘cost disease’ pressures such that costs rise over the long term above the general level of inflation. They have this property because of the difficulty in solving first- and second-order collective action problems. First-order problems refer to the problems of initiating collective action and second-order problems refer to the management of collective action organizations. Both UK aggregate and case-study data — from one of the largest UK unions, Unite — are presented to illustrate the cost disease problem and to suggest options for its management. In conclusion, the wider implications of ‘cost disease’ pressures for unions are assessed.  相似文献   

Government regulations and business policies affecting employee relations are on an up ward trend, whereas the role of organized labor in private-sector industrial relations is on a downward trend. The significance of the displacement of private-sector unions in this transformation is not sufficiently addressed in the literature. The papers in this volume, summarized in this introduction, partly respond to this unmet need. We conclude with an agenda for future research about the labor movement, unions, and government in industrial relations  相似文献   

2004年底中国空间技术研究院(CAST)启动了成本工程,将统一成本核算作为切入点。2005年初我们在统一型号项目任务核算代码和规范成本核算办法方面做了大量的细致工作,无形中带动了有关基础工作的进一步规范,为今后型号项目的精细化管理打下了基础。为了推动成本工程的进一步开展  相似文献   

We review the experience of both private toll-roads built in the United States during the 1990s, and argue that the problems they encountered could have been avoided if the length of the franchise contract would adapt to demand realizations. We also argue in favor of adjudicating private toll-roads via BOT-type contracts in competitive (Demsetz) auctions. The lessons of this paper are relevant since growing congestion and troubled government finances have made private toll-roads increasingly attractive in the United States.  相似文献   

The US posts a large and growing deficit in international telephone services, a phenomenon often blamed on the accounting rate system. Using data for international calls between the US and 148 foreign destinations between 1991 and 1997, this paper finds that the increasing payment deficit for the US is associated with decreasing accounting rates. In other words, the international revenue settlement is related more to imbalances in telephone traffic than to accounting rates. The econometric model shows that growing asymmetries in teledensity, market concentration, and income levels between the US and the rest of the world explain the imbalances. Therefore, the appropriate solution to the payment deficit in telephone services is to focus on long-term economic factors that determine the flow of traffic.  相似文献   

在激烈的竞争时代,不断提高效率、降低成本是全球所有企业面临的共同挑战。作为经济实体,提高组织运行效率和降低组织运行成本是相辅相成的。一位著名营销战略专家断言:“企业只有两个持久性的竞争优势——低成本和差异化”,这道出了组织低成本运作的精髓。一、关于人工成本的几个概念1966年日内瓦第十一届国际劳动经济会议人工成本会议决议案通过的人工成本定义是指雇主在雇佣劳动力时产生的全部费用,包括已完成工作的工资,未工作而有报酬的时间的工资,奖金与小费,食品饮料及此类支出,雇主负担工作的住房费用,雇主支付雇员的社会保险支出,…  相似文献   

Voter mobilization by unions has garnered some attention from scholars, and is seen as an important political tool. Unions often mobilize voters repeatedly across several campaigns; however, the literature treats mobilization as a singular event. This paper empirically analyzes turnout of 85,064 registered voters over 14 months at five election intervals in Los Angeles, exploring whether union‐led mobilization is subject to diminishing returns across multiple elections. Results indicate that diminishing returns occur; three or more contacts are no more beneficial than one or two. Contact in recent elections is more effective than distant contact, and results differ slightly by contact type.  相似文献   

根据Just—Style的统计数字,从2003年至2008年,美国运动服饰市场约增长了8.5%,消费总量从130亿美元上升至141亿美元,并预计到2014年,还将增长8.5%至153亿美元。  相似文献   

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