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Book reviewed in this article: Callinicos, Luli 1993: A place in the city: the Rand on the eve of apartheid. Friedmann, John 1992: Empowerment: the politics of alternative development. Fujita, Kuniko and Hill, Richard Child (eds) 1993: Japanese cities in the world economy. Imrie, Rob and Thomas, Huw (eds) 1993: British urban policy and the Urban Development Corporations. Wilson, William Julius (ed.) 1993: The ghetto underclass: social science perspectives.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: Esping-Andersen, Gosta (ed.) 1993 Changing classes: stratification and mobility in post-industrial societies. Fainstein, Susan S. 1994: The city builders: property, politics, and planning in London and New York. Heinelt, Hubert and Margit Mayer (eds) 1992: Politik in europäischen Städten: Fallstudien zur Bedeutung lokaler Politik. Mollenkopf, John Hull 1992: The phoenix in the ashes: the rise and fall of the Koch coalition in New York City politics. Fainstein, Susan S. (1994) The city builders: property, politics and planning in London and New York. Power, Anne 1993: Hovels to high rise: state housing in Europe since 1850. Rothblatt, D.N. and A. Sancton (eds) 1993: American-Canadian metropolitan intergovernmental governance perspectives. Squires, Gregory D. (ed.) 1992: From redlining to reinvestment: community responses to urban disinvestment.  相似文献   

Shorter Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: Ambrose, P. 1994: Urban process and power. Krumholz, N. and P. Clavel 1994: Reinventing cities: equity planners tell their stories. Leach, S., J. Stewart and K. Walsh 1994: The changing organisation and management of local government. S. Watson and K. Gibson (eds) 1994: Postmodern cities and spaces.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Graham Stephen and Simon Marvin, Telecommunications and the City: Electronic Spaces, Urban Places Van der Loop, Theo, Industrial Dynamics and Fragmented Labour Markets: Construction Firms and Labourers in India Théret, Bruno, L’état, la finance et le social: souveraineté nationale et construction européenne Bulmer, Martin and Anthony M. Rees (eds.), Citizenship Today. The Contemporary Relevance of T. H. Marshall  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: Caufield, Jon (1994): City form and everyday life: Toronto's gentrification and critical social practice. Jencks, Christopher (1994): The Homeless. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. Wagner, David (1993): Checkerboard Square. Culture and resistance in a homeless community. Mitchell, William C. and Randy T. Simmons 1994: Beyond politics. Markets, welfare and the failure of bureaucracy. Saxenian, A. 1994: Regional advantage: culture and competition in Silicon Valley and Route 127.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Amit-Talai, Vered and Henri Lustiger-Thaler (eds.) 1994: Urban lives: fragmentation and resistance. Morton Suzanne 1995: Ideal surroundings, domestic life in a working-class suburb in the 1920's. Hay den, Dolores 1995: The power of place: urban landscapes as public history. Rémy, Jean (ed.) 1995: Georg Simmel: ville et modernité. Bennani-Chraïbi, Mounia 1994: Soumis et rebelles: les jeunes au Maroc. Stébé, Jean-Marc 1995: La réhabilitation de l'habitat social en France.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Books reviewed: Michael Sorkin and Sharon Zukin (eds) After the World Trade Center. Rethinking New York City Deepak Narang Sawhney (ed.) Unmasking L.A.: third worlds and the city Francesco lo Piccolo and Huw Thomas (eds) Knights and castles — minorities and urban regeneration Peter Roberts and Hugh Sykes (eds) Urban regeneration: a handbook Leslie M. Harris In the shadow of slavery: African Americans in New York City, 1626–1863 John Doling and Janet Ford (eds) Globalisation and home ownership: experiences in eight member states of the European Union William J. Mitchell ME++, the cyborg self and the networked city Bob Jessop The future of the capitalist state  相似文献   

Pierre Hamel, Henri Lustiger‐Thaler and Margit Mayer (eds.) Urban movements in a globalizing world John Guidry, Michael Kennedy and Mayer Zald (eds.) Globalizations and social movements: culture, power, and the transnational public sphere  相似文献   

Books reviewed in this article: Susan D. Blum, Portraits of “Primitives”: Ordering Human Kinds in the Chinese Nation Liz Zhang, Strangers in the City: Reconfigurations of Space, Power, and Social Networks within China's Floating Population Nancy N. Chen, Constance D. Clark, Suzanne Gottschang and Lyn Jeffery (eds.), China Urban: Ethnographies of Contemporary Culture John R. Logan (ed.), The New Chinese City: Globalization and Market Reform  相似文献   

Shorter Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: Harding, Alan, Parkinson, Michael, Dawson, Jon and Evans, Richard (eds) 1994: European cities towards 2000: profiles, policies and prospects. Wolch, Jennifer and Michael Dear 1993: Malign neglect: homelessness in an American city.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Books reviewed: Biorcio, Roberto La Padania Promessa Cartocci, Roberto Fra Lega e Chiesa Diamanti, Ilvo La Lega: Geografia, Storia e Sociologia di un nuovo Soggetto Politico Diamanti, Ilvo Il Male del Nord: Lega, Localismo, Secessione Magatti, Mauro Tra Disordine e Scisma Mannheimer, Renato, (ed.) La Lega Lombarda Hebbert, Michael London Mazzette, Antonietta and Giancarlo Rovati (eds.) La Protesta dei ’forti”: Leghe del Nord e Partito Sardo d’Azione Pajetta, Giovanna Il Grande Camaleonte: Episodi, Passioni, Avventure del Leghismo Vicercati, Daniele I Lombardi alla nuova Crociati Veltz, Pierre Mondialism Villes et Territoires: L’economie Archipel Abromeit, Heidrun Democracy in Europe. Legitimising Politics in a Non‐state Polity Dietz, Henry and Gil Shidlo, (eds.) Urban Democratic Elections in Latin America Harrison, Bennett and Marcus Weiss Workforce Development Networks: Community‐based Organizations and Regional Alliances Sugrue, Thomas J. The Origins of the Urban Crisis. Race and Inequality in Postwar Detriot Wilford, Rich and Robert L. Miller (eds.) Women, Ethnicity and Nationalism: The Politics of Transition Jones, G.V. and P. Visaria Urbanisation in Large Developing Countries. China, Indonesia, Brazil and India Buiseret, David (eds.) Envisioning the City: Six Studies in Urban Cartography Taylor, Peter J. Modernities: A Geohistorical Interpretation  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Harvey, David, Justice, Nature & the Geography of Difference Jeffrey, Charlie, (ed.) The Regional Dimension of the European Union. Towards a Third Level in Europe? Keating, Michael and Jeffrey Loughlin (eds.)The Political Economy of Regionalism Le Galès, Patrick and Christian Lequesne, (eds.) Les Paradoxes des régions en Europe Grabner, Gernot and David Stark, (eds.) Restructuring networks in post-socialism. Legacies, linkages and localities Taylor, Ian, Karen Evans and Penny Fraser, A Tale of Two Cities: Global Change, Local Feeling and Everyday Life in the North of England. A Study in Manchester and Sheffield Caulfield, Jon and Linda Peake, (eds.) City Lives and City Forms. Critical Research and Canadian Urbanism Turnbull, Geoffrey K., Urban Consumer Theory Barringer, Herbert, Robert W. Gardner and Michael Levin Asians and Pacific Islanders in the United States Hardy, Sally, Mark Hart, Albrechts Louis and Anastasios Katos An Enlarged Europe: Regions in Competition?  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Books reviewed: H. Barton, (ed.) Sustainable communities: the potential for eco‐neighbourhoods J.A. Elliot, An introduction to sustainable development M. Kenny, and J. Meadowcroft, Planning sustainability D. Satterthwaite, The Earthscan reader in sustainable cities Doreen Massey, John Allen and Steve Pile, (eds.) City worlds Steve Pile, Christopher Brook and Gerry Mooney (eds.) Unruly cities?: order/disorder John Allen, Doreen Massey and Michael Pryke (eds.) Unsettling cities: movement/settlement Klaus Ronneberger, Stephen Lanz and Walther Jahn Die Stadt als Beute Michael Edwards, Future positive: international co‐operation in the 21st century Nicole May, Pierre Veltz, José Landrieu and Thérèse Spector, (eds.) La ville éclatée Ivan Szelenyi, (ed.) Privatizing the land. Rural political economy in post‐communist societies Yue‐man Yeung, (ed.) Urban development in Asia: retrospect and prospect Andrew Herod, Gearoid O Tuathail and Susan Roberts, (eds.) An unruly world? Globalization, governance and geography Peter Ennals, and Deryck W. Holdsworth, Homeplace. The making of the Canadian dwelling over three centuries Anastasia Loukaitou‐Sideris, and Tridib Banerjee, Urban design downtown: poetics and politics of form Cecile Jackson, and Ruth Pearson, (eds.) Feminist visions of development: gender analysis and policy  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Books reviewed in this article: Ash Amin and Nigel Thrift, Cities: Reimagining the Urban Elizabeth Wilson, The Contradictions of Culture: Cities, Culture, Women Edmundo Werna, Combating Urban Inequalities: Challenges for Managing Cities in the Developing World Nicholas Low, Brendan Gleeson, Ingemar Elander and Rolf Lidskog, Consuming Cities: The Urban Environment in the Global Economy after the Rio Declaration Ian Borden, Joe Kerr and Jane Rendell, with Alicia Pivaro (eds.), The Unknown City: Contesting Architecture and Social Space Michaela Hordijk, Of Dreams and Deeds. The Role of Local Initiatives for Community Based Environmental Management in Lima, Peru  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Dickens, Peter 1992: Society and nature: towards a green social theory. Katznelson, Ira 1992: Marxism and the city. Massey, Doreen, Paul Quintas and David Wield 1991: High-tech fantasies: science parks in society, science and space. Matsumoto, Koji 1991: The rise of the Japanese corporate system. Mollenkopf, John H. and Manuel Castells (eds) 1991: Dual city: restructuring New York. Norton, Alan and K. Novy (eds) 1990: Soziale Wohnpolitik der 90er Jahre. Sayer, Andrew and Richard Walker 1992: The new social economy: reworking the division of labour. Smith, David M. (ed.) 1992: The apartheid city and beyond: urbanization and social change in South Africa. Drakakis-Smith, David (ed.) 1992: Urban and regional change in Southern Africa.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: Morse, R.M. and J.E. Hardoy (eds.) 1992: Rethinking the Latin American city. Dunford, M. and G. Kafkalas (eds.) 1992: Cities and regions in the new Europe: the global-local interplay and spatial development strategies. Lowe, P., T. Marsden and S. Whatmore (eds.) 1994: Regulating agriculture. Whatmore, S., T. Marsden and P. Lowe (eds.) 1994: Gender and rurality. Gregory, D. 1994: Geographical imaginations.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Books reviewed: Louis Albrechts, Jeremy Alden and Artur de Rosa Pires, The changing institutional landscape of planning Robert Boyer and Yves Saillard (eds.), Regulation theory: the state of the art Neil Leach, The hieroglyphics of space: reading and experiencing the modern metropolis Ida Susser (ed.), The Castells reader on cities and social theory Martin Dangerfield, Subregional economic cooperation in Central and Eastern Europe – the political economy of CEFTA Richard Phillips, Diane Watts and David Shuttleton (eds.), De‐centring sexualities: politics and representations beyond the metropolis Michael Pacione,Urban geography: a global perspective  相似文献   

Shorter Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: Curran, J. and R. Blackburn 1994: Small firms and local economic networks: the death of the local economy. Hill, D.M. 1994: Citizens and cities. Urban policy in the 1990s. Lavinas, L., L.M.F. Carleial, and M.R. Nabuco 1994: Integraçã, Regiãoe Regionalismo. Fountas, Steve and Kennelly Brendan 1994: European integration and regional policy. Kronauer, Martin, Berthold Vogel and Frank Gerlach 1993: Im Schatten der Arbeitsgesellschaft. Arbeitslose und die Dynamik sozialer Ausgrenzung.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Books reviewed: Abu‐Lughod, Janet, New York, Chicago, Los Angeles: America’s global cities Bascom, Jonathan, Losing place: refugees, populations and rural transformations in East Africa Crawford, J.H., Carfree cities Dunn Jr., James A., Driving forces: the automobile, its enemies, and the politics of mobility Hill, Dilys M., Urban policy and politics in Britain Beauregard, Robert A. and Sophie Body‐Gendrot, (eds.) The urban moment: cosmopolitan essays on the late‐20th‐century city Sardar, Ziauddin, The consumption of Kuala Lumpar Caldeira, Teresa P.R., City of walls: crime, segregation, and citizenship in São Paulo Freeman, Carla, High tech and high heels in the global economy Judd, Dennis R. and Susan S. Fainstein, (eds.) The tourist city Proctor, James D. and David M. Smith, (eds.) Geography and ethics: journeys in a moral terrain  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Books reviewed: Jo Beall, Owen Crankshaw and Susan Parnell Uniting a Divided City — Governance and Social Exclusion in Johannesburg Patrick Le Galès European Cities: Social Conflicts and Governance Marcuse, P. and R. van Kempen Globalizing cities Meine Pieter Van Dijk, Marike Noordhoek and Emiel Wegelin (eds.) Governing Cities — New Institutional Forms in Developing Countries and Transitional Economies David Frisby Cityscapes of Modernity: Critical Explorations François Baraize and Emmanuel Négrier (eds.) L'Invention Politique de l'Agglomération Andrew Herod Labor Geographies: Workers and the Landscapes of Capitalism Umberto Janin‐Rivoli (ed.) Le Politiche Territoriali dell'Unione Europea. Esperienze, Analisi, Riflessioni David Ranney Global Decisions, Local Collisions: Urban Life in the New World Order  相似文献   

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