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The focus of this assessment is the European Community's ‘Stocktaking of the Common Agricultural Policy’. While the CAP has attracted considerable scrutiny and controversy, the Stocktaking represents the most authoritative review of agricultural policy from within the EEC bureaucracy. The authors evaluate first the extent to which the Stocktaking's own analysis is a fair reflection of achievements under the objectives which the CAP has set for itself. Second, they ask whether the proposals for policy reform advocated in the Stocktaking are appropriate. They conclude that the Stocktaking's proposals — and their subsequent interpretation within the EEC — are not adequate to tackle the problems facing EEC agriculture.  相似文献   

A household model with differential asset endowments and idiosyncratic transactions costs in accessing labor markets is developed to (1) explain membership of farm households to alternative labor regimes (sellers, employers, or self-sufficient in labor), (2) test for recursivity between production and consumption decisions selectively by labor regime, and (3) identify the determinants of differential labor productivity across labor regimes. The model is applied to a 1994 household survey of the Mexican land reform sector.  相似文献   

The European Community is under pressure to reform the CAP, mainly due to internal financial reasons. Proposals have been put forward by the EC Commission that reform the CAP with respect to milk, oils and fats, and corngluten and citrus pellets. The authors look at the impact of these proposals on developing countries. They conclude that the effect will be to increase non-tariff barriers to trade and increase the cost of food production both in and outside the EC.  相似文献   

本文以我国企业工资制度改革为主题,根据我国现代企业制度改革要求,提出了目前我国企业工资制度存在的主要问题,并对我国企业工资制度进一步改革提出了建议。  相似文献   

论中国工业的比较优势   总被引:24,自引:1,他引:24  
成本比较优势的机制在当代国际分工和国际贸易中仍然发挥作用。中国工业的比较优势主要是劳动力资源丰富。改革开放以来,中国国际贸易的高速增长,主要得益于较好地发挥了劳动力便宜的比较优势。由于二元经济结构和地区经济发展水平上的差异将继续存在,同时由于劳动力供给大大超出劳动力的需求,中国劳动力便宜的比较优势将能够长期保持下去。但是,劳动力便宜的比较优势是相对的,在资本和技术密集型产业,这种优势并不明显。企业办社会和人浮于事等大大抵消了劳动力便宜的优势。所以,在市场竞争中,必须高度重视提高劳动生产率。制造业员工的工资水平低,虽然有利于降低企业生产成本,但也有消极作用:一是在国际贸易中,导致国民福利的流出;二是限制了低收入阶层的购买力,抑制了国内需求。逐步提高制造业工人的工资水平是必要的。  相似文献   

为了解决"营改增"税制改革后高校科技产业财务工作面临的业务范围、纳税义务、税负变化以及会计核算科目变更、会计核算变复杂、财务工作量增大等问题,指出涉及高校科技产业业务变化的主要是"研发和技术服务"和"信息技术服务"。以西安科技大学及其科技产业公司为例,定性、定量分析了"营改增"前后的税负变化情况,分析表明,"营改增"的实施更有利于促进学校横向科研项目发展,同时增加了产业公司利润总额。为了进一步推行"营改增"改革,提出合理增加会计人员配备、规范发票管理、完善财务管理制度、密切关注最新减免优惠政策、全面打通增值税链条等建议,为高校科技产业的进一步发展提供参考。  相似文献   

JOEL ROGERS 《劳资关系》1995,34(3):367-381
Labor's decline is advanced, disastrous for democracy, and unlikely to be relieved by labor law reform at the national level. Unions need a strategy for revival that does not premise such relief, and that takes account of the deeper changes in social and economic organization that have undermined their strength. Such a strategy is available, but it requires a sharp break with the uncoordinated, firm-centered, and politically non-independent “service model” unionism, exclusively preoccupied with units where majority status has been achieved, still generally practiced today.  相似文献   

政府会计改革是完善公共财政的重要组成部分。文章通过分析市场经济奈件下公共财政的几个关键特征,来阐述政府会计在建立和完善公共财政中的作用;通过分析我国当前的现实环境,来对我国政府会计的目标进行定位,并对我国政府会计的未来改革提出若干建议。  相似文献   

The author analyses the political factors which influence reform of the US food stamp programme. After discussing the reasons for the failure of the Ford Administration's proposals he examines the Carter Administration's efforts and discusses future alternatives to the food stamp programme.  相似文献   

Reinstatement is central to many proposals of statuto y reform providing protection against wrongful dismissal for at-will employees. This paper discusses the results of an empirical study of the post-reinstatement experience of such rehired employees in Quebec. The Canadian experience demonstrates both the signijicant drawbacks to and the unique merits of reinstatement as a form of protection for nonunion employees.  相似文献   

The political role that food has played in the Afghanistan and Iran crises, as well as in the UK's relations with its EEC partners has focused more attention on international food questions than at any time since the pre-war campaign for tariff reform. International food problems involve issues broader and more complex than finding ways of combating widespread hunger: showing concern and contributing some resources to solving someone e/se's problem. This increased awareness of the political and economic as well as humanitarian aspects of the food problem should enable us to recognise the need to give particular attention to proposals such as those made by the Brandt Commission1 on world hunger and international food questions.  相似文献   

本文认为,由跨国公司直接投资带动的加工贸易的发展,是发展中国家融入产业内分工,沿着全球化产业链条不断地由劳动密集型环节向技术密型环节提升,进而实现产业升级换代的有效而便捷的途径。本文对我国加工贸易的产业分布和产品性质进行了动态考察和调研分析。指出中国的加工贸易目前已进入由劳动密集型向技术密集型产业升级换代的阶段,其在国际分工中的地位已得到显著提升,通过对影响加工贸易升级换代诸因素的分析,本文对我国加工贸易发展提出了相应的政策建议。  相似文献   

介绍了当前我国煤炭行业的现状,并以淮南矿业集团为实例,分析了淮南矿业集团面临的实际困难,及资源税改革对淮南矿业集团的影响,并给出了相应的建议。  相似文献   

This work is devoted to the analysis of the different labor market participation regimes of Chinese farm households over the reform process in the 1980s and 1990s. Using household data over the period 1986–2002 from the province Zhejiang, we apply a multinomial logit model to empirically examine household, farm, and regional characteristics affecting the probability that farmers participate in one of four alternative labor market regimes. As generally accepted, off-farm participation is the dominant form of farm households’ labor market participation. But rural households show additionally a significant impact on rural employment mainly linked with non-agricultural household business. Results suggest that labor market decisions are significantly related to several family, farm, and village characteristics. In particular, we find education to be a key determinant of participation. Furthermore, results point to a higher probability of female household members to take up off-farm work.  相似文献   

近年来,新疆生产建设兵团加快了推进新型工业化、农业现代化、调整经济结构、产业发展重点与布局的步伐。在劳动力转移过程中能否加快农业经济发展,关系到兵团经济社会持续、快速、稳定发展。本文基于劳动力转移视角,对兵团农业生产进行探讨分析,提出相关建议和对策。  相似文献   

The current European regulation for electronic communications has been applicable since 2003 and is currently under a review that should lead to new rules applicable by 2010. This paper aims to assess the implementation of the current regulation and the proposals for reform tabled by the European Commission. It is argued that those proposals go in the right direction but should go further. First, the regulatory framework should clearly state that the objectives of regulators are to maximise the long-term welfare of European citizens. Secondly, the main body of economic regulation—the so-called Significant Market Power regime—should be based on a strong test aiming to identify structural market problems that cannot be efficiently dealt with by competition law. Thirdly, possible remedies applicable by the regulators should include structural and technological components, provided that a strict cost benefit analysis is undertaken. Fourthly, the institutional design should be improved by better aligning the incentives of the National Regulatory Authorities with the dynamic nature of the markets, by improving the checks and balances (in particular those provided by national courts and European Commission), and by improving coordination amongst the institutions (the national regulators and the national Courts).  相似文献   

在回顾美国金融监管制度历史演进的基础上,阐述了美国现行伞形监管模式及其存在的问题,评析了美国本轮金融监管制度改革方案的核心内容,指出了本轮美国金融监管制度改革对我国的启示。认为本轮美国金融监管制度改革将对全球金融体系和金融市场产生广泛影响。当前我国应尽快建立一元金融监管体制以完善金融监管协调机制;加强对评级机构的监管以保护消费者利益;转变金融监管方式,正确处理金融创新与金融监管的关系。同时,我国还应加强国际监管协作,共同防范金融风险。  相似文献   

安芬 《山东纺织经济》2010,(10):95-96,59
自改革开放以来,我国经济发展取得了举世瞩目的成就,社会文化也飞速发展,因此,对受过高等教育的人才的需求就日益增加。不容否认,即使在计划经济时代,我国的高校也曾经培育出很多的高精尖的人才,我国高校的后勤系统也曾经很好地支持了高校的发展。高校后勤社会化改革是我国高等教育适应社会主义市场经济体制的要求,通过整合社会资源,优化教育资源,改变高校后勤在计划经济体制下低效率运作的体制和机制,构建新型学校后勤管理体系,从而打破后勤对学校发展的瓶颈制约,解决"教育育人"和"服务育人"的矛盾,构建新型的高校后勤管理体系,为高校发展和扩大办学模式创造更有利条件的一项系统工程。本文试图针对高校后勤的社会化改革进行探讨和研究,希望可以为这一改革过程贡献一份微薄的力量。  相似文献   

Does privatization increase plant productivity because the private owner’s objective is different, or because they are better able to control management? And, is privatization sufficient to improve productivity, or is it only effective in combination with competition? We answer these questions using the quasi-experiment of Great Britain’s electricity industry privatization. To separate the effect of a change in objectives from a change in incentives we assume, that the former only affects labor but not fuel productivity. And, assuming that effective competition was only introduced after privatization, we are able to separately identify the effects of privatization and competition. We find that privatization increased labor but not fuel productivity: evidence for the importance of objectives. There is no evidence that the introduction of effective competition after privatization increased labor or fuel productivity: evidence that privatization increases productivity by itself.  相似文献   

国有企业出资人制度的原由和框架   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
国有企业难以全面振兴的深层次原因是:国民收入分配格局变化后,财政从生产建设财政转变为借债吃型财政后,它们失去了资本金注资来源,而银行注资形成的高负债发展模式,又会形成金融风险;工资成本上升趋势和资本利润率下降规律内样在国有企业发生作用,冗员过多的工资上升侵蚀利润,使国有企业难以为继;将企业作为一级党政社团组织办和企业办社会,使企业的体制成本很高,并内化了许多社会成本;所有者多头代理,导致管事的不管人,管人的不管事,所有者的权力、责任和应当承担的风险不对称。从放权让利改革开始的所有机和经营权的分离,虽然扩大了企业的自主权,但是没有形成真正管用的所有者,且形成了更多的不负责任的所有者代表。后来企业资产多元化的改革,希望通过外力建立所有者,国有资产管理搭便车,然而由于种种原因,效果并不理想。从战略上讲,国有经济要集中,要社会化,要在许多领域退出。但是,国有经济所占资源目前仍占全社会经营性资源的70%以上。并且,国有经济并不可能在短期内得以转轨。因此,需要在过渡时期建立一种有效的出资人一经营者制衡制度,使国有企业在国民经济中发挥应有的作用。  相似文献   

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